» TJ N ? L 17 L G THURSDAY. AUGUST 28, 1980 THE SPRINOHELD NKWS PAGE SIX " —......... ROMANCE AND COMEDY in M c D onald talkies MANY PEOPLE ENJOY CRESWELL HERD WINS tKENDELL INTEREST IN PICNIC DINNER ON RIVER MANY PRIZES AT FAIRS GOLF COURSE IS SOLD Riding u bobbing sort board at a i speed of forty miles an hour through the sea oft Catalina Island was the experience Claudette Colbert had during the malting of her new melo­ drama. Manslaughter,” the Thursday only feature at the Fox McDonald theatre. In •'Manslaughter,” Miss Col­ bert la featured with Frederic March. Especially designed cameras and sound recording Instruments mounted on fast water taxis, caught Miss Col- • bert's adventure for the screen. “On the bevel.” Fox movietone all I talking romance, which comes to the Fox McDonald theatre Friday was not produced for laughing purposes only, but it embraces a series of mirthful situations that telescope one another in rapid succession. Tne leading role Is portrayed by Victor Mcbaglen o f , “What Price Glory,' ‘ The Cock Eyed World” and other outstanding sue ceases. Featured roles are also en­ trusted to William Harrigan and LU- . . . , . van Tashman, while support is ac- Victor McLaglen and William Harrigan, in a scene from the Pox Movietone Comedy—“On the Level” at the Pox McDonald corded by such well known screen per* Friday and Saturday sonalitles as Arthur Stone, Ben Hew- lett, Leila McIntyre. Mary McAllister. , . . n A N G E R O U S PARADISE R. O. Pennell and Harry Tenbrook. O A N u tR U U a K A K A U ta t Winning more bluo ribbon» with one George K< ndell annouuccd tit salt i this week of his Interest In the tonal I herd of cattle than auy other ex­ | miniature golf course to George Car- hibitor a( the fairs whore they have son. his par'ner In the venture. The been la the record being established cost of playing games on the couth «, tills season by the registered Holstein has been reduced from twenty-five to rattle belonging to A. llenton nnd Son fifteen cents for adult». Children will of Creswell. At the Southwest Washington fair continue to pay ten cents for an game The former rates wore twenty- held nt Chehalis, Washington last five cents In the evening and fifteen week their aged hull, Itllly Johnanna Segls I’lcje, won drat senior and cents In the afternoon Sunday was the best day of the grand chniuplon honors. The aged year at the miniature course. Addi­ cow, PrlnoMS Antonia Fnyne Segls, tional work Is being done on the wan also first senior and grand greens each day nnd grass Is being champion The senior yearllug heifer, planted to add to the attractiveness l.iii-y Johnanna Segls Antonia, was Junior champion. Other prises won of the spot No new low scores have been miide wore first prise for the Junior your at the course. W C. Wright with ling heifer, first prise senior hull calf 43 and George Carson with 4! strokes and second prise senior hull calf, first prise aged herd, first prise get ot still hold the lowest scores sire, second prise gel of also, firs! and second prises on produce of cow, FOUR-L NAMES GROUP first prlso calf herd, uud first prise TO SELECT ANNUAL PLAY young herd. Thia was (he third fair this season Plnns for the annual play to bo for the Crowell herd. It having shown presented by the members of the loeal Four-L organisation were dlscussi-d at at the Skngltt county fnlr nt Burling the monthly meeting of the group to il, Washington, and at the North which was held at the W. O. W hall Pacific fair at Everett. AT COLONIAL THEATRE What George Arliss was to '"Dis­ raeli” and "The Green Goddess,” Half a hundred Malayans and a Cyril Maude Is to "Grumpy.” _ „ ,. , . ... I large company from the Paramount The famous old play, built around • _____ ‘ . I studio watched and took part in the the character of a cantankerous but i filming of Nancy Carroil’a first star Inwardly soft-hearted old man. has 7 . .. . .. ring picture. Dangerous Uaradia«*. become the success that it has been _ . the feature at