í * Try the Home P rin t Shop F trat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ra v u g j -x x i‘.p T W EN T Y -SEV EN T H YEAH. STATE GAME FIGHT CENTER!i IN LANE David Evant Bacomaa Target For Clifford Men in Lane County: Emmett Howard Leads Eugene Delegation to Salem. The troubles of the state game rum mission which have been brewlinc about the state for several month» and which lately were centered In Portland with a series of both open and closed hearings concerning the activities of llsrold Clifford, state game warden and his chief assistant, Clark, both of whom wore discharged by the commission following the In­ vestigation, have been suddenly shift ed to latne county and an avalanche of criticism la being hurled dally at David Evans, one of the three com mlssloners appointed this year by Governor Norblad for the purpose of cleaning up the troubles of the com­ mission. Evans was one of the three mem­ bers of the commission who voted to oust Mr Clifford, whom It seems does not wsnt to be ousted. Mr Clifford has continually hurled charges against the Eugene member of the commission nnd yesterday the political tangle took on what seemed to really be a state wide Importance when a Eugene dele­ gation headed by Emmett Howard. Lane county representative, went be­ fore the governor at Salem protesting the removal of Clifford and purporting to show that the removal wua a bit of spite work brought about because the ousted warden had refused to approve the exchange of certain federal land» In Coos county for privately owned property noward has announced his Intention of going before the next legislature and asking for the abolition of the en­ tire commission. He hopes In this manner to put an end to the trouble which has been a source of agitation In this state for many years. Hundreds of letters snd telegram» have been poured In on the governor's desk at Ssl'tn both protesting the ouster and approving of the action. He has announced bis Intention of studying the matter very carefully and has already gone over all of the de­ tailed testimony of the hearings held at Portland. There Is considerable ru­ mor over the state that Norblad Is about to appoint a new member to the commission. Local sportsmen when asked thelt oplons of the affair declared almost unanimously that their chief Interest was In settling the Incident rather than siding with any faction. Commissioner Evans spoke before the Springfield Lions club shortly af­ ter his appointment to the commis­ sion. He said at that time that he had no political aspirations and went on the commission with an open mind expecting to act for what he thought was the best Interest of hunting and fishing. In his opposition to Clifford, developed after a hearing, local sports­ men are Inclined to think that there has been sufficient evidence to Justify Evans' contentions thc^t the game war­ den no longer serves the best Interests of the people. FALL CREEK RESIDENTS OPPOSE PROPOSED ROAD A petition bearing the signatures of 112 signers has been filed with the county court at Eugene by residents of the Fall Creek district who have taken this means of protesting the pro­ posed routing of another road from Pengra and Lowell to Springfield. The signers of the petition declare that It will cost $60,000 to develop the road and that the residents of the vi­ cinity would actually derive very little benefit from such a road. They also contend that many of the signers o. the petition asking for the new road are not residents of the district af fected, and that others are high school students. Those who are taking the lead It. opposing the new route are J. H. Kls singer, Oscar Drury, W. H. Iuirlmer, A. B. Downs, and Bud Kintzley. Drive to Newport- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Pyne and Mr. Pyne's brother, Charles Pyne and family of Idaho, left Springfield this morning for Newport where they will spend the day on the beach. Takes Vacation— Miss Irene Bax ter Is vacationing from her duties at the office of Dr. Carl Phetteplace this week. Miss Inez Eyler Is taking her place. Brings 8on to Towrv—Mrs. A. E. Hollis brought her smalt son to Spring- field to have an Injury to his foot dressed on Wednesday. SPfUNUPlRLD, LA NE CO U N T Y, OREGON MRS EGGiMANN LEAVES TO ATTEND CONVENTION of ladies of c. a . r . Mrs. C. F Kggtmann left Sprlugfleld yesterday at noon for Purtland on the first lap of her Journey Io Cincinnati, Ohio, where she will attend the na­ tional convention of the Indies of the Grand Army of the Republic, as presi­ dent of the Oregon district Mrs. Kggl- man was honored at a large banquet ut Portland last night which was at (ended by many of