PAGE SIX THM. 8MUWQFUBLD NEWS Local Stores Join Red- White Group SMALL BOY, MATCHES START FIRE IN CLOSET THURSDAY, AVGU8T 7. 1930 Ularlty In social circles and so he trina Bolin o f Yakim a. L d ith F olia of Van (n become a tucceaa In 'he social life «.-outer. Washington. and Mlsa Dorothy of (he big town lle s lc r Tliujt were continually auuabi after lo pose for pictures by Hie young THOUSANDS ATTEND women who carried cameras. MRS. FLORA GRANTIN PASSES AT DEXTER HOME Idaylng w ith matches nearly proved fata l laat Thursday foi the three « ear Mrs Flora U ra lin died Tuesday at Gray'« and Dibble« Become old son of M r mid Mrs. Floyd Thomp- her home at Dexter Hhe la survived BIG AIR TOUR SHOW Members of National Asso­ Special credit for I he auccesa of the by her widower. J It . TJ(ie parents of the child heard G ra tia , two ciation; Stores Painted day must be given to tin- members of daughters, Mrs T It Barnett of Co- him acnsamlng. but could not find him Continued from Page I the Springfield and Eugene National «luille and Mrs. Robert Mauney of The Red and W h ite Grocery a»»o fo r some tim e F in a lly when they went Guard unlta who patrolled the field all Dextet and ana son. Ted U ra lin of of plane type» as was on the field outside they saw smoke coming cut of elation was brought Into Springfield Monday had never been »«•« n In this «luring (he exhibition and kept people Dealer. She la also survived by her thia week 1« the ; nnouncement that the upstairs of th e ir house and Mrs. eart of i'rc g o n and probably w ill not back from the path of the m uring mother. Mrs M ary C arter o f Dexter tue II. »). Dibble«« and Gray's stores Thompson found the sm all child in the be se.-n again unless the tour la re- --h lf* C redit should also be gln-n to Funeral service» were held at the had a». Il»'««l themselves with the back end of a clothes closet The- boy- i ccl-’d In the future. Rome of Ihc moat W II Adrian for his work In Installing Baptist church at Dexter Wednesday Inteniatlou al group of grocery deal­ had been playing w ith matches and b o a s ' fui ships being manufactured ¡1 «»’ em of loudspeakers whereby the afternoon. H a rry Neet o fficiating In ers, The IMbbl««, store front has al- had set fire to the garm ents In th-.- - >n . \ h I It loti and many I j iiiu alinoUUt e n ien ts could lie heard o v e r lerm ent was made at Pleasant H ill readv been n in ie d red and w hite to room T he boy's hair was singed by cemetery. Ullt' >lk lock iid ia n ta g e of the op- ■noat of the Held Ind ntembershlpi and toe Gray's the flames, and his moth« r's hair and i t t i i . l i « o f rtilhig la the craft store »«.nt la now being painted. eyebrows were singed as ah. rushed Tour May 0« Repeated LOCAL BOYS MOTORING G lider Creates excitem ent The action of the local merchants through the flames to get her son. Ind I ««at - in i a now point to the ««uitlu- IN YEl LOWSTONE PARK Boon a lte r » 3 0 the ftrat ships be­ j nation or Hu- lour Idea and II la very In a ffilia tin g themselves with tn» Damages from the ftre are estim at­ u a o rg e b a n c r o it, a ta r o t » - L a d ie s gan a rrivin g and by t i n s moat of poqaible that the lour w ill be enlarged larger group Is not expected to make ed to be between $«00 and $«00. Howard Hughes, son of M r and L o ve B rutes'*— A P a ra m o u n t p ic tu re ihem were on the field. A few atrag- and Repeated again next year any change In th e ir management The run to the ftre was made by The Mrs. Wm G. Hughes, and Bernard p la y in g at th e C o lo n ia l S unday and gl»-il In during the morning and the Idea of the tour originated with Runs porsoaaol. Lum Anderson and C a ll