PAGE TW O T in iR H U A Ï . A U G U ST 21, IM P T H E SPR IN G FIELD N EW S '■ 1 1 ■ «9 Hare From Thuraton— Mr.t and Mrs. MISS MAUDE GORRIE WEDS LANE COSTS COMPARE • ELERY FAY SATURDAY e FAVORABLY W ITH OTHERS e e THURSTON e e e e e e e * From Waltervllls- Mrs W. W. Car­ KEPNER IS IMPROVING ter of Waltervlllu was a visitor In Chris llunsoti of Thurston were vise * MAIN STREET PROPERTY Springfield Wednesday. tors In Springfield yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Richardson E. E. Kepner has beeu busy tho j Miss Maud Gorrie, daughter of Mrs motored to Yoncalla last Thursday to County government administration past two weeks retnodellug the Inside coats tn Laue county compare very fa­ C, I. Gorrie. Sr.. became the bride of visit Mrs. Richardson’s parents there. of his busluess property adjoining the Elery Fay at a beautiful home wed- vorably w ith other counties of the Mr and Mrs Charles Grant enjoyed Eagle cafe. He hus put a new bark . state, according to a compilation of | ding which was so'emnlsed at Port- a visit over the week-end with their Ing on the walls and will either paper | the expenses of all counties which 1 land Saturday evening at the home cousin and family front Portland or paint this The ceiling has also j has been received by the state direc­ of Mrs. N. P. Witham, a close friend Mrs. Harvey Hadley from Hadiev- been repapered. Mr. Kepner is also j of the bride. tor of the budget at Salem. ville spent last Sunday with her moth doing some repair work on the roof j The service was read by Rev. Levi er. Mrs. Needham Lane's tota. expenses, »$»41.030.49. of the Eagle cafe building roof which ■ is the highest in comparison with fig Johnson, assistant pastor of the First Wl'ltam Eyler spent the past week was slightly damaged during the fire urcs for Marlon. Clackamas. Jackson, Presbyterian church, tn the presence end in California. last spring. Mr. and Mrs. John Price and fam and Vmatilla counties, but ranks sec­ of about fifty family members and No new tenant has been secured for lly motored to Notl last Sunday and the vacant building, but Mr. Kepner ! ond in average cost per person, third close friends of the couple. Miss Anne Gorrie. slater of the visited their son, Curtis Price, and In average cost per square mile, and decided to improve the property thus first in area of the five counties and bride, was bridesmaid, and Martin family. Mr and Mrs. Frank Green from making It more Inviting to anyone | Wilken was the best man second In population. Veneta spent the week end with Mrs who might decide to locate here. A beautiful altar had been con­ The area of Lane county appears one of the principal reasons for the structed In the living room of the Green's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob TEACHERS INSTITUTE high expense total, as the average Witham home and this was decorated Parrot. Loyd Hubbard who has been work­ expense $204.03 per square mile, less with large numbers of palms, lilies, TO BE HELD IN OCTOBER ing during harvest in Washington re­ than half of the »681 89 spent in Ma - and gladioli The annual latne county teachers J Mrs. Fay is a graduate of the turned home last Wednesday. ion county, and the »470.54 spent tn Institute will be held on Thursday and ' Mr. and Mrs. William Rhinehart Clackamas. Lane has an area of 461» Springfield high school, of the Uni­ square miles, as compared with 1194 versity of Oregon, and Is a member and daughter and her husband. Mr. Friday. October 23 and 24. according for Marion and 1864 in Clackamas of Alpha XI sorority. She Is employed and Mrs. Grimes, from Carlback. Cali­ to an announcement made this week Government in Jrckson county with by a medical firm In Portland. Mr fornia. Mrs. Grimes from Eugene. Mr. by E. J. Moore, county superintend . 2836 square mSes costs »193.98 a Fay has been a visitor In Springfield land Mrs. Palmer from Eugene were ent. The place for the sessions has ! square mile a^.d Vmatilla county pays several times and is engaged In the in Thurston calling on old friends last not been selected yet. but It Is almost i Saturday and looking their old home certain that they will be held tn one | »120.88 with an area of 3173 square lumber business in Portland. over. Mr. and Mrs. Rhinehart and of the Eugene school buildings. The Among those who attended the wed miles. daughter lived here 21 years ago on local institutes which are held in the The Clackamas county total of ding from Springfield were Mrs. C. 1. the place where Mrs Baxter lives now various school districts will be held Gorrie. Sr., and her two daughters. »877.097.97 is second to Lane’s total Lee Hart who has been in Alaska some time next spring. expense. The average cost per per Margaret and Anne. for several months has returned home son in Clackamas heads the list with Kenneth Platt has the measles. CLUB MEMBERS TO HAVE »19.06; Lane is second with »17.28. LOCAL MUSICIAN PLAYS and Jackson third with »16.74. Mar­ NEW COOPS FOR POULTRY FOR RELIGIOUS MEETINGS Marriage Licenses Issued ion county Is fifth with a per capita Four-H club members will have The county clerk during the past expense of only »11.30. Mrs. Clara Tuttle Fenton returned brand new coops to house their poul­ week has granted marriage licenses to her home In this city Monday for BEANS, PEARS. BERRIES a short stay after having attended to the following: Truman Rust and try exhibits at the Lane county fair Elma Sprague, both of Blachly ; Fred which opens In Eugene next Wednes­ PACKED AT CANNERY two religious encampments where she served as pianist. She first at- Lindsay and Astride Wlnther, both of day. The new coop« are now being Sixty tons of beans are being re­ ! tended the Willamette Holiness As­ Eugene; William Inman and Virginia built at the group of Four-H club ceived and canned at the Eugene sociation encampment near Corvallis Hill, both of Llndslaw; Harold Living­ buildings The coops formerly used Fruit Growers plant in Eugene each and later the Marlon County Associa­ ston and Hazel Sweet, both of Elmira; belonged to the Pacific International Melvin Russell. Fall Creek, and Ethel Livestock exposition and they have day now. according to Lee Turner, tion near Salem. Speakers at the encampments were Russell. Ruckles; Carl Morgan and been removed to other locations. field manager for the orgainsation. They are operating the cannery on a Rev. C. W. Ruth of Pasadena, and Mina May See. both of Goldson. NEPHEW OF LOCAL PEOPLE day and night shift now to take care Claude A. Watson, attorney of Los Attend North Dakota Picnic of the large bean crop. Angeles. FATALLY SHOOTS SELF Mrs. Fenton left Tuesday for Bartlett pears were delivered at Harry and Dick Shannon both at­ Archie Bronson. 12-year-old nephew the cannery on Monday for the first i «Crawfordsville to fulfill an engage­ tended the annual North Dakota pic­ time this season and a large pack of ment as accompanist for the Bulgln nic which was held at Albany last of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes, whose revival campaign which is being con­ Sunday. A large crowd was present home is at Myrtle Point accidentally this fruit is expected. Some evergreen berries have been ducted as union services by the local and several prominent Dakota reel shot and killed himself Sunday morn­ delivered, but the bulk of these will churches. dents and formef residents of the ing while carrying a loaded gun. Mr. not be brought In for at least ten Fllckertail state made addresses dur and Mrs. Hayes went to Myrtle Point Monday to attend the funeral. days. BUY TICKETS AT HOME ’ng the day. The market prospects for Oregon • The picnic next year will be brought URGES TICKET SELLERS From Ced>r Fiata—John Plummer • canned goods are very favorable this to Lane county and will be held in year, according to J. O. Holt, mana­ Ticket offices of the Southern Pa­ Eugene it was decided at the bust of Cedar Flats was a business visitor J i In Springfield on Saturday. ger. The drouth in the middle west cific railroad company are engaged in ness session. and eastern states has greatly reduced a campaign now to Induce the travel­ the supply of fruit and vegetables for ing public to purchase their tickets at the canneries In those regions with home instead of going to the larger the result that they are placing or­ . cities where they frequently think