PAGE TWO THE SPRINGFIK1J) NEWS THURSDAY, SKIT K M n E K 11. A IF a* Vs MOCK TRIAL FEATURE LARGE SHEEP CLAIMS INDICATIONS POINT TO here uext year, he says. tember 1» at 7:80 at the Womans CARD OF T H A N K * OF FRESE WEDDING The berries bit by the diseases turn building to lake their swimming teals. ARE ALLOWED BY BOARD BIGGER AND BETTER FAIR We wish to extend our sincere ANNIVERSARY MONDAY red when about thrve-fourtli grown Sheldon and Del Btutx, Alvin Olson thunks to the many friends and espe­ A total of *63 was allowed claim­ Even "Poe wee golf, condemned by and do not ripen. The pest Is a ml A mock trial in which Mr. and Mra ants for sheep alleged to have been scores and played by thousands, has rroM-opIc Insect which feeds on the Fred Press wars paroled to each other I killed by dogs at the meeting of the invaded the realm of amusements aud beds of the berries. Growers are ad for one year and sentenced to ltre county dog control board at the will find a place on the entertain vised to thoroughly spray their bushes with each other for the next 75 year*, courthouse oti Monday. men! program at the Oregon state this winter with a lime sulphur solu after they had been found guilty of The largest single claim approved fair which opens Its gates to the lion. living together for 16 years without public on the morning of September «Pglylng for a divorce was held at was that of George Arnhart of Crew Attended Columbia, Not Cornell well who received *56 dollars for 11 2*. according to Mrs. Ella 8. Wilson, the Frese home on Monday evening secretary of the state fair board ewes, three spring lambs and one Miss Maurlne Lombard spent the on the occasion of their twenty-firth Fifteen counties have contracted for summer studying m (Columbia T.