•w rz^i THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1930. T H E h’ » R1NOFTCT.P NEW S PAGE TH U S» (BUYING 02SEU JN 6<)^^»^[|gTHEY t. TRESULTS; NINTH INSTALLMENT and he spoke so casually that her .again, and all this trouble is putt. I W HAT HAS GONE BEFORE nerves relaxed. I shall ask yon to really marry me, and FARMERS Hava ft*« hundred Z6foot Eolt SALK--Improved llonney Beat FREE R ENT of furnished house in A >°ung woman who knows only “Better go down the hack stapa," he I If you conaent we’ll have another cere- tfplll Cedar Telegraph Poloa. Price aud Juuu Pink Tomatoaa *1 per bu. Springfield and *10 a month for i fln<1» b»r»«,f *» »he turned toward the mouy. If yon rton t » . n ,B have thia ou aala »100 oath. Make A-l tola •landing ou a Fifth Avanue corner. U old tin llaulaw Sweet Corn 16c per board and keep of high ai.bool atu- She has no Idea how she came there service elevator. little bond nullified very easily, as a pbuae pulaa. doa. W ill have ripe canlaloupea and dont Write Abbie Lynch, Veneta ' or even what city It la. There la noth- course. I didn’t think . . simple matter of experience 1* the water melons later. Prather''# Gar­ .n.-n . .t mg about her with which to Identify He led the way and she followed unusual conditions evicting when It NOTICE TO CREDITOR* den, 3 ml. eaal of Springfield on HOP HOOK»--Printed and In stock herself. While a policeman la talking him. was made. And all my life, even If I Notice la hereby given that the un a. T H E NEWS offlco. Regular form 10 her • young man, Eric Hamilton, Jaaper road and fe-mt.. gouth eaat Hamilton picked up a taxicab. never see you again,” he ended simply. derslgued by order of Ute County books for keeping pickers r^ ord a ' h\ U of Mt. Vernon achool. Bring boxes Court of the State of Oregon for “lip Into Central Park,” be told the **I shall be happy because I was able • K»»«« ue U k * *een her at the hotel Sib l>an« County haa haen appointed aa u m <1 in many ycj’d*. where they are both stopping. He ot July, U mu , upou a judgment and making aa many more yourself, be- In France but does not remember ber broke out with a desperation that hor­ mured. th« date of thia notice. u eciee ol foreclosure reudoted tu eald _____ .u , _ . , name, she finds a cheap apartment In I rified him: "Of course you do. I saw to it court ou Ike akin day of July, Ikdu. in MU’ " ,helr ,ure *° out an obscure pan ot town. Mated Auguat U rd . 1930. “Perhaps not . . . till the next IDA 11 WUULLKY, that you knew all about me, for I waa a ault wm-reln Frank A. Trine waa last th'* During the warmer Tripp was _ ip the next apartment lives Ivy Dav time. But 1 can't keep up thia sort OLEN F. WooLIJCY. cure xomething like this would come plain tit i and C. M Miller, Ida Miller, dttZ» of autumn they will be useful n^ort. VJaba7e~7i?n “ '/¿ L 'h ‘ 7 _ . . _ Egacutora. i-ora Miller, Carol Miller, Uuyd Miller, under the cloth suit Jacket, and in heart. She Is friendly, and persuades of thing—running from place to place, up.” Frank A. DePue, Attorney L. 1. Pierce aud Ursula Pierce w eit cooler weather they may be worn con *’*•’ to go to “Jakes” and take her hiding . . . or trying to hide . . for the eatate. He thought he waa following the aa if I were a criminal. I can't en “ U it “ “öd "the'furiui-^auiu oi VxxVxii | ’ ^ “ ¡ ^ “< 7 7 ¿ 7 t“ ^ * ^ 1 T . Ä T V t n t o r t ^ ^ n “« £ workings of her mind, but her next dure it any longer." coals, disbursements aud attorney I d * Bn ,yp* ot Jocket to make a useful blee and to dai ce with them The remark surprised him. "Of course you can't . . . and lee, lommandlug me to sell the lands lDd°<” ' costume. Once you have cut out other girls there are crude but kindly You don’t know anything at all NOTICE TO CREDITORS He spoke n said duciee described, towlt: The a pattern for a plain sllp-on blouse and Eve finds the work not as diffl- youre nqt going to." about me. W hy!” she broke out, "1 NOTICE IS HEREBY U LV e N mat boulb"“* 1 quarter and the Northeast that fits you, there l . sn almost end cutt as she had expected. She is soothingly, as he would to a child. may be a criminal . . . an advantar- the undersigned has boen appointed lourlb of tbo Southwest quarter of i,... h„ Airvar.n» known there as Miss Berson. She “As soon as we get to the park I ’ll Executrix ot the eatale of JAMES 8. i’«*-Uou 30 lu Township 16 »oulh. 7 1 by different meets a young man named Hunt, who 1 may be anything! It will be tell you how we can avoid any more taking advantage of my one friend. M A IIO N , deceased, by (lie County Jtuuk« 1 West of the Willamette niertd- frankly tells her that she doesn’t be­ running and hiding. But Just now I long there. Court of Lane County, Dreguu. AU *•**. <*uo acres, more or less, oi land, It may put yon Into a position that want you to relax. There's absolutely persona having ciatrns agalcat said *» Lane County, Oregon, lu oblalu Eve does not like the atmosphere is simply horrible.” ’ •tale are reqplied to present them I unde w»u which to pay said Judg of Jake's but she does not know how nothing to be worried about, and there ’8ee here," he said, “I won’t’ have with the proper vouchers to the un- “»ent aud satisfy said decree tu the to do anything else, or thinks she isn't going to be any more worry for deralgued at the law offices of E. O. manner provided by la w moment of peace till I've safe­ doesn't, so when Ivy is able to get you in the future." Potlar, 631 Miner Building. Eugene. I W1ii ou «.lurdee >h. an, a back to work she accepts the o«er of guarded you. Let's stop talking and Istne County, Oregon, within six September IkJu «i n'n • | lbu<1|M,, u* She sighed, plainly unconvinced; but a permanent Job which Jake gives her. go and be married.” mouths from the date 6f this notice. - ,u. ' L .a * * ‘n One evening when she is talking to the quiet assurance of his manner had Dated at Eugene. Oregon. tbla 4tb i l L, L !• Hu“ ,bwe,t ° r maln To his incredulous delight she rose the friendly young man named Hunt its usual effect, and he was relieved day of September, l»30. eulrance to the County Courthouse In one of the other girls tells here there's to see her look of high nervous ten­ as If the matter were settled. MARY C. MAHON, ' h,U“.n ^ ’L ? r e ,^n' ior “ l pub' a man from the West whom Jake "But I ’ve warned you," she re­ Eneontor of the Estate of James 8. ) .,5., ?cllou them,” tte clerk ear neither of them was conscious of thia. if she did not know what to do with IL for the relief prayed within said com "Put it in your hand-bag,’’ Hamil­ '.nestly assured her. They parted with “I don’t know why I expected it,” he plaint which Is as follows, to-wU: i the Impression in both young hearts went on, "but I did. Perhaps I had ton said, and she followed the sug­ NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT That she have an absolute divorce Mail Carrier Returns to Work from you; (hat the marriage contract that they could have loTe each other what's called a ‘hunch.’ Perhaps I gestion as mechanically as she had now existing between you and the Notice Is hereby given, that the un Orson Vaughn began carrying the If life had not held so many other merely reasoned that your large folowed all the others. plaintiff be forever dissolved; ana dorslgned, administrator De Bonis city mall again on Tuesday following interests. As they descended the steps leading friend's next move would be to get that she be decreed to have the cus­ Non with the W ill annexed, of the his regular vacation and an added It was pleasant to be clad in her professional help and track you. Any- to the street, Hamilton put the soft tody of the minor children John Fla­ estate of Lyndbrook Sharpe, also herty and Joseph Flaherty. known uh l . Sharpe, deceased, has absence which was required due to own garments now. though Hhe had to way, I was sure something was com pedal on himself, with a firm foot. Honorable C. P. Barnard, County filed bis final account in the County Illness. LeRoy Nice carried the city carry Margaret's outfit in a box. as ing and I got ready for it. That'i This was the big hour of his life. Judge of Lane County, Oregon, made, Court of the State of Oregon for Lane malt during the absence of Mr. well as her own additional purchases why I told you there would be no But it was not the big hour In the dated and entered an order on Aug County, and that Thursday, the 18th Vaughn. packed In a new suitcase. more of i t There woo’t be. If you life of the silent girl beside him, who ust 13. 1*30, directing that this sum day of September. 