3 PAGE TWO OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENER/UNTEREST T Mrs Hattie F. Noble, a pioneer edu­ cator of Idaho, died at Boise. She went to Idaho City from Portland In | 1667 and taught In Idaho City for several years. Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. A yield of 60 bethels of wheat an acre waa reported by Aage Qribekov, e farmer of the Junction City district. Thia waa on ordinary farm land with | no Irrigation. Pendleton »ton« war« dosed from 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. during Round-Up week. The W illam ette at Salem la three feel below normal flow. The Salem Navigating company la operating n fleet of trncka while its «teamens are tied up on account of the low stage of the water. I The «tore and poatoftloe at Robin­ ette, near Halfway, were destroyed by fire recently. Potato day waa observed by the Parkdale grower« under the direction of County Agent Marble. n The total pear shipments for the season from Medford amount to 603 carloads it Is estimated. Twelve granges of Washington coun ty will participate In annual Grange day to be held September 13 at the county fair. W. L. Stewart, Talent rancher, was severely lacerated when a Jersey bull gored him. Mr. Stewart was knocked through a fence. Or. A museum and library, the cost of which was not announced, are to be given the town of Turner by Mrs. Cor nelia Davis, It was announced recent­ ly. B IT HOI the $ ¿ fe In a single breast two hearts stop­ ped beating when Dr. George Bean of Vale killed a chicken. The size and coloring showed that both hearts bad functioned. The south approach of the Service creek bridge across the John Day river, 24 miles north of Mitchell, col­ lapsed under the weight of a heavy truck loaded with machinery. Travel over The Dalles-California highway through Bend during June. July and August shows an increase of 10 per cent over the same period last year, according to the August traffic count. A phonograph playing Jaxx Inside the locked doors of the burning Floyd Huston home in Prineville gave fire men some anxious moments. Vibra tlon of the blaze started the Instru ment. k The Woodburn Fruit Growers’ Co operative association is handling from 2000 to 2500 crates of blackberries dally. By the time the season reaches its peak it is expected to double thia amount. A valuable horse belonging to Hom er Wood, bop-grower of the Independ ence vicinity, strayed from the pasture into the adjoining farm, near Hum bug lake, got Into quicksand and was drowned. In case of extraordinary weather conditions between now and Septem ber 15, Governor Norblad may close the hunting season until October L but in no event will he close It after that date. THE M AR KET* Portland D lC SÌ D An OH (à W heat— Big Bend bluestem, (1.00H ; soft white, western white, 85Hc; bard winter, northern spring, western red, S ittc. Hay—Alfalfa, new crop, 317.50; val­ ley timothy, new crop, 313; eastern Oregon timothy, 318.50; clover, new crop, 314; oat bay, new crop, 313.60; oats and vetch, new crop, 313.60. Butterfat— 15 @ 28c. Eggs— Ranch, 17927c. Cattle— Steers, good, 37.5008.00. Hogs—Good to choice, 31040011-76. Lambs— Good to choice, 3607. Seattle Wheat— 8oft white, western white, northern spring, 84c; hard winter, western red, 83c; bluestem. 31.02. Eggs— Ranch. 16UO 37HC. Butterfat— 38c. Cattle— Choice steers, 37 08 . Hogs— Prime light, 313012.13. Lambs—Choice. 36 07 . Spokane Cattle— Steers, good, 36.6007.30. Hogs—Good to choice, 31X012.13. Lambs -Medium to good, 86.6006. I ► 4a The Stayton co-operative cannery le running at full capacity these days. The beans have just about been taken care of, but the blackberries are com­ ing in very well. About 126 women and 30 men are employed this season. The Coquille bond issue of 395.000 woe carried overwhelmingly at a special election. Of the total 386.000 la for Improvement of the city water system and 310.000 tor a naw bridge leading to the new residential die trict. For self protection and in the in­ terest of increased efficiency, mem­ bers of the state traffic aquad assign ed to night patrol duty w ill hereafter travel In pairs. An order to thia ef­ fect was issued by Secretary of State Hoes. A big landslide on Sinslaw highway between Mapleton and Florence will entail an additional expense of 3100.