the Colonial theatre for the past 17 years because Cyril Friday and Saturday. The picture Maude made it so. was filmed, all-talking, on the high Maude is one of England’s great­ seas and on the tropical islands oft est actors. He spent 46 years of his the southern coast of California. life in the theatre as producer, owner The natives who assisted with the and actor. He retired four years ago picture included Javanese. Sum«- from active stage work, but Para- trans, residents of the Celibes. Ha- mount persuaded him to appear once . waUan, and 0ther8 of Oceania and more in the renowned role of "Grumpy”—this time, of course, on ‘ The gtor_ fjllnHd |n ,anguld the talking screen. ¡tropical setting. Is an adventurous And so "Grumpy” comes to the j love-drama, written for the screen McDonald theatre on Sunday next. (roD1 incidents In a Joseph Conrad the same "Grumpy” who has delight-1 novel. Nancy Carrol, a girl musl- ed young and old in all the English- cjan |D a waterfhont hotel on a South speaking countries of the world. Sea island. Is menaced by her era A thrilling wild and wooley rodeo ployer and seeks safety on an Island, is one of the important feature events nearby, on which Richard Arlen dis- in "Spurs." the most recent Universal appointed in lovq and embittered release, starring Hoot Gibson which with life, lives alone. Thrown to- is coming to the Fox Rex treatre gether, Arlen angers Nancy with his Saturday and Sunday. cold scorn. Then three desperadoes Hoot Gibson gives one of the most appear on the Island in pursuit of spectacular riding performances In Nancy. They plan tc rob and kill Ar- his career in this picture. It recalls len. But Nancy's love triumphs over the days when he won championships her hate and she wins Arlen's adml- ln various sections of the country, ration and love with her heroic sacrl- particularly the all-around champion- fice. ship at the Pendleton. Ore., round-up. In addition to Arlen in the leading A real man-killing bronc was select- male role. Warner Oland. Gustav von ed for Hoot to "break" In this pic- Seyffertitx and Francis McDonald are ture scene. He makes a beautiful in the cast. William Wellman, mak- free hand ride. er of the famous “Wings,” directed ------------------------------ "Dangerous Paradise.” on Monday evening and a committee consisting of Ben Skinner. William May. and George Cox was appointed to select the play and start work on It. An Ice cream feed was featured following the business meeting of the lumbermen's organisation. LEAVING CAMPFIRE COSTS PORTLAND MAN $10 FINE Failure to completely extinguish a camp tire in the Cascade National forest at ingrr.m meadov-s, 15 miles east of McKenzie bridge on tne Horse Creek trail caused Harold Kenzell of Portland to be fined *10 in Justice court at McKenzie bridge last week. A party of hikers came Lpon a (Ire burning briskly and they report ed the fire to the forest office at McKenzie bridge. Men on the outing with Kenzell stated that they thought the fire wrs dead before they left the camp. CANNERY OUTPUT NOW TEN CARLOADS DAILY Several Sprbgfield and Eugene tamllles met together at Swimmers’ Delight and enjoyed a swimming party and picnic supper. Among those who participated In the event were Dr. and Mrs. W. N Dow, Dr. nnd Mrs. W C. Kehbnn ano two daugh­ ters, Joy and Bobble; Harry M Stew­ art and son. Morris; E L. Coffin, of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs J C. Mc­ Murray and daughter, Nadine; Mr. and Mrs Shy Huntington Eugene; Inin (’Etna. Eugene; Mr. urd Mrs, A J Morgan and two children; Mr. and .Mrs. Harry Whitney and daughter. Mary Elisabeth, SECOND FILIPINO DIES AS RESULT OF CRASH Pedro Jucutan, 19. of Bin Frenando. lot Union, Phllhplnes Islands, died at the Eugene hospital Sunday evenlug of Injuries which he received two weeks ago when the ear In which lie s lid several other Flllputos were riding went through the railing on the overhead crossing at Divide He Is survived by bis parents and two brothers who