the other state of­ ficers of the organisation. She plans to leave Portland today accompanied by Miss May Schlldan, youngest delegate from the state. They will travel over to Spokane, and Chi­ cago on the trip to the convention and will return over the new cutoff through Alturas. Elaborate plans are being made to entertain visiting delegates at the con­ vention, according to Information re reived here by Mrs. Egglmann. They will be allowed the courtesy of all amusement parks as well as all other houses of entertainment while attend­ ing the convention which begins Aug­ ust 26 snd ends on August 29. The marine band from Washington. D. C., has been secured to play for all of the sessions and a special boat (rip to General Grant national park la being planned. Mrs. hggltuuun will visit at Furl Wuyue. aud at Osalun, Indiana, where Mr. Eggiuiauu has relatives before re turning to Springfield ou Friday, Sep­ tember 6. S ta r t On M o n d a y N ext W ednesday Early Crop Will Be Very Good; tour dig Days and Night* of Entertainment and Education Late Crop Expected to be Planned tor Annual Evant Lighter Than Usual Picking of early bopa will atari In thia vicinity on Monday and Tuesday of next «¡reek, according to J. A. Sea- vey The crews will beglu at the Sea vey Island on Monday and at the Hte veils hopyard at Headman's ferry, which Is also owned by Mr Hteavoy. on Tuesday. Plcklug on the fields owned by L. 8. t'hrlstofferson. Ivan Anderson, J. Fish, Ijrwronce Edmundson. Lloyd Stafford und others In Lam« county Is expected to gel uuder way during Ihe week also, according to the own era. Must of the bop growers have al­ ready secured their plckere for the season Curds were mailed to many of the former pickers asking them whether they would pick again this year. The picking aeasou ,s about a week later this year than usual The early hops are uearly always ready fur the pickers by the twentieth of August. I ale hops will be ready for the pick­ ers sometime the first week of Sep­ tember. The crop tula year will be about 75 per cent less than lu former years This Is caused partly by the fact that some of the hop fields have been dug up aud abandoned. The crop on the Vines la expected (o be about the same us usual There will la- less foliage on the late hops which will make them easier to pick. I lie iMiio county lair, which, with the Spnugliuld visit of Ihe North- j weal sir lour, tonus ouu of the two tuadlug public evuula ol Ihe soasuu In luih« county, Is due next week, be- gluuing Wednesday, aud from all prospects will equal or better any fair livid lu ibe county for years. Four big daya, August in to 20, In elusive, are scheduled for the fair. Night programs are alao planned, und lwo nlgiits, the second and fourth, will feature a new fair enterprise, a pugeaut, "The Spirit of America." Ut no small importance will be Cal Vouug. sou ot early 1-aiie pioneers, who Is having constructed a "boat" type of pioneer wagon for use In the pioneer phuse ot the pageant. Then there will be vaudeville per­ formances, motion pictures, fireworks and oilier eutvrlainmeut features. And lu the afternoon, a horse racing pro­ gram ecllpstug unythlug ot the kind seen here In years Is ou the schedule. Heads the H.P.O.E. A L IV I N8W 8PAPKR IN A L I V I TO W N No. 32 TH UR SD A Y, AUGUST 21, 1930 £ flr/y f~Jop PickeTS Lane P air Opens r "The People's P ip e r" j M’KENZIE OILING IS SIAGTEO THIS WEEK Crew Will Probably Spend Rest of Dry Season Oiling Various Sections of Highway; Surface of Road to be Similar to Ap­ proaches to Bridge Here. Oiling activities on the McKenzie highway began this week and will probably continue as long Into the fall as the weather Is favorable. The first work was started on the slx-mlle stretch between the Thurston corner und the und of the pavement In East Lawrence H Rupp, of Al|entowa Pa new Grand F.xalif'l Ruler of the Springfield The traveled portion of Benevolent Protective Order of Elks the new highway from the Junction ot the new and old roada near Hendricks bridge to the bridge Itself will also COUNTY CHAMBER TO Ire oiled and then the machinery wilt HEAR COURT’S PLAN be moved up to the section above FOR ROAD'S FINANCE Nimrod Inn and that road oiled as far as Blue river. Financing the county's share of the No definite time has been set for stale highway program In Lane coun­ the completion of the oiling ot the ty will be the subject of discussion at Springfield-Thurston section, but It is the meeting of the Lane county cham­ estimated that It will take about 16 ber of commerce tonight In Cottage Hays In all to complete all of the work Grove. Several delegutea from the on this unit. McKenzie highway traffic