The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 28, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday at
Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, by
H. E. MAXEY. Editor
Entered as second class matter, February 34. 1*03. at the
postoffice, Springfield, Oregon.
One Year In Advance ____ 11.75 Three M o n th s____ 75c
Six Months _________ ___51.00 Single Copy .... _ .......5c
then we might as well scrap the direct primary
law in Oregon and declare nominations free for
all for all offices both state and county. Let
anybody who has the backing of any faction
call a convention of a few followers or paid
henchmen and be nominated.
Our republican form of government is based
on political parties with party candidates and
party responsibility. The parties are created by
registration, voting and election at the primaries.
If parties are no longer useful the primary sys­
tem, by which party candidates are chosen, is
also obsolete as well as being very expensive.
If the people will elect one candidate who has
evaded the primary election, then they should
not require other candidates in the interest of
fairness to be subjected to the primary campaign
and nomination.
If Meier, the self starter, is elected then the
primary system should be abolished, for voters
no longer desire to make the nominations them ­
• • •
The latest development of the new economics
is the proposal by Henry Ford to make the work­
ing year only ten months long, giving everybody
in industry a two-months vacation in Summer.
Summer, as Mr. Ford so truthfully says, is no
time to work in a factory. There are certain
times in every industry when a shut-down for
overhauling plant, repairs, additions etc., is nec­
essary. Mr. Ford shut down his Dearborn works
for a month this Summer, keeping only 30,000
men a work making improvements.
Coming from anybody else it might be laughed
off, but when Henry Ford seriously proposes a
ten-m onths year he is to be listened to. First
thing anybody knows he will put it Into effect
in his-plant, and then the others will have to
follow suit. He doesn’t have to go to a Board
of Directors to get authority to try experiments;
he is his own Board. When he put the eight-
hour day into effect curses both loud and deep
rained upon him from everybody else in the
automobile industry, where the nine-hour day
was the rule. Nobody would go back to nine
hours now. He was the first to establish a mini­
mum wage high enough to enable the worker to
spend something for luxuries. Now all great
industries run on something like the Ford wage
scale. He put the five-hour day into effect» and
others had to follow.
One great advantage of the ten-month year,
Mr. Ford believes, will be a further reduction of
unemployment. Forward-looking men in eco­
nom ics and statesmanship now hold that we
shall not achieve complete economic independ­
ence for everybody until all workers, at least all
whose work is of a nature which can be carried
on the year around, are employed on a yearly
basis. Few manufacturers are as yet prepared
to hire factory workers by the year, but if the
commitment is only for ten months it may come
The average man would rather be assured of
ten months work than to take his chance on
twelve, with the constant risk of being laid off
any payday. With ten m onths’ work at good
wages assured, he would welcome the two
m onths’ Summer layoff, as a schoolteacher does.
He would not be afraid to make commitments
based upon future earnings, for he would know
that as long as he did his job he could count on
getting his pay for forty-three or forty-four
There is a rumor this fall that all the football SPECIAL FAIR DAYS
fields will be turned Into miniature golf courses.
in siuslaw W aters
The state college is the only inatitutiou that is
trying to resist this modern type of sport. Cer­
Salmon are now running In the
tain of the old timers at the college are trying
lower Sluslaw river according to Ken­
Thu tleulgnailon of *p*rl«l ilays tor
to draw a line around the campus over which
neth Tobias, who with F. P. Allen,
no miniature golf course can cross, and thereby the 8811» Oregon State fair which la American Sunday School Union work­
protect the football stadium. We predict they to open at Salon, on September >5 er ot Portland, returned during the
will not be successful for popular opinion will tor one complete week was made thia past week end from a fishing trip
over-rule. A hole in one this fall Is going to week by Mra. Kila S Wllaon, «ecru near Florence.
be more thrilling than an 80-vard run for a tary of the atata talr board
The two men brought back several
Kach day la to be devoted primar­
fine fish which they had caught. They
ily to the Intereata ot a specific croup
• • •
left Springfield the first of the week
or area In the atate. beginning on
again tor another fishing trip on the
Lane county’s own show, the county fair, is In Monday with Community day.
MuKenale river.
progress this week. As usual It is bigger and
Tuesday haa been designated aa
Several Nshernivu caught guod slaod
better than ever and even if It was not it is Grange Day. Thia will probably draw
always worth seeing. It calls attention to what the largeat group of rural vlaltor ever black cod and aea perch off (he rooka
at (he Jetty near Heceta beach on
other folks are doing, gives us new inspiration to assemble at the fair.
and confidence in this country.
