Try f Ae H om t Print Shop Firat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-SKVENTH YEAR. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON- " T M People's Paper" A L I V I N KW BPAPIN IN A L IV I TOWN TIIURHDAv'^HEPTEMBBIt 4. 1930. . No. 34 MURDERER EVADES ALL LAW OFFICERS 4 ufo Accidents Take Heavy Toll Murderer Sought in Marcóla Hills rhrpg Killed and Three Lane People Injured In Week-end Highway Accidents Oiling Equipment Moved Up River NEW AUTO M NP IS sm iLp ran First Work on Local Stretch Completed Tuesday; Wil­ lamette Oiling Next. California Man Buys Tracts Facing Pacific Highway and The - last stretch of oiling on the Starts Work on Cabins, Serv­ Thurctou corner-Uprlugfieid section of mo McKenzie highway was com­ ice Station; Usad Car Lot p le t e d here Tuesday and tbe equip­ to Ba Operated. Ray Sutherland Wanted for Two Murders and for Wound­ Three people were killed and at ing Two Other Officers at least that many were seriously In­ Marcóla; Avoids Mixing With jured In a series of automoble acci­ Poesemen in Hills. dents In Lane county during the past week-end and 1-abor bay vacation. ment moved up to the Nimrod-Blue The killed are Melvin Richardson River section that evening. Two A new modern automobile camp of Cottage Grove who lost his life w e e k s will b e required to complete enterprise Is now being started at near Drain Sunduy afternoon when this section of oiling after wulcb the the Intersection of the McKenzie and the truck he was driving turned over crew will move back here to finish Pacific highways. Just across ths pinning him beneath the machine. the Job east of Springfield. Cyril McIntyre, 17-year-old Eugene Springfield bridge by Arthur Morgaa The oiling work on this section high school boy was killed In an auto­ who recently moved here from Cali­ will not be completed until another mobile accident at the corner of coatof oil and fine rock has been fornia. Twelfth and Lincoln streets In Ku put on the highway. The work on Contractors are starting work to­ gene early Sunday morning. the Nimrod section of the highway day on the construction of the first Dr. Henry Demorest of North Da­ will not take as long as the local unit of a series of 50 modern cabins kota was struck by an automobile stretch as It wUl consist of a lighter and garages for Mr. Morgaa and work being driven by OUver 1.a Duke of o,i and will not have as many coats is expected to start soon on a modern Ooldson as he was walking down the of rock. service station, camp store and lunch­ highway eight miles north of Eugene When the McKenzie sections have eon project. Sunday. been completed the equipment will be Name is Choes» Of the three accidents Involving moved south of Springfield and about The plans of Mr. Morgan also call latne county people, two of them took eight miles of the Willamette high­ for the establishment of a used car place between Springfield and Mar- way wUl be oiled and graveled ac­ lot on the premises. The camp will cola Saturday evening and early Sun­ cording to the local office of the be known as the Gold Star Auto day morning as motorists were mak Keman construction company who Is Camp. Mr.-Morgan will manage the Ing their way from the scene of the doing the oiling. used car lot and the renting of the Thursday slayings. Traffic over the McKenzie highway cabins, while W. J. Gowan, formerly The first accident took place Sat­ was not detoured over the Labor day of Seattle, has already taken a lease urday evening when the automobile holidays. The crew did not finish on the service station, store and being driven by Thom ('armen, deputy tbe oiling work, but they moved their luncheon. state game warden, left the mad at equipment off tho highway and al­ the first curve south of Marcóla, while An attractive ornamental fence is lowed travellers to use the oiled por­ returning to Eugene. The deputy sua- iow being constructed on the part tion of the highway. of the property facing the highway. Mutherland s h o t and mortally laln«d two fractured ribs and other A great Improvement In the condi­ There will be two entrances to the wounded Oscar buley after the latter minor Injuries as a result of the tion o t the McKenzie highway has camp ground, one at either end of had placed hfs son, Vaudn Hutherlund. wreck. been noted during the past few weeks. the fence, with footsteps and a path­ under arrest for selling a gallon of The second accident Involved two Aside from the dust on the new road way leading to the admlnistratioon liquor at the Irish barn at Marcóla automobiles and a truck. It occurred near Sparks ranch, the road Is la building at the center of the fence. last Thursday evening. about five miles south of Marcóla on good sbope with the exception of tbe Ornamental lights have already been a very straight stretch of highway. Door Broken on First Trip Walterville-Vida section which Is un­ placed on the tops of each ot the A posse from Eugene. Springfield In thia accident, which was wit­ der construction and is necessarily poles by the Springfield Electric Sup­ and Marcóla was formed and the door nessed by many motorists returning —Courtesy Eugène Guard rough and torn up. The dust problem ply company and they are now busy of ths Sutherland home was broken I from Marcóla, a light coupe struck Ray Sutherland, murderer, being sought for fat al shootings on the new grade will be eliminated fastening an Innumerable number of open by the officers who went th e r e !