- Fire caused by sparks In a slab pile 000 and may delay the completion of destroyed the Lewis Brothers' lumber the road nearly a year, H. D. Farmer, mill at a loss of 3500b. For a time , district engineer of the bureau of pub­ the fire threatened the town of Pros­ lic roads, said. pect Bide tor the construction of the new In a spirited contest Miss Meda state armory at Cottage Grove, will Dearborn waa elected to rule as queen be opened shortly. The armory will of the Malheur county fair at On­ coat approximately 360.000. of which tario. Eleven other girls were In the 30.000 waa appropriated by the state. contest The remainder will be paid by Lane county and Cottage Grove. The W illamette valley hop crop for 1930 will aggregate approximately 70,- California lost the honor of being 000 bales or 75 per cent of last year's the only state whose waters harbor yield, according to estimates made by the toothsome tuns fish when a gigan­ growers. tic school of Albatross tuns appeared off the harbor at Newport on the way The state board of control has been north. Not In the memory of the old­ requested by Colonel W. B. Bart ram. est fisherman bae this variety appear­ In charge of prison industries, to lim it ed off Oregon. the state flax acreage during 1931 to 6100 acres. cently finished drilling a wail on hie ranch F F Cooper le aleo drilling a well on hie place Mrs. Luells Hr is low. E H T in ker sad F. F Cooper have Installed electrk) pumping plants. There has been a greet deal ol improving of the various ranches la N»DneA Ihe Upper W illam ette d istrict this summer. Howard M erriam has built n mo,■te<, to 108 degrees. Everywhere rivers, creeks and service. This tank le made by the throwing up of a dam 840 feet long brooks are dried up or running ex­ trem ely low. There Is a scarcity of to Impound water from the spring run water for live stock and domestic off. The expense is carried by a spe In the worst affe< te.i zones clal fund created out of grating fees usee. paid by the stockmen for the privilege cattle are dying for lack of water of running their cattle and sheep Ir, and pasturage. In others the stock­ men, anticipating what may be ahead, the forest during tbe summer. are selling their herds at sacrifices. Migration of butterflies in the W ll In large sectors of the Eastern or­ lametta valley, probably centralising chard belt«, the fru it Is burned to a In Polk and Yamhill counties, similar crlap and useless for any purpose. In character to that which visited H ay and other pasiuragi crops are southern Oregon recently, may ba ex­ affected, and corn has suffered marked pected about September XI, according deterioration. The damage Involves to announcement made by Lynn Crone- miller, state forester. The prediction every state In which the raising of grain Is a principal Industry. was based on the fact that approxi­ The part of the country hit hardest mately 90 per cent of the oak trees In Polk and Yamhill counties between le the Mississippi Valley. This area Monmouth and Newberg have been comprises W estern West Virginia, damaged seriously by what la known Southern Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, Eastern Missouri and Arkansas, W est­ as the oak looper. ern Tennessee and Mississippi and i Don’t Sit Down in the Meadow and Wait tor the Cows to Back Up and be Milked — Go After the Cows IT IS THE MERCHANT THAT COES AFTER BUSINESS W ITH ADVERTISING THAT GETS THE VOLUME NOW DAYS. HE DOES HIS CUSTOMERS A REAL SERVICE TOO. FOR BY HAVING VOLUME HE REDUCES HIS PRICES AND UNDERSELLS HIS STRUG­ GLING NON-ADVERTISING COMPETITORS. A GOOD MEASURE FOR ANY STORE IS THE ADVERTISING IT DOES. A GOOD MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISING IS THE HOME NEWSPAPER, The Springfield News “The only Newspaper In the World that la Dedicated to the Interests of Springfield People."