THURSDAY, AUGUST 21,1930 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE FOUR O aughtsr Is Bom W. W. Walker R sglstsr at E llt * Hotel Among the Vacation* Kenneth Tobias. field m issionary of the American Sunday hu* received wool Inst week of Ihe vlsltora who have been registered nl We are accustom ed to think o f w ar only in School union began hi* annual vaca birth of m to* veil and otio tiulf pound the Elite hotel during lho pa»t wei Published Every Thursday at term s of the loss of life and of property while the tion on Monday. Ho was Jollied hero buby boy to hl* daughter and son In- 'are Ed Marshall, Don Carolln. and Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, by conflict is still raging. Blit th ere a re Other costs „„ (hat day by an oth er Sunday sch ool law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Achler- j Henry N W alls, *11 nf Redmond. Ev T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S S erett Itlce of Sandy, Oregon. O. W which will continue for gen eratio n s a fte r the worker ot Portland. Tho two men e x ­ man. ot Uhehalla. W ashington. Davenport, Portland. L. W. Workman. H E. MAXEY. Editor fighting is over. pect to divide their vacation period W ednesday of Inst week. Sandy, aud Mr and Mrs. R Green of between flahlng on the McKonsle. tho Entered as second claaa matter, February 24. ISOS, at the O n e of these is the cost of caring for the injured j Tillamook., Springfield, Oregon. and disabled v eterans and tlieir dependents. The lower Slusluw and the upper Snntluin notice of fin al account rivers. policy of th e United S ta te s has alw ays been a lib­ N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S S A L E Notice I* hereby given, that the uu- M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E UNDER FORECLOSURE eral one. and doubtless alw ays will continue to darslgned, adm inistrator Do Boni* 75c One Year In Advance ......... $1.75 Three Months . be. It co n stitu tes a burden upon the people, h o w -, A sslsts at Restaurant Mrs G. W. Non with the Will annexed, of tho Notice la hereby given that by vir­ Six Months ........................ $1.00 Single Copy estate of Harriett .Sophia Sharpe, de­ tue oi uu execution Issued out of the ___ lever, which is actually g rea ter th an any other Orr Is assistin g at the Elite cafe. leaved. ha* filed hl* final account In t m u .l Court ol the Sint» . ‘■"“J““ ' single item of r public expenditure. ___ T __________________ THURSDAY, AUGUST 21. li>80 _ N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T the County Court of the State of Ore­ and lor Lane Couuty, on U»e JUlh gon for Laue County, aud that Thurs- day ol July, L9J0, upon a Judgment aud A nother post-w ar item w hich ru n s on for year» notice is h ereby g iv en , that, BREAKING FAITH WITH T H E PARTY the 18th day of Septem ber. 1M0, decree ot loreclosure rendered in »• d is the interest on the public debt created by w a r .: n a . Rowe, a d m in is tra to r of the day. at the hour of It) o'clock A M. of «aid court on Ihe 29lh day of July. 193«. »“ The C lackam as county republican central com I the repaym ent of th e principal of th e m oney bor- estate of Ethel it Mendenhall, tie day. and the Court Room of aald Court ¡used. ha* rendered and filed In the ba* been appointed by aald Court a* a suit Wherein Fruuk A. Tripp was m ittee ousted its chairm an because he is an ! rowed for w ar purposes, Uouuty Court of the S late of Oregon the tim e aud place for bearing of ob plaiuilff and C. M Miller. Ida M Uer. avowed supporter of the independent candidate, < ora Miller. Carol Miller. Lloyd Miller, And a fte r every w ar there is alw ays, iuevitably, (or ihe County of lam e hl* (Inal ac­ jertlous thereto and the settlem en t E. I Fierce and Ursula Fierce were Julius Meier. T h a t was the proper action. When count and (hat by order of «aid Court thereof. defendants, lor the sum of $2017.1« a m an tak es an oath th a t he is a m em ber of the such a con tin u au ce of the m ilitary spirit th a t the duly made and entered Saturday, the Dated August I9lll, 1930. debt, und the further sum of $224.80. partv in good faith and causes himself to be elect- , an,1> aud ,,a ' ' n e ' cr Kct back to th e sam e size ;otii jay of Septem ber. 193«, at th e, JOHN B BELL. JR . costs, disbursem ents aud attorney ed by the party as a precinct com m itteem an to a “ d 1081 “ b^ « m £ ? * ." ?he Count,' t w S in Administrator lb- Bonis Non of the lee; commanding mo to sell U te laud* estate of Harriett Sophia Sharpe. De ill *uld decree described, low tl: The support and enhance the election of u s canal- The present cost ot ruuuiug the United S tates, the County court house in the c ity or ceased. dates, he is a tra ito r when he trails a fte r an inde- | counting federal expenditures aloue is $3,876,- Eugene. Oregon, ha* been fixed ami A31 28 t+4 It IS Southeast quarter and the N orlbeasi lourtb of tho Southw est quarter of pendent. If he felt th a t he could not support th e I m , 6 5 l a year. T hese are the figures tor th e fis- “ W'»’1“ “ ’’1 “ s tlm " “ nd Section 30 In T ow nship 1« South. reg u lar republican nom inee the honorable thing I Val year which ends on June 30 this year. More n o t . ce O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Jtungu I W est of the W illam ette merld- for him to have done w as to resign office in th e th an tw o-thirds of this stupendous total is covered thereof AJI persous having objec- Notice Is hereby given that H e s te r 'la n ; 200 scree, more or less, ot land party. Failing to do th at the central com m ittee by the th ree post-w ar item s of w ar costs enum er- c o n s to «aid final account ure hereby Wood. Adm inistratrix of tho Es­ lu la # » County, Oregon; to obtain notified that the sam e must be In tate of Mary Ann Spencer, deceased, fund* w.iu which to pay said Judg­ kicked him out rightfully. ated above. Principal aud interest on the public writing aud filed with the Clerk ot ment and satisfy said decree. In the s s debt eost us $1,279,394,100; care of veter­ sa d Court un or before said day aud lias filed her Final Report aud Account mutiuur provided by law: us such, and the Court has set Satur­ a n s of form er w ars ran to $757,044,485; mil­ time. J will on Saturday, the fllh day of day. the 6th day of Septem ber, 1930, A JOB FOR T H E TALKIES N. A. ROWE, itary aud naval expenditures totalled $692,399,804. at 10:00 A. M In the County Court Septem ber. 1930. at oue o'clock In the Administrator. The talkies m ight be the g rea test influence in Those m ake a grand total of $2,729,338,389. Room In the Court House In Eugene, afternoon, at the Southw est or main A21 -28-83-1« 17 Lane County. Oregon, as the tim e and entrance to the Couuly Courthouse In this country for the standardization of speech. T h a t is w hat the last w ar is still costing us a place to hear objections to the sam e, Eugene, Oregon, offer for sale at pub­ So ia r g an g ster or high-brow language is about N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T aud for the (Inal settlem ent of said lic auctlou aud sell to the highest bid year, nearly twelve years a fte r it was finished! ail they have given us but the opportunity is der for cash all of sold lands; sub Notice Is hereby given, that the uu Estate. theirs. English in this country is spoken in a Only a sm all proportion of these a n n u al ch arg es ‘ derslgued, Jecl Io redemption, as by low provided HESTER B. WOOD, udtnluislrator De Bouts H. L Bown. good m any different ways even by well educated are ou • cc° u n t of previous w ars Administratrix Non with the Will annexed, of the . Sheriff of latne County, O regon. people from different sections. We have southern, ••The Am erican people should u n derstand