.c PAGE TU PI THE SFRINOTOLP NEWS THURSDAY, AU0U8T 28. 1980 Classified Ads get results ; ( BUYING flR SELLING rctn EklZAJUIH wu-cu lie u-.ioiucti »uu uuUTUeU to bur. mean, of course, lhat everything you N IN T H IN S T A L L M E N T At »«*» a iiAtt-iAig Iron, a Altw»paper, left in the apartment will have a sharp WHAT HAh GONE BEFORE A young woman who knows only aiAtt a» su e ii.a a .t Aier taco w m teneo. Inspection; but even tbat wouldn't KARMKHM llxvu five huudred 36-fout IXJ8T—A Hardy "81. George” real FOR HALE—Improved Bonney Best carry the investigation very far. . ... ... . , __ . . ;tbst her name is "Eve” finds borsslf At ran: tnillt Cedar Telegraph Poles. Prtc« wltb Una, botwuau Myer's park aud and Juno Uluk Tomatoes »1 per bu.; | -UnaiIlg ou u yiIU| Aveout) corner. wanluu. lulorinalion about a youug You're very well disguised now.” <>u sale |1.00 each. Maba A-l tala Bautu Clara. Return to V. E. Hoven, Golden Bantam tSweet Corn 16c per bhe bas uo idea L'*w she came there iau> w no uiaappeaixu uaa Augu»l 38tb. "Yes,” she admitted, "In my bor­ dox. Will have ripe canuloupes aud or even what city It is. There Is noth- libuna polaa. 1660 Pearl Be, Eugene. Howard. A29 '1 wunty-tbree year» old, weight about rowed clothes. Margaret's wardrobe water melons later. Prather 's Oar- | ‘»M “bout her with which to Identify has given me an Idea. Iv e got to buy N O T IC E O f F IN A L S E T T L B M E N 1 N O T IC E TO C R E D ITO R S den. 3 ml. east of Bpr.ngfleld on M W? ‘“’ “ ‘'u“ce“ Mn {• Ud8,u« one nundred and eighteen pound», NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN, that J ... . -to her a young man, Eric Hamilton, neignt live leet and live mcne», gray new clothes, of course. What I'll get N O T IC E IB H E R E B Y UIVEN: That Jasper road and . south east stops. Beemg tbat sbe Is In trouble be eyes, »until, regular mature», bobbed, ' will be the plain black dress and plain N. A. Rowe, administrator u( tba Edwin Btaveus bas been appointed of M l, Vernon school. Bring boxes, tells her be bss seen her at tbe hotel •stale of Etbal 11. Meudauball, du executor of the Last Will f. id Testa­ orouxe-colored hair. When tast »een black hat and plain black pumps of a taasad, bas rendered and (Had In tba ment ol Cuarles E. bleveus, deceased, ’ 818 where they are both stopping. .He ............ .. . taxes her to the hotel where they Una »he wore a green dre»» with gold cuff» nice little waitress with quiet tastes. County Court ol tba (Mate of Oregon oy lue Couuly Court of oane County, ‘ *• (or tba County o( Lana bis (Inal ac­ vregoil. a ll pei sons having claims FOUND—Tire, tube aud rim. Owner that sbe bad registered In French as and collar, a »mall green hat, patent- They will be cheap, which Is my first count and that by ordar o( said Court ugaiuat said estate are required to call at 827 N. Mill St.. Springfield. ,'"*•» E,v" Nobody ot Nowhere." llnm- leath er pumps, and champagne-color­ reason, and they wlii be a disguise, duly made and entered Balurday, tbe . ,,ton *olunt‘'ers to call In bis friend, ed »Ilk »toeXing». A liberal reward which is my second. But i don’t know 20lb day of September, 1020. at tbe present them, wltb tbe propur vouch ...... ........... I Dr. Carrington, a specialist In nervous what I’ll do about my hair," she add­ urs, w iu iiu six monius irom the 31st hour of tan o’clock In tba (orenoou of ORDER TO SHO W CA USE troubles. Eve ter rilled, eludes the doc- will be ottered for Information leading ed thoughtfully. "I suppose 1’U end day of duty, 183d, to the said execu­ io her return to her friends. Address said day at tba County Court room In IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE tur “u<1 through a French porter in by dveing lt dark brown." tba County Court bouse In tbe City of tor at the taw olltce ot L. L. Hay In tFTATE OF OHEGON FOR LANE lhe hotel, wbo “ >■ he olu* • » » her X M, In care of this newspaper. Uiu Miner Building, Eugeue, Oregon. "Oh, don’t ! ” Eugene, Oregon, bas been fixed and COUNTY. IN THE MATTER OF 1 ln * rant. nteveus, ue- t'ersou. 1 lu lbe uexl apartment lives Ivy Dav- usual, you know.” thereof. Ail persous having objec ceased. 