la being Springfield chamber of commerce will Agricultural displays will be as good routed north on Fifth street in Spring be In attendance. or belter than usual. Crops are good The road committee of the county field during the oiling. Motorists can Hits year, and both Individuals and chum her of commerce will be in at­ drive out to the Wendllng road and communities are showing keeu Inter­ leave It Just this side of Hayden tendance. est In produce displays. Stock shows, The road committee of the county bridge and go past the McKenzie stock also, will bo exceptionally good this chamber will recommend to that body farm to Thurston where they again year, according to reports from da Ibe endorsement of the county court's reach the hlghwey. purtment directors. The F. J. Kernan construction com­ plan for cooperating with the state. 6T0V L TOO CLOSE TO lien Keeney, county ursetsor who pany of Reedsport which has the con­ The court proposes to divert the coun­ niukea flowers his bobby, Is lu charge tract for the McKenzie oiling has WALL IGNITES PAPER ty's part of the automobile license of the floral exhibits again. He prom shipped In some heavy oiling machln EARLY THIS MORNING fees to state roads until the state ery and has made arrangements with inch a show that will outdo anything highways sre completed In the coun­ the state highway department for the of the kind tried In any Oregon fair. An uarly fire at the Spong room­ UNION SERVICE TO BE ty. This monoy heretofore used for There will be the usual midway at­ retirement of road bonds will have to use of a considerable amount of thelt ing house did about $26 damages at AT METHODIST CHURCH tractions at the fair this year, und the equipment. 7.00 o'clock this morning before It be replaced by taxation. The surfacing which la now being Four-ll clubs will have their UMual could be extinguished by the fire de­ The county chamber road commit­ Union church services will be held applied to the highway will result In partment fine show. tee met last week and agreed to rso- a finished portion of highway very at the Methodls! church next Sunday Mabel H. Chadwick, fair secretary, The fire started back of a cook stove evening with Rev. ('. J. Pike occupying omtnend the court’s plan to the coun­ similar to that applied to the ap­ which was standing too near the wall. the pulpit. This Is the second of a promises a good show this year. It ty chamber at Its next meeting. proaches to the Springfield bridge Just The wall was not protected and the series of evening services to be con­ Is her third year In charge of the fair before the Fourth of July. It consists wall paper caught fire. A large ducted by Rev Pike. Ills subject will MRS. OLSON TALKS OF of several coatings of one and one- amount of the wall paper aud some I»- "The Nature and Necessity of a BRIDGE IS BARRICADED; PILGRIMAGE AT REBEKAH half Inch rock and oil, three-fourtha of the celling was burned. A hole was Creed." lutst Sunday evening be spoke APPROACHES STANDING Inch and one-quarter Inch rock. cut in the roof to get water on the on the topic, "The Christian Creed " SOCIAL MONDAY NIGHT The oil Is applied while very hot burning ceiling. The Epworth league will entertain City workmen have completed the and the rock Is rolled Into the oil as A very enjoyable time was had all of the young people of the city at barricading of Ibe east approach to It cools. The oil Is a heavy asphalt a Joint gathering In the church par­ th * old Springfield bridge In accord­ Monday evening by (hose who at­ road oil nnd the result Is a road sur­ THREE NATIONAL PARKS ance with the decision of the city tended the regular social meeting of face as good or better than pavement. VISITED BY VACATIONISTS lors at 7:00 p. m. The regular Sunday school will he council and there Is no further dan­ the Rebekuh lodge. They had their Heating Oil Interesting Traveling more than 2200 miles In held In (he morning at 9 46. and morn ger of motor vehicles driving onto social activities, heard a talk by Mrs. The heating of this oil and the han­ two weeks, visiting three national Ing services will he held at 11 00 at the approach and Into the river. Emma Olson, and had a shower tor dling of It while It is hot Is a very parks and upending several days at which time Rev. Pike will apeak on I,arg« cedar posta have been set In one ot the members. Interesting process. When the oil ar­ Mrs. Olson, who has Just returned the middle ot the road and some of the Oregon beaches Is a brief sum­ the questlcyi. "•Whose Affair?" rives In the large railroad tank cars the heavy twolnch planks used on from u trip to England to visit her it Is very thick and heavy. This will