The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 04, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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Resident Visiter- —A. W,
Prates of l.»aburg waa a visitor In
Springfield <»n Tuaaday.
The Lind ber ghi Are Plytny,
Wsndllng Resident
Here — Mrs.
Haryy Wallace of Camp 3. Wsndllng,
was a visitor In Springfield Saturday.
Tranaacla M Uruwu of
Round-up— Mr
and Mrs.
Waltervllle waa a bualnrsa visitor lu Wayne Clover attended the Pendleton
Hprlugflvld on Tuesday.
round up laet week.
Purcbasaa Feed—Charles Neat of
Finger Injured—C Leathers sus­
Fall Creek purchased some feed sup­ tained a badly lujured finger Turaday
plies In Springfield Tuesday.
when It was smashed In an accident
at the Carbollneum pole dipping plant.
Visit from Fall C re e k - M B. Gold-
son of Fall Creek was a visitor In
Banker Returns--Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Springfield on Tuesday.
G. Hughes and son, Donald, returned
Haturday evening from a short vaca­
Spend Weekend at Newpsrt--Mr.
Return from Vacation— Mr. and
tion «tent at lortland and st Seaside.
and Mrs, Jack Mrsuo and family
Mrs. L. E. Scott returned on Cunday
spent Sunday and Monday at the
Visit at Portland- Mr. and Mrs. J. from a two week's vacation trip.
beaches at Newport.
C. Pederson and their daughter, Dora
Tranaete Bueinoes— U. T. Roork of
Pederson, together with Glenn Vaughn
Mall Carrier Vacations—B. 0 . San-
Jasper was a visitor In Springfield
motored to Portland over the week­
key, mall carrier on rural route 2
on Tuesday afternoon.
began a two weeks vacation last Fri­
Here — Mrs. Joe
day. His route Is being carried by
Return« to Home— Mrs. W. H. Rid­
a visitor In
Blmer Pyne during his absence.
dell has returned to her home at
Springfield on Saturday
Detroit, Oregon, aftor having spent
Visit Coast C ities--l)r. and Mrs.
some time here with her daughter,
From Glendale— Earl McMullen ol
W N. Dow and family spent their
Mrs. C. O. Wilson.
was a business visitor In
Istbor day vacation at Astoria and
Springfield on Friday.
other coast cities.
Leave for California— Mrs. A. B.
Spend Sunday at Yachats— Mr. aud
Week-end at Yachats-- Mr and Mrs. Malo, son Stanley, and her mother,
Walter Griffin spent Sunday on
Il»n Weber and Mr and Mrs. Harold
Stewart spent the week-end near Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Pettit of Portland the beach at Yachats.
left Springfield last week for an ex­
Undergoes Tonali Operation— Mrs
tended visit In California.
John Gustino of Dexter underwent a
Vacations In Eastern Oregon—Mel
Portland People Here— Dr. and Mrs. tonsil operation at the office of a i
Bartlett has gone to eastern Oregon
where he will spend a week's vaca­ W. C. Foster of Portland spent the local physician on Tuesaay.
week-end here visiting with Mrs. Fos­
tion fishing.
Small Child III—The small daugh
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Gibson or
Vacation on MoKsnlo— Mr. and Mrs. DePue.
East Malo street Is confined to ber
C. A. Wyman spent the week-end at
Doctor Moves Back to Town—Dr. beo on account of Illness this week. N. W. SAWMILLS ONLY
their summer home on the McKenxIe
and Mrs. Pollard have moved back to
river above Vida
Rainbow People Here— Mrs. Joe
their home In this city after having
T ry Ocean Fishing—H. O. Dibbles spent the past three weeks camping Williams and Mrs. Oeorge Williams
SEATTLE, Wash., SepL 4.—Contin­
and Sam Gray of Santa Clara spent out along the river on the Hansen of Rainbow were visitors In Spring- uing on the low production schedule
field on Friday.
the week-end fishing at Heceta Head place east of Springfield.
they have followed since late In May,
north of Florence.
Spend Day at Marshfield— Mr. and a group of 350 mills reporting to
Aoeldent Vlotlm Dlee—A. B. Malo
Visits Grandmother— Mias Nellie waa called to Toledo last week on Mrs. A. L. Wade drove to Marshfield the West Coast Lumbermen's asso-.U-
Stuart spent Monday with her grand account of the death of his brother- over the week-end and spent Labor tlon for the week ending August 23
operated at 46.77 per cent of capa­
mother. Mrs Ella Frum, at Junction in-law. W B. Nutting, who died of day In that city.
city. This figure compares with 47.21
Injuries received In an automobile
Visit Parente— Mr. and Mra. Wm. per cent of capacity for the proced-
accident two weeks ago.
