PAGE FOUR THURSDAY. HRl’TBMBRR 4. ll»30 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS -------- '---- 3--------------- —----------- ~ THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS JU ST IC E TO T H E INDIAN M l IL ' The situation of the Indian In the United S ta te s has long beeu one of th e curiosities of o u r system , in the eyes of foreigners. They c an n o t u n d er­ T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRE8S stand, in the first place, how we ever took this H, K M A X E Y . Editor vast continent aw ay from its original in habit-i R r B K O m W Entered as second class matter, February 34, 1*03, at the a n ts; least of all can they understand how, hav- postotMee, Springfield, Oregon. B* ERNEST CAMPJQ -! ing once conquered the Indians, we have kept N E W YORK Three »hurl blta-ka M A IL SU B SC R IPTIO N RATE them as w ards of th e Nation instead of compel- 76c ,. , . " , , , ~ ~ *■” ’ ; from the g litter of Broadway .sprawl- One Year In Advance _._ ..31.75 Three Months 'ling them to ta k e th eir chances with w hite folks. „ „ llk„ ulu„ hU>. Six Months __ _____ ______ (1.00 Single Copy .... Published Every Thursday at Sp rlng leld, Lane County, Oregon, by THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. W30 LET POWER PLANTS BE BUILT Holding up $60,000,000 investm ents in hydro­ electric developm ent in so u th e rn Oregon and o th er p arts of the sta te because a few people think future generations m ight w ant to develop the sites seem s very short sighteduess to us. T here is a crying need for industrial develop­ m ent and em ploym ent now and a good deal of this work is projected to go ahead within the next few m onths. uiu as«r wsltud and wallsd. Gross Chureh Service« Changed mail's contract lay on the tabla, raaily The Union church ««rvlc« which f r alituliig Ila couldu'l uudtiralaud •«.« di o h itoiiii was. Hi bail always wae to have been held al Ihn I’hrlsllstt b««n an prompt before, a i uMg«r to church last Huuday evening was changed to the Maptlet church late an abend with tba deal. , . . In lha weak Rev. C. J. Pike, psator • • * A Gentleman of Color, with several of lha Melhodlet church, preached of Iti» dinky frlvnds, waa preparing The young people held thalr Joint movllng si lha Uhrletlan churuh as (or a Sunday joy ride. Their undent auto creaked up to a had announced filling atatlon Out popped the driver. Shops Here Saturday — Chari«* *'Ab want* Mime gasolio«,” b* talc Brawar of Fall Creek purchased «erne with a granitole!« air. «uppllea while ha wkj In aprlngfleld Thera waa u delay of several mm Ute«, punrtu i'cd by aounda of wrang mi Saturday. T he answ er, of course, us every Am erican “,d*' ,h‘* ,,udM"1 rlv«r, extends the knows, is th a t the Indians w >re never fit to >Kruy »*iuuior of New York* let..... tout control o r develop the resources of th e country, | dls,rlct and the n atu ral law of the survival of th e fittest Thl* *• “ ",dv “r lh* c,,)r ,hBl f,,w operated to give th e w hite m an control. From oul»,,,,'r* know. To moat persons liv ling between the driver and the «latrili the beginning, Am erican settlers tried to befriend *"« 1,1 "n"‘11 ,OW"H ‘ “ad 1 * “■ ,m,‘ of i"'',»ir," ',,r F«.i*lly. o n a o f t i t . , a ri to th e Indians, and in Ahe m ain ou r relations w ith ,h*"’ N*’w York ,h” ">"»•<•> <>' ,be *“r i «»*•••» her hand oui to .... them have been peaceable. We have felt ra th e r ultra-modern luxury. what waa iha matter. Hh., waa Just sorry for them , in these receut years, and few True, It t» a city of spectacular in time to hear h«r chocolat Lodi have begrudged the com paratively sm all cost of w*“1,h *•“’ •• •• al*° « • "f apeetsv m«.ir «xcinit.i- 'Aw, pul In a whole gallon, than!" m aintaining them on reservations aud giving ular *,o'r,‘rly- Thu Jewels amt perfume • • • them a s m uch education as they w ere willing of *»•'«““' “r« bu> “ block away o r able to assim ilate. irom ,b*' unahaven faces, the gat bag.