“ touring car and bounded back Into seeking the killer. He was not there I <*»• roa/l In time to hit the rear left I ^wo officials and the wounding of two more in a liquor fracas with the oiling now under progress. smaller lights on the front side of the arches which make up the fence. and a search with the Caatleman I wheel of a truck which was returning at Marcóla last Thursday night. Officials think that the man ODELL LAKE SOON bloodhounds of Jasper was about t o ll« Marcóla with the Marcóla Grange | has aged considerable since the plioto was taken. Two Acres Purchased TO BE T H R E E HOURS start when another group returned I exhibits from the Iatne county fair- The camp is being built on two to the house to secure a pillowcase I »rounds. Miss Mildred Johnson su s-1 SPRINGFIELD WOMEN ARE DRIVE FROM CITY acres of land which was formerly' a to give the dogs a scent to follow I t a llie d a deep gash in her shoulder part of the E. L. Blossom farm. The IN V ITED TO IN S TITU TE Odell Lake via the Sait Creek road old well Is being completely worked bn returning to the house the officers I ,n tbli* accident and was the only will be as close to Springfield as over and the digging ot another new found the door wide open and walked °»e Injured, although the coupe In . sprlmcft.-lU women are invited to McKenzie pass once the new Wil­ well is under consideration to assure In little suspecting tbs presence of which she was rldlug and the touring L „ enil the faU Missionary Institute Sutherland whose presence had been ‘ «r were both badly wrecked. The ,o be conducted at the Baptlat ehurch School Board Considers Tuition, lamette road is finished next summer plentiful supply of fresh water. to Oakridge. The trip up the Salt sought In the house a few minutes I fruits and other perishable pro-1 (u Eugene on September #. 10 and 11, Both single and double cabins will New Class Rooms and Heat­ Creek canyon was made Sunday and before. Sutherland was there, how- ducts which were in the truck were UIlder the of w o m en s be constructed, and they will rent ing Problems at Meeting. Monday of this week by Clark Wheat­ ever, and calmly proceeded to shoot I ""l damaged. Mission Union of Eugene. The meet at from $1.00 per night up to $8.00 on and H. E. Maxey and the speed­ at the officers. Instantly killing Joe I The third accident victim was Miss lugs will be held both afternoon and The non-resident tuition for students ometer on the car read 78 miles to depending upon the size of the cot­ Maunders, and wounding the other I Edith Pearson of Euger.e who wan evening with Mrs. T. O. Youngs act this year was set at $20 each by the tage and the furnishings Included. the west end of Odell Lake. twe. I Injured when the automobile In which ing as dean of the school. Each cabin will be furnished with Inembers of the school board at a When the new road on the west The wounded men groped their way I "ba w** riding turned over south of I Mrs. Frances E. Bancroft, executive meeting held late last night at the of­ only new materials of the best qual­ to the door and made their way to I Albany Sunday. secretary of the Presbyterian Nation fice of Dr. W. H. Pollard, chairman of side of the Willamette river to Oak­ ity according to Mr. Morgan, and the other poesemen to spread the I ----------------------------- I al board of Missions, will be the the board. This sum will be charged ridge Is finished that city can be each will be equipped with running reached in an hour and a half travel alarm, but their man was gone when I SISTER OF LOCAL PEOPLE principal speaker and will give water, Bhowers, and toilets. for each tsudent coming Into this dis­ they returned. A trail of blood show-1 DIES IN OHIO MONDAY Herlea 8lx 8ludle8 on the b made Tuesday afternoon by the district maintains a school then There are no long grades like the away from the sight ot ths speeding been scouring the surrounding hills I seriousness of her condition. A sec- Rt‘,’ - I’'rallk 8- Belstel, pastor of the the parents of the children must bear Dead Horse grade on the McKenzie automobiles when one stops after a without finding their man. The