1*30, at the hour Last of all she visited the shop’: will trust me and do what I suggest.' still looked like one in a dream. He monn be published In the Springfield of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and News once each week, for a period of the Court Room of said Court has NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEM ENT ; beauty parlor. “Dye my hair black. She replied only with a gesture, steadied his racing pulses, stopped a four successive weeks, beginning Aug­ been appointed by said Court as the Notice Is hereby given that Hester she said. but It was a gesture expressing such taxicab, and spoke his first words ust 14, 1*30; and that you appear and time and place for hearing of objec­ •at " T m A d ™ lnl , tratr L x oi tbe The subsequent effect was not bad despair that it made hia throat ache since the ceremony:. answer the complaint within four tions thereto and the settlement Ute of Mary Anu Spencer, deceased, . . . . ‘It's a caae of ‘home, James,’ isn’t bss filed her Final Report and Account but she Bur’ eyed “ wltb mor* ai> She merely raised her right hand thereof. weeks from the date of the first pub­ lication. as such, and the Court has set Satur- ProT“l than It warranted. It not only which lay in her lap, and dropped it it? I mean,” he added as he saw her Dated August l*th , 1930. H. E. SLATTERY, day, the 6th day of September, 1*30, changed her greatly, but It cryaulllxed again as If the effort had been too inquiring look, “we’d better go right JOHN B. BELL, JR., Attorney for plaintiff and my Rest Administrator De Bonis Non with at 10:00 A. M. In the County Court In her mind a half-formed plan to much for her; but there was elo­ back to the Garland and meet what's deace and Post Office Address Is Eu the W ill annexed of the estate of R°°m In the Court House In Eugene,, abandon the former Hibernation she quence in the simple action. It im there, hadn't* we?” geae. Oregon. Ia*ne County, Oregon, & b the time and , i Lyndbrook Sharpe, Deceased. Her silence seemed an acquiescence place to hear objections to the same, had C0n8idered- and to remain in the plied that she had come to the end of A14-2128-S4 11 A21-28-S4-11-18 and for the final settlement of said c“ y and things. He had to wait a moment to the plan and he gave the cabman some work. the direction. They entered the hotel Estate. Back In her hotel rooms once more before he could go on. HESTER E. WOOD, she looked at her wrist-watch. Quar I ’ll put my plan before you.” he lobby and a large man who had been Administratrix. ter-past four. In less than two hours said at last, “and I want you to hear seated In a lounging chair near the Wells A Wells, Attorneys. Hamilton would be calling for her. it all before you speak. You can’t entrance, quietly smoking a cigar that _______________ A7-14-21-28-S4 She wondered what he would think continue like this. You see that your looked as if It had been made espe­ Kee. I ’hone ISO Plano Moving Progressive Piano School NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the dyed hair, and immediately re­ self clearly enough. The time has cially for him, rose and came to meet SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That alized exactly what he would think come when you must give some one them with an air of assurance. CLARA TUTTLE FENTON WILLI» BERTSCH Prop. Edwin Stevens has been appointed of it. He would not like it. She else the right to protect you. So I Eve stopped, but Hamilton, with a State Accredited Teacher Office.- RODENBOUOH OARAOK executor of tbe Last W ill r.-id Testa­ would put on her hat to avoid giving wont you to go through a marriage murmured “One moment, please,'” Open to Springfield Students Corner Fifth end A Streets ment of Charles E. Stevens, deceased, 62 E St.. Monday and Thursday ceremony with me. Eve, and I want swept her past the large man and Into by the County Court of Lane County, him too sudden a shock. Long Dleteaee Hauling a Specialty the elevator a few feet farther on. There was a tap on the door and you to do it right now. Each Week e Oregoti. All persona having claims Go upstairs, dear,” he quietly told against said eatate are required *o 'she hastened to open it. Almost be­ Of course it will be only a matter present them, with tbe proper vouch­ fore she could do so, it was flung of form,” he hurried on. "That goes her. He put her suitcase in the ele­ ers, within six months from the 31st open and Hamilton hurried into the (tonerai Law Practice without saying. But it will give me vator, gave the starting signal to the day of July, 1930, to the said execu DR. W. N. DOW Toom. the legal right to stand between you operator, and. as the car began its tor at the law offlco of L. L Ray In I. M. PETERSON D e n tis t “Don't’ be worried," he said, trying and the world. You can drop your ascent, turned back to the caller, the Miner Building, Eugene, Oregon. Attorney-at Law First National Bank Building to speak naturally, and even produc­ troubles on my shoulders and forget whose look of aasnrance had given E DW IN STEVENS, City