't hi» matter coming on regularly lor enport, s, cabaret danc< r wltb a weak at last. L. L. Hay, Attorney lor Estate. It is," he fervenUy agreed, watch­ tiona to said (Inal account are hereby 'About a week after you le ft" bearing before me this #lh day of heart. Sbe is friendly, and persuades ______________ J31-A7-X4-2I-3S august, 1838, upou the petition of the : '-»« to »o to "Jake s ’’ and take her notified that tba same must be In Did you”—she seemed almost un­ ing her with eyes so eloquent that she writing aud (lied wltb tbe Clark ol First NaLunai Bank, Eugeue, Oregon. place until sbe 1» better. Her Job at able to bring out the words—“do any refused to meet them. "It's the most N O T IC E OF F IN A L A C CO UNT aaid Court on or before said day and the duly appointed, qualified aud act- ‘ Juke’s Is to entertain m n at the ta- beautiful hair I’ve ever seen. The thing about It7” time, Notice Is hereby given, that the uu Ibg guardian ln tbe above entitled hies and to dai.ee with them. Tbe N. A. ROWE, Nothing you would disapprove of," lights in R—” uutslguml, administrator De Bonis matter, praying for authority and li­ other girls there are crude but kindly Administrator. That one detail might give me Non with tbe Will annexed, ul the cense to sell tbe real property of Ils and Eve finds tbe work not as diffi­ ne told her, and added hurriedly, A31 28-83-10-17 esutle of Lyndbrook Bbarpe, also ward, the above named Edward W. cult as »be had expected. She Is away," she went on, ignoring the com­ Thai Is. nothing that would give you xuowu as L. Bbsrpe, deceased, has Uetersmeyer, and it appearing to tbe known there as Miss Berson. She away if you didn't want to be found. pliment; but she made up for this in N O T IC E TO C R ED ITO R S itied bis dual account In the County Court, and tbe Court finds as follows: meets a young man named Hunt, who It was clear that she breathed more her next words. "You see, though* 1 That the said Edward W. Peters- lrankly tells her that she doesn’t be­ n otice ib hereby u iv e n . tbat court of tbe B u te ol oregou for Lane long there. treely, and even as he observed this say I’m a trifle afraid of you, I’m trust­ Couuly, and tbat Thursday, tbs 18lb ineyur Is owuer of tbe following de­ L. L Hay bas beet, sppoluted admin­ Eve does not like the atmosphere she commented on it with tbe insight ing you with all my plans, as far as 1 istrator of tbe eetalo of Ardati F. Klee, day ol Bepteinber. 183d, at tbe hour scribed real property in Washington of Jake's but she does not know bow Into her own situation which had sur­ know them myself." deceased, by tbe County Court of Lane oi Id ociock A. M. ot said day, aud Couuly, in the Slate of Oregon. Lots Fifty seven (67) aud Fifty-eight to do anything elae, or thinks she County, Oregon. All persons baring tbe Court Hoorn ot said Court bas "I know you are, and I can’t tell prised him from the flrsL claims against said astata are required been appointed by said Court as the (68) Tualatin Valley Humes, accord­ doesn't, so when Ivy Is able to get you how much 1 appreciate your con­ "God knows 1 need to be found and to present them, wltb tba proper lime aud place tor bearing of objec­ ing to tbe recorded plai thereof in buck to work she accepts the offer of a permanent Job which Jake gives her. taken care of by my own people, If I fidence. That reminds me of some­ vouchers, within six months from tbs tions thereto and tbe settlement Washington County, Oregon. thureoL ’lh a t said tracts ot laud are vacant One evening when she is talking lu have any,” she confessed with a sigh. thing more.” 21st day of July. 1*20, to tb said ad and unoccupied laud and cannot be the friendly young man named Hunt YeL as I've Just told you. I’m ax Dated Augttst 18th, 1838. He took a package of papers from mlnlstrator at bis law office In tbe ■ euted aud no income is derived there- one of the other girls tells here there’s J ohn b . b e l l , j r ., Minor Building, Eugene, Oregon. a man from the West whom Jake much afraid now of being found as of an inside pocket and handed them to irom. That it la necessary (or tbe said Administrator De Bonis Non with L. L. HAY. not being found. What I’d really her. ’These credentials I wanter for to pay ibe taxes thereon and wants her to entertain. Adiululslrator