I PAGE SIX GOOD FISHING FOUND ALONG UPPER McKENZIE BY LOCAL SPORTSMEN THE SPRINGFIELD NKWS Gate-way for 100,000 to State Fair “Clara How personifies the Joy of 1 living, the exhuberaut spirit of youth, the vitality of radiant well being, the exhilaration oi dean, quick-thinking, flashing movement, aud vivid beauty. In her. pe iple find release from their worries; she Is refreshing because "he Is natural In every part she plays." That Is the estimate of Clara Bow. whoae newest utarrlng romance, "True to the Navy." will opeti a two day run at the Colonial theatre Frl. day made by II P. Rchulbtrg, the first producer In Hollywood to sign her to a long-term contract, .ichul berg la today general tuanagor of West Coast prtaluctlon for the Ihtra mount I'uhllx Corporation. When he Fishing on the upper McKenile river It very good for this season of the year according to local anglers who have made trips there during the past few weeks. An example of the catches which are being made was exhibited at the Independent Meat Market the first of the week when 15 redsldes caught at the mouth of the Blue river were displayed by three fishermen. George Cox. L. May and K. K. May. The cool condition of most of the utsictcr has caused the fish to feed more dar.ng the day than in the mornings and evenings as Is usually true. HACKETT FUNERAL TAKES PLACE AT FOREST GROVE Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Hackett of Camp Creek who died at the Pacific Christian hospital in Eu­ gene Saturday evening at the age of 53 years were held Wednesday from the former home of Mrs. Hackett at Forest Grove. Mrs. Hackett was born on October 34, 1866 In Baker. Oregon, and has lived in this state most of ner life. She is survived by her husband. L*o Hackett, of Camp Creek; two eons, Nat and Lewis Hackett of Eugene; her mother, Mrs. Ellen Kelly of For­ est Grove; two brothers. James A. Kelley and Winfred Kelly, both of Forest Grove; and one sister. Mrs William Douglas of Forest Grove. WATER FREEZES AT EAST LAKE SATURDAY NIGHT CLARA BOW COMES IN FALL CHURCH ACTIVITIES • TRUE TO THE NAVY" START IN CHURCH HERE Fall actlvlllas In (he Hprltigfleltl churches are being resumed again thia week etui which marks (he first Bun­ day when the various cherches will have their own evening services In­ stead of the union meetings which have liaeti held during the summer months Rev J. I‘Ike will speak at the morning service at the Methodist church on I lie subject. "Quantity or Quality", mid nt the evening hour he will preach on “Christian Creed’*. This '111 he the first of a aeries of sermona on 'his subject to be given each Bun­ day evening during September The choir held their first rehearsal on Wednesday and the Women’s For­ eign Mission s o rlty held a meeting Tueaday afternoon. LOCAL CHAPTER O. E. S. INVITED TO EUGENE MEET , t0 the Or* 0 ° o Stats fa ir , th ro u g h w hich mors than 100.000 people are expected ann ual exposition a t Salem , Sept to ^ 28. Insert M rs E S w W * to & past * * £ d uring • » & .he ? * 69th board' * " o r t l have *he 22 Or” c lla u«8 *h ilxnn 'T h " ; ; . * x . - T r « . J Breaks Flying Record WASHINGTON BY R A D FO R D MOBLEY AUTOCASTER WASHINGTON BUREAU (Special to S p ringfield N ew s) ovum destruction to many grain farmers, wilt be a boon to many others if. as is expected. It halts the udvance O u t Bow, FreJric Match in the Paramount Picrurs of the borer. Only 1135.000 remained "True to the Navy" of the corn-borer fund for use thia year and it will be exhausted by the first discovered Clara Bow he was an end of the year. Many moths of the Independent film maker. Many people, recognising in Miss borers died before coming out during Bow the powers and capabilities of a the drought aud others did not lay great drumatlc actress, have written (he usual number of eggs. ■ Paramount executives protesting be • • • cause Clara How Isn’t presented In The army and the navy have been dramatic roles. so blltely engaged In a controversy To these questioners. Brbuiberg over which branch of tne service shall control coastal air defense that the answers. "Because Clara Bow typl President has been asked to intervene riea youth and is youth Itself, we feel to settle the mutter und Charles Lind­ that it would ue an error io try to bergh has been called in as youthful make of her a mature woman of the arbited. The fight is of long standing, world We attempted thia very thing but was renewed recently when the I In "Children of Divorce’ and In ‘La­ army discovered that the navy bos dles of the Mob,’ and were subjected equipped planes for firhttng as well as to a barrage of complaints from Bow fans. for scouting in Hawaii aud Panama "On the other side of the ledger, The army has contended (hat its air forces shall do the righting from land, we have records of ’It." T h e Fleet's and the navy has been permitted to in'. ’The Wild Party.’ 