Wednesday, September 34. will be Sunday,
• • •
Salem day and more thau 30.000
Here from Yarnell— Mrs. O A. Da
Aimee and “Ma" go back to first principles are expected to pack the exposition via of Yarnell was a vlaltor In ttts
when it com es to settling differences. Obviously grounds.
city Monday.
It is the old time rellgiou they are preaching In Thursday will be Portland day and
special plana are being made to care
the tabernacle.
! for the large numbers which are ex-
• • •
Notice la hereby given, that the un
Notice It hereby given that the reg­
ular eighth grade examination will be
given on Thursday end Friday, Sep­
tember 4lb and 5th In districts whera
there are pupila who have complied
with the conditions and have made
application for questions. A limited
number nf pupils can be acoomnue'«*-
ed at the office of
Co. School Bupl
A ll
Notlca la hereby given that the un­
dersigned by order of the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Lane County haa been appolulad as
executors of the last will and testa
ment and estate of Perry A. Woolley,
deceased and all persona having
claims against said estate are hereby
notified io present the same properly
verified, io said executors at the of­
fice of Frank A DePue. the attorney
for the estate, at Springfield. Ore­
gon. on or before six monlhe from
the date of this notloe.
Dated August 33rd. 1830.
derslgiied, administrator De Bonla
Non with the W ill annexed, of the
««Ute of Harriett Sophia Sharpe, de
ceased, has filed his Dual account In Frank A. Delate. Attorney
for the eetale.
the County Court of the SUte of Ore­
gon for tune County, and that Thurs­
day. the 18th day of September. 1530.
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said
Modern Equipment fee Broke Test­
day, and the Court Room of said Cour,
ing, Wheel and Asia Aligning
haa been appointed by said Court as
the time and place for hearing of oh
Jecllona thereto end the settlement
Dated August 10th. 1830.
JOHN B. B E IX , J R .
Administrator De lion Is Non of the
estate of Harriett Sophia Sharpe. Dw
: peeled to move out ot the targe city
on that day. Special traffic officers
will be stationed along the highways
to prevent trouble or congestion.
Governor's Day Is the designation
given to Friday. Thia la a new day
for the atate fair, having never been
sponsored at any previous expoaltlon
Special plans for this day have not
been completed but will be announced
Saturday. September 17. will be
1 have a friend who, after many years of hard
work in subordinate positions, found himself sud­ Children's and Press day. All chil­
denly near the top of a big business. To his own dren under 14 will he admitted free
surprise his income jumped to more than a hun­ and those between 14 and 18 will be
A 5135B 4H 15
All Work Guaranteed
admitted for half price. Special en­
dred thousand dollars a year.
• • •
promised for Saturday night.
A whole new world opened out before him. As
Notice la hereby given that Healer
No special name hae been given
E Wood. Administratrix of the La
If by magic all his dreams began to come true.
to Sunday
Thia will be the first late of Mary Ana Spencer, deceased,
• • •
Did it change him? I cannot Bee that in any year that the exposition haa been has filed her Final Report and Account
over on Sunday and it will as such and the Court has set Salur |
essential characteristic it changed him at all. Not carried
be an experiment for those In charge , day, the 4th day of September. \830.i
long ago when we were alone he opened his heart.
at 10 00 A. M in the County Court,
of the show.
• • •
, Room In the Court House In Eugene.
Special railroad rates of fare and U o r County. Oregon, as the lime and
“Here 1 am with a new house, and money in ' one-third for the round trip will be
place to bear objections to the same,
the bank, and all my five children in college, and i t ffectlve on all of the lines .luring and
for (be final eettlemenl of said
Eastern organisation establish
three automobiles. And down underneath I am ' (he fair. Efforts are also being mi«l<* Estate.
ing offices In Eugene wants one
the same simple guy that used to get eighteen , to secure even lower rate.i for the
man to handle our Springfield bust
dollars a week, and took three years to pay for final day of the fair. Sunday.
neaa Must be over 14 years old and
the piano. Somehow it doesn’t seem real I have
____ ________________ A7 14 31 18 t»4 have had business or sales exper­
to get m yself off in a corner once in a while and
Write Mr. Hall, 2OZ1 University
ask, w hat’s it all about?”
• I., Eugene.
I know some other things about him that he
Notice is hereby given that by vlr
did not tell me. I know that he is supporting fif­
tue of an execution issued out of the
teen or twenty people who haven't had such good
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
luck. I know that he is taking lessons on the fid­ an ear of corn? Lum Anderson and in and for Lane County, on the 30th
dle, which has been a secret ambition for years. several others In the city are won­ day of July. 1S30, upon a Judgment and
decree of foreclosure rendered In said
And 1 know that on Thanksgiving day he mar­ dering about this.
