The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 28, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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drug i
plies t
In N a t
134 5th
More Than One-third of Whole
World’s Poultry Found in
This Country
products are one of the best paying
Principal Events ot the Week
The value ot eggs represents about
Assembled for Information
57 per cent and the value of poultry
meat about 43 per cent of the total
of Our Readers.
value of all poultry products. Chick­
ens contribute about 96 per cent of
Two new granges were established
the value of the poultry products and In southern Oregon, one at Applegate
are the only claaa ot poultry raised ex­ and one at Bellview.
tensively for the production of eggs,
Huckleberries are plentiful thia year
all other classes being raised primar­
according to report» at Redmond. One
ily for the production of meat.
party brought In 45 gallon».
The ettiaeu» of Puurdiuan have
s ' e s * •
voted the city council power to sell
the franchise and the city light plant
s e a a a
Clinton Hurd. iJtne county commis­
sioner. Is In the Wcetsra part of tlx-
county for a few days obtaining right»
of way for the last uncompleted por­
tions nt the Oregon coast highway.
Thai sheep are a drug on the market
waa exemplified al Albany. 1. A- M,n
er brought to town some fat lauiba
weighing 70 to 80 pounds and could
not get an offer for them at any price.
Driving with four persona in the
front seat of an automobile coat Hay*
itiond Gillespie 84 00. He was arrested
Sunday and d ied to appear at the
city ball Monday morning When ho
I ■! , J. I.
, .
! , I ■ .
A movement to secure a committee
As In almoat everything elae, the
to sponsor a 8367,000 modern 126 room
United States leads the world In poul­
hotel tor Salem wa« under way aa a
result of a meeting ot business men
try and egg production.
Poultry Is raised everywhere In the
who expressed approval of the project.
world. Everybody eats eggs. But one-
Parkdale potato growers held a po­
third of all of the world's domestic
tato day recently. Various tert tiller
poultry is In this country. We have
test plots were visited, disease char
five hens to every human being which
acteristlos demonstrated ami a gen­
is a very much higher proportion than
eral study of the potato altuatloa
Is to be found anywhere else.
The Crane prairie section, until fur­
This Is one branch of agriculture
Sam Jones of Oakland. Mra. Mary
An egg within an egg Is the freak
that Is not confined to farms. As ev­ Willlan and Mias De Etta Drury from ther notice, la closed to hunting, flab
product of a Rhode Island hen owned !
erybody knows, residents of villages Eugene vlalted at John Edralston last lng. or even traffic, on account of fire by C. K. Stone of Albany. The outer
and of the suburbs of cities are as fre­ Wednesday.
egg was 91* Inch«« in longitudinal cir­
For several years past the county
quently as not found keeping "back­
cumference and 3 Inches around the
M rs . Bert Weaver had the misfor­
fair at Enterprise has had Inclement
yard” flocks of poultry. Something
tune to get a miller in her ear last weather. The date for this year in middle.
more than half a million such back­
Tuesday night, it wa auecesaary to
A white mildew has struck the
September 4-4.
yard flocks are estimated by the fed
have a physician to remove It .
poach orchards In the Waronda sec­
eral department of agriculture, which
Laying of bituminous macadam sur
Mr. and Mra. Arch Shough vlalted face on the Baker-Pleasant Valley «Ac­ tion ot Marlon county. The affected
has computed the total number of
Mr and Mrs Vern Caldwell at Wal- tion of the Old Oregon trail in prog peris are being cut away and burned
farm flocks at five and one-half mil­
and the rest ot the tree la heavily
resslng rapidly.
lion or a total of about six million tervllle last Sunday.
Perry Price, who la working on
New street signs and house num
flocks in all.
the highway at the Summit spent the
A newly repaired sawmill waa open
Poultry Is raised on more than 86
her» have been placed In Heppner.
per cent of the farms of the country. week-end here.
Added to this there b much new build ed at Coquille for commercial produc­
Mr. and Mra. John Edmiaton took
tion. The Johnson mill, idle tor three
About 85 per cent of the fowls are
lng being done.
Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs.
years, has been revamped and put into
raised on general farms in flocks of
The city commission of I-a Grande
John Price.
condition for manufacturing 80,000
50 to 400 hens, principally In the grain-
The small son of Mr. and Mrs. , h»« authorized the drilling ot a new feet daily.
producing north central states.