'Dangerous have only scouting planes on a land Curves,’ ’The Saturday Night Kid/ base. The navy has replied (hat such and now her latest hit, "True to the a distinction Is Impossible, asking Navy.* loiter, we will undoubtedly whether a navy plane must seek an present Clara Bow In a diversified se army flyer when an enemy la found rles of characterisations, but, for the present, us long as youth must be over land. served. we will keep her pictures aft­ er a pattern of which "True to the NO-HOST PICNIC IS Navy’ Is representative.” Members of the Hprlngfleld chapter of the Order of the Eastern Btar have been Invited to attend the first meet lng of the fall season for the Eugene chapter which is to be held at the Masonic temple Ip Eugene on Friday evening. Mrs. Carrie Jackson of Ha ker, worthy grand matron of Oregon, will attend the meeting In an unof­ ficial capacity It haa been announced. NEWPORT BEACH DRAWS LOCAL PEOPLE SUNDAY Many Springfield people took ad vantage of the two-day holiday on Bunday and Monday by spending ibe days at the beaches at Newport Bun­ day was a fine warm day and many enjoyed the surf, but Munday was cool and cloudy. A heavy fog kept rolling In on Monday Among those who were seen on Ibe hen rhea from Springfield were Mr. and Mr*. Hubert Slaa. Mr and Mr*. Marlon Adame and eon, Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Taylor, Mr and Mr*. Farrlng ton. Mr*. Grace Male. Oraon Vaughn and hla father. J. P. Vaughn. “It was cold enough to freest ice WASHINGTON. Sept. 4. — (Auto- on the top of the waslP basin the caster|—A 4-H club's use Is to help first night out." said F. B. Flanery. the young farm idea to sprout. It Wednesday in commenting on a fish­ should never try to hold the older ing trip at East lake which he was ioiks through Its young members. a party to during the weekend. They have their own ugeuoes wh.ch Saturday was the only cold night nave their own part in the far-flung we had. though, said Mr. Flanery. scheme of slate and federal extension Sunday and Monday were Just fine. systems. The party were successful in catching Mrs. Florence L Barnes of Los This was the policy laid down a Angeles made an average speed oi all the fish they cared to eat while 196.16 miles per hour, breaking the year ago by federal officials deeply in­ on the onting. waaatsi't flying record. SUMMON» terested in the proper development oi Members of the group were Mr. In the C irc u it C o u rt of O regon for the 4-H club, it isn't fair to the young­ and Mrs. Andrew Campbell and daugh­ Lane County. ster aud it isn't fair to his elders, to C. C. RAYBURN. Plaintiff, va. ter, Aladene, of Perrydale, Oregon. CHAMBER DELEGATES ARE use him to reach them. It was said. J E N N IE H A Y B U R N . D e ’ endaat. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Thorton of Dal­ INVITED TO CANAL MEET How has this advice worked out wheu To the defendant, Jennie Rayburn lase, Mr. Flanery and his daughter. You are hereby aummoned to an­ applied to the practical realities of Dorothy. An invitation to the Springfield swer the complaint filed agalnat you advising farmers on crops, combatting In the above entitled cause and court Chamber of Commerce to send rep the drought, increasing his poultry within four weeks from the first pub­ resentatives to a meeting to be held O. E. S. HERE OBSERVES lication of thia summon«. und ln rase revenue, weeding out his stock? at the Benton hotel at Corvallis on you fall so to answer, for want there FIFTH ANNIVERSARY The best answer, says George L. September 10, at 6:00 o’clock for the of. plaintiff will apply to the court for Conway, the department of agriculture the relief asked in the complaint, via., The fifth anniversary of the found purpose of discussing further the that the contract and relation of mar expert who keeps his finger on the HELD HERE FRIDAY lng of the Cascade chapter of the canalisation of the Willamette rivet rlage existing between plaintiff and puise of extension work in every slate, was received here this week by Order of the Eastern Star in Spring- defendant be dissolved and cancelled, lies in the demand for home economics More than seventy people attended INDEPENDENCE MAN ACTS and that plaintiff have the care and field was observed here Tuesday eve­ Chamber officials. Senator Charles and county agricultural agents. the annual no-host picnic and social AS AGENT THIS WEEK cuxtody of Floyd Rayburn and Ardlx ning at a specially planned birthday McNary will attend the meeting and Rayburn, children of plaintiff and in nearly every state in the Union, gathering which is sponsored by the party to which all charter members will discuss the possibilities of bring­ the director of extension work is local residents and neld Friday at O. F. Frederickson of Independence defendant. ing about barge transportation on the were Invited. Only four of the origi­ Thia summons la served