live on the Islands. This Is the second death resulting from the uecldent. Another of the boys died before be could be taken to u hospital. A damage suit was filed at the county court h»uae laal Friday by | Gregorio Panelo versus Meliolo Vega asking *2500 general damages. *350 for doctor bills, and *150 for hospital and nurse care Vega was driving the car In which both parties were riding when the automobile crashed through the railing injuring all of the nine passengers Tb< combined output ot the Eugene and Junction City plants of the Eu gene Fruit Grower's association ha» been about 10 carloads a day recently according to J O. Holt, manager. The Creswell plant 1« not being used this LOCAL PEOPLE ENJOY yeur for canning, according to Mr PICNIC LAST THURSDAY Holt, but la being used as a receiving station and a part o f It ha» been Several Springfield families gath rented tor a sawmill. ered at Swimmer's Delight last Thurs­ Although no new record will be day evening for a picnic. They apent established this year It Is expected V isitors frq m C ree°»n t Lake- Mr. the first part of the evening swim that the total pack this season will mlng and later enjoyed a picnic be above that of last year and near und Mrs. Roy llolverson of Crescent l-ahc arrived here Tuesday tor a visit tapper. Those In the group were Mr the best year ot the organisation. and Mrs. Carl Olaon, Mr. and Mrs Pears, beets, and beans are the with friend» nnd relatives Jesa Clark. Mr. anil Mrs E E. Frued principal Items being packed at the rick. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton. cannery at thia time. The Lane county FOX Mr. and Mrs 1. M Peterson, and her prune crop will not be aa good this atster. Miss Elinor Bender. year In either quality or quantity aa It baa been In the opinion of Mr Spend Sunday a t T ria n g le Lake— ! Holt. Carl Wlltse. Ben Fisher, and Lyle Znchery apen' Sunday at Triangle WANTED— A lady to help at Elite Cafe. A28 Lake. M c D onald GREATER TALKIE SEASON C O L O N IA L at the 3« W.C.T.U. MEMBERS HEAR REV. MULHOLLAND TALK b/lf lun-M k . I’ A A short talk on "Present Prohibi­ COUNTY LIME POOLS T O --------------------------- tion” by Rev. Ralph Mulholland, pas­ tor ot the Baptist church featured the CLOSE ON SEPTEMBER 1 CIGARETTE STUB BLAMED FOR BARN FIRE AT VIDA meeting of the Sprltigflela W. C.T. I', which was held at the Baptist church Lime pools for Eugene and Cottage Grove will close Monday, September A grass fire believed to have been on Tuesday afternoon. 1, It was announced this week by started from a cigarette thrown from Routine business was transacted at O. S Fletcher, Lane county agricul- a passing automobile spread to the the business session which preceded tural agent who Is forming the pools barn on the Williams farm near Vida the address. for the fanners. The cost of the which Is bring operated thia year 'i.v lime will be *6 60 a ton In paper bags T. A. Burdick and completely destroy- at either Cottage Grove or Eugene. it and its contents Sunday after- MANY SHEEP CLAIMS Ordera will also be pooled for other roon. PRESENTED TO BOARD points where enough Interest Is shown The ham was well filled with new The following claims for loss of Fanners in the Reed district sent In hay. Some harness and machinery an order for a carload of 30 tons of was also destroyed. No animals were sbeep and goats by wandedrfng dogs lime last week It will be delivered |n the bam at the time the blaze was were presented to the county dog control board on Monday: J. T. Moore, this week. P00I3 are also being made discovered. up at several towns In Western Lane Men from Thompson's resort and Springfield route 2, one sheep; J. W. county. neighbors hurried to the fire, but the Wells, Junction City, one sheep; Earl ----------------------------- d r / hay had caught fire and all they Brown, Go Id son. five sheep; Andy EIGHT-FOOT COUGAR IS could do was to prevent the fire from Olson, Creswell, two sheep; Ed Shields KILLED BY VIDA FARMER 8Prpa