ders with Pacific coast firms. they are able to get better rates. Tickets purchased at the traveler’s LANE COUNTY RECEIVES home station is just that much money SHARE OF LIQUOR FINES kept in the community, argue the agents who say that all money paid Here's a simple way to get rid of a cathartic but a real system condi­ Lane county became the richer fi­ for tickets is deposited in local banks that corporation and quickly feel tn tioner and for those who are the vic­ nancially last week by »2,000 when and enables the agent to secure better bc-th body and mind the Joy of living. tims of constipation or toxemia its It’s the safe way. too—for every dully use soon means blissful regular­ she received word from the state facilities for his station. day you continue this easy method ot ity. treasurer for her share of the fines The belief that a person contem losing unwanted and unneeded flesh Get in 86 cent bottle of Kruschen for violations of the liquor and fire plating a long trip can purchase a yoa’ll gain In energy, vigor and en­ Salts—last 4 weeks—at Ketel's Drug Store or any druggist In the world. treasurer that her share of the fines ticket in Portland cheaper than in durance. Nine times In ten obesity means In­ laws amounted to that sum. Fines lev­ Springfield is erroneous, according to ied against the violators of the liquor Carl Olson, agent at the depot here. activity—It means that your blood is starving for the six vital salts your laws netted the county »1950. The tickets usually cost the same internal orrans, need to keep you Of this sum one-half will be turned from all small cities as they do from youthful, active, ambitious and keen over to the prohibition fund and the the larger cities and the railroad in mind. When you take one half teaspoon other will go to the general fund of company takes care of all baggage ful of Kruschen Salts every morning the county. After each of the coun­ worries when it is checked from the In a glass of hot or cold water you ties in the state have collectively paid traveler’s home town. get these six vital salts which mod ern foods and cooking do not supply. »50,000 into the prohibition fund they Start taking Kruschen Salts—that's are then permitted to retain all fines HAND IS INJURED WHEN the common-sense way to reduce—but within the county instead of turning AUTOMOBILE ROLLS OVER don’t take them with the Idea that them over to the state as formerly. they possess reducing qualities In There is, however, a catch in the Ed Kester received a badly cut lit- themselves. This Is what they do—they clean story. Only »850 of the fines have the finger and a broken bone In been paid, the other payments are his hand Saturday when the automo­ out the Impurities In your blood by the bowels, kidneys and liver pending appeals and other actions, bile which he was driving turned over keeping In splendid working shape and fill while still others may be forced to on the road in front of the Cal Young you with a vigor and tireless energy work out their fines in the county home north of Eugene. Loose grave', you'd most forgotten had existed. The urge for activity will be so jail. is attributed as the reason iJr the marked that even at the end of a hard spill which caught Mr. Kester's hand day's work you’ll feel ready for any SOUTHWEST LANE IS in some manner and cut it. Mr. Kester social activity or recreation—you can as hard as you work. PICTURESQUE COUNTRY is at a loss to explain why his hand play And after two weeks your excess should be the only part of his body flesh starts to go—you'll know It— A party of local people consisting injured. Several stitches were re­ feel it—see it—the scales will tell the of the Misses Kate Baxter, her sister, quired on the finger which was gashed story. As one, once corpulent man remark­ Irene Baxter, Miss Clara Jones, and I to the bone. ed—"I feel so energetic that I want to Mrs. Carrol Groshong, of Eugene, for­ One fender wag damaged and a few get up with the lark and I’m just as mer nurse in the office of Dr. W. G. other minor damages were sustained lively as a cricket." Rebhan, drove to Lorane over the Lor­ by the automobile. K ru sch en S a lts Is