Cecil Gean waa seriously hurt Satus-
Harvesting of Clafaop county’s Bent
The number of chickens on farms in
day when he fell from the running present two wells.
grass crop la under way and will con
1929 was about 442.000.000. with a
The evergreen blackberry crop In
board ot a truck.
tlnue for six weeks. The Bent grass
value of 8403.000,000. The income
Mrs. Margaret Egles and son. who the Lacomb section has been con- ! industry, which haa grown from noth-
from chickens and eggs amounted to have been with her parents. Mr. and tracted to Hunt Brothers ot Albany
Ing a tew years ago, is becoming quite
about 10 per cent of all farm income Mra. A. B. Mathews for several weeks, at 6 cents a pound.
In 1928. being estimated at 8717.000,000 returned to her home in Washington
Nine sites were offered to ths tress
Mere than 115.000 persona have vla­
for « ggs and 8458.000,000 for chickens, a few days ago. Her sister, Mias ury department for a new federal
or a total of 8U75.OOO.OOO out of a Nellie Mathew», accompanied her for building at Bend, at prices ranging lted Crater Lake national park this
season, figures released recently Indl
total income of 811.827.000.000 from an extended visit.
from 84750 to 28.000.
cate. The total of visitors Is an In­
tarm production. Poultry products
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce from Eugene
Salem's ^public and high schools
were exceeded In value in 1939 by only called at John Price's last Sunday , grounds and equipment have a replace­ crease of nearly 60 per rent over that
ot last year.
four other tarm products—corn, milk, to see their nephew, Allen Yarnell.
ment value of 81.137.319, according to
swine, and cotton. Over 2,500,000,000
A freight truck of the Consolidated
Mrs. Rosa Baughman from Eugene an appraisal completed recently.
dosen eggs and more than 500,000.000 visited relatives here last Sunday, j
A large pelican, the first of this Truck Lines caught fire on the Co­
chicks are produced annually.
Miss Hasel Russell, who is attend­ species of birds seen at large In Mar lumbia highway between Cascade
The poultry industry of the United ing business college in Portland, spetn ion county, was captured near Mos­ Locks and Eagle creek and was de­
stroyed. More than 400 autos were
States represents on the one hand a the week-end at her home here.
quito bar, three miles from Salem.
tied up by the fire.
widely distributed enterprise supple­
Mrs. Bert Weaver enjoyed a visit
Extensive plans are underway for
mental to general farming, and on the from her cousin and son from W ash-,
September 7, Labor day, 1931, has
the Multnomah county fair, known
other hand a high degree of specials ington for a few days last week.
as the Portland Interstate fair, to be been selected as the date of the next
zation in commercial plants. In pro­
William Platt is having hit home held in Gresham September 9 to 14. Albany twin round up, a letter being
sent out by the Albany chamber of
ducing centers near the larger cities re-papered and is planning to move
The Natural Gas corporation of Ore­ commerce to twins who have visited
on the Atlantic seaboard and in the from Deaahorn in to it in the near
gon hat applied to ths Hood River previous round ups states.
Pacific coast states of California. Ore­ future.
city council for a franchise to supply
Mr. and Mrs. Jud Doolittle and
gon and Washington, there are areas
A total of 889.644.12 acres of land
natural gas to the city of Hood River.
in which commercial poultry produc­ family from Uottage Grove visited
in Yamhill, Columbia and Waablngtop
Edward T. Doyle waa killed when
tion predominates. In other localities, Mrs. Needham last Friday.
counties has been tentatively placed
he plunged 40 feet from a temporary
the keeping of poultry for breeding
on the Hat tor classification for re­
structure of a new bridge being con­
stock and for the production of eggs MOTHER OF BERT DOANE
forestation, according to State For­
structed over the Rogue river at
for hatching is important, the baby
ester Cronemlller of Salem.
chicks being sold to those who keep
A tremendous herd of seals, esti­
The 8an Diego Fruit and Produce
both large and small flocks for com­
mated at 500 or 600 In number, haa
Mrs. Charles A. Deane, 88. mother
mercialized egg production.
followed the salmon hordes Into the
of Bert Doane of this city, died M”o n -'
Throughout the farm - production day evening at the home of her acres of peas, will commence picking Columbia river. Astoria fishermen re­
areas as well as in the commercial daughter. Mrs H. H. Ruth. In Eugene
port the seals are stealing their sal­
North Bend.
poultry districts are many highly following a protracted illness.
mon and tearing their nets.