« ■ Itoailuldii algu; "Where will you i ! c a tia and prowling care of Sixth ! I end cternltyf" Now Mr. C harles J. Rhoads, United S ta te s Avenue. What a subject for hot weather Development of w ater power is not taking it Com m issioner of Indian Affairs, thinks th e tim e A city of MtartltiiM voutrantn, has come to get th e Indians on the reserv atio n s • • • away from fu tu re generations, it is m erely pre­ and Into the ran k s of Industry and a g ricu ltu re Amld „ huIuan DR. POLLARD HAS GREAT paring it for th eir use. FISHING LUCK MONDAY “ »at only a Dickons could pic W ater over the falls never com es back again object very m uch to th a t except the Indians *»“»>“ BUT STILL COMPLAINS Tlic currant drive aguiuat vlo- and is a resource w anted. It has been wasted them selves. W hy should they e n te r Into t h e ' tur«. " o’f7 h; lBW Some of the prettieet redaldea iin Oregon since tim e began aud th e sta te is fierce com petition of civilization, struggle for a blll, ,d , that might have th a t worse off. A program of obstruction m erely living, when Uncle Sam can support them ? j caught near here were tuken from I «hocked lha author of "Oliver Twist." | the McKenxie northeast of Spring continues this waste. T he older ones on the reservations will not Housing Inspectors found eight per- u, ng In three room«, only one t * y »“ « f"0"“ l,r W_ H Holding back construction by political bicker­ relish being th ru st out into the cold, cold world. " ,,OWi‘nl •‘•»••‘««. ihe ing at this tim e when thousands of people are They have been pauperized so long th a t they of which had a window. F iito n «uch ! doctor aucccodml In landlug two 17 probably could not m ake a living Independently. famine« live in thia building And , t out of work is crim inal. But if Mr. R hoads plan if carried o ut for im- then- are m> bathtub« -none in the h r"d",d"a “"** *”"* M,h,'r He If any city w ants any of these w a te r power proved Indian schools, which will teach the young entire neighborhood Some house« 1 «iivceeded In gettla;: a airing of 17 sites it should file on it and develop the site at ones the useful arts, especially encouraging the hav» running water other« do not ! riah all over 13 Inch«». Even with auch luck the doctor once. Cities have first choice hut sites should developm ent of their native handicrafts, in so fa r . . . not be held forever for them . N either cities or as they have any, and which will hold up before in another hou»« which had no complained that flatting 1« not what individuals should be allowed the privilege of each Indian child the understanding th a t event- tight« rive« living on the «am« :t used to be. aaylng that a few year« bottling up pow er for long periods. I uaUy he o r she will have to tak e the sam e floor use the «am« bathroom, con ago when he wa« flatting on a* rainy day they could pull out nice large The m ore power sites developed in Oregon chances th at w hite folks take, it m ay be th at in talalng no bathtub. the cheaper the rate s will be and we will all a n o th e r generation the Indian problem will have • There doesn't meetU to bi* any on«« oa foal aa they dropped Iholr tinea Into the water. benefit. R ates have been on th e decline th e 7 )een solved because it will have disappeared, water," the Inspector commented to past few years and we can expect pow er to A fter all. it hardly seem s fair to have en- the Janitor. LIONS HEAR QUARTET The Janitor laughed. becom e cheaper and cheaper. franchised the Negro w ithout conferring the AT LUNCHEON MEET "There Isn't any water because ' sam e m ore o r less doubtful benefit upon the W hether power com panies develop w ater i Indian. there ain’t any pipes." power sites or it is done by cities it is a very • • • “What happened to them?" Spmlal music provided entertainment expensive undertaking, and