upon you Is acting us depot agent at the South by publication by virtue of an order going to add from one to six home Swimmer's Delight. nal members of the lodge were unable Willamette river between Springfield ern Pacific depot this week during economics experts; provide additional j of C. P. Hardnard. county Judge, made to be present for tne program which and Portland. Honor guests at the picnic are usu­ the absence of Carl Olson, regular and filed September 3rd. 1930, direct funds to enable state directors of 4-H consisted of special music number ally those non-residents who are vis­ At a meeting in Eugene last Week. club work to keep in constant contact agent who is taking a vacation Mr. lng that you be served with summon* , by publishing the same once In each iting in thia city ut the time, but numb, rs which Included a vocal solo Senator McNary told the 'Eugene with the work; and to put on new and Mrs. Olson are entertaining as weeks for four successive week* In by Mrs. Cliff Abrams, and short sum­ this year the group honored Dr. and i chamber of commerce committee that subject specialists. their guests this week. Mr. and Mrs (he Kpriugflold New*, and that you mary of the history of the lodge in Mrs. Carl Phetteplace und family who answer Ihe same within four weeks the canalization of the river was now Fred Smith of Chanute, Kansas. A feature is the interest this year in Oregon by Anne Whitaker, guest from moved to Eugene Saturday to make from the first publication thereof possible If concerted action was taken marketing specialists. Two-thirds of Eugene. A large birthday cake was Thia summon* la flrat so published by those people who wonld be bene­ the slates are adding these men to their home. Other honor guests In­ Sept. 4, 1930. Portlander* H e re — Mr and Mrs. also cut during the evening. fited. He declared that he must have give local advice as to how to take cluded Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Fred Lemley of Portland were vial- 8 D. ALLBN. About 50 people were present for a large amount of factual material full advantage of the vast federal Chanute. Kansas, who are visiting at Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence tors in Springfield Sunday and Mon­ the Carl Olson home, and Mr. and the affair which also marks the first, to use in Washington and that the farm board program. The contact of and P. O. Address, Eugene, Oregon. day of (his week. 84 11-1» 2602 meeting of the lodge after a summer various beneficiaries of the service these specialists with the boys and ' Mrs. Tberon B. Sausser of Portland, vacation. must unite in their campaign to push girls of the 4-H clubs is expected to parents of Mrs. Harry Stewart who aWMBBammann such work if they expect it to be furnish one of the best avenues to have been visiting here for several weeks. REPUBLICAN CENTRAL carried forward. The matter of de­ success In the farm board’s plans. Each family brought a covered dish Not only Is the budget for this year COMMITTEE TO FORM termining possible tonnage for the river barges must be accurately han­ in extension work more extensive as which they contributed towards the A call for a meeting to organise dled and only actual facts be used ' regards to allotment of federal funds, picnic supper. Following the meal the Lane County Republican Central in urging the work, otherwise the i but every state is expected to increase the group enjoyed dancing as a means committee will be made In a few other solons at Washington will doubt ¡its expenditure. So Insistent has the of recreation. Those present included b isldes the days, according to Dr. M. C. Harris, the necessity of such work. demand become that a special »1,000,- of Eugene, chairman, who has Just 000 appropriation was asked of Con honor guests, Mr. and Mrs. Harry returned from a month’s vacation. FAMILY REUNION HELD gress and was gran’ed Just before M Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson, No town can prospe •• on a skim­ Mr. and Mrs. Paul 8. Basford, Mr. A strong committee to carry on an AT J. R. FISH HOME HERE the session ended. This brings the and Mrs. 8idney V. Ward, Mr. and med nnlk diet. W iat do you energetic campaign for Phil Metschan, federal expenditure forthe work to Mrs. Levi H. Neet, Mr. and Mrs. republican candidate for governor, more than »4,000,000 for the fiscal Sixty-five people attended a family Rave if you let the erham of your and other candidates of the party at reunion at the J. R. Fish home at year Just beginning With the state W. C. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Larson the November election, will be ap Garden Way on Labor day. The gath­ funds added, the total for the country Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wilson, biiHlnoHH go to the big corpora­ Mr. and Mr«. Walter Gossler, Mr. and pointed, the chairman Indicated. ering was I: -id to honor Rev. and Mrs. will he far from »10,000,000. tion? Only the money that Mrs. C. F. Barber, Mr. und Mrs. E. Nearly all the precincts In the Lane L. B. Bailey and family, formerly of E. May, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morgan, county have committeemen who back Salem, but who are now moving to Washington offers few contrasts for Rtays here makes the whole up the central committee and it is Hansen. Idaho, to make their future visitors which equal that between the Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Pollard, Mr. and community prosperous. expected that the best organization home. dry-as-rust figures being ground out Mrs. James MacManiman, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Inman, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. in years will be perfected. by the census bureau as a result of Thos attending the reunion were the enumeration Just ended and the Burnell, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Flanery, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bailey and family, army of workers who do the grinding. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fraedrlck, Mr. CIVIC CLUB MEMBERS TO Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bailey and family, There is nothing dry-nsdust about and Mrs. Roscoe Perkins, Mr. and HAVE MEETING TUESDAY Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bailey and family, one of the long card-punching rooms Mrs. Harry Whitney, Dan Crites of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bailey and family, Eugene, Mrs. Lydia McGowan, Mrs. The members of the Women’s Civic Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Potter and family, In the bureau, for nearly every one Carl Fisher and daghter Angellno, club are requested to meet at the Herbert Cofer and Lee Rockwell of of the 6,000 or so temporarly em­ Mrs. Scafle, and Mrs. Alice Tomseth Community hall Tuesday evening for Wendling, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bailey ployees who do the routine work of compiling the figures Is a flapper ap­ Beeson all of Eugene, and Jack Gorrle, the first meeting of the fall according and family and Mr. Tom Wallace of parently a year or so short of college. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Swarts, Mr. and to Mrs. A. B. Van Valzah. An Inter­ Jasper, Mrs. Geneva Wilson of Eu. Because Director W. M 8teuart felt Mrs. Henry Fandrem of Springfield, esting program will he given and gene, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Cheshire of youth was a requisite for the alertness and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodard plans for the work of the club this Cheshire. Mr. and Mrs. Ash Bailey and speed needed, an age limit of 35 of Cottage Grove. fall and winter will be discussed in and family of Junction City, Mr. and was set for these employer s. As a detail. This will be the first meeting Mrs. J. F. Bailey and family and Mr. result the age limit appear« to have HAND INJURED WHEN Good Canning Peaches, per bu...... of the club members since their spring and Mrs. C. E Bailey and the J. R. been 20. Hall after hall In the ugly picnic soon after school was out. AXE SLIPS YESTERDAY Fine Canning Corn, tack ...................................... Fish family, ail of Garden Way. temporary shacks of the bureau blos­ soms with rows of sprightly young­ Ren Hollister, clerk at Gray's store, We carry only nationally known Standard Brands of Visits from Harrisburg—8am Faw- sters, moat of them feminine. But for received a painful Injury to the first | ver of Harrisburg was a visitor in ( anned Goods and Quality Groceries. At Newport—Mrs. Grace May and all their youth Director Hteuart is finger on his left hand yesterday noon Springfield Wednesday. •hlldren, Eugene and Junta, spent highly pleased with the speed and when he struck it with an axe while Sunday at Newport. A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE Shops Tuesday—Mrs. Fred Wright accuracy thus far displayed. cutting wood. The accident happened • • • of Marcola was a shopper in Spring- at his home and ten stitches were nec­ Phone W. A. TAYLOR Phon® field on Tuesday. Just aa the governno nt. rt ached the essary to cloaa the wound which laid i HOI* BOOKB— Printed and In stock end of the $10,000,000 pocket-book out open the flesh from the top of the ; Rainbow Man Here—Joe Williams at THE NEWS office. Regular form of which haa come money to battle finger to the union with the thumb. of Rainbow was a business visitor In books for keeping pickers’ record the corn-borer, nature stepped In to Mr. Hollister is able to continue Springfield on Wednesday. usod In many yc.rd>. help out. The drought, which has his duties at the store. Home Store Earnings Keep Your Dò liars In Town! We Give You Every Inducement to Keep Your Money Home Last Chance $ 1 .0 0 and $ 1 .5 0 gQ 3-WHITE FRONT GROCERY 8 r