Salem will have a 24-hour weather
specialized egg-packing plants, poul­
Mrs. DoDane was one ot the pio­
A show exhibiting chicken rtUaed
try-feeding and slaughtering plants, neer settlers in this part of Lanne service, according to Vernon Frahm. from day-old chicks, given by the
official observer. Authorization tor
poultry canning plants, and egg-break­ county
She was born in Elmlre,
banks of Woodburn to members of
ing plants, while cold-storage ware­ New York on July 7, 1842. When she the 24-hour service was received from high school classes In vocational ag­
houses are devoted to an Important was a small child her parents moved Washington recently.
riculture, was held at Woodburn re­
A rodeo, sponsored by the Sutherlin cently. Last spring 31 boy« received
extent to the storing of poultry prod­ to Illinois where they were among the
volunteer fire department with the co a dozen chicks apiece.
early pioneers.
Although the Industry is made up
She was married in 1859 to Norman operation of business men. was staged
The "Old Mill" at Myrtle Creek.
primarily of producers and handlers ot H. Doane who died 40 years ago. They recently. The Sutherlin community Douglas county, has been torn down
chickens and chicken eggs, the turkey, lived in Iowa for several years and band furnished the music.
to make room for the approach of the
duck and goose production Is also im­ came to Oregon in 1890 settling a t 1 Boosters for the coast country alon,
new bridge over the Umpqua. The
portant. Few products are as widely West Springfield, in 1906 they moved the Oregon Coast highway are plan
mill waa erected in 1853. The mill
distributed and consumed as poultry, to Portland and lived there until a nlng a post-celebration of the Salmon stones were brought around the Horn
River cutoff, to be held at one of th> to Scottsburg and freighted from there
meat and eggs.
year ago.
The poultry industry has developed
Surviving Mrs. Doane are nine of beach reeorts September 6.
to Myrtle Creek.
from a small beginning when the first her ten children. They are Mrs. j Coos county cranberry growers hay,
S. J. Frees, of the Fry Station neigh
settlers brought fowls to North Amer­ Ruth, Bert Doane, Irving Doane, Ever­ organized for bettering market facili
borhood, a few miles from Albany, re
ica, and the production of poultry for ett, Washington; E. R. Doane. Crow ties. The temporary organization wll
ports a big yield of wheat and rye
meat and eggs has been an important State- Mrs. Mary E. Hill, Portland; ' be made permanent at a later meetln-
grass. Six and one-half acres sown
source of food supply for the cities Allen Doane, Portland; Mm. E. F. to be held in Marshfield.
to Zimmerman wheat produced 122
for over 100 years. The commercial Judkins, Eugene, and Mrs. L. L. Bar­
Redmond will be the division polni sacks of wheat averaging 142 pounds
development of plants devoted to poul­ rett, Portland. One brother, Isaac for the new truck line from Portlam
to the eack. Twelve acres of rye
try raising alone began about 1870, Ackerson of Oregon, Illinois also sur­ to Klamath Falls. Daily freight an<
-rass yielded 166 sacks of seed.
and thereafter increased attention was vives as does 23 grand children.
passenger service will be the advsn
Huckleberries are ripe and Huckle
given to breeding, feeding, and man­
The funeral services were held tage of the new through line.
berry mountain 1« a busy place, ar
agement. In about 1873 standards Wednesday from tne Walker-Poole
By a vote of almost 5 to 1, voter,
-ordlng to a report at Ashland, which
were developed, and in 1874 the first chapel at 2:00 o’clock. Rev. F. M. i of Klamath Falls have defeated Un
itates that the crop this season ex
standard of perfection was printed. Whitsmlth of Eugene officiated and proposed commission manager forti
•eeds that of any previous year. Al
Beginning about the year 1890, hatch­ interment was made in the Lautel of government. Only 328 voters out 'eady the Indians have gone to the
ing In incubators on a large scale de­ Grove cemetery.
of 1848 were in favor of the charts
mountain and made camp, and It was
veloped and in 1916 the International
estimated thnt 1000 automobiles were
Baby Chick Association was organ­ LOCAL GIRL RECOVERING
•>arked near the berry patches.
