TUB 8PRINOFIELD NEWS THURSDAY. AU 0U8T 21, 1880 T — ....— ■ 1 light for a picnic supper the same ev» nlng. A third group Including Mr. and Mis. Adrian, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sea- Picnic suppers were very numerous vey and Mra. E. C. McPheraon of Eu­ In thia city laat Thursday evening. gene enjoyed a picnic dinner at the Nearby parks and front yard lawns auto camp at the overhead crossing on were the acanes of three group gath the Pacific highway south of thia city. «rings. One group consisting of Mr. and Mrs. C. E Kenyon, Mr. and Mra. C. E. Bwarta, Edna Swarts, Mr. and Postal W o rk e r V acatio n s Mrs. W. N. Long, Elmo Long, C. E. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oossler, Mr. 8 warts, and Maxine 8 warts gathered on the lawn at the Long home and en­ Gossler's father, P. M. Gossler, Mise Geneva Bean of Eugene and Frank joyed a picnic supper. Lombard drove to Yachats Saturday Another group Including Mr. and and spent the week-end on the beach. Mrs. Harry Whitney, Mary Elizabeth Misa Bean and Mr. Lombard returned Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baaford, Sunday evening. The others will r » Commander Byrd, whoso daring Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Morgan. Mr. and main on the coast for a two weeks va- flight to the Pole la authentically tolo Mra. Carl Olson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry cation. Josephine Brann la substituting In tha Paramount Picture, “With Byrd M. Stewart, Mrs. Oeorge Baaford, and for Mr. Gossler at the post office dur­ Mrs. Coffin gathered at Swimmers De- ing hla vacation. at tha 8outh Pole.” THREE CROUPS HAVE PICNICS LAST THURSDAY Roaeburg Man Here—Char lea dale of Roaeburg la vlaltlng frlenda In (Springfield thia week. Vielt« Saturday- -Oeorge Tipton of Marcóla waa a Saturday y 111 tor In (Springfield Dentar Heeldent H e r» - Mre. A. h Nyatrom of Dexter waa a visitor In (Springfield on Friday afternoon. Fall Creek People Here— Mre. John Hchula and daughter of Fall Creek ! Tranaaca Bualneaa Mr. and Mr». were bualneaa viaiUrs In (Springfield ' tulina Murphy apent Wodnaaday In on Monday. Hilluin on a bualneaa trip. Week-end Vleltore— Mra. Lulu Loo­ H e ra F rom P o rtland Mr«. A. B. ter and aon of Portland apent the Campbell of i'ortlund waa a caller week-end vlaltlng here at the home In thia city on Wednrrday. uf her mother, Mra. Mary Magill. Fall Creek Man Har«— L. tl. Huf- From Waltervllla — Mra. Walter Attorney Here—A. K Wheeler. Eu­ ford of Fall Creek waa a vlaltor In llaucb of Waltervllla waa a vlaitor In gene attorney, apent Wedneaday af­ tbla city on Monday. Springfield on Tueaeay. ternoon In Springfield tranaactlng bualneaa. Trenaaota Buelnaee It. H. I’ayne of Minor Operation— I» e Intnan un- Vlda waa a bualneaa vlaltor In Spring­ derwent another minor operation on Bandon People Hare— Mr. and Mrs. hla right eye on Monday. field on Monday. C. C. (Rone of Bandon «topped In Springfield on Wedneaday for a few Vlalta Friendo -Mr and Mra. Ray Leave for Newport- Mlaa Margaret hour« to vlalt frlenda. Welnlugur oí Marcóla apent Monday j Morlenaon, Mra. Harry Fandren, and with frlenda In (Springfield. Mlaa Mooney left yeaterday for a Attend Firemen’« Meet—-W. K. Bar- week'« vacation at Newport. null and L E. Dank« drove to Corval­ PurChaeee Suppiiea— Horace Morrle 1 lis Wedneaday evening to attend a Return« to Hom«— Mlaa Maude Dar­ uf Waltervllle purcbaaed feed while dinner and meeting given there aa a ling of (Salem will return to her home In town Monday, part of the annual firemen convention. today after having apent aeveral daya From W altervllle- -Frank Vaughn of vlaltlng at the H. J. Cos home. Returns From California— Mrs. C. A. Waltervllle waa a vlaltor In thia city Swarfs returned to her home here Visitors From Wendling Mr. and on Monday. Sunday morning from Los Angeles Mra. T Hobwood and «on of Wendling Notl Men Here -Roy Thurman and were vlaltora bure on Wodnoaday ev» where she bad been called by the Ill­ ness and death of her father. Joaeph Haynes of Notl were vlaltora n|nK In Springfield on Saturday. A rm Im p ro v in g — C. F. Kgglmann la Come From Roaaburg- Mr. and Mrs. recovering from a badly Infected arm 0. C Haynie of Roseburg were vial ! whlch h„ hlm tora In Springfield on Saturday. Friday. Waltervllle Resident Calin— Frank Tonsils Removed— Mlaa Melba Aik Vaughn of Waltervllle was a vlaltor «ns of Riddle had her tonsils removed In Springfield on Monday. at the office of a local physician on Jasper Resident Here — Robert Saturday. Drury of Jasper waa a bualneaa visi­ Leave for Vacation -Mr. and Mrs. tor In Springfield on Monday after­ L. F. Scott left Tuesday for a two noon. weeks vacation. They will spend It Hand Lanced — Itnaaell Mibagun at Portland und Reedsport. had to have hla hand lanced last Sun ""Spend Sunday at Newport— Mr. and day morning due to an Infection Mrs. Dallas Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. I. which has been bothering him. E. Murphy, and Miss Hasel Murphy Injures Feet— ikmald Miller Injured «pent the weekend at Newport. hla foot last week when he dropped Called to Cottage Qrova— Mr«. Her­ a heavy lead pipe on It. No bones bert Moon was called to Cottage were broken. drove Monday to be with her mother. 