W lltse at llo lta n of Chase Gardena are now day. glider, powered by a .Whoraepower sell Lawson. vl«-e president of the Na Banding together of large numbers about « : M Thursday eveuing Hugh making an autom blle lour of the Y e l­ motor arrived at about 11 00 Spec tlonal Aeronautical association of sm aller dealers for the purpose of Joltff. who was out for dinner, arrived lie lowstone National park, according to making one large buying organisation on the scene o f the blase scon a fte r CHEVALIER IS IDOL lators did not h««ar the gilder a rrive bus spent the past three mouths on a word received here this week by M r. and the establishment of central pur­ the ftre truck. and were surprised when they saw I leave of absence from the Richfield IN »PARAMOUNT ON Hughes' parents. How ard attend the chasing agents. Is the goal of the the h lrdlike machine circle the field ¡o il company w ith which he la em Seabeck conference a t Beabeck soon PARADE- AT COLONIAL members of the group, according to GOSHEN COUPLE HAVE and aettle down T hey were even . ployed and has devoted hie entire time a fte r the Cnlverslty erm was over M r L ittle , manager of the Eugene of­ Hollywood s chorus girls have an more surprised when they saw K K. j to the organisation of the tour. A per- laat June and has been tn eastern GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY fice of the Pioneer Grocery company. Rasmussen of Vancouver. W ashington, j luaiient organtxatlnn has been com­ Washington until he started the m otor Idol «««ported from France! Oregon wholesalers, who have been He Is M aurice C h evalier who won who was piloting the Aeronaca power­ pleted and offtclala have been elected trip through the park. M r and Mrs George A. Brown or designated as the agent of the mem­ ed glider step out of the seat with to direct the a ffa ire «»f the aaaorlatlon Goshen observed thetr golden wedding 'h e ir all-t me approval and friendship bers. This merely means that the In­ ordinary street clothes and a straw Dr. W C Itebhan, chairm an of the lo- anniversary on F riday of last week during the film ing of one of his num MAN FALLS 24 FEET dividual member stores are in a po­ hat on ills only riv a l In this respect «al aviation com m ittee, la also a mem They Invited about tw enty-five of hers In Paramount's gigantic musical sition where they can purchase in di­ FROM BRIDGE WEDNESDAY was Miss Hester who wore a wash her of th«- board of directors of this th eir friends and relatives to gather festival of the stars. "Param ount on rect competition w ith the larger chain dreaa and did not even don a uniform Parade." which w ill show at the Co- T D Itoblnett fell 2« feet from a aaoctatton. for dinner w ith them In honor of the dealers and meet the same competi­ lontal theater Tuesday, Wednesday when she went up to do her perilous . county bridge which he was working event. tion In the retailing of of the products, stunting. on east o f Cresw ell yesterday and Is Mr. and Mrs. Brown were m arried and Thursday For two days. M aurice Neturna to C o tt« » , Grove- Mrs. W according to M r. L ittle . N early 75 visitors and tnemuers of was "In the line," which. In stage now In Ihe Eugene hospital recovering in Eugene on August 1, l««o. Mrs. were n H em enw ay returned to her home from brul-iea which he received X ray parlance, means he was in the chor- the entertainm ent commltte« Brown ia now 70 years old and M r NIGHT FLIGHT RATES banqueted at the com m unity hall dur­ at Cottag« Grove yesterday a fter hav­ picture» failed lo show any broken Blown Ia TS T hey have lived In thia TO BE S1 50 SATURDAY Chevalier stepped Into his new role ing the noon