T ry the Hom e P rin t Shop F i n i THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-SBVBNTH YEAH. LANE COUNTY FAIR OFF TO GOOD START L I V I NKW BPAPCR IN A L I V I T O W N tola production of the seven leMltng being delivered by Rev C. J. Pike, counties In the district according to pastor of the Methodist church. The statistics compiled at the Eugene of­ services will be the first held In fice of the Willamette Valley Lum­ the Christian church for several bermen's office by Herbert J. Cox, weeks. Tbe Interior of tbe building who Is now making a preliminary having been remodeled lately during survey of the poaafble use of the the absence of Veltle Pruitt, regular Willamette river as a means of barge pastor. Rev. Pike will take as his sermon transportation In the development of subject, 'Pact, not Speculation.'' This the upper Willamette counties. The 1929 production of the seven Is the third of a series of sermons leading counties In the valley as to be delivered Sunday evenings by Rev lik e . Agricultural and floral eahlblta are shown In the survey together with their production In board feet Is as Tbe young people of the Christian larger thia year than uaual. accord* Ing to Mr». Mabel Chadwick, fair follows; l-une 472,6»0.000; Benton 99.- church will also act as hosts to tbe 4 SO.000; Clackamas 4S.78O.OOO; Linn young people of the other congrega­ »«■cratary. The llvealock and poultry 62,264,000; Marion 177.608.000; Polk tions at a union gathering to be hel\ eahlblta are alao very good and con 178,781.000; Yamhill 23.118.000. The Sunday evening at 7:00 o'clock. alderable apace la given over to the total production for the period In The co-operation of the local artlatlc and needlework eahlblta of these counties was 1,128,686,000 board churches for union services during Ijin e county people. < feet the summer months has been carried Flower Exhibit Beautiful The fact which Mr. Cox attempts <>n In this city for mauy years, but The moat attractive, perhapa, of all to show In his report Is that of the a new Innovation was tried thia year. the eahlblta at the fair thia year la large amount of lumber manufactured Doe ot the pastors desired ~to be the floral eahlblt which la being In this county practically none of It away the latter part of the season handled by lien F. Keeney, Lane ever goes Into foreign markets while so they agreed to preach a series of county assessor. Mr. Keeney baa six mills In Marlon, Yamhill and Polk ap«*nt weeka of time and energy In counties with an annual production of three Sunday night sermona each In­ stead of alternating as has been done conatructlng a typical Oregon uotdoor 302,260.000 board feet sold about half In the past. Large crowds have at­ arena aa a background for the floral of the production locally and tbe tended all of tbe evening services eahlblta He baa constructed a large other half was shipped out on coast­ and some fine musical talent has been mountain and has developed a river wise vessels. heard at the various union services. which flow» down the center of the In Portland three mills with a pro The Methodist Sunday school will canyon to the level of the valley durtlon of 366,676.000 board feet ship­ be held at 2:46 Sunday, and the where the people walk while view ped 38.2 per cent of their output to sermon at 11:00 o'clock will be de­ Ing the flowers. foreign markets. livered by the pastor on the subject, Perhaps the moat outstanding ex­ The total production of the seven hibit at the fair In point of Inclualve- counties mentioned above represents 'Salutes." Baptist» will have their regular neaa la the Pair Within the Pair of 1 11 per cent of the entire output of the Four H club members Thetr ex­ the two states, Oregon and Washing­ Suday school at 10:00 o’clock and hibits, several of whlcn are being ton. which comprise the great Douglas will hekr Rev. Mulholland preach on housed In new buildings thia aeaaon. fir region lame county alone pro­ "Faith and Doubt of a Prophet" at Include everything from phases of duces 31 per cent of the total Doug­ the 11:00 o’clock services. domestic work and art down to the las fir output of the state. poultry, awlne and cattle eahlblta Information gathered by Mr. Cox O. E. S. TO OBSERVE which they have housed In their own will be placed at the disposal of FIFTH ANNIVERSARY section of the fair grounds. Henalor Charles McNary to be used HERE NEXT TUESDAY Local Girl Prix« Winner In a fight to secure an appropriation Among the prla« winners In the for the dredging of the Willamette The fifth anniversary of the local • Pour-FI group are Helen Cooley of river from Portland to Springfield chapter of tbe Order of the Eastern route 1. Springfield, who won second when he meets with a committee Star will be celebrated next Tuesday prise In the light