THUKHPAY. HKPTEMBRR 11, If — — • — ■ THE FKRINGFÏEL:' NEWR _ G [ass J ie 9 ¡Adlr, 1BUYINC OH SFII INI PAGE THRJt” Ï 5 H É Y t.r results ; W HAT HAS (MINE BEFORE Standing on a New York street corner, a young woman suddenly dis­ cover* that *he doe* not know her own name nor how she got there, Everything In her past Is a blank, i no* < that her name Is i "Eve. She meets a young man who lives at the hotel where »he Is reg­ istered as Eve Nobody of Nowhere, which she had written In French. Eric Hamilton call* in a nerve spe­ cialist, but Eve slips out of the hotel, goes to a little apartment bouse. rington's’ affairs with you? I don’t knuw anything about you." "We're fifty-fifty un thaL" Hamll- tou reminded him. "But I'm her hus­ band." "I've only yuur wurd for IL" "1 can give yuu proof any tlme It's necessary. But first 1 want to know a whole lot more about you. Where do you come In on Eve 'a af- larrs?" them, and on the way another child met her and cola her what the young­ -Hava five hundred 26-f'Mit P o ll HALE— Improved Uouney Best PltEK BENT of furnished house In ster* had done. They were pretty tar »pllt Cedur Telegraph Pula*. Pride and Juno Pink Tomatoes 41 per bu.; Sprlngfleld and fio a month for out by that time.” uu sale 11.00 each. Make A-l tela Golden lluniam Sweet Corn 16c per board and keep of high school stu- "Yes. Go on." phone pule*. dux. W ill have ripe cantaloupe* and } dent. Write Abbie bynch, VeneUt. "It was early and the shore was al- water melon* later. Prather"* Oar- most deserted; hut Eve had happened V l*lt* F rienda—Charle» Brewer of NO TIC K TO C R K O ITO R 8 den, 3 ml. east of Springfield on Pall Creek speut a part of Monday along with two women ahe walked Notice I* hereby (H e n that the uu Jasper road and (k-ml.. south east with every morning. She and her derslgue*! by order u( the County vlsltlng wlth frlend* In Sprlngfleld. of Mt. Vernon school. Bring boxes friends had been standing for a few Court of the Slats o( Oregon tor Laae County ha* boon appointed a* 818 N O TIC E TO C R ED ITO R S minute* watching the rowboat and executor* ut the la*t will and testa N O T IC E IS H E R E B Y O b V E N that wondering why the devil It was acting Henderson turned squarely and meat and estate of Parry A. Woolley, HOP BOOK»—Printed and in stock stared at him. He seemer unable to so queer. Suddenly they saw U cap­ deceased and all peraon* bavlug cabaret hostess ghe meets at T H E NEWS office, itcrular form MAHON, deceased, by the County claim* again*! said a*Ute are hereby size . . . and at the same time the »peak. books for keeping pickers' recor' Court of bane County, Oregon. All many curious people. Then, one night, untitled to preaeut the aaine properly Heckner governess came running to­ a man who claims to recognise her "Do you mean to say," he inquired verified, to «aid executors at the of­ persons having claim* against said comes In. She Is afraid of him and used In many yards. fice of Prank A. Delue, the attorney at last, "that my namo doesn't mean ward them, oft her bead with terror estate are rcqplied to preaeut them away, back to the hotel to Eric and shrieking that all the children had for the ealate, at Springfield, Ore­ with the proper vouchers to the un- runs SUM M O NS Hamilton. She has her hair dyed and anything more than a name to you, been In that b o a t' gon, uu or before six tnouth* from In the Circuit Court of Oreoon for Mt lho « » * ot O changes her manner of dress, so that and that Eve Carrington married you — » . ” Oregon ror 1 , ott,.r M i„,.r Building, i i 11 h , i i „ „ the data of this notice. utter, 631 Miner Eugene, the stranger out of her old life will Henderson stopped again. Lao* County. without telling you about me?" l^aue Cuunty, Oregun, within six baled August SSrd, 1940. C. C. RAYBURN. Plaintiff, vs. "Eve took Just time enough to kick not recognize her Then Hamilton "Not a thing. Not a word.” mouth* (rum the date of this notice. IDA U. WOOLLEY, JENN IE RAYBURN. Oe'endaat persuades her to go through a mar off her shoes before she raced Into Duted at Eugoue. Oregon, this 4th GLEN F. WOOLLEY. Henderson nuncheu forward, eye* To the defendant, Jennie Rayburn. rlage ceremony with him. Aa they the water and started for the kids. Executor*. You are hereby summoned to an day of September, 1930. return to the hotel the man she fears on the rug at hi* feet. MARY C. MAHON, Prank A. bePue, Attorney She realized that It was all up to her, swer the complaint filed against you Is walling. Hamilton sends her up "Well," he muttered, "that certainly lor the eaUle. Executor of the Estate of James S. stairs aDd turns to the other man, In the above entitled cause and court for most of the men were away that A2994 11-18-26 within four weeks from the first pub­ Mallon, deceased. who says his name Is Samuel Hender tie* up the package . . . with a day, and the governess and the other 84-11-17-26-0. 2 string: 1 thought no musician could lication of this summons, and In case son, of Chicago. N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S ! you fall so to answer, for want there- N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T NOW OO ON W IT H T H E STORY surprise me, for the Lord know* two women couldn't swim a stroke, (<>f. plaintiff will apply to the court for "Thank you. Mr. Henderson. My emphasizing every wold," 1 happen to one of them had sense enough to rush NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that No I It E IS 11 E ll E ll Y GIVEN: Thai the relief asked In the complaint, vlx., back toward town for help, and the Edwiu Htevens has been appointed ' that the contract and relation of mar N. A. Rowe, administrator of the name Is Eric Hamilton, and I'm from be Eve’s dead father's lifelong friend, uxecuter ot the basl Will r. >d Teals* ' rlage existing between plaintiff and estate of Ethel H. Mendenhall, de-1 Chicago too. Tbat ought to be a they re a crazy lot. But this!” Ho other raced around on the sand, yell­ ing." rneut uf Charles E. Slevsua, deceased, defendant be dissolved and cancelled, ceased, has rendered and filed In the bond.” . » < straightened and met Hamilton’s sym­ vy the Couuly Court ul bane County, and that plaintiff have the care and County Court of the State of Oregon . He stopped again, took the big cigar pathetic eyes. And now,” Henderson "Thanks o ti guu All persons having claims | custody of Floyd Rayburn and Ardls for the County ot i-ane his final ac , "Thanks. from his lips, and looked at it as If “You see," be added deliberately, agaiust said estate are required to Rayburn, children of plaintiff and count and that by order of said Court added in a level tone, “I'd like to * u'y T ,d e