mary of the vacation from which Mias Ihe floor of the bridge have been son’s grave, told the members some not spread through the faucets on the Anne Bldwell of the Commercial Statu NEW MOTOR INSTALLED ON LOCAL AIRCRAFT sawed up and nulled to the posta mak­ reminiscences ot the long Journey. rear end of the oiling truck so It must bank, and her brother and slater-ln- ing a wall which Is easily visible at She also exhibited many of the pic­ be heated. law, Mr. and Mrs. David Bldwell of A new motor was Installed In the night. Other posts have been set tures and souvenirs which she brought The first step In this heating pro­ Columbus, Ohio, returned last Sunday. cess Is running a steam line Into the The people left here two weeka be­ two-place training ship at the munici­ along the edge of the road and heavy hack with her. A miscellaneous shower was also lank from the power house. This will fore that and drove to Crater Lake pal flying field this week. The motor planks nailed to them. These serve National park and spent some time In an exact duplicate of the former to keep both adults and children given for Mrs. Fnlth Drury Bauer of eventually bring the temperature up to approximately 300 degrees, which Is viewing the world-famous lake. After one which has been used for training from going out onto the approach Jasper who was rocently married. and passenger flights for the past with the possibility of falling Into the Refreshments consisting of Ice­ not hot enough for good oiling work. this they drove Into California as far year. cream and cake were served late In After the oil has been heated with river. as Bedding and then went west to the Lee Inman aud Jim MucManlman the steam pipe It is then ready to be The county commissioner! have Ihe evening. Humbolt National park where they took the cabin ship to Florence Sun­ agreed to let the Plummer service j pumped into the oiling truck. A spe­ spent some time among the giant red­ day and hauled passengers until three station In West Springfield have the CENSUS WORKER COMES cial combination boiler and pump woods. On the trip between Redding o’clock when they returned to Spring- lumber of the two approaches If they BACK TO SPRINGFIELD raises the temperature ot the oil to and the coast they ssw what was for­ field. about 426 degrees as it Is pumped Into would remove them. This was agreed merly the largest placer mine In the Ix><< Meyers, assistant census super­ the truck. upon, but to date no steps have been world. The old gold mine was a scene Special Truck Used taken to remove the east side ap­ visor for this district, was In Spring- of great activity, employing a very NEW TOURIST CAMP The truck Itself Is a very interest­ field Wednesday doing further cen­ large number of negroes before the NOW OPEN TO PUBLIC proaches. sus work for the department of Com ing bit of machinery. It Is built sim­ Wbrld war. It ceased operations dur merce. Manufacturing and Industrial ilar to a thermos bottle with a tank The new auto camp at the overhead ROSSMAN INFANT DIES Ing the war and has never been re­ census. There wns some mlxup In In the center which contains the oil crossing on the Pacific highway south opened. IN EUGENE SATURDAY (he blanks which were sent to the dis­ and which will not allow the temper­ Leaving the Redwood forest the of Springfield Is now open for busi­ trict office nnd certain of the local ature to drop to a point below 400 de­ ness and Is enjoying a good patron­ party drove north to Oregon and fol­ Barbara Joan Rossman, the In fant business houses flllod out what Is grees for many hours after It has been lowed the Roosevelt highway to age. according to the proprietors. The daughter of Mr and Mrs. Harold Ross known as a short blank instead of the loaded. first tour cabins have been complete­ Reedsport and then returned to man, route 1, Eugene, died Saturday longer one. Mr. Meyers was requested An Idea of the amount of oil which Springfield by way of Drain. The next ly furnished and are occupied nearly nt the Pacific Christian hospital at to call on those merchants nnd have Is going to be used can be gained when every evening. Eight other cabins morning they started north again and them fill out the more complete one knows that the first coat ot ou have been completed nnd are being Ihe age of three days. drove to Rainier national park and Funeral services were neld Monday blanks. Is applied at the rate ot 1800 gallons furnished. spent some time at Paradise Inn. from tho Walker-Poole chapel In Eu­ to nine-tenths of a mile. There are Following this the party turned gene and Interment was made In the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE several coats of this applied with each south again and after crossing the WORK ON FIRE STATION Laurel Grove ceetery. Rev. Roy Idalle of the various sixes ot rock. The WILL MEET NEXT WEEK Longview bridge, drove to the T illa­ PROGRESSING RAPIDLY Smith, pastor of tho First Methodist amount of oil, however varies, with mook beaches where they spent the church of Eugene officiated. The regulnr meeting of the Spring- each coat. A new shinglo roof has been put on rest of the week. field Chamber of Commerce will be the building at Sixth and F streets BOY'S ARM IS BROKEN held at the Community hall on Friday TRAVEL ON McKENZIE which Is to be the future homo of tho MRS. WILLARD GILLETTE IN FALL FROM TREE evening of next week. Business to be city fire department. Work of remod­ BEING CHECKED DAILY HAS PARTY FOR DAUGHTER eling the Inside of the building Is alao discussod at that time will probably Merritt Rickman of Marcola was hinge on tho work done at the county A total of 630 vehicles passed over being pushed forward this week. Mrs. Raymond Brown was tho honor brought to Springfield Saturday eve­ chamber meeting at Cottage Grove on the McKenzie highway near Thurston Living quarters are being establish­ guest at a shower and party given at ed on th» second floor of the building ning to have a brokon arm treated by Thursday, according to officers of the on Monday between the hours of 7:00 the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a local physician. Merritt wns climb local organization. a. m. and 6:30 p. m., according to a for the fire chief and his family. Willard Gillette on Saturday evening Ing a tree In the yard at his home check made by Henry N. Watte, who The guests spent the evening playing when he lost his grasp on a limb and MR. AND MRS. McKINNEY Is directing traffic over the detour PEELING KNIFE SLIPS; games and cards after which they en­ fell to the ground. Ha broke both of ENTERTAIN W ITH PARTY route during the oiling ot the highway STITCHES TAKEN IN HAND the hones In the forearm. He would joyed delicious refreshments. between this city and Thurston. Among those attending were Mrs. not say what he was climbing after, The heaviest traffic of the day was Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McKluney en- 8r.veral stltchjs were taken In the Arthur Neet, Mrs. Oran Metcalf Mr. but he was sure he was not a tree turtnlnod a group of young people at between the hours of 4:00 and 6:00 hand of Marlon, the 10-y ear-old daugh­ and Mrs. Clarence Lajole and son, sitter. a gathering at their home here Wed­ when 66 passed the watchman. Two Theodore, and daughter, Leota, Mr. ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hollis of nesday evening. Games and stunts hours In the morning just before noon Creswell, by a local physician on Sat­ nnd Mrs. Glen Wlltse, Mr. and Mrs. BLIND GIRL TO SING provided the entertainment after each showed 60 passing the corner. ¡George Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John urday as the result of an accident with Travel nn Tuesday was not quite as a sharp knife. The girl was peeling Glley, Mrs. F. Mattison apd daughter, AT UNION SERVICES which refreshments were served by heavy. The totals were not available the hostess. Marjorie, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Gillette an apple to eat when the knife Those attending were Miss Dorothy at the highway office at noon Wed­ Miss W. Gartln will sing two vocnl and family. slipped and gashed the flesh. Richmond of Eugene, Dorothea Frese, nesday, but Mr. Watte said that no solos at tho union church services Jewel Brlstlln, Jimmie West, Lloyd hour during the day had been as heavy which nre to he held nt the Methodist 8pende Week-end In Klamath Coun­ Fish Wednesday— Clayton Barber as on Monday. Frese, and tho host and hostess. and W. P. Tyson fished on the Mc­ ty— Mrs. J. M. Larson, her father, church Sunday evening. Her first number will he "Evening nnd Morn­ Charles Toftdahl, and hei sister, Mrs. Kenzie late Wednesday afternoon. To Attend Round-up— Mr. and Mrs. Undergoes Operation— Mrs. Walter Sam Miller, both of Junction City, ing.” The second will be “The Singing W. F. Walker expect to leave the first Rauch ot Waltorvllle submitted to a In God’s Acre." Mrs. Ernest McKin­ Hers From Roseburg— Mrs. C. C. spent the week-end on a motor trip Haynie of Roseburg was a visitor In to Klamath Falls and the Tnle lake ney will play a violin accompaniment major operation at the Pacific Chris­ part of the week for Pendleton to at­ tend the annual Pendleton Round-up. for both songs. Miss Oartln I* blind. tian hospital In dugene on Tuesday. regions east of that city. Springfield on Wednesday.