Thirty-four counties are to be rep
In the early history of the poultry
at Salem, September 22 to
Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, 8103;
industry the egg market offered the
Mrs. O. F. Kiser returned to Spring- toft white, western white, 88c; hard
>8, when more than 600 members of
main stimulus to better methods. In field late 8unday after having sp- nt
boys' and girls' 4-H clubs will take
winter, northern spring, western red
this land of abundant meat supplies, the week end at Portland where she
part In the most extensive club ex
eggs were more of a luxury than poul­ visited with her granddaughter, Mar- ,
hlblt ever held at the Uregoti state
Hay—Alfalfa, new crop, 817.60; va!
try. Until the development of cold garet, who is a patient at the Masonic
ley timothy, new crop, 818; easteri. fair.
storage, marketing was limited by the hospital and reports that she is lm-1
Preliminary figures on unemploy
Oregon timothy, 822.60@23; clover
lack of means of preservation. Eggs proving although it will be several |
pent in Oregon, announced by the
new crop, 814; oat buy, new crop, 814
were often preserved by immersion in weeks yet before the cast can be '
census bureau, show 24,849 person«
oats and vetch, new crop, 813.50.
llmewater and were sometimes pre­ removed from her leg.
out of 952,691 able and desirous to
Butterfat—35 ft 38c,
served in Ice houses. As facilities be­
The little girl who is only six years
work unemployed al the time the cen
Eggs—Ranch, 17@26c.
came available, cold storage came Into old has been in the Portland hospital
- ius wae taken, amounting to 2.6 per
Cattle—8teers, good, 87.5O@8.OO.
more general use as a means of pre­ for several months and has under­
Hogs—Good to choice, 81O.6O@11.7
serving the surplus production of the gone an operation seeking to remove
The largest single delivery of beans
fjimbs—Good to choice, 16@7.
spring months for consumption in the effects of a Beige of Infantile
ver made at the plant of the Eugene
summer and fall. The introduction of paralysis which she suffered a few
,'rult Growers' association came in re­
Wheat—Soft white, western whit-
the 30-dozen egg case to displace the years ago. Doctors are of the opinion northern , pringt 89c; hard w|nte,
cently, when 84 tons of the Blue Lake
barrel as a package for eggs, which that she will regain the normal use western red, 88c; bluestem, 81.06.
variety were received. Large day and
occurred about 1880, was a consider­ of her foot when the cast can be
night crews are being employed at the
Eggs—Ranch, 27&34c.
able economy. The production of removed.
dressed poultry for market was great­
This probably will be a poor season
Cattle—Choice steers, 87@8.
ly stimulated by the use of refrigera­
for prune« In Lane county, In the opln
Hogd—Prime light, 8H.16@ll.30.
tion for transportation and storage.
ion of M. H. Harlow, president of the
Lambs—Choice, 86W7.
Poultry raising occupies an import­
Eugene Fruit Growers association,
ant place In the organization of North
Mr. Harlow says the market now is
Cattle—Steers, good, 96@« 50.
American farms. Not only is poultry
Hogs—Good to choice, 8H.10@11.25. down and that there are few buyers
raised on about 90 per cent of the
Lambs- Medium to good, >6 @6.60. In the field.
farms, but on many farms poultry
Son Born
to Mi. and
ter at the
In Eugene
Beturday A sou was born
Mrs H F. Brown of Dex
IMcIflc Christian hospital
on Saturday, August 88,
Y ou N eed N o t R un
A w a y fro m M E A T !
It should be Included In
•very safe reducing Diet
Lean M EAT is not Fattening
Meat*. Fruit», Lenfy Veg­
etables Form an
Adequate D ie t ,,
but —
Are Not Fattening
Phone 63
4th and Main Sts.
Saturday poaitively laat night to participate in
[thia great Cloaeout.
Dep’t. S T O R E S
;N T H E W E S T
6th «W illam ette
Are You Tied
to the Treadmill
of Household Drudgery?
Washing on Monday, Ironing on Tues­
day, ’Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
Saturday . . . cleaning and cooking
again . , . never a moment to spare, It
seemH, for the things you’d like to do.
There are women still who live this
dull routine . . . week In, week out . . .
women who do not know how eaBy,
how economical, how marvelously time
saving It Is to employ electrical
Electricity Is your Servant, It will do
for you the thousand little chores that
lake your time and tire your body and
at such a nominal cost, IT IS THE
Mountain States ^ 5 7 / Power Company