9 Returna From C*Hfornla — Ruth Mrs. George Downing, who Is seriously C-arlton has returned to her horn»- 111. here after a vacation In California Fish Sunday— Mr and Mrs. I. M. cltlnn. Peterson and Mr and Mrs. H. F. Gor­ Tlllameok People Her©— Mr. and Mra. Irvin Borthlck of Tillamook apent the latter part of laat week here vlaltlng with Mlaa Ada Manning. Thumb Lanced— The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coltralne of Fall Creek was brought to Springfield Sat­ urday to have a felon on hla thumb treated. California People V le lt— Mr. and Mra. Willard Nelaon and non. Dickie, of Red Bluff, California, are vlaltlng here at the home of Mr. and Mra Neem Nelaon. parent« of Mr. Nelaon Return« From Vaoatlon— Mlaa Alice Mae Ix>omla haa returned to her du­ ties aa assistant In tha dental office of Dr. Dow following a two weeks va­ cation. Daughter Bom— A daughter waa horn to Mr and Mra. Frank Varrel man of Westfir at the Pacific Chris­ tian hospital In Eugene on Thursday evening. August 14, 1930. Baby Son Born — Mr. and Mra. Franklin Worley are the parenta of an eight and one-half pound baby hoy horn to them at the home of Mra. Worley’e parents on Friday, Angnat 15, 1M0. Elbow Dlaloentad------ The «mail «on of Mr. and Mra. H. F. Hammond waa brought to Springfield to have a dis­ located elbow reset by a local phyal- clan on Saturday evening. The boy dislocated the Joint while playing. To Vlalt Relative»—Mr. and Mra. C. A. Phillips and two children of Marshfield, and Mra. O. W. Carson left Monday for Elgin In eastern O r» gon, where they will spend two weeks vlaltlng with relatives. Returns from Boaehoo—Mra. Lum F. Anderson and children have returned to thia city after spending a week at the Tillamook beaches. Mr. Anderson drove over and brought hla family “WHITE DAYS" TERRORIZE AVIATORS AT SOUTH POLE White Day«” were the terror ot aviators who flew their planes In the uncharted territory around the South Pole with the Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd expedition. The dramatic film- record of the expedition. “With Byrd at the South Pole,” which will, show Tonsils Removed—Mra. L. R. Thom­ at the Colonial theatre, starting Sun­ as of Bend underwent a tonsil opera­ tion at the office of a local physician day for three daya, has scenes of these on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are riyers battling strange weather condi­ visiting at tha Cal Barnes home here tions. ‘‘White Daya” came when the aky Vlalt Parent»—Mr. and Mrs. Claude was overcast. The horizon would dis­ Waahbnrne of Junction City spent appear completely and the flyers Sunday here at the home of Mr. Waah- | could not tell their altitude due to the burne’a parenta, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. I absence of anything but the snow Washburn«. There were no shadow« In the blind- Return to Homs—Mr«. Peorl Swlnn and two children of Loa Angeles left Springfield for their home on Satur­ day. They have been spending sev­ eral weeks visiting friends and rela tlvea here and In Portland. LOW SCORES ARE MADE BL LOCAL PLAYERS ON MINIATURE GOLF COURSE Many local people took advantage of Invitations to try out the new Wee Wee golf course Thursday evening and most of those who played their don apent Sunday fishing on Wine- flrat round on the course expressed berry creek. They report a good complete satisfaction with the newest form of recreation and entertainment catch. « which haa been brought to Spring- Vlelt at Junction City— Mr, and Mrs. field by Oeorge Kendell and George E. C. Stuart and children, Nellie and Carson. Frank, apent Sunday at Junction City Charles Cornell won the honor ot where they visited with Mr«. Stu­ making the first hole-ln-one on the art's mother. Mrs. Ella Frum. course. He dropped the ball Into the Son Bom— Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Riggs cup on the sixth hole with only one became the parents of a baby aon stroke. Mrs. Vem Wolley still retains which waa born to them on Tuesday, her record which she established laat August 19. 