Price of Portland spent the week-end Ing week and with an average of S3
Returns to Portland— Herschel Hut­
ton returned to Portland on Tuesday
Visit at Ashland— Mr. and Mrs. 1. In this city with Mrs. Price's par­ per cent of capacity from January 1
after a three weeks visit at the K Murphy. Mr. end MrMs. D. B. Mur­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Wright.
to June 1. These 350 mills have re­
Harry Whitney home
phy and Mias Clara Jones all motored
output during the past thirteen
Jasper People Hers— Mr. and Mrs.
to Ashland Sunday where they visited
weeks by 582,290,000 feet, which rep­
Fall Creek Resident Here—Grover
with Mrs Murphy's parents. Mr. and
Jasper were vlslstors In Springfield resents more than four weeks produc­
Walker of Fall Creek called on his
tion for practically the entire lumber
Mrs H. T. Mitchell.
Friday afternoon of last week.
friends In Springfield Tuesday after­
Industry of Washington. Oregon and
Returns from School— Mrs. W W
Doctor at Odell Lake— Dr. and Mrs. British Columbia at present operating
Walker, her son Kenneth, and daugh
r. C. Rebhan and two daughters, Joy schedules.
Visits Mother— Mr«. A. P. Howells
ter, Evelyn, all returned to their home
id Bobble, spent the week-end at
Orders received by a group of 228
and four children of Albany spent
here last week after having attended
Odell Lake.
miles, for which the association has
the week-end In Springfield visiting
the summer school session at Mon­
a weekly record of production, orders
with Mrs. HowelT's mother. Mrs. S.
Visito Mother— Dr. C. G. Van Valxah
mouth the past six weeks.
and shipments, exceeded the output
C. Hewes. and her sister. May Hewes.
of Portland spent the week-end and
for the week ending August 23 by
Visit Newport— Mr. and Mrs. C. E
Kalama People Visit— Ell Brewer
Labor day In this city visiting with
per cent. New business reported
of Kalama and his sons, Melvin, Lyle,
his mother. Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah.
by those 228 Identical mills for the
Carl and Raymond, were week-end Newport beaches They were accom- |
Drive to Silverton— Mrs. Mary Mc­ five weeks from the week ending
guests here of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. panted by Mrs. Kenyon's brother, Earl
Luckey, his mother and his son, Ed-1 Pherson and her two daughters. Miss July 19 to August 23 shows that
Vlnnle and Miss Lulu McPherson, orders recelvel during that period ex­
win Luckey.
Leaves for Klamath Falls—Miss
drove to Silverton Sunday to spend ceeded production by 4.63 per cent.
Spend Week-end at Newport— Pro the day with friends in that city.
Audrey McPherson left the latter part
In the 14 weeks from May 24 to
or last last week tor Klamath Falls feasor and Mrs W E. Buell returned
August 23, inventories declined 8.68
Return to Portland— Mr. and Mrs. per cent The continued decline in
where she will be employed as a Monday evening from a week-end
teacher In one of the schools during outing at Newport. They were accom Theran B. Sausser of Portland re­ Inventories and the steadily main­
panted on the trip by their son. Fred, ! turned to their home Sunday after tained favorable relationship of orders
the coming school year.
and two daughters, Evelyn Buell, and having spent two weeks here with to production Is gradually strengthen­
Returns to School— Miss Thelma
Mrs. Sausser's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ing the sales position of the Industry,
Mrs. Paul Alley.
Sweeney has returned from Mon­
Harry Stewart.
according to the association.
Visit st Crescent— Mrs. H. Foss of
mouth where she spent six weeks
attending the summer session. Miss Springfield and Mrs. Hasel Relchen-
Vialt at Portland — Mra. Stello
People Visit— Mr. and
Sweeney will teach in the Lincoln bach of Eugene spent the week-end Eaton and her eon, Orval, motored
at Crescent visiting with friends. to Portland Monday to visit with Mrs. Mrs. Hohn Robertson and family of
school this fall.
While there a fishing party was or­ Eaton's brother. John Walsh who is Klamath Falls arrived In Springfield
ganised and a day was spent fishing a patient In one of the Portland hos­ Saturday and are spending several
days here visiting with frlende. The
at Odell lake.
Robertson family formerly lived In
Register at Elite Hotel— Among the
Visiting In Portland— Miss Lucille thia city.
guests registered at the Elite hotel Richmond left for Portland last F ri­
during the week are Archie Rankin, day and will spend a week there
Marlon, Oregon; George Crandall. visiting with friends.
I-ebannn; A. Johnson of Portland;
Return from Vacation— Mr. and
Oscar F. Fredrickson of Independence,
Mrs. Walter Gossler and family re­
M. F. Burrlght of Salem, and Wallace
turned Friday from their vacation trip
T. Achey of Dexter.
at Yachats. Mr. Gossler was back at
Spend Week-end on Rogue River— work at the postoffice on Saturday.
Mrs. E. E. Fraedrlck and her son and
Coquille People Her«— Mr. and Mrs.
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. T.
Vernon Harper and two daughters, of
Fraedrlck motored to Prospect. Cali­
Coquille spent the week-end here with
fornia over the week-end and visited
Mr. Harpor's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
with Mrs. Fraedrlck's son and daugh-
A. E. Harper.
ter-inlaw. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fraed­
rlck Jr.