of the Estate of Ar­ the Will annexed of tbe estate ot guaidlau mat said property la tnerelore au ex- Lyndbrook Sharpe. Deceased. The man from the West is a total like,” sbe desperately added, "Is to Carrick got here a few days after you dali F Hico, deceased. A2128 84 111H peuse to the estate of said ward, and stranger to Eve, so far as she can re- come back to myself, and to know le ft I showed them to him, and I J31-A7-14-21 38 ihal said guardian believes that it call. No memory of her past life has who 1 am, withcul any one else know­ want you to look them over, too. would be tor the best Interest of said yet returned, but the stranger acts SU M M O N S EU M M O N E word inal said real property be sold and talks as if they were intimate ing lt till I decide what to do. What Please!" he urged, as she hesitated. 'I trusted you without these,” Eve aud Lie proceeds thereof put on in friends. His manner suggests that he 1 couldn't endure would be to be In In the Circuit Court of the State of In the Circuit Court of tho Stats of lerest or invested ln some productive has some claim upon her, and Eve is any one else'» power ln my present murmured as she handed them back. Oregon for ths County of Lana. O re g o n for Lane County. The I’acluc Baviugs Sc Loan A sia stock under the superlsion ol this terrified. Her instinct is to find Eric condition." T know you did . . . up to a certain SUIT FOR DIVORCE elation, s Washington corporation, co u rt• that the uext ot kin of said Ed Hamilton, the one friendly figure ln point Now I’m going to ask yon to He understood. ward i-eteisnieyer are non residents o t 1 her new life. She escapes from Jcke's RUTH A. FlDtHERTV, Plaintiff, vs. plulnUff, vs. “It's a subconscious fear,” he trust me all the way. 1 want yon to MICHAEL JOBEPH FLAHERTY, John W. Craig and Helen Jean me Blate ot Oregon aud that it i s ! by a back way and hurries to the ho- ueccskary that they be served with a 1*1 where Hamilton lives. Defendant. Craig, bis wife. Defendants, agreed. "The chances are that your promise to keep me posted from TO MICHAEL JOSEPH FLAHERTY, To John W. Craig aud Helen Jean copy of this order by publication NOW GO ON WITH THE 8TORY large friend of last night Is back of on,” he rushed along. “I haven't any DEFENDANT: thereof. ; _____ Craig, bis wife. Defendants: right to ask, but. somehow, 1 don’t it in some way." You are hereby required to appear IN THE NAME OF THE STATE NOW THEREFORE IT IB HEREBY E L E V E N T H IN ST A L L M E N T “Tell me exactly what you did, and think I could stand another two days e le v e n th in s t a l l m e n i and answer the complaint filed against OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ ORDERED, 'lhat the next of kin ol and nights like those I went through you In tbe above entitled suit wtthln quired to appear and answer tbe Com said Edward W. Uetersmeyer, to-wlt: ; “I really must be a rather good all about IL” four weeks from tbe date of the first plalut filed agalust you lu tbe above r red Uetersmeyer, Henry Uetersmey- gport, somewhere under all this.” she I wrote an unsigned letter to X before I got yonr note. It wasn't alone publication of thia summons In tbe untitled suit within four weeks from er, Mary uetersmeyer, Mrs. E. W. to)d bergej{ For the impuiBe was the Fifty, saying that you were safe and the sense that I had lost you. Springfield News, which first publica­ ibe date of ths first pubhsatlon of sm ith. Mrs. ultima lluuke, Ben Uelers- , . . ... , „ "I promised myself I wouldn’t that some new friends you had made meyer. Chas. Uetersmeyer. WIU. Ue- unexpected one of walking in on Ham- tion Is dated and made August 14» this Bummous, and If you (ail to an- speak till you were normal again. But 1830 swer. for want thereof the Plaintiff teism eyer, Mi». J. C. Hilderbrandt, A1 llton in all her garish finery when he would like to know all the circum­ And you are hereby notified that If will apply to tbe Court for a decree as bert Uetersmeyer, Edwin Uetersmeyer, came to her sitting room, of making stances before putting X Fifty in you leaving that way, and now this you fall so to appear and answer said prayed (or io PlainUffs Complaint to- Wesley Uetersmeyer, Louis uelers no explanations