division of barred from the Eugene Chamber of Com­ evening at the first meeting of the rock chickens. She also won second merce at a noon luncheon at the Os­ lodge members after a summer vaca­ and third prla« In the dark section burn hotel today. tion period. Funds for the preliminary survey by , with an eahlblt of barred rock hens. Special Invitations are being ex­ Mahlon Pengra of route 3. Eugene, army engineers to determine the tended to all charter members to be won second prise with an exhibit of feasibility of the project and by present according to Mrs. W. C. white leghorns, and Helen Michael of statisticians to determine the prob­ Wright, worthy matron. A large mute 1, Eugene, won first prise In able use which will be made of such birthday cake w ill be prepared for the dark barred rock group. a service have been Included In the the event and a short musical enter­ Almost all of the prises In the River and Harbor's bill. tainment Is being prepared. Batty and Kip, Portland construc­ shorthorn cattle division of the reg tion firm, has already announced that ulsr fair wero won by Cal Young'» DR. PHETTEPLACE WILL stock. ■ Homer and Eugene Chase to­ they will soon start construction on a large barge to be used In river MOVE PRACTICE TO gether took all honors In the Poland China hog division. The A. P. Wheel­ transportation, and The Ashbury EUGENE ON SATURDAY er horses of Qoahen carried off sev­ Transportation company is considering Dr. C. H. Pbetteplace will move eral prises In the draft horse division. the development of a new transporta­ tion system which would Include boat bis medical office now in the First Mrs. Pulop Wins Award Mrs. J. Fulop of this city was shipments to Mapleton and a truck National bank building to Eugene on Saturday. He will take offices in the awarded first prise for a costume line to Eugene. Miner building and will become as­ design which was made by her and sociated with Dr. H. A. Peery, well MRS. PAGE ENTERTAINS Is exhibited at the fair. known here as the sou of Mr. and The grandstand was packed laat AENEAS CLUB THURSDAY Mrs. Mark Peery. v night for the double wedding In which The Phetteplace family will estab­ Mrs. L. K. Page entertained the Clarence Hamlin and Groce Mateer lish their home at 1461 West 10th of Eugene and Lee Williams of Eu­ members of the Aeneas club at a Street In Eugene. gene and Elin Cummings of Good- 1:00 o'clock luncheon at the Anchor pasture Island were the participants. age Tuesday afternoon. Following the Other entertainment consisted of the luncheon the afternoon was spent WORLD TRAVELER STOPS old time fiddler's contest, the first with needlework and musical num­ HERE ON RETURN TRIP division of which was won by H. L. bers. Miss Elinor Campbell of Sac­ An Interesting visitor in Springfield McIntyre of route 2, Eugene; and ramento, a guest at the meeting, Manuel Macias, Mexican wire walker played several piano selections and Inst week was H. A. Brattaln, brother who thrilled the audience with hts Mrs. J. T. Moore sang several old of Paul Brattaln, Sr„ who had Just completed a trip »round the world agile feats. Tom Cartier, Irish tenor time songs. Members and guests present (or and who stopped at the Brattaln home and Cy and Sunshine Douglas and their animal troupe also drew long the function were Mesdames N. W. In this city for a short visit before Emery, C. E. Kenyon, E. E. Fraed- going on to Paisley to visit with hts applause from the grandstand. Bicycle racing which started Wed­ rlck, L. L. May, C. E. Swarts, Ella brother, who Is on a ranch there. Mr. Brittain is a native Oregonian. nesday will be carried on each day Lombard. M. J. McKlIn. W. H. Pol­ at the noon hour and the grand win­ lard, S. C. Wright, A. B. Van Valxah, He was born In Springfield and has ners will be determined Saturday and Oeorge Prochnow, Miss Clara Masses lived In the state moat of his life. of Portland, Mrs. R. L. Kirk of Se­ He left Springfield on January 29, prises awarded. attle, Miss Campbell and Mrs. Page. and circled the world before return­ ing last week. BIRTHDAY PARTY HELD He had some very Interesting BRATTAIN FUNERAL TO AT HERBERT MOON HOME stories to tell of the places where BE IN EUGENE FRIDAY he had visited while on the trip, says The eighth birthday of Mae Etta Mrs. Brattaln. Funeral services for Mrs. Laura L. Moon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brattnin of Gardiner ,who died at the Eugene hospital on Wednesday, will be held at the Voach chapel in Eugene on Friday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. The Interment will be made In the old I. O. O. F. cemetery. Mrs. Brattaln was aged 67 years and had been III for several weeks prior to her death. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Orphlr H. Brown and a granddaugh­ ter, Miss Elene Brown, both of Oard- Inor; three slaters, Mrs. Clara Male and Mrs. Mary Male, both of Spring- field, and Mrs. A lne Pattison of Small Boy III— Eugene Pulop. ih< route 2, Eugene; three brothers, W. small son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pulop C. Campbell and G. W. Campbell, Spo­ Is reported to be very 11 at the home kane, Washington, and O. / Campbell of Seattle. of his parent». Mrs. 4da Gants was elected super­ Travel Over Newly Oiled Por­ intendent of the Sunday school of the tion of McKenzie Highway Methodist church at tbe meeting of't To Start Next Week the Sunday school boaru which was held at the church on Monday eve­ Tbe oiling of tbe first stretch ot ning. Mrs. Gants takes the place left tbe McKenzie highway this season, vacant by the resignation of H. L. between Springfield and Thurston Gillette, who has served as superln- I corner will probably be Completed tendent of the school many years, i sufficiently to be opened to traffic • but who recently moved with his the first part of next waek. F. J. ' family to Medford. Keraan, contractor In charge of the Other elections mode Monday eve­ oiling operations, hopes to complete ning Include 8. Y. Bartholomew, as- 1 the work this week, but it Is doubt­ slatant superintendent; Mrs. L. K. ! ful If that can be done. Page, primary department; Mrs. Janie When the entire stretch has been Cruzan, home department; Mrs. R. given Its final coat of tbe medium L. Drury, cradle roll department; Miss rock then it will be thrown open to Th«sa Bartholomew, secretary; Dr. N. traffic. This travel on the highway W. Emery, treasurer; Franklin Drury, will aid In working the coarae rock librarian; Mrs. W H. Pollard, song and oil together making a firmer leader; Fred Buell, orchestra director; roadbed. After about ten days of and Miss Evelyn Buell, pianist. travel the final coat of oil and fine The teachers are nominated by tbs rock will be applied to uie highway. superintendent and are confirmed by Trouble over salary and lack of oil tbe board. kept most of the workmen away from LIBRARY TO BE OPEN MONDAYS NEXT MONTH Starting September 1, the city library will again be open every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday aft­ ernoon and evening according to Mrs. David SaltBinan, librarian. No de­ cision has been reached yet concern­ ing the first Monday In the montn which Is Labor Day. The library has not been open Mon­ days during the summer months due to the falling off of patrons during the warm weather. A total of 602 books and 86 maga stnea have been taken out during the laat month aaya Mr«. Saltaman. Five Homes Burn A t Marcóla Tues. Fisher Mill Employees Form Bucket Brigade and Sop Spread of Raging Flames Five homes were completely de­ stroyed at Marcola Tuesday afternoon with estimated loss of between 86,000 and $10,000 when fire broke ont in tbe Glenn Smith home and ^ipread to tbe other four buildings befor-i it could be put under control by the employees of the Fisher Lumber mill which formed a bucket brigade. Tbe homes destroyed belong lo Glenn Smith, Henry Baker. Elmer Fegles. Lionel Landers, and George Tipton. All of tbe household effects of the Smith family was destroyed before they could be reached. The personal property in the other houses was removed before the fire reached them. Very little. If any, Insurance was carried on the property. Carl Baker, elgbt-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Baker discovered tbe fire when be opened tbe door to the Smith home and found it a rag­ ing mass of flames. Mrs. Smith had been down town for several hours and tbe other wom­ en were all out picking beans and berries at the time of the fire. A telephone request was made to the Ideal fire department to send their truck to the scene of the-fire, but It bau to be turned down as the council here baa ruled against sending the truck more than five miles away from the city. There la only one truck here and this city would be greatly endangered should a fire start while the truck was on one of these calls. The Eugene fire department was then notified and it sent a pump track and three me> to the fire. their tasks last Saturday. Mr. Keraan is using a great deal of state high­ way commission equipment and is em­ ploying state highway men to operate the trucks and other machinery. Some misunderstanding over the wages to be paid these men arose and they threatened to stop work If they did not receive the same salary which they had been getting from the state. At the same time the failure of a tank of oil to arrive left the men without oil so they couldn’t work. Gil arrived Sunday and the wage dispute was smoothed over. The men started work again on Monday morning. CO. CHAMBER APFROVES ROAD FINANCE PLAN ON LANE COUNTY COURT The plan for financing