Hall Building Phone 43 Sprtngflhld. Oregon Executor of the Last W ill and Tes­ ing a fair imitation of hia character­ them; and If any large stranger comes way to one of stunned surprise. Office hours, t A. M. to 6 P M tament of Charles E. Stevens, de­ istic smile. Ml}- wifq Is very tired," Eric ’’He's down there.” looking for you. he'll find me ready Springfield, Ore. ceased. Evenlnge by Appointment ’’He? W h o r to tell him where he gets oft. By courteously explained. “She has been L. L. Ray, Attorney for Estate. But she knew. meeting him. too, I may find ont who shopping all day, so I ’m sure you will _____________ J31-A7-14-21-28 “The man you spoke of last night. you are and all about you; and event­ excuse her. Perhaps you will come In here,” he went on, leading the way NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT At least. I'm pretty sure it's the same ually. as soon as you're willing to, to the writing-room, “and let me act man. He fits the description, and we’U get into touch with your family, JEWELER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that N. A. Rowe, administrator of the he's asking at the desk for Mias Ber­ or with your friends if you have no tor her In any matter that interests UeiMiiring a Specialty you.” estate of Ethel H. Mendenhall, de­ son. He described you to a dot. and family.” Springfield, Oregon ceased, has rendered and filed In the Robinson immediately made the bright “My name Is Henderson,” the stran­ She seemed stunned, and he was not County Court of the State of Oregon suggestion that it might be Mias Par­ surprised. But she asked a question ger briefly announced; “9amuel Hen­ for the County of Lane hts final ac­ derson; and I'm from Chicago.” count and that by order of said Court sons. Fortunately I was passing the that made hia eyes kindle. She was 228 Main St. Realdenee 1B O M. NELSON LEGHORN FARM Continued Next Week desk and heard him, so I didn’t atop actually considering hia suggestion; duly made and entered Saturday, the «2 J 62M Lana County's Oldaat Brssdars 20th day of September, 1130, at the for the elevator, but sprinted up the Would such a marriage be legal? of hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon of staircase to warn you.” Register at Springfield— Among the We don't even kilbw my name.” 8. C. W HITE LEQHORNS said day at the County Court room In &he caught up her coat and hurried Probably It wouldn't be legal la out-of-town people who registered at Full Auto Equipment the County Court house In the City of SPRINGFIELD OREGON Eugene, Oregon, has been fixed and Into the bedroom for the auttcaae she your preseat condition. But it doesn't the Springfield hotel dnrtng the week­ I July Assistant Plions 21-F-14 matter whether it's legal or not, since end were Oscar F. Fredrickson ot appointed aa the day, time and place had not yet unpacked. for the hearing of objeotlons to aald "Let's go,” she called back as she lt”s merely a bluff tor preaent use. The Independence, J. T. Myers of Wend­ final account and the settlement hurriedly added to It the garments o' persistent gentleman who ia dogging ling, Mabel N. Einen of Sweet Home, Tonsils Operated On—The ampli thereof. All persons having objec­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Prlvosky tions to said final account ara hereby the night before. “We can slip out you won’t know It isn't legal, any and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Teteraon of FRANK A. DE PUE underwent a tonsil operation at ihe more than he knows ot the other com­ Mvrtle Point notified that the anme must be In the back way.” attorney at law office of a local physician on Tuea- writing and filed with tbe Clerk of The room telephone tinkled, but she plication. I will make him, or any said Court on or before said day and was already In the hall, almost run­ one else who la interested in you, day morning. Vielt at Albany—Mr. and Mrs W. NOTARY PUBLIC time. Watson motored to Albany Sun­ ning. He took the suitcase and kept deal with me aa your husband, until Here from »Ignei— C. F. May of N. A. ROWE, Sutton close by her aide, walking with long you meet tome one In whom you have day to visit with Mrs Watson’s Signal waa a visitor In Springfield Administrator. ■ulldln* on Friday afternoon. A2122B3-1M7, at rides. His manner waa normal now. more faith. When you are yourself parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loreta. B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y D. W. Roof Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors