DEGREE TEAM PLANS LOCAL PEOPLE LEAVE LANE FAIR PATRONS LARGE PICNIC SUNDAY TO VISIT CRATER LAKE TO SEE BICYCLE RACES OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST FOX MCDONALD "The Finest Sound In Town" UDI H CHATI EfiTOM w a 'OUR BLUSHING BRIDES'* SEEN AT THE McDONALD; “THE HIGH ROAD." SUN. THfc LAD* OF SCANDAL * ■ 1 •■■■ coming to ihu r'ux u ex baiuruay and buoduy, is tut llrsl aud ouly of na bind io suow tbo iudluu us a liuuiau, just as be lived, worshipped, struggled against tremendous odds, made love and wrung a living from primitive na­ ture. As a Hiving record of a dylug race, "Tue Silent Enemy" is hailed as a great epic motion picture. And, more than that, it Is a thrilling picture oi nature, wild animals aud wild people, in their native haunts. It is corn para ble only to such great films as "Chang" and •Grass." And yet, like "The Four Feathers." it hus a rouian tic story, acted by the Indians them­ selves, descendants of Auiericau chief tains, which is as exciting as any stu dio made tuotiou picture could be. Shopgirls who envied film actresses and film actresses who envied shop girls had a chance to think it over when Joan Crawford. Anita Page and Dorothy Sebastian worked behind de­ partment store counters for "Our Blushing Brides." new M-G-M talkie now playing at the Fox McDonald theatre for the last time Thursday These scenes were made In a Los An­ geles store, the regular shop girls working as extras. Harry Beaumont directed the production whose cast In­ cludes Robert Montgomery. Raymond Hackett. John Miljan, Hedda Hopper, Gwen Lee and Mary Doran. The Fox McDonald theatre presents a sparkling "Buddy" Rogers picture, LANE BOYS TO ENTER “Safety in Numbers" tomorrow and NATIONAL BICYCLE RACE Saturday. Two Lane county hoys, Earl Cady "Safety In Numbers” is the breexy and Dale Harvey, Jr., will leave Eu­ and highly amusing tale of a young gene on September 1. for Kenosha, man who is about to receive an In­ Wisconsin, to participate In the na­ heritan ce of $350,000,000 His guar tional bicycle races. The two boys dlan uncle, deciding that the lad needs have won the right to represent the to be wised up to the wiles of the big state of Oregon in the national event world, sends him to New York to be by eliminating all competitors In a 1 the guest of three Follies girls. The series of county, district, and statu Idea is that If anybody knows what races which have been conducted in It’s all about It's certain to be Follies Eugene under the direction of J. ft girls. Moore, manager of the races for Ore­ Finally he finds that he Is In love gon. with Kathryn Crawford, sweetest na- The championship races will be held cured of the three "guardians." It takes a fistic encounter with his rival on September 6 and 7 at Kenosha un­ der the sponsorship of the Cycles to win her In the uproarious finish. Ruth Chatterton scores another hit Trades of America and the Kenosha In "The Lady of Scandal.” which Wheelmen's club. The events will in­ comes to the McDonald Sunday for clude races over distances from one two days as Metro-Gold wyn-Mayer’s mile to ten miles. all-talking adaptation of Frederick Dismissed From Hospital—Mrs. Ira Lonsdale's stage success, “The High Gates of Garden Way was dismissed Road.” As Elsie Hillary, the actress who from the Pacific Christian hospital In forces her way Into snobbish Ixtndon Eugene on Tuesday following her re­ society. Miss Chatterton gives a pen covery frçm a major operation. etratlng characterization which moves E IG H T H G R A D E E X A M IN A T IO N between laughter and tears. Notice is hereby given that the reg­ First rate work is also done by the ular eighth grade examination will be supporting cast which includes Basil given on Thursday and Friday. Sep­ 4th and 5th in districts where Rathbone. Ralph Forbes, Fred Kerr, tember there are pupils who have complied MacKenzie Ward. Nance O’Neil, Cyril with the conditions and have made Chadwick. Robert Bolder. Moon Car- application for questions. A limited number of pupils can be accomm"1’" roll and Effie Ellsler. There have been pictures galore ed at the office of E. J. MOORE, giving the white man’s version of In­ Co. School Supt. A28 dian life, but “The Silent Enemy," ■i » . I - — »■ Two lilies which were on exhibition In local merchants' windows during the past week end created quite a hit of comment both among those who have large flower gardens of their own and others who admire beautiful flowers. The largest lily was exhibited In the window of the J. A. Nelson shoe shop. It measured nine and one- half inches across the top when It was picked on Saturday. Tt Is a spe cles of the Japanese Illy and was grown at the Nelson home from a bulb purchesed three years ago In Philadelphia. The plant grew to be eight feet tall thia year and had 22 perfect blooms on tt. The other lily was exhibited by the Ketei's drug store. It was grown by Orson Vaughn and is known as the Golden Band. It was Just as perfect ly formed as the one In the shoe shop window although it was smaller M any A tten d 8un day School Chartes * Buddu , ROGERS. > SAFETY IN NUMBERS^. casawrunr mrx w u — katwoyw MICKEY MOUSE CLUB SA TU R D A Y 11:18 A. M. Then— on SUNDAY! . —for 2 days! 1 ' | I T h s screen's most ca p ti­ va tin g a rtis t In her most appealing role. . . M eet People from all parts of Lane coun­ ty gathered at the Baptist church here Sunday fur the summer convention of the members of the American Sunday School Union. Kenneth Tobias, mis­ sionary for the organization had charge and talks were made by sever­ al of the visitors. V %a£rDiE SATURDAY— SUNDAY An epic of the Am erican Indian . . . A ctu ally film ed In N orth O n ta rio w ilds . . . An Ind ian cast . . . A nim als Has Infected Finger—Dale Daniels Is suffering with an Infected flngei. it was lanced yesterday. W s lte rv llle Resident H e re — Mrs. Charles Carter of Waltervllle was a visitor In Springfield on Wednesday. Thurston People Here— Mr. and ' Mrs. George Platt of Thurston were Wednesday visitors In Springfield From Wendling Mrs. Harry Sim- . mons and son of Wendling were vis­ itors in this city Wednesday. Natron Resident Here— Mrs. Vern Stewart of Natron was a business vis- I itor in Springfield yesterday. From Fall Creek—Floyd Coltraln of Fall Creek was a Wednesday visitor i in Springfield. Shops Wednesday — Mrs. George Shields of Lowell was a shopper In i this city on .Wednesday. In BEST QUALITY GROCERIES i GET THE SAVING HABIT Best quality goes farther and keeps you and your family in better health. It never pays to buy poor quality goods to eat. We carry only nationally known, standard brands of canned goods. You can depend upon us. W ith th e G old en V o ic e Hear the New Atwater Kent Today One Free Admission to Heilig Theatre NEW TONE— GOLDEN VOICE NEW TONE CONTROL SELECTIVITY LONG DISTANCE « ^ H o l t L y o ^ r s o l f ip H o g g With each purchase of two packages of KELLOGG’S PROD­ UCTS when accompanied by one paid admission. PRICED Corn For Canning $145.00-$151.00 -$172.90 Golden Delicious, 10 Doz„ 1 sack COMPLETE W ITH TUBES Home of Columbia Bicycles cjq Canning Peaches See 128 W . 8th, Eugene foe p artic u la rs WHILE AT THE FOX REX Viviti Daughter — Frank Wechter left Springfield yesterday for Port­ land to'spend some time visiting with his daughter, Mary. A tw ater Kent BICYCLE RACES Dinty Moore’s Cycle & Toy Store The i ’rogresslve 22 degree team of the Rebekah lodge will enterUlu the members of the Rebekah and Odd Fel Iowa lodges and their families at an all duy picnic to be held at a park east of Goshen on Sunday Lemonade, coffee and cream will be furnished free. Everyone la expected to bring their own basket dinners. Those who do not have an automo bile are requested to meet at the lodge Comas From D e x te r Mrs C. L. G il hall al 9:30 Sunday morning und cars lesple of Dexter was a visitor In will be provided to transport them to tbo park. Springfield on Wednesday UNUSUAL LILY BLCJMS EXHIBITED BY GROWERS NEW QUICK-VISION DIAL AUGUST 27-28-29-30 12:15 to 1:15 P. M. LANE COUNTY FAIR 9 Races Daily A party of nine h eal people left Springfield for Crater Lake till« morn ing. They drove over the McKensle pass and expect to he gone for sev era I days. Those making the trip are Margaret and Anne Qorrle, Miss Annie Llnkluter, Marvin Qorrle, Harry WII ken». Jr., Alex McIntosh, and his mother, and Dave and Dun Ingram The trip la being mud« In two auto­ mobiles. Bicycle ractug will be one of the many forms of eutertaltimenl at the Lane county fair which opens on Wed­ nesday of next week, according to J. F Moore, of the Moore Cycle and Toy Store In Eugene who, has charge of this part of the entertainment. Nine races will be provided for the rider» each day They will he open to anyone who ride» a bicycle and prise» will be awarded the winners. The race« will be held between 11:16 and 1:15 each noon Those wishing to participate In the races are requested to see Mr. Moore before the opening date of the fair A total of 45 prises will be given away. They will Include five good watches. Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. A new population record was es tabliahed at the atate penitentiury when the official register ahowed a total of 916 convicts at Salem. Prom SV*, acres in the George Chri» tenson farm in the Pleasantdale cinity near Dayton, more than 46 2-3 bushels of Holland wheat an acre was produced. Columbia county Pomona grange, with appropriate ceremonies, dedicat­ ed its beautiful seven-acre park at Big Eddy on the Nehalem river to the use of the public. Playfully placing a small caliber rifle to his forehead and pulling the trigger, evidently thinking the gun un loaded, cost Allen Hartley, 21, of Co- * quille, his life. The recent hot weather has proved beneficial to the hop crop in Marion county, according to growers. Pick­ ing of fuggles will begin August 26 in most of the larger yards. Ninety miles of county roads have been built in Deechutes county dur­ ing the past two years, at an aver­ age cost of $203 per mile, according to County Judge De Armond. Sales of pears were made at Salem at prices ranging from $26 to $30 a ton, according to announcement made by growers. Some of the pears were contracted earlier in the season. The plant at Gold Hill, and quarries at Marble Mountain of the Beaver Portland Cement company, closed down the last three months, resumed operaticas for an extended run. The pear crop in both the Hood River and the Yakima district is un- usually gocd this year, and the Hood River apple crop gives promise also of being above normal, according to reports. Evans Brothers are to resume their greenery bus.ness at Florence very soon. This will mean work for 10 to 16 pickers to harvest the ferns and huckleberry shrubbery so abundant there. The Train lumber m,ll on the Rogue river near McLeod was destroyed by fire, it has been learned. Ail ma­ chinery was lost and in addition sev­ eral thousand feet of lumber was burned. Thousands of tons of rocks, ice and snow crashed down the upper slope of Mount Hood in a gigantic slide that fairly shook the mountain when the hanging glacier, a part of the Cove glacier, let go. The Fir Lumber company of Leban­ on, which has the contract to furnwb ties for the Oregon Electric extension between Lebanon and Waterloo, has begun the delivery of 15,000 ties along the new grade. Harvesting the 1930 wheat crop in the Athena «¡strict is verging on the / close of a perfect cutting season. Weather conditions have been Ideal and not an hour was lost on account of wind or rain. Plans for a new $3500 church build­ ing to be erected at Malin are mater­ ializing. The ground has been cleared in readiness for the construction. The church Is to be of bungalow type and modern In every respect. The boathouse of the Yaquina bay coast guard station on Bay bgach, near Newport, was destroyed by fire a few days ago. The loss was estimated at $20,000. The life boat, surf boat and all beach equipment was destroyed. The volunteer fire department at Estacada is proud of a new fire truck. The generosity of H. C. Gohring prompted the gift to the city of a good used car and the city fathers arranged for its transformation into a real fire truck for carrying hose, ladders and the usual fire-fighting equipment THURSDAY, AUOUST 21. IMP THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE SIX See us for your Canning Peaches. Home grown Early Crawfords and Elbertas WRIGHT & SONS HARDWARE FURNITURE PAINT Phone W. A. TAYLOR Phone