T * ! ir ? j THURSDAY, AUOUBT 7, 1930 TOWN AND VICINITY c r > r > ïM /^ i? ii? i r i ntcäizc THB SPRINGFIELD NEWS POWER COMPANY REPORT MANY RACE ENTRIES INDICATES GROWTH OF AT OREGON STATE FAIR TERRITORY IN WE8T P mumjt SALEM , Oregon— (Special)— From Local shareholders of tba Mountain Canada to Texas and from the Missis­ Vlalta Frl«ndo~ Mra. Joe McQoon of W .udllng vlaltad friend» la Spring Stales Power company have Just re­ sippi river to the Pacific coast, an (laid on Friday. ceived an lataraatlug report of the tries for all departments are flooding 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon H arrlaburg Rssldsnt H e r e - - Haarl company a principal activities during luto the icglatratlon bureau of the Fawver of Harrlaburg waa a visitor la Transaste Buslnoe»—Sam Splcar of tba paat three months. Tba report, <»tb Uregou stale fair to be held here Hprlugflald on Monday Marcola waa a bualnaaa vlaltor la wblcb accompanied tba regular quar September 22 to 2k, advance lists re­ Mprlngflold on Friday lerly dividends on Mountain Stales vealed this week. W a lte rv llle Reeldent H a r * —N. A. UachoMar of W altarvllla waa a bust Illinois, Wisconsin, Texas, Califor Va«atlonlng—Mlaa Fearl Nalaon to Power company preferred stock. Indi­ nets vlaltor In Hprlugflald on Monday. taking a vacation from bar dutlaa at cates a substantial growth of tba ter­ nla, Washington, Oregon, and aeveral ritory served with much new con­ Canadian pro vices are to be unusually tba First National Bank lb la weak. Vlalta Frlendw—J. J. Chase of Camp struction work under way In various wall represented, present records Creek visited frleuda In Uprlugflrld on Oallaa Raeldant Vlalt»—Mrs. Freda parts of the system. Many new e> «bow, with late applicants from other Tuesday. Poteraou of Dallas waa a Sunday tensions are being built to serve new In Cost Style Wttfi states certain to swell atlll further gu««t at tba boat« of M r aod Mra. C. customers In the rural districts, a fact tl'» lung Uat of competitors for the Marcola Reeldent Her»—K. W IHal F Kgglmann. Two Brear! Podáis which denotes the consistent growth ♦ kO.OOO iD premiums and purses, and of Marcola waa a vlaltor In Sprlngflald on Monday. Vlalta Aunt and Unela— Mlaa Doaaa o f toe agricultural sections through­ the 117,600 up for the horse races. G en. Ernest baa gone to Malheur to out toe northwest Horse show entries are showing an Haa Minor Operation— Mrs C. C. L . vlalt . w . a a e s bar e w , « auot aw ut B UU with and uncía, Mr. and Among the subjects of local In te r exceptionally large ga'n, according to Ulooni of Wondllng underwent a ml Mra Mabollv Wlnogor. eat contained In the quarterly bulletin A. P. Fleming, manager of thia dlvto- nor operation at the office of a local Ion. New stables Baud this far In­ are the following Items: vbyalclau on Haturday. Vlalta Parent» Mra A in a Caataal clude those of Charles E. 8hriner, Work shirts for men Wfa , of Bremerton, Washington, to vtoltlag Many Construction Activities Monrje. WIs.: Krrlppe- Mean ley, San Laavaa far Crater Laba - Clara b. r H r w ,ta> Mr M(J Mrg L * are rough on clothes. T h e /n The naw addition to the Coos Bay Diego, Call!.; Adohr Stock Farms, John, left Friday for O a ta r latke Thotnpaon. In thia city. made of very durable fine or steam electric generating station haa Loa Angelea, and George Peak, Win wbara aba will spend tba n a il few coarse yarn chambray and coma «vaaka. H * * Operation- —Ulan Splcar under been completed and was put Into op­ cheater. Hl. fa blue or gray. Cot very full want a major operation at tba Pacific eration on July 1 as per schedule. Thle and plenty long enough. AH Included m tbe Portland entries for Vialta Daughter— Mra. Ororga Oow chrlatlan boapltal la Kugana on Mon new addition baa trebled the capacity the boras abow are A. C. Ruby, L. R of the former plant, giving the Cooa Ing of Cottage Urova la vtoltlag with day. Banka, Aaron M Frank, and the Car Kay Station a present capacity of It , her daughter, Mra. Herbert Moon tbla nation Products company. Horse Vleltlng Parent»—Mr. and Mra. Ben 000 kilowatts. week show Judges named tbla week Include Endicott and two chlldreu are here An extensive improvement la under F. Garrison of Dec Moinea. Iowa, H»s Major Operation— Homer Har- , from California to vlalt with M r Bn way In tba Kallspel division. A new wood underwent a major operation at dlcott's parenta. M r and Mra. I N transmission line Is now under con and James Wataoi- of Gangea, B. C. the l*aclf|c Christian hospital In Ku Endicott. Race, are attracting unusual Inter structloa from the Big Fork power gena on Saturday. plant to Kallspel and Is expected to eat with vcores of