1930 The boy haa been week when ahe made four hole-ln-onea during one game. named Dale Carlton. W. C. Wright held the low score Injures Foot— Mrs. A. E. Hollis of for the course with a total of 43 until Gosheo brought her seven-year-old the first of the week when George daughter In to a local physician's of­ Carson completed the course with a fice to have a splinter removed from total ot 42 strokes. Thia la only two her foot. above par. Many players have won free games Gets Down Town—J. R. McPherson for hole-ln-onea on the flrat and 18th waa down town Wedneaday afternoon with hla son-in-law, Lee Davis. Mr. holes. The managers announce that McPherson la an Invalid and does not they w ill continue to all four free find It possible to leave his home very games to each person making one of these holes. often. CIVIL SERVICE EXAM Ing light. Men, walking along the «now, might fall Into a hole or stum- hie over a drift without having seen them at all. On such days, everyone who coaid stayed Indoors. Such weather, together with atorma and fog, waa usually predicted by the [ expedition weather man, who studied : meteorological conditions for nine months before the polar flight was at­ tempted. Although there were only twenty days of sunshine that sum- mer, these were all accurately chart- , e. predicted and used for Important flights. ----------------- — * ~ Return From Vacation— Mr. and RETURNS TO BE LATE Mrs. G. H. Tturner returned Monday evening from a ten-day vacation trip. It will probably be a month or more They drove to the coast below Bandon before returns will be received from first and not liking the weather they the United States Civil Service bur­ came back and camped for a while In eau on the examination papers which the Cascade mountains. local people wrote last Saturday, ac­ cording to F. B. Hamlin, postmaster. Professor Leaves— Mr. and Mra. Da­ The papers of the persons seeking vid Bldwell left Springfield Tuesday places on the eligibility Hat have all for their home at Columbus, Ohio, af­ been »«nt to Washington, D. C., and ter having spent two months visiting when they have been graded they will with his slater, Anne Bldwell. Mr. he returned. All those who made av­ Bldwell la a member of the faculty of erages above 70 will have their names Ohio university. placed on the eligibility list. G R E A T E R T A L K IE SEASON NOW AT THE PAGE FIVE —.---- TWO AUTO ACCIDENTS IN VICINITY SUNDAY One man waa seriously Injured and five other people were bruised and «hocked In two major automobile ac­ cidents In thia vicinity last Sunday. One automobile containing three men went off the grade on the Willamette highway near Oakridge breaking sev eral ribs for O. M. McGee and badly shaking up Leonard Poster and Glenn Johnson, others In the machine. The men turned out of the center of the road to avoid striking a horse when they went over the bank. Misa Ruth Kneeland and her nephew. Gerald Stone landed In the waters of the McKenzie river Sunday evening when the automobile which she was driving to Eugene from her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William F Kneeland, summer home at Leaburg Miss Kneeland turned the automobile to avoid striking a piece of road ma­ chinery and the car slid off the curve Into the river. They were not Injured other than a few minor scratches. Catch Basa Monday Lloyd Frese and Jimmie West caught five baas In the Long Tom on Monday evening. Thia waa the first bass which Jimmie has ever caught. Fred Frese accompanied the boys. SEE IT! ENJOY IT! Lane County Fair August 27-28-29-30 BIGGER— BETTER THAN EVER W ITH MANY NEW FEATURES Exhibits Carnival Four-H Fair Horse Races 2 Weddings Fireworks and a GREAT HISTORICAL PAGEANT It’s Your Fair —Support It J . G. Penney Co. «■» D ir A lT M IM T 942 Willamette S t , « .IT O B I Eugene, Oregon Boys’ School Caps F u ll C u t and T a ilo re d L ik e a M an’s L ig h tw e ig h t cxMimcres of youthful appeal feature the fab­ rics from which these smart cap» are fashioned. Linings and finish usually found only at a higher price! 9S 69« Opening the Door to Newness MEANS CLOSING OUR DOOORS NOW— AND UNTIL FRIDAY— WHEN WE BEGIN THE WIND-UP OF BREIER’S borne. Removal Sale Spends Week-end Hare— Mlaa Thel­ ma Sweeney apent the week-end here at the home of her parenta. Mlaa Sweeney la a teacher In the local schools and la attending the summer school at the Monmouth normal school. Return to Hom«»—Mr. and Mra. Clifford Hayee left last Thursday for their home at Santa Paulo, California, after having visited with Mr. Hayes’ father, Robert Hayea, who waa ser­ iously Injured at Wendllng some time ago- Vacations Hara—Dr. and Mr«. C. L. Trawln of Fresno, California, are spending their annual vacation at the Ckockor home near thia city. Dr. Trawln was formerly pastor of the First Baptist church In Eugene and resigned laat spring to go to the church in Freano. August 22nd M ark the date— because it means from then on — there will be E IG H T DAYS of the most inten­ THEN SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY COMES sive selling and exciting bargains you ever saw. Sell Everything— Move Nothing” ’ One of the greatest pic tures of all time— a 'South Pole COLONIAL GREATER TALKIE SEASON ATTRACTION DEPT. STORES REMOVAL SALE im t m b w a *r