Drive to Redwoods— Mr. and Mrs.
W. N. Long spent their two-day vaca­
Returns from Vacation — Maxine
tion by driving south In the large
Snodgrass returned to her work at
Rodwood timber In Northern Cali­
(he local office of the Mountain States
Power company on Tuesday following
Franklin which has been given to the
I old Smithfield consmanit r, west of
Eugene, was expressed at the meeting,
and all of the 126 pioneers present
declared that they would exert ell
Springfield people who attended the
their influence In having the original
Lane county fair program on Friday
name restored. Smithfield was named
evening and saw the participants In
after Daniel Smithfield, early Lane
tho second double wedding to be
county pioneer. The name of the
staged at the fair thia year were more
community baa been changed to
than surprised when they saw .that
the event was to be mors than a
double wedding, and that It was go­
ing to be a wedding of two brothers NEW YORK-NEW ORLEANS
to two sister«.
The brides were the Thatcher sis­
ters and were married to the Skinner
brothers. Elmer L. 8klnner married
Rachael Thatcher, while Elwood R.
Skinner married Nova Thatcher.
The bridal party waa escorted to
the platform in front of the grand­
stand by the Eugene Radiators decked
In their white and red uniforms. A
wedding cake was enjoyed by the
couples st a table on the fair grounds
Immediately after the ceremony.
Miss Ann Whitaker, daughter oi
the first territorial governor of Ore­
gon was re-elected president of the
Lane County Pioneer association at
the annual meeting of the organisa­
tion at the fairgrounds last Friday
morning. Mias Ida Patterson waa re­
elected vice-president, and Judge E.
O. Potter of Eugene was. chosen sec­
retary and treasurer of the group.
A strong opposition to the name
Moore’s Cycle and
Toy Store
128 8th, Eugene
• Eugene Business College
A. E. Roberts, President
Phone 666
Miner Bldg.
125 E. Broadway
88-96 W. Broadway
Eugene, Oregon
960 Charnelton St.
500 Main St.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Dog Food
Crescent Coffee
1 lb. Can ............ -40C
3 lb. Can ___ 51.17
Can ................
0 0 1 |Q C Ozydol
IC p
A ¿C ID.
IL - Watermelons - ft ¿C ID II .
10 Cals.
and Keg
Keg Redeemed for >1.00
II X"-;,'
a two weeks’ vacation period. During
Conducts Bala— George Kennett Is
her vacation she visited In San Fran­ spending the week at Reedsport where
cisco on 4 at Lakeview where ahe he la opening a sale this week tor
attend the Lakeview Round-up.
a large business firm. The sale will
Return from Round-up— Mr. and continue during the fair which is also
Mrs. W. F. Walker and Mr. and Mrs. being held there.
Alec McKensle of Eugene returned
Sunday evening from Pendleton and
eastern Oregon where they had spent
the week visiting the round-up and
with friends. They were guests at
Walla Walla, Washington of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Korf and alao vtatted with
Mrs. Leslie Hogland.
Conclude vacation T rip —Mr. and
Mra. I. M. Peterson returned Monday
from a short vacation trip which took
them to Pendleton and Walla Walla,
Washington. While at W alla Walla
Mr. Peterson played a game of golf
on the country club course. This Is
considered one of the host and moat
beautiful golf courses In the Pacific
Returns to Albany— Wayne Hawke
has returned to Albany after having
substituted st the Mountain States
power office during the absence of
Mias Maxine Snodgrass.
A small grata fire was extinguished
by the fire department at Eighteenth
and Main streets Monday after It had
burned over about a half acre o f ,
ground. Small boys in the neighbor­
hood who had been allowed to play
Seventeen-year old Dorothy Dell
with matches were responsible for
Goff of New Orleans, winner of the
the blase according to Hugh Jojl*f,
Witomattoaal beauty annssst haki at
Northwest according to M r. Peterson. fire chief.
Q a A wcs I kxi
Aßk About It
They’re Young
P H O N I 16
Day School Monday, Sept. 15
Night School Tuesday, Sept. 16
Right While
Flanery’s Drug
Miss Lombard will leave soon for
North Bend where she will teach In
the high school.
The Next Class Begins
Start the Children
The children will thnnk you
later in life If you'll teach
them now the Importance of
brushing their mouths habit­
ually. An easy way to foster
this desirable habit la to
start them using Klenso
Dental Creme and Klenso
They’ ll enjoy the
pleasant flavor of these val­
uable aliS to beautiful teeth
and clean mouths. Invest a
dollar In a 50c tube of Klento
Dental Creme m.d a ROo hot­
tie of Klenso Liquid today!
Miss Maurtne Lombard returned
last week from Syracuse. New York
where she has been attending the
summer session of Cornell university.
A boat trip from New York to New
Orleans was a very pleasant exper­
ience for Miss Lombard on the return
trip. She traveled by train from the
Louisiana city to Springfield.