hour by women of the ing spent a week visiting with her bones although hie hip. shoulder and daughter, K atheryn Hemenway AND SUNDAY AT PORT vicinity siuce thetr marriage. iu 'Rainbow Revels." one o f the spec­ civic club under the direction of Mrs. riba were badly bruised tacular song numbers In "l>ar»o ou ni 1. M Peterson. A short program of Special rates of *1 50 per passenger BOY STARTS GRASS FIRE ou Parade." In which he Is Joined by addresses was held during the ban­ w lw ll be In effect at the airport for PLAYING W ITH MATCHES eighty of the moat b eau tiful show quet Many filers expressed th e ir ap­ night flights co Saturday and Sunday gtrla that could be found In the film preciation of the banquet and declared night on!« c i this week, according to T he Springfield fire truck made a world. that It was a re lie f from the noise ot lew* Inman, manager of »he port, who run bn the Did M ill dance hall last Sat­ T he num ber opens on the housetops, •he flying field to get away for a good w 'th Jim Mac Maniman. pilot, has urday at 11 JO a m to extingu sh a move« to the clouds, and ends up on meal during the noon hour A drama of a gentleman of Just returned from parttc'patlon in grass fire Hugh J o liff. ftre chief, a gigantic rainbow, w ith a ll Joining T he pilots praised the Springfield chance in the old river th - N orthw est A ir Tour says that the fire was caused by in a song-and-dance o fferin g that tn- airport and expressed th e ir opinion They hauled many passengers a fte r fttcainboat days small boys who w ere playing tn the tr,«duces the song h it. "Sweeping the that it compared favorably w ith the dark nt other ports where they grass w ith matches The ftre was ex­ Touds A w a y " best fields la the northwest. s’o p-ed and found people very en­ Among the stars seen in the frvlic tinguished before in » damage was Larger Ships Out thused about flying over thetr city done are Richard Arlen. George Bancroft. Some dissatisfaction was heard over a fte r dark. C lara Bow. Evelyn B rent. Clive the failu re of some of the larg er ships Brook. Nancy C arroll, Ruth Chatter^ E n te rto in s W ith D in n e r to a rriv e at the airport Russell Law - M r. and M rs a B Murphy enter­ ton. M aurice Chevalier. G ary Cooper. son, In explaining thia declared, that It j o i n t s c m to K R M ? tained w ith a dinner a t th e ir horn« Leon E rrol. Sheets G allagher. H a rry must be borne in mind that this Is a Thursday compl m entary to Mrs. Wm O r en. Helen Kane. Dennis K ing. Abe com m ercial tour and whenever It be­ Ault, her daughter. M rs Duvld Reavis, Lym an and bis band. Jack O nkie. Zeb comes necessary for a ship to do fire O 'N eal W illia m Pow ell and and Mrs Reavis' daughter. Misa Peggy ma patrol dnty or to leave the squadron W IT H Lee Reavis, all of Enterprise Mrs. Charles i Buddy I ogers SUNDAY AND MONDAY for any other reason then It must go. ('torn Bow. Ruth Chatter-ton an« Reavis has been attending summer »7 T w o of the large o il company ships These are some of the Henry Uurbig. W A B C a rtis t turned school at the C nlverslty and is a M iry Brian . fam tnouni .» r V were called aw ay and the third one i i «own offers to catch fo r the D etroit teacher is the Enterprise schools M r rh a rm in g ladies of the screen with" was forced out because of trouble w ith whom Fred r-.c M arch has been In and St. Louis National League bi Reavi» came Friday to take them to lore. Now he has a new a ffin ity for the m otor which necessitated the com­ ball teams, ten years ago. because he their homes In eastern Dregon the purpose of film entertainm ent. plete rem oval of the engine û î L w c to w n s ' aanietl to become