The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 04, 1930, Image 9

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    Ona time 1 wae huntin' In
Africa. T h ’ nativaa o f •
village told mo about a
crocodile that had carried
away many of their people.
When they told me about
th’ little black youngatera
that had been grabbed by
that awful beast I made up
my mind to get him.
Off I started, with a
native to show me where
Mr. Crocodile lived. We’d
juat stepped ashore from
th* dugout canoe, when
over th ton of a log, a
huge croeodile rared up.
hie big red mouth Riled
with long, sharp teeth.
W ell a’r, I waa so flab­
bergasted, and 1 gripped
th* gun ao hard, that it
want off In th* air. Over
th* log Jumped th* croco­
dile, and up a tre t went
th* native and I like a cou­
ple jo !- monkeys. Th* tree
was a small one. Th’ cro­
codile squinted up at ua for
a minute, and then strike
me pink i f he didn’t start
chewin’ on th ’ trunk of th ’
In no time a t a ll th* tree
commenced to quiver, and
then over ft went
mlnuto th’ tree hit th’
■round th ’ native took to
nia hoela and ahlnnod up
another tree. I waa Jlghtln*
T h ’ crocodile waa
headin’ right for me, foam
drlppln’ from hia J awe.
W ith •
piece of broken
limb from th* tree I waited
fo r him. When be waa
«quart in front of me, hia
ugly Jawa wide open. I
rammed th’ piece of limb
into hie mouth and Jumped
to one tide.
Weil a’r, that piece of
limb propped old croco­
dile'* mouth open ao he
couldn’t bite. W ith th* u -
tive behind proddln* him
with hi* apear, I rode on
th* back o f th* crocodile
right into th’ village. You
bet th ’ nativea made abort
work of that man-eater.
When th' native that had
been with me told th’ king
what I had done, th’ old
boy offered to make me
king of th’ tribe. I squirm­
ed out of that fix by U llin*
him that I waa boa'n of a
bunch o f ahell-baclu on
board of a ship, ao I could
not take th’ Job.
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