Buth-lond message later told of the death. United Lutheran church. On Wednes- this burden alone. and the condition of the road was a long drive, he thinks, hence the orna­ erland still and ten gallons of finished Mrs. Rowland was 40 years old at d“y af,ernnon Rpr Maxwell Adams l*rincipals of the two grade "schools surprise to the Springfield travelera mental fence to take the attention product has been discovered, and an- the time of her leath and leaves one atUdent Daator on the University were asked to return early as possi­ At ¿resent the Salt Creek route from the highway. Plenty ot shade other still belonging to Carl Marks L ister. Mrs. Huntly, two brothers, M <'8n!pUi' for the Presbyterian church, ble this fall so that tho arrangements is a good summer mountain road and and no dust Is also appreciated. He has been destroyed and the owner a . Pohl, and W B Pohl of Massillon W,,i dellver a faTX on tbe industrial of seating lacillties in the schools can goes through a very scenic country. plans on building his cabins back locked In th . county Jail. The killer and an adopted son, Donald Simmons' Sch(>o18 of lndla- Rev Clay Palmer, be worked out under their supervision. The famous Salt Creek falls, 286 feet from the road, which Is paved, and pastor of the Congregation church Two new rooms ln the buildings are Is thought to have receiver some a s - |of Los Angeles, high, was visited by the travelers, placing them ln the shade of the flr sl.tance from the Irish home, parti- F>jnoraU arrano||a Mr Poh, and HuntI, I India. pleted with the exception of the seat­ Government engineers have survey­ tourists comfortable during the wet Other Interesting events are being window of the farm house. It was ed this route and it may be that the weather and will build up a greater will be unable to attend the funeral. arranged for the program dnrtag thf> ing problem. only a short time after the light had complete Willamette highway will go patronage for all camps during this It was decided to h ive the manual three afternoons and evenings nnd beeu ordered out by the sheriff on up Salt Creek rather than via the usually dull period, he believes. Saturday night that Sutherland Is sup „ ’ *nd. Peo**a Vlal*— Mr. and Mrs will Include a reception Tuesday eve- training department construct the nec­ old military road. essary cabinetB for the supplies needed posed to have been seen at the barn. ’ ° ward Thom of Bend T,8,ted with nlng, special music, and reports of FIRST SOLO FLIOHT HAS Since that time nothing has been fr,enda ,n Springfield and Eugene on each denomination on its work In in two rooms. PASSENGERS TO RIDE seen of him Sunday. They stopped at the A. J. | India and Caribbean. The allowing ot bills was also THRILLS SAYS FLANER Y ed on at the meeting. SUNDAY FOR 1c PER LB. Man Jailed for Heax Avltt home K* a while on Sunday Solo flying for the first time is A report on the school heating A successful hoax sent large num Bed condition of the country lAd the I BAPTIST S. S. TO HAVE The one-ceut a pound rats for fly­ quite an experience even when you plants was made. The boilers have here of men Into the woods near great danger of having the killer I PROMOTION DAY SUNDAY all been Inspected and have been ap­ ing. so popular ln the past at the have been flying about In the air, Mabel Wednesday morning when Ray I sight the officers first makes the hunt Springfield airport, will be ln effect taking off and making landings for Smith told a story of having seen doubly dangerous. It Is thought that I Children in the various classes at proved. again Sunday. This announcement a half hour with an Instructor In the the man and talked with him. telling |)e wm certainly shoot It out with the Babt,8t Sunday school will be was made today by Lee Inman, head ship, accorddlng to F. B. Flanery, how his feet were wrapped In burlap the officers when they corner him Promo,ad during the Sunday school HIGH SCHOOL COACH of the school of flying at the field. Springfield druggist, who made his and how his hand was nicely dressed and he Is not expected to surrender llour nox' Sunday at 10:00 o’clock LOOKS OVER FOOTBALL Passenger will pay at tho rate of first solo flight at the municipal air­ In neat and clean bandages. The story unless his Injured hand should begin Rev Mulholland will preach on the one cent for each pound they weigh port on Thursday of last week. PROSPECTS TUESDAY was admitted to be a hoax and Mr. to bother him. subject, ’The Surprises of God" at the which will mean a big saving to the One gets a peculiar feeling and Smith Is In ths county pall. Sutherland has lived In the Marcóla Sunday Morning services and at the Norval May of Bend, elected to light weights. has to kick ones self frequently to Charges of first degree murder have district for a period