of It, and of watching touch with you. I signed tbe note with new danger and your fear of It chang­ complaint within said period of four wlt: tor a decree foreclosing plain­ meyer, Harry Uetersmeyer. Annie Ue- ,u effect Qn blm - But , w on t do ,t> take initials and gave the newspaper es the look of things. I want you to weeks your default will be entered for tiffs mortgage against tbe following leiMUieyer, Mr». Wuilcb, aud all .. . h i « know that it Isn’t Just the Interest and want of an answer and the plaintiff described real property: East half persons Interested In the estate of said i sbe 80utIy decided, and when his office as the address. I got a reply will make application to the court (Vk) of Lots (our (4) and five (6) In ward, appear before this Court at the J knock fell on the panel of the outer the same night, but it was mighty help of a friendly stranger I'm offer­ for tbs rsllef prayed within said com­ Block one (1) of Wynno’s Addition to County Court House in Eugeue, Lane door she hid her excitement and emo noncommittal. X Fifty wasn’t show­ ing you. It's the Interest and help of plaint which Is as follows, to-wlt: Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon, County, Oregon, on the lULh day ol tlon by making her explanation while ing his hand any more than we were. a man who loves you. Tbat she have an absolute divorce excepting therefrom the portion ol September 1238. at ten o ’clock in the | ahook bands “When you’re well. Eve,” he con­ He wanted to know all I could tell from you: that* the marriage contract said Lot five (6), heretofore sold and forenoon of »aid day lo »how cause. If tinued steadily. ”Im going to ask you now existing betweea you and tbe conveyed to J. T. Allen, ln Deed dat­ any there be, why license and author-. "Don’t look at me," she begged, try him (I’m assuming that It was a man, plaintiff be forever dissolved, ana ed Dec. 20. 1207, and recorded In Book ity should not be granted for the sale | |Ug «, Sp«ak lightly. “I’m ln the cham you see), and he was rather high to marry me. I want to devote my (hat »be be decreed to have tbe cus­ 71 at page 674 of the Lane County, of said premises tor the purposes set | ^ m a id 's Sunday plumage, and It handed about it. .That, of course life to making you happy. If you will tody of tbe minor children John Fla­ Oregon deed records, and for sue« lorth In said petition. I .„ i, a(vi . didn't make any hit with Carrick and take me. But In any case let me be­ l l IB FUR 1 HER ORDERED, That u doe8n 1 ,u lt my 8tyle herty and Joseph Flxhsrty. other and further relief as may be gin to look after you right now.” He Honorable C. P. Barnard, County deemed Just and equitable by tbe copy of this order shall be published ' But he did look at her as they sat me. We decided that a family circle stopped an Instant, then added: ‘T ve Judge of Lane County, Oregon, made, Court. (or three successive weeks, ln the down together; and that look of sym- wouldn't be so cautious. In fact, the said it all. I won't mention lt again dated and entered an order on Aug­ This Summons Is served upon you Bprlngfield News, the last publlcaUon . >nd underatandJng brought the whole situation looked extremely sus­ till you’re well, or till you tell me I ust 12, 1220, directing that tbla sum­ by publication by virtue of an order thereof to he at least ten days prior i u a„ over later on. But first— " he If he had given up. So I decided to nearest large department store. E X E C U T IO N IN FO R EC LO SU R E: h d f tem porarily diverting leave town, myself, and had made all Eve, keeping close to her new role, NOTICE is hereby given that by vlr-!Raw n° ea , my preparations; but for some reason tue of an execution and order of sale her mind to other phases of her prob- selected a simple blacM- one-piece DR. N. W. EMERY I hung on and—Jove—how glad I am DR. W. N. DOW lssued out of the Circuit Court of the lem—"why did you run away from dress of good quality, a severe black D EN TIST D • n 11 a t that I did!” State of Oregon for Lane County, July ugr* First National Bank Building "He hasn’t given up,’” Eve said, coat, and a small black cloche hat. Sutton Bldg. Phene 28th, 1230, upon and pursuant to a de "I seem to be running