cannot be accom ­ "Stole 'em. If the i-nant« did nt cut I ^l,r tt,,'0,ber» of the Mona club plished “w ithout c o st”. T he bonds of every "W ITHOUT COST TO T H E TAXPAYER" them out and »ell them, prowler« did i “ lh,‘lr n,,<,n ,un< beou 0,1 |i'r<'>“y m unicipally owned plant is an obligation against Same wuy with the light bulb«.'' , * eok A quartet consisting ol the individual property within the city. If the 11 ® principle sta te developm ent of w ater e e e «Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy anil Dr pow er plant is a failure then the losses m ust P°w er 8,t®8 w ltliout cost to the tax p ay er could One house boasts a hih .11 flower ! and Mr* W C Rchhat. simg several be m et with taxation. If it is successful then e applied to private business then we m ight all d with « hi flowers and nn* I ,,umb*r» amt were accompanied at ,h e users power should get the benefit ol a £ ^ f u S V l „ 7 to ie't ».“t t « - t Z 2 T 7 X X « .... ............ . «............ » N„ reduced ra te but w ithout this is a substantial J > 5s tu 1 ot people w ho a re trying to get sotnt sullen world ! hnainea« wa« discussed at luncheon reduction it is wiped out through th e loss of banker m oney lender to set them up in bus - ^ « t t grow" and tin ,»„« "» >™a*- »*•“• * • * “ a»d n la n t -a x d e m o t i o n p la n t -a x e x e m p tio n . B ut w hether private o r m unicipal developm ent it m u st be done w ithout outside m oney. It tak es real cash to employ labor and m achinery and buy m aterials to dig canals and build power plants and distribution system s. W hen people come forth ready to spend this m oney condi- tions in Oregon now surely do not w a rra n t any holding up of the program . • • • m ethod of financing. They are alw ays asking for additional security and th a t you have a good sh are of th e needed m oney in cash. This is a very bothersom e requirem ent. We should pass a law rem oving personal obligation and then we would have finance "w ith o u t cost to the tax- payer.” As we looked a t the aw e-inspiring sp ectac’.y, w ater rolling over a 285-foot cliff and turning While m any people are strongly opposed to to m ist in a g rea t chasm below, we could not the use of “stool-pigeons" to catch bootleggers, but w onder how long it would be until som. we feel th at in th e in terest of law and order , wild-eyed schem es would a tte m p t to harness the the sheriff’s office should not be unduly criti- i pow er “ w ithout cost of th e tax p ay er.” These are cized w hen the h u n t for a m urderer is in pro- am ong the highest falls in the world and if they gress. T his spirit only encourages law breakers are not dried up for power then in future many and dem oralizes efficient service on th e p a rt of I thousands of people will visit them and they th e officers. It is a better tim e to m ake a f ig h t! will be fam ous. on the use of “stool pigeons” w hen the atm os- • • . phere is clear. If these is strong opposition to the use of “stool pigeons”, and there appears M oonshine is precious fluid. Consider w hat to be from conversations one hears everyw here, the public pays for it and w hat th e governm ent then a petition signed by representative citizens spends trying to keep th e m oonshiner from and addressed to the sheriff and county co urt m aking it and th e bootlegger from selling if. would probably stop th eir use in Lane county Our present civilizations does m any queer things as far as local prohibition enforcem ent is con- and th e fu tu re will no doubt look back on ihis cerned. age of th e “noble experim ent” w ith a smile. i'hings Were Different in Noah's T '-te m onths on e n d ing. W heel and A ale A lig n in g TE S TS FREE Minton’s Brake Service All Work Guaranteed Phon« 371 Eugen« 10th and O liv « O regon SALESMAN WANTED Kaalern organltallon ««tabllah- tng offlcea In Eugene want« one Rian lu handle