(AflGffO, first trip down in my dlvln’ suit I looked around and there was a big man-satin’ shark headed for me. But I was ready for him. As he dlvbd for me I let him feel th1 length of a long, sharp knife* That settled him, and hs wiggled away in a hurry. A s I turned to take another look at th’ junk I saw two eyes as big as sau­ cers glarin’ at me from a hole in th’ side of th’ junk. And then two long, snaky arms began stcalin' toward me. An octopusl I wasn’t prepared to tackle that kind of a critter, so I signalled to be pulled up. Well s’r we planted a charge of dynamite under th’ stern of th' junk, and that settled Mr. Octopus. But th* junk had been blown all to pieces. At first I didn’t see saign of treaeure. Then, right by a big rock I stumble« onto an old iron «host, and th* chest was nearly full of good eliow, golden money. May- you think we didn't celebrate when we hauled it un on deck. Yearu ago when I wan bos'n on a ship named th ’ Golden Horn, 1 overheard a shipmate tellin his pal about a Chinese pirate Junlt named th' Wbangho that struck on an Island durin' a typhoon and want down with all hands. What made me prick up my ears was when my «nipmat* said she had gold und jewels aboard and that nobody had ever been after th' treasure. Then he told his pal th' name of th’ island. Next duy our ship ran in­ to a tornado and went down With the two shipmates that had been talkin’ about th' treasure-junk, and near­ ly all th' crew. Two days later I was nicked up by a trader bound for Thursday Island There J met an old shipmate that owned a trim little schooner- To make a long story short, in a few days th* sphooner. with my shipmate, his Chinese cook, and me aboard was off for th* troasuro of th* Whangho. Weil s’r, we located th* lunk. sure enough. On mv W H XO OK. 5 lb \Q O h e t< , AHt> HVV ^UW , T H ’ T V s ’ T A V U M ,' ^ H W T A A T t - 'J £ S H t \-S we ' tk - e h t t K IT T Y TS ll I va®H H H’ U H , r* B f ik « : -Mem C .T & R A V Y T H A W 'L L B IX T H A T 3 &T (©occr, w n o Too PuAf OouF Ho, . \ n O r ff,- \T S T o o t o S G v/A a Mervt "B ost m a m ,-* < T H E iitF o P -— \ <3o fo rt F E M O \M G o V t oMuS 'T 'A X E S ^ E S .V f S A V E S A u o -f O F -G m e , — take T hat - BUR». I „ A COUPLE OF’ SECOHT j S .