not a pu rg ativ e or ane highway south of Eugene Sunday and then turned southeast to Anlauf SCHOOL BELL RINGS SOON Modern Equipment for Brake Test­ and returned over the Pacific highway. IN MABEL DISTRICT ing, Wheel and Axle Aligning Several stretches of plank road and TE8T8 FREE other bits of road which were noth­ When you go to California by School children of Lane county will train, you leave the job of "get­ ing more than mere trails were en­ soon hear the call of the class bell, ting there” to someone else. countered by the women in their trip. and those children who live in the The scenery in that part of the coun­ Mabel district can count their remain By train, your vacation need ty is very beautiful now, according ing days of vacation with the fingers not be limited to just one place. to the motorists. A Southern Pacific vacation on their two hands for they will have All Work Guaranteed ticket invites you to see the full only ten more days in which to play On Vacation—Miss Maxine Snod­ or work before school opens on Labor Phone 271 sweep of California's charm­ Eugene grass began her vacation from her Day, September 1. This is the only ing playgrounds. 10th end Olive Oregon duties at the Mountain States Power school In the county to open on this Travel the scenic Shasta company office on Monday. Miss early date, according to the county Route,through milesof breath­ Snodgrass and her mother. Mrs. Riley school superintendent who points out less mountain scenery. Cour­ Snodgrass will spend a part of the va­ that although Labor Day Is a holiday, teous attendants smooth your cation at San Francisco. Wayne it is not a school holiday and classes way. You arrive refreshed and Hawke is substituting at the power ready for play. may begin on that day if it is desired. office during Miss Snodgrass’ vaca­ tion. Garage Building Used organization establish­ The building formerly occupied by ing Eastern offices in Eugene wants one Entertains Sister—Dr. and Mrs. W. the Rodenburgh garage is being used C. Rebhan have as their guest this now as a garage for a part of the man to handle our Springfield busi­ ness. Must be over 24 years old and week Dr. Rebhan's sister, Miss Nellie trucks and machinery of the state have had business or sales exper­ Rebhan of Seattle, Washington. highway department which the Ker- ience. Mr. Hall, 2028 University CARL OLSON, nan construction company Is using in 8t., Write Eugene. WANTED—Several dozen used Econ­ Agent their oiling work. omy pint Jars. Phone 156M. Tells How Fat Men Can Lose Half a Pound a Day Save With Safety at the Rexall Store—Factory-to-You Sale Now on A tew illustrations of the many money saving specials offered you! ........................ $1 itexull Liver Salta ............- ............ 69c Rubbing Alcohol 60c Milk Mugneaiu ........... $1.00 "98“ lla ir Tonic ........... ............ no» M m cnil 0 0 76c Witch H aiel ....................... ........ 45c Luucara T ab lets ...... ................ ... T ou lli BruKhcK 60c Klenao Sham poo ................... 04c Shaving Cream and Talcum $1.00 Peptona ........ Flanery’s Drug Store PHONE 15 T in s S p e c ia l O ile r End» S e p t. 1 s t I p O : n l y a f e w y® l e f t I L t o i f]>uy t h i s ELECTRIC A L L .S T E B L R E F K U .E K A T O R A T a> D o n ’t l e t t h is opportunity slip away —H ave your General Electric to enjoy this summer and all year ’round. Join the hun­ dreds o f happy house­ wives who have be­ com e th e p rou d possessors o f General Electric Refrigerators during the past few weeks o f this special o ffe r . O n ly $ 1 3 . dow n (th e fir s t m o n th ’s p a y m e n t ) places it in your h- me. Come in today and let us talk it over. N o o w n e r has ever p a id Minton’s Brake Service SALESMAN WANTED Southern Pacific ] GENERAL you leave the strain of getting there to someone else 79c 49c 39c 79c 49c 49c 29c 29c 39c 39c 79c The Teffetable Pan INCLUDING Y l2 < S t= V A l= L lS IrZ L U NO E XTR A COST is included w ithout charge as,an additional inducement during t h is Special Offer which closes Sept. 1st. PL A C E Y O U R O R D E R TO DAYI Mountain States ÌTx'iJ Power Company •tsua PABTMEBS B4 F10C1W I