our Springfield buel ne«e. Mutl It« over 34 year* old and have had bu«ln««a or «ale« ««per l«nre. W r it« M r. H a ll, 2028 U n iv e rs ity St., Eugene. Open Air Circs* Act* Daily Horw Show n e8 s a n d t a k e th e lr Pa >' o u t o f t h e p r o fits — if » «™ws in but Met« and ttn csaa th e r e a r e p r o flts B a n k e r s d o n o t t a k e to t h is p-rch«d upon a fir« .... aH'. In ca»e of • ur«,h’r “r” "»’ "»•«'« Of (he Lion. ' club. Dr Rebhan being president this SHALL WE HAVE "STOOL PIG EO N S?” M AN Y IS THE TIM E IT D ID N ’T R a i n f o r . S i x t y OR. NINETY DA YS AND SO W E TIM E S FO R. M odern Eq uip m en t fo r B rake T est­ ß y Albert T. Reid 'lown• the *"»P«ctor« ordered, K a c m • - A b to Show r Livtstock Exhibit* Coanty Display* Rebekah'« M eet on M onday The regular weekly meeting of the Not far “w“y- ln 11 ,lny room« 8,u “ lt,.b„i,,lh nian wl,h ,,ire” cr,nvklion« agninm “ ... , u „ " ' “ « »y lem him. The next conviction m ean, ut« hln> Imprisonment. Soon, on the dark, nar- waa taken up. A small attendance, i row stairs that lead to his hiding due to the fact that It wa« laibor day, was present. /w a p ’¡ a T ./" " “PP'“‘r ‘ m“n WW‘ Thing« may happen, Th „ may (tn<’1 not. „ T°r For 7 the tenement ' ,m“y “ ™ In"k 11 • • V \ ‘he d,y ’ work. Sam Grossman had an Idea—a plan ? for pepping up a certain radio pro- ’ gram. Time and again he presented ! the scheme to the station manager. Each time he received encouragement, but no definite offer of purchase. A few day« ago he had another appointment—the sixth In two weeks. I i »' to 'th e fifteenth "nm./’h’e T en t Then down the corridor to th a Z But th l. time somehow he cn,.id7, force himself io go m ' viavh. tht would be like «o m .nv » th ., c m . ’ * P He wandered down the hall. Up the stairs. And to the sixteenth floor. Jt Isn't worth while, he decided. Then i he threw himself from a window. On the floor below, the station I a tten d / for H ealth & E nergy--- GANDY M ake no m istake candy I h good for active, healthy boys and girls. They need It to replenish the energy burned up in stre n u o u s play. Make sure your younsters get enough candy to furnish needed energy. W hat ever kinds they like best, you’ll know it’s pure if bought at R G G IM A N N ’ S "Where the Service le Different" "Sweeten The Day With Candy” RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION Y e a h ? a n d in my d a y SHE JU S T R A IN ED OATS A n d D o 6 5 F o r F o r ty D a y s a n d f o r t y n ig h t s A C o m p l e t e w a s h - o u t f re 11 would cut off the *'ilt °r m‘ ,h 1,1 “ hun<,re<1 P*f*o«» h mu»i com« — A Battle Creek physician says, ''Con «tipatlon Is responsible for mori misery than any pther cause.” But Immediate relief ha« been ' found. A tablet called Itexall Order-1 lie« hag been discovered. This tablet attracts water from the system Into tJte lazy, dry evacuutlng bowel called the colon. The water loosens the dry food Waste aud causes a gentle thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation ' hew a Rexull Orderlle at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 26c today at I- l.inery's Rexall Drug Store. O i! Womatts Work., w # r l is never done— certainly not I f ah« farm ! From early till late she c o o k s, deans, am a h er "»pare tim e” she ia expected to take e ar i and the garden. Rarely has she even a few a o f leisure. Anil i f she sweep* and waahee ■iis ia wearing herself out for three eenha , ^ ,' Â j T h e handsome rimless lW 7 .'‘ xlnsHRH fitted here will al'ev,ate *traln anfl lmProVi> one’* appear- <4h] ance. DR. E C . ME ADE p r T O M E T R I7 - T VA W E T T Ö ™ A V E F o r that alight cost, e lc c trid ty w ill ru n a vaennm a washing machine, o r it refrig erato r o r fan. F o r a naoaw It w ill operate eleelrie e ■- Ling and heating Sasre h er thne and streit .’f'i t/'-.h electric Movntain States *VeUH PAITNCRS Power Compavy