Lane coun­ ty’s share of the road construction work to be carried on In this coun­ ty during the t few years aa suggester by the County Court was approved by the County Chamber ot Commerce at the monthly ' meeting held at Cottage Grove laat Thursday. County Judge, C. P. Barnard, haa presented a plan to tne state highway commission whereby that body would advance sufficient funds to enable the county to meet Its share of the road program coat. The plan also provides that Lane county shall use the rev­ enue from the auto license fund In repaying the state highway body. This is expected to amonnt to 2116,000 next year. The members of the County Court are In Portland today attending the meeting of the highway commission and discussing further the county road program. Earl H ill, of the chamber road committee, accompanied t h e court to Portland. Hector Macpherson, lather of the proposed cabinet form of government, was the principal speaker at the Cot­ tage Grove meeting. PRIVATE GOLF COURSE McNARY UNABLE TO VISIT FOUND IN MOUNTAINS SPRINGFIELD ON FRIDAY BY SPRINGFIELD FOLK It Is no longer necessary to give up your golf games when you take a vacation in the Cascade mountains says Marion Adams who spent Sun­ day at Scott lake and found a very good miniature golf course in use. There is a small lake a short dis­ tance back of Scott lake, according to Adams, and this lake has a long sand beach on which Donald Young, Eugene attorney who has been va­ cationing there, has constructed a fine golf course. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor and Mrs. Adams also visited the golf course Sunday. FORD MAY OPEN ANOTHER AGENCY IN SPRINGFIELD That another Ford agency will be opened In Springfie1<| soon Is the report coming to this city from Port­ land headquarters of the company. Ford has began a new policy, It Is said, and will establish numerous small agencies In the smaller cities and also In the large ones. Another agency may be started In Eugene and several new ones In Port­ land It is said. A new agency has Jus' been opened In Creswell. Who will be the agent In this city has not been announced. There has been no Ford agency here since E. R. Danner sold out to the H. C. SimmoDH company a year ago. ; No. 33 First Oiling Work Union Service MR s. S S. °‘ntZ electeo Barge Service Aid Last “ _ L7 _ . SUPERINTENDENT To Lane Lumber To Be On Sunday AT METHODIST CHURCH Nearly Completed The I Jin«- County 1*30 (air la now on In (ull awing, and It la on« o( the beat fair» bold for sevnrsl year* from tho point o( diaplaya and of pro­ gram offered for tho antartalnmont of tho fair viaitora Perfect weather and an absence of any of lb« usual laat mlnulo hitches In the fair pro­ gram atartod It Wodnaaday morning with all Indication that a new record (or attendance will be established. Herbert Moon was the occasion for a delightful birthday party held at the Moon home on A street yester­ day afternoon between 2:00 and 4; 80 p. m. The afternoon was spent with games and refreshments. Mrs. Moon was assisted by Miss Melba Harris. Those Invited for the afternoon were Clover Jean Cox, Donna Jean Ernest. Ethel Ruth Pulop, June Mer­ rill, Hasel Keyes, Emma Lou Strat­ ton, Beryl Robertson, Gladys Peter­ son, Eva Mae Severson, Agnes Moon and Mae Etta Moon. A HPRINOFIBLD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON* THURSDAY. M’OUHT 2S. 1930 Lane County Lumber la Not Rev. Pike to Preach;; Meeting to Be Held at Christian Shipped to Foreign Markets Church; Attendance Good. Survey Report Shows Unusually Good Entertainment Provided for Vlaitore; Four-H The lust union church service ot Heveny-one of the 210 larger suw- Clube Have ‘Fair Within Fair’ mills of the Willamette valley are the present summer season will be and Attract Many Viaitora; located in Ijrno county and account held next Sunday evening at the for approximately 42 per cent of the Christian church with the sermon Pioneer Meeting Friday. * " T M People's Paperi' Senator Charles McNary will not be able to speak at the noon meeting of the Lions clnb of this city tomor­ row as had been hoped for by the members. Knowing that the senator was coming to Eugene today to attend a conference on the development of the Willamette river aa a means of trans­ portation. the local clnb Invited the senator to address them on Friday, but a telegram received here thia morning by H. E. Maxey says that the visit will be impossible. It reads: "Sincerely appreciate your thought­ ful invitation to visit your city F ri­ day, but on that day I bare promised to go to Pendleton to visit the Round­ up and confer with the executive com­ mittee of the Umatilla Rapids project. I am greatly interested in canalixa- tlon of Willamette river and you re­ call my amendment to River and Harbor bill carries the service