th a t '"“ •Uu ot byndbrook Sharpe, also W ells & W ells. Attorneys A7T4 21 28-S4 A7 M 31 28 Hl — suow u as L. Sharpe, deceased, has > a New England, eastern, middle w estern and w est- c u rre n t expenditures on strictly m ilitary activiUes , tiled his final account In the County ern dialects. While nearest te -------------w th e largest uiili- Court of the Slate of Oregon for lam e oO M M oN S FOR PUBLICATION IN uie S«tu day ul June, 1SUS by the la s . . we th ink . __ we , , are , . . . to , of tlie arm y - and navy - co n stitu ------ ------------- correct pronunciation on the Pacific coast th ere tary budget of any nation iu the world today, aud Couuty. aud that Thursday, the 18th coiivcrur oi m e cou m y ol lam e, hCRECLUSUHE OF TAX LIEN is no ____ doubt but th a a. t 1 - each section differs m aterial- a . t a tim e when th ere is less real d an ® g er of exten- . da> o< . September, 193«, at i l the hour in th e C ir c u it C o u rt o f th s S ta ts of oxate ui o iegu ti, lor Uie aluuuul ul 1 a . 2 _ a. __________ > _ - - T 7X _ I I _ 1- IT _ J I f I 11 . b A M , if .. I i l II V U II l i *itt.u9, liie sam e being mu amuUUk O regon fo r Lane County. ly from w hat m ight be term ed pure English. Rapid j give d isturbance to peace th an a t an y tiuie iu ‘,f 10 ot ‘l ‘ k A M. of said day. aud tran sp o rtatio n and the radio have done m uch t o l m ore th an half a c e n tu ry .” T he w ords are Pr'esP C o S “ o uie Koy Henry, plaintiff, vs. Jam es A. muu uuu auu deliuqueui lor tasaa Fraser aud Juue Doe Fraser, bis tur mu year i» .o , lugetnur with peu standardize our speech. The talkie, if it will, can dent H oover s. time aud place for hearing of objec- wile, Jess!« Fraser Uurston and J. arty, in terest and costa Uiereou upuu I turns thereto and the settlem ent teach us the sam e English language from the At H. Burrton, her husband, T lllle uru rear property assussuu to yon, ut Is it any w onder th a t o th er nations, viewing thereof, lantic to the Pacific. Fraser Flncombe aud Arthur P. you are m e owuera a* appeals butt'd August 19th, 1930. these trem endous expenditures fo r w ar in tim e Flucouibe, ber husbaud, and Addle oi record, situated lu said Couuty aud JOHN B BELL. JR.. F iaser Guunarsou aud IL Gunnar blate aud purOcuiurly bounded and ■ of peace, laugh up th eir sleeves a t us w heu we Administrator De Bonis Non with u isciib u d as follow s, to »ft: son, ber husband, delendauts. It appears th a t the issue in this cam paign m ay protest th a t we are a peace-loving people? the Will annexed of the estate of Aii ibui pari ul Lui Niue GO lying To Jam es A. Fraser ai d Jane Doe Lymlbrook Sharpe, Deceased ouum ul Center of Loaal Fork River be the abolition of the gam e com m ission instead Fraser, Uis wife, J essie Fraser Burs- It costs each m an, w om an and child in th e Unit A21 28 84-11-18 t l l j , Towusblp lou »ud J. H. Uurston. her husband, iu Bee Uuu Eleven of the public service com m ission. If a com m ission ed S t.ites about $31 66 a year to y for th e ru n . E.gntvvu tlb ) Boulb, Range Three iillle Fraser Flncombe aud Arthur F. S U M M O N S cannot discharge an employee w ithout being re- njng of the national governm ent. T h a t is a n av Flncombe, ber husband, aud Addle t3J W est, coulalm ng ta e u iy lw o 1221 In the C irc u it C o urt of the State of called there seem s no need to have such a com ­ erage of about $168 a year per family. O ut of Fraser Uuuuurson aud R. Gunnursou, acres ol laud, mure or lesa. In Laue Oregon for the County of Lane. mission. If th ere is to be no authority, no honor this, $112.50 is to pay for war cou u ty, Oregon. The Partile Savings A Loan A sso uer husband, the above nuiuec* de- lo u are further notified that aald or no pay atta ch e d to th e job of com m issioner elation, a W ashington corporation. leudants: Roy Henry baa paid lakes ou said S tate then the