an actor. A departm ent of commerce Inspec­ She Is M ary Astor of the classic fea­ Voting People Piem e Friday ASTO *I tor who arrived on the field ea rly In tures and raven-black hair. Bradford Brown glued the inner and A large num ber of young people of the morning warned the pilots that M arch and Miss A stor provide the outer soles together in a Massachu the Baptist church attended a picnic they could not fly la form ation w ith ­ setts shop w hile his brother. H a rry . at Swim m er's Delight on Friday eve­ supporting leads for George Bancroft out violating a regulation so that had hr his newest Param ount release. was a lecturer a fte r the Spanish ning of last «reek. T he firs t part of "Ladles Love Brutes.” which comes to be suspended Am erican w ar the evening was spent with swimm ing Three Women Pilots to the Colonial theatre Sunday and ’ The fln«»st talkies made Thia » a s followed by games snd re­ T hree women pilots brought ships Monday A French radio magaxine recen.ty freshments. play at the Colonial Ladles Love Brutes" ia the story to the local field. They were Maude held a contest to determ ine the most of the f -rtunes of a red blooded, two- popular musical Instrum ent heard over Food Inspector Visits fisted. structural steel w orker who the s ir In France. T he accordion won " B. Duncan, state food inspector, the contest W ith »he violin and cello w ith headquarters In Salem spent last becomes such a success at bis trade rec-end and third respectively. Our Thursda«- In Springfield Inspecting all that he sets up In business for h m He beloved saxophone «ante in a had of the stores and e a tin g places w h ere »elf as a turfM lrg «-on tract or ab-fcly Puds that his business w ill Ina» in the land of the Frog-eaters food Is handled only expand in direct ratio to his pop- ¡ COLONIAL : 25c STUDIOS ZUOMfra JR « B ancroft ’ - *M /£ por Homes that want the BEST We rev o mm end Biltwell . uphol­ stered furniture fo r those who take pride In their household fur­ nishings. Biltwell furniture is soundly constructed, beautiful** designed and skillfully covered. the choices of lottg-wearinr rics. Biltwell comes to ut r „5 „ to J™ " H h »- guarantee from the makers which assures you of life-long s a tK ra c tlo n .^ fo ^ «ever regret yotzr cholce of Bj|t. .«.l! furniture. BUSINESS IS GOOD! E C. Simmons Co. Sell 261 New and Used Can in the Past 90 Davs This Week is National Ford Used Gar Week IF YOU WANT A GOOD CAR WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING WHICH WE KNOW TO BE FAIR VALUES— Ford Coupe 425 g S 65.00 Ford Roadxter Fore Coup« 263 D 225.00 Ford Truck Ford Coup« 727 q 225.00 Ford Truck Ford Sedan 447 85 00 Ford Touring Ford Coup« 449 (ç 50 00 Nash Sedan Ford Roadster 300 L 95-00 Chevrolet Sedan Ford Truck ¿22 M 125-00 Chevrolet Coupe Ford Delivery 25 N 100.00 Chevrolet Coupe Ford Truck 23 N 15a 00 Chevrolet Roadster Ford Coupe 4^4 q 125-00 Star Coupe Ford Coupe ¿40 P 125.00 Chrysler Coupe Ford Coupe 404 p 150,00 Overland Touring Ford Sedan 7^8 S 225.00 Overland Coach Ford Roadster 729 § 65.00 White Truck Model A Ford Coupe 707 c 425.00 Studebaker Coupe Mortel A Ford Cabriolet 717 H 600.00 Hup Coupe Model A Ford Sport Coupe 721 L 395 00 Dodge Sedan Model A Ford Sedan 446 475.00 Dodgv Coupe Model A Town Sedan S600.00 Buick Touring E. C. SIMMONS CO. USED CARS ON DISPLAY ON SHOW F L O O N -5 9 EAST 1OTW ANO USED CAR LOT AT 17TH ANO WILLAMETTE TERMS You’ll Like J a it] u art! Covered IMvenpurta S5C> S62.S0 STS S12S $88.75 $124 Tapeetry Uuvenpoda All Over Mohair Davenports SPECIAL All Over Mohair Davenport and L a iy Rack Chair and «98.75 «143.75 WRIGHT & SONS HARDWARE - FURNITURE PAINT