to your delightful city, Sincerely good wishes." BUDGET CHANGES TALKED BY GUUNGIL Financial System of City Haa Not Kept Pace With Other Changes Says Mayor; Council Members Meet in Session to Consider Revising Budget Drastic changes In the city budget for the next year were considered by the members ot the city council In an informal meeting nt the city hall Monday evening. A temporary bud­ get had already been prepared and this was gone over with a fine tooth comb to find possible methods of shifting funds from one department to another without Increasing the cost of the city government. No action was taken at the meeting according to Mayor W. P. Tyson, who spoke of tbe meeting as an oppor­ tunity for the council members to consider and discuss various means of improving the city government and making the departments more effi­ cient The final action on the budget will be taken at a meeting this tall, probably In October when each coun­ cilman will select another taxpayer and this group will act aa the budget committee. Budget Needs Revision The readjustment ot the budget haa not kept pace with the other changes which have been taking place In other affairs thinks the mayor. Very fre­ quently In the past the city council aas issued warrants on funds which had bean budget for various depart­ ments bnt which had not actually been received. One instance of thia is the estimated receipts from fines and licenses which are always in­ cluded In the budget, but which nearly always fall short about two-thlrda The receipts from this source have averaged about 1600 annually for tbe past several years, while the budget includes about |1800 from this source. This Item on the budget Is probably a carry over from the days ot the saloon when such sums were received from fines and licenses, thinks Mr. Tyson. Instances Cited Another instance cited by the mayor is that of the street department where the original appropriation was 881.000. Under the slx-per cent limitation act it has not been possible to increase this appropriation as rapidly as the expenses have mounted. There have been no surplus funds to shift to the department so the street fund has now reached a total of only a little more than 21700. No effort is being made by the councilmen to Increase the income of the city. It Is their desire to try to sc shift the funds around ao that the city can be operated on funds available without exceeding the six per cent limitation. It means that Items such as the tines w ill practi­ cally have- to he stricken from the budget Other funds will have to be reduced and the emergency fund will probably practically done away with. An effort will be made to appropriate sufficient operating expenses for each department if carefully managed and allow no falling hack on an emergency reserve when this has been depleted. The city council have been work­ ing and thinking over this budget problem for the past three months and they hope to he able to present a practicable one to the budget com­ mittee when It holds its meeting. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO ENTERTAIN COUNTY BODY AT NEXT MEETING Plans for the entertainment of the Lane County Chamber ot Commerce at Its next meeting which will he held In September were discussed at the monthly meeting of the local Chamber of Commerce last Friday evening. The meeting to he held here Is expected to draw a large delegation of visitors from other cities as the annual election of officers of the county body Is slated to take Charles L. M cN ary place at that time. Only a few people turned out for WRIGHT DRIVES GOLF BALL FROM NORTH SISTER SUN. the Chamber meeting ana the meeting adjourned after a short consideration Harry Wright took a golf club and of the Chamber meeting plana ball with him to the summit of the Marker Placed at Airport North sister last Sunday anu drove A black and white highway marker it off towards Bend from the summit with arrows pointing to the Spring- of the mountain. Ten other people field airport was brought to the made the climb that day, driving to municipal field last week by the Camp Scott' Saturday night. The American Automobile association rep­ climb to the summit and return was resentative and Mr. Inman has erected made In 10 hoars. Ths weather was It along the highway to direct trav­ colder than usual for this season on elers to the flying field. the mountain according to members Attends Round-up— Carey Thomp­ of the climb, several of whom tried to make the difficult ascent with the son. of the Thompson resort near official Obsidian group a few weeks Vida. Is attending the Pendleton Leaves for Vacation— Cecil Mathes, operator at the Mountain States Power plant left Monday for a two weeks' vacation to he spent In the ago. Iatkevlew country. round-np this week. Ì