of 30 years. He evon,ng service he will take up a serve as athletic coach at the Spring- Considerable passenger flying has remind him that he Is now alone and been prepared against the father and Is reputed to be 68 years old. although d,acussion on the Marcóla man hunt, field high school for the coming sea been done at the field this summer. the success of the landing depends eon, and It Is expected that the mur-1 a cousin who was raised with him ln tt aern,on entitled, "The Great son, was in Springfield on Tuesday Night flying In the specially lighted entirely upon himself. The plane der charge will be filed against the and who has not seen him since thev Man-Hunt” and was getting acquainted with the cabin plane has also been a feature. handles differently without an instruc­ younger man this week. The district were young men ln Missouri says he The youn8 people will have their local business men and was also get­ Rocking of the runways at the air­ tor’s weight ln the ship also, according attorney has promised that he will Is only 60. Officers say that he fre- U8Ual meeting at 5:30 In the evening, ting an idea of what his work would port will be done after the first rains, to Mr. Flanery. press the murder charge against the quently was gon^ from his place for Evenlng 8erv,cea «t»rt at 6:30. according to Councilman W. C. Me- Include at the high school. The local druggist made his first son regardless of whether his father short Intervals, and that once he was May wanted to look over his foot­ Lagan. It Is believed that a better solo flight last week after having Is ever taken and whether he Is taken away for a long while and It Is now I Construction Crew—The construe- ball material while here, but found surface can be had If the crushed about nine hours of Instruction ln dead or alive. The son has already suppose that he served a term some- t,on crew ot tbp Mountain States that the boy, are all working or are rock Is placed and rolled down when the air. been arraigned on tbe liquor charge where for a crime during his absence. power company spent the first part and Is being held under bail. I The murder of Fred Dunbar at of the week In Springfield doing re- away on trips of various kinds. He the ground Is damp. Jim MacManlman and students of Leaves for Beheol—Evelyn Walker will return to Springfield about Sep­ Seaeh Is Difficult One Summit lake Monday evening was at palr ttnd maintenance work. tember 12, to begin shaping his fall the Inman Flying school will pnt on left Springfield this morning for Min­ The search for Sutherland has been first attributed to Sutherland, but the Try Dee^- Boa * F ls b ln ^ Mr and activities, he stated. special stunt exhibition flights during erva near Florence where she win one of the most dltilcult ever car- confession of Don Brock of the Cres- Mrs. Robert Moore, Mr and Mrs the day. Three types of planes, all teach school during the next year. rted sit In Lane county. Dogs are cent I*ke region to the crime tends Clive Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Fred 3pend Sunday at Newport—Mrs. constructed by the Inman Flying serv­ Enrollment will take place Friday and unable to follow him after they find only to confirm the officers opinion Stovell of Eugene spent the Labor day Zella Cantrell, Mrs. Beatrice Gay and ice will be used and the public can classes are scheduled to begin on a good track because the scent Is that the hunted man Is still In the vacation at Winchester Bay where Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roberts spent choose between the open or closed Monday. Her father, W. W. Walker, deatrbyed In some manner. The rug- vicinity of his killings. they tried deep sea fishing type of ship for their rides. Sunday at Newport took her to Minerva. Tlia tnuD hunt for Huy Hulhurluud, wanted for Iba cold blooded murder of Oscar buley. Eugene policeman and deputy sheriff, and Joe Hauuders, deputy state game warden, and for the wouudlng of Rodney Hoacb, .dep­ uty gam« warden, and lure Brown, deputy sheriff. In one of the most spectacular shooting affrays ever rec­ orded In l-ane county history, has settled down now to a quiet and sys­ tematic watching of confederates of th>< outlaw bootlegger, and a search of the entire Mohawk valley and hills tor moonshine stills and bootlegger cabins where 'he desperado may be In biding. Think Man In Hills Deputy Rherlffs are almost certain that tbs killer Is still In the Marcóla hills and that be will not leavs, pre­ ferring to shoot It out with the of­ ficers If they corner him. Their be- let Is baaed on the fact that the man Is thoroughly acquainted with the region In which hs Is supposed to he hiding and that be Is being pro­ tected and aided In his evasion of the law by friends In the hills. Outside Tuition To Be $20 Here