A perfectly good cob of corn had court on the 38th day of July. 1838, In
shals his whole family and marches them down
been boiled and was being made a a suit wbereiu Frank A. Tripp was
to church.
part of a meal when Mr. Anderson plaintiff and C. M. Millar. Ida Miller,
• • •
Cora Miller, Carol Miller, Lloyd Miller.
discovered the strange kernel shaped
E. T. Pierce and Ursula Pierce were
Sinclair Lewis named him, and others like him,
on the cob midway between defendants, tor the sum of 33017.18
Mr. Babbitt. They are more like Jim Bludsoe, the i objects
the two ends of the ear.
debt, and the further sum of 3224.80,
Mississippi river engineer.
Cooking had a bad effect on the costs, disbursements and attorney
i kernels, for they were all soft as tee; commanding me to sell the lands
Bludsoe didn’t know what it was all about mush when they were examined at in said decree described, tow It: The
either. He just did the day’s work, running the the city hall, and It was Impossible Southeast quarter and the Northeast
steamboat back and forth, raising his family, and i to determine whether they were solid fourth of the Southwest quarter of
Section 30 In Towuahtp 18 tfeulb.
living his life. One day when a fire broke out he or consisted of several smaller leaves Range
1 West or the Willamette merid­
Open Air Circes Acta
did the simple thing of stlckln to his post.
ian; 200 acres, more or less, of land,
or petals.
Daily Hons Shew
“I’ll hold her nozzle against the bank
Friends urged Mr. Anderson to send in Lane County. Oregon, to obtain
funds with which to pay said Judg­
’Till the last galoot’s ashore.”
• - A a U lh e w
the specimen to the state college at ment and satisfy said decree, in the
He was not a deep thinker, nor very religious, I Corvallis for a scientific examination.
Livestock B x k lM te
manner provided by law:
often profane. But John Hay ventured a guess
I will on Saturday, the <th day of
Ceaaty Duplays
September, 1830, at one o'clock In the
afternoon, at the Southwest or main
“The Lord ain’t going to be too hard on a
SPRINGFIELD DARKENED entrance to the County Courthouse In
Eugene, Oregon, offer for sale at pub­
That gave his life for men.”
Springfield was In darkness for a lic auction and sell to the highest bid­
My friend is rough like Bludsoe, and by no
der for cash all of said lands; sub­
means a saint. “What’s it all about?" he asks, ! short while Friday evening although ject to redumption, as by law provided.
some residents may not have known
H. L. Bown,
and he will never know the answer any more
I It. A11 power was shut off at about
Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon.
than the rest of us. But he has done his Job with j 11:30 p. m. when a fire burned out
A7 14 21 28 84
courage; he stayed simple. He gives freely. He
a high line 11 miles south of Albany.
has a humble sense of gratitude, and he has kept The local plant was connected with
his heart young.
the California-Oregon power company
Those qualities have been enough for this electrlct supply, and the people of
world. Somehow I think they’ll be enough for Albany received power from Portland
whatever other worlds may be.
while the break was being repaired.
Business is today the World's most important occupation
Everything was repaired and run­
ning again by noon Saturday.
and business men and women, the most Important persons
Minton’s Brake
now Io a tte n d /
There Is Just One Road!
A Battle Creek physiclaa says. “Con­
stipation Is responsible for more
I misery than any other cause.”
But immediate relief has been
found. A tablet called Rexall Order­
lies has been discovered. This tablet
attracts water from the system into
the iaxy, dry evacuating bowel called
the colon. The water loosens the dry
food waste and causes a gentle
thorough, natural movement without
forming a habit or ever Increasing
the dose.
Stop suffering from constipation.
, Chew a Renali Orderlie at night Next
day bright. Get 24 for 26c today nt
Flanery’s Renali Drug Store.
in it.
Bigger and Better positions are continually presen t i n g
them selves to those who are trained for business, and
hundreds of our graduates have already taken advantage
of these opportunities.
Tuesday, September 2, a large class will enter our school
and begin an intensive course in preparation for the oal)
for help that will surely come.
Register now and begin with the class, “Tuesday, Septem*
her 2.” It’s a good school and the rates are reasonable. Ask
about it.
Eugene Business College
Telephone 666
A. K. Roberts, President
Miner Bldg.
Kugene, Ore.
Ice Cream Time
glaiHei fitted here will
alleviate strain and
improve one's appear­
O P T O M E ! R l/T
___JA WEAT « t u z\V t
It’s really always Ice cream time, for this delightful
delicacy is relished all the year round; but during hot
weather it is more gratifying than ever.
What, can be more pleasing to the taste than Ice
cream, prepared as It is by us in all manner of tempting
flavors and syrups?
You’ll smack your lips In perfect ecstacy over our
ice cream.
"Where the Service Is DUferent”