away all the "Could I go to movin’ pictures with Phone 43 Bprtngfleid, Oregon from the depths of a black abstrac­ Reeldenee Phene 1B8-M cree duly glveu and made by said time,” she said, "and today I suppose the minister in these 7” she Inquired Office houre, * A. M. to 6 P M. Court July 26th, 1930, in a suit pend­ tion. "He's Just going at it In some ing therein ln which Jesse G. Wells was I'll end by running away again, not­ other way.” She had not observed his as she revolved before the sales wo­ Evenings by Appointment Springfield, Oregon plaintiff and George Malos and Stella withstanding all I’ve said.” She shiv emotion, but now she noticed his si­ man ln the new o u tfit Malos, his wife and others were de­ ered. "I suppose 1 shouldn’t take the fendants which execution and order risk of being ln the same city with lence nnd checked herself to meet his (Continued Next Week) General L a* Practice sympathetic eyes. ”1 wonder why 1 of sale was to me directed and com­ that man whoever he i s ” said that,” she mused. "It sounds as manded me to sell the real property I. M. PETERSON She had expected him to protest, LARGE CROWD ATTENDS hereinafter described to satisfy cer­ If, under it all. I had some definite Attorney-at-La* tain liens and charges In said decree but he nodded. ANNIVERSARY AT MARKET knowledge . . .*’ She broke off. ’ It s "Yes.” he said, “they’re evidently specified, 1 will on Saturday, the 30th City Hall Building day of August, 1930, at the hour ot on your trail, whoever ’they’ are. Did lucky I left the green dress and the A crowd estimated at 20,000 people Springfield, Ore. one o’clock P. M. at the southwest this man arouse any memory in you green hat behind me forevet," she con­ tinued in a lighter tone. Is there any visited the Produer'a Public Market ln door of the County Court-house In Eu­ 238 Main EL Roaldonoo 12S C SL gene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for . . . any sense that yo uknew him way they can trace me through those Eugene last Saturday and saw the 41J IIE sale and sell at public auction for «ash, . . . had seen him before 7” largest displays of local frulta and subject to redemption as provided by •’No memory—only paralysing fear things 7" vegetables which has ever been “I don't think so. If your Janitor— law, all of the right, title aud Interest But, of course, I must know him, and housed under the roof of the new Smith, did you sa y 7—reads the news­ JEWELER of the defendants In said suit nnd of It was hideously clear that he knew Full Auto Equipment market building. papers, he may have seen the adver­ all parties claiming by, through or Repairing a Specialty Lady Assistant The event that brought the large under them or any of them since the me and felt himself In some sort ot tisement. But, as Ive said, hosts of Springfield, Oregon 26th day of July, 1930, in or to the authority over me.” She was struck newspaper readers never dream of crowd to the market was the flrat following described real property, to- by a sudden recollection. "What were looking at the personal columns. Take anniversary sale which was sponsored wlt: the Important things you said you the men ln this hotel, for example. by the management of the market and Lot Three (3) In Block Five (6) of NELSON LEGHORN FARM FRANK A. DE PUE Even If you had been right here, wear­ those firms having concession stands Cheshire's Addition to Eugene. Lane wanted to tell met" He decided she was cool enough Ceunty, Oregon, except the North 36 Lang County’s Oldest Bresdsrs ing tbe green hat and dress, they there. ATTORNEY A T LAW feet thereof. now to hear them. of A great deal of talk was heard In probably wouldn t have noticed what NOTARY PUBLIC Dated this 29th day of July. 1930. "The most Important Is about this.” S. C. W H IT E LEGHORNS the market Saturday about making you bad on. Tour disappearing so sud­ H. L. BO W N, He drew a h'.ll-case from his pocket denly and leaving t h u s clothes may the anniversary sale an annual event. SPRINGFIELD OREGON Sheriff of bane County, Oregon J131- A7-14-21-28 and foun<* ln lt * small piece of gaper Phono 21-F-14 Building B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poole Chopal Funeral Directors D. W. Roof il