job’s a joke. T h a t is why every effort to ag ree w ith o th e r n a ­ plaintiff, vs. I In ll e nume . . of the .... . of . . Oregon: . ises lor prior or subsequent tions to reduce navies is im portant to every A m er­ John W. Craig and Helen Jean >u“ “re hereby notified that Roy prem tlenry Is the bolder of C ertificate of years, with the rate ot Interest ou i c a n citizen. T h a t is why we c an n o t spend as Craig, his wife, Defendants said umuunts as follow s: To John W. Craig and Helen Juan Delinquency numbered 2513 Issued ou Now we are being told th a t Mr. Meier is th e ntuch m oney as we should on new roads, im- ¡Craig, hl* wife, Defendant«: m an who secured the tariff on lum ber. If som e- 'p ro v em en t of w aterw ays, the developm ent of our IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Tear s Tax Date I'SId Tux Receipt No. Amount Rata of Jnt. $14.22 10% one can only show he passed the farm relief bill national resources generally, 1 OF OREGON: You are hereby re- 1928 __ _________ __ ___ July 1, 1929 33662 11% 13.19 quired to appear and answ er the Com- 1927 ................................. . July 1, 1929 32267 th e set up will be com plete. • • • 12% 6 96 : plaint filed against you In the above , First half 1928 ...... ... July 1. 1923 26379 • • • entitled suit within four week* from - Second half 1928 ........ 6 96 12% 29062 Sept. 26. 1929 12% 6.27 26313 W omen are going to be ladies once m ore, says the date nf the first publteatlon of 1 First huit 1929 .............. July 3. 1929 and “ If o?°t“he you fail pi X to û un Lum ber mills of the northw est are now operat- a fashion report. Long hair, long skirts, perfum e , this Summons, u ____ ________ __ _______ Bald Jam es A. Fraser. Jessie Frasi r eree will be rendered foreclosing the THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ing a t less th an 50 per cent of capacity. O rders a re only five o r six per cen t m ore th a n the c u t so stocks are being reduced slowly, according to re- ruxeto n h o ll'e o t f C 'n oast a c t I L .n m h berm o r n io en’s n 'c association, a a a n n ia tin n ports of f t the W est um However, if the lum berm en could tu rn the stocks in their yards into m oney the situation would not be so bad. T H E COST OF WAR and soft voices will soon be in ro g u e this fall. But will apply to the Court for a decree as we fea r dam e fashion is m istaken. It is going to prayed for in Plaintiff's Complaint to- tak e a generation or so to accom plish such a wlt: ,or “ d«cT®e foreclosing plain ___n __i _x._____ t if f s mortgage against the follow ing radical change. uurston. T lllle Fraser Plucombe anil Addie Fraser uunnarson a* the o w i- or« of the legal title of the above described property as the sam e ap described real p rop erty East half pears of record, and each of the oth er; • e e (A4) of Lots four (4) and five (5) In persons above named aro hereby Block one (1) of W ynne's Addition to further notified that Roy Henry will A Chicago boy arre ste d for spanking his fath e r c'otta8'' Grove, Lane < ounty, Oregon, apply to the circuit Court of the . . 7 . - ., . , . i , , . , , excepting therefrom the portion ol jau n ty and Slate aforesaid for a de- * * * a bu®y street said th a t his elder had borrow ed sa)(| Lot five (5 i, heretofore sold and tl-ee loreclosing the lien against the In China wom en have not been perm itted to a c t b*8 T he younger gen eratio n in the windy conveyed to J. T. Alien, in Deed d a t-{property above described, and man sin c e tn th e e son son ot n f tne th e etnnernr w ith t- cltY a re easily provoked. ed 20, 1907. recorded Book Honed In suld certificate yon since em peror elnned eiopea w ith an an a a c c t- 71 Dec. ul page 574 and of ,he Lane In County uio nereby „ t0 And appwar ress 150 years ago. Many a director has wished f o r a law like th a t in Hollywood. • • # I t’s about tim e for those who sheared Wall * * * stre e t lam bs to come back w ith a new crop of Looks like school bells Will be th e only th in g wool. th a t will call these tree sitting boys to th e ground • • • and give the birds a chance a t the trees again. T he high cost of living would not be such a Do not be discouraged. Noah was 600 years old problem if the luxuries of yesterday had not be- when he built the ark. come the necessities of today. ■ ■ ■ ....... We Wouldn’t Be Surprised B y Albert T. Reid Says old John. V business» Holy WLckereJ/— D o you suppose, th is dad* b u ste d , fo o t is whaCis lien of said taxes and co s's sgatnsl the land and prem ises above named, Thia sum mons i* published by order of the Honorable O. F. »klpworth. Judge of the Circuit Court of the S tate of Oregon for the U-ounty of latnn and said order was made and dated this 22nd day of July. 1920, and the dale of the first publication of (his sum m ons Is the 24th day of July. 1930. All process and papers In this pro­ ceeding may be served upon the un Oregon deed records, and for sue. j n ,u im s i x . / days after the first pub- dersigned residing within the Htste other and further relief as may be „ .a t. . u of this summons, exclu sive of of Oregon at the address hereafter d eem id Just and equitable by t h e l iue t a y of said first publication, and mentioned. L. L. RAY, Court. , a«ienu thia action or pay the amount Attorney for Plaintiff. I his ■Summons is served upon you U(4„ a„ a pOre shown, together with by publication by virtue of an order _ .ts and accrued Interest, and tn Address. Eugene, Oregon. : of the Hon. O. F. Sktpworth, Circuì J 14-81 A 7-14-21 se ot y-u r failure to do so, a de- Judge, dated and filed July 25, 1930, directing that this Summons be served I upon you by publication in the Spring- U' ld N ew s once each week for a per lod of four weeks. Date ot first pub- i lication Is July 31, 1930 W ells A W ells. Attorney for Plaintiff j R esidence and Post O ffice Address, Business is today the W orld's m ost Im portant occupation ) Eugene, Oregon. and business men and wom en, the moBt Im portant persons J31-A7-14-21-28 ! There Is Just One Road! in it. RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A Battle Creek physician say«, “Con stlpatinn is responsible for m o re, misery than any other cause.” But Immediate relief has b e e n . found. A tablet called Rexall Order­ lies hag been discovered. This tablet attracts w ater from the system Into the lazy, dry evacuating bowel called the colon. The water loosens the dcy food w aste and causes a gentle thorough, natural m ovem ent without forming a habit or ever increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation Ubew a Rexall Orderlle at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 26c today at Flanery's Rexall Drug Store. Bigger and B etter positions are continually presen t i n g t ’neniselveB to those who a re trained for business, and hundreds of our g rad u a tes have already tak e n advantage of these opportunities. Tuesday, Septem ber 2, a large class will e n te r our school and begin un intensive course in preparation for th e oall for help th a t will surely come. R egister now and begin with the class, “T uesday, Septem ­ ber 2.”- it’s a good school and the rate s are reasonable. Ask about it. Eugene Business College . Telephone 666 A. E. R oberts, P resident ■ M iner Bldg. Eugene, Ore. Drinks for Warm Weather $ The handsom e rim less glasses fitted here will alleviate strain and Improve on e’s appear­ ance. DR E C MEADE O P T O M E T R I-TT »4- W E F T 8 t h AVE We have the larg est asso rtm en t of th irst quenchers In tow n. N othing quenches th e th irst o r gives a m ore delight­ ful cool sensation than a drink mixed at. our fountain. No m atte r w hat you w ant we m ake it—pure, fresh and cold. FGGIMANN’S "Where the Service la Different"