tho finest boraes ■roaks Ann— Wayne Endicott, son be completed by August 1. The loca­ in the west and north entered for Leaves Hospital— Mrs. C. Gregg waa of Mr and Mrs. J. B Endicott, farm- tion of the new line which will replace the stake and class events on the new dismissed from the Eugene hospital era east of Springfield, fractured his lb , present transmission line will be half mile oval, eccordtng to Mrs. Ella <>a Friday following her recovery from arm Wednesday while cranking an changed somewhat la order to Im­ S. Wilson, secretary of the state fair a major operation. automobile. prove the alignment The dam at the board. Twenty of .he record Hat of Dismissed From Hospital— Mrs. H. 1 Go to Portland— Mra. M B. Huntley Big Fork hydro-electric plant will be entrants for the 12,6« prlxe In each L. Anderson and her infant son were and her daughter. Mra. M yrtle I^n- raised five feet In order to give In­ of three stake racts are to come from dlsmlssed from the Eugene boapltal bow left Tuesday morning for Port creased storage capacity and a more Oregon's own stable., with many The«, and 150 other attractive value, are waiting for you at on Wednesday of tost week. land where they expect to spend the uniform flow during"tha periods of more also entered in the claaa events this greatest mid-summer Sate. low water. Tha present forebay will next two weeks Rainbow People Here—George and also be reconstructed Work on the baker plans for large Perry W illiams of Rainbow were Mon­ •pend Day at Newport Mrs Oraca dam and forabay has already been SPECIAL CROWDS AT CONVENTION day visitors In Springfield (or the air May and her daughter, junta, spent started and Is scheduled for comple­ Your choice of one Given Away with a 68c bottle of Ml 31 tour show. Sunday at Newport. They said that tion early In November. The Kallapel Rumor, that the city of Baker will Solution,—the cleansing prohylactic and deodorant that keeps the there was a very large crowd on the subatatlon will ba ramvoed from Its not be able to accommodate vlaltor, Goes to Tlllam eek— W. C. McLagan throat, month and nose healthy— the breath pure and sweet. beach. present location to a desirable site to tha American Legion convention spent the first of the week at T illa­ mook looking after business for the 50c Mi 31 Shaving Cream Return From T rip — Mr. and Mrs. recently purchased from tha Kallspel the middle of this month are being Pratt Hoi verson and family returned Townelte company. New switchboard, dented by those In charge of the post Mountain States Power company. 2. 50c Rexall Orderlies Sunday from Crescent Lake where and modern equipment will be In­ thara. Dr W N. Dow. newly elected 3. 59c Rubbing Alcohol . Purchases Feed—Charles Hastings they had been visiting at the home of stalled throughout, making this sta­ commander of the local peat, received of Tbnrston purchased feed for his Mr. Holverson's brother, Fred. 4. 69c Aspirin Tablets tion practically automatic In Its op­ a telegram Saturday from Francis W. stock while In this city on Tuesday eration and one of the moat modern Herr, general chairman of the con­ 5. 50c Klenzo Dental Cream •pend Day on Farm— Mr. and Mrs. properties of Its type on tha entire forenoon. vention committee In which he aaya Any of the five free with the purchase of • bottle of Ml 31 J Fu lop and children, accompanied by Antiseptic Solution for 58c. Returns to W o rk — Mias Maxina Mr. and Mra. XJ. Q McBIhaney. mo syetem. Removal of this substation that they are planning to accamme- from tha Kallapel division office build date ten thousand visitors and ctn , Snodgrass returned to her position at tored to Salem Sunday where they Ing w ill be a much needed Improve­ take care of even more If necessary. the local office of the Mountain Slates »pent the day on the Fulop farm ment and w ill provide considerable He urges all those planning to attend Power company on Friday following additional space for store and office to make reservation, early. Returns ta Burn»—H. A. Wither», an attack of chicken pox. 8 r . returned to hie home at Burna on purposes Tha entire construction pro­ Return From T rip —Mrs. George Sunday after having spent a v w k gram la being carried on under the H a . gat, . t Band-George Rennet» Williams and Joe Williams returned here visiting with bis daughter, J.___ direction of Bylleeby Engineering and 1« at Bend this week where be la con­ to their homes at Rainbow on Sunday Bln, Withers H. A. W ith er,. Jr,. will Management corporation and In ac­ ducting a sate for a furnishing» store after having been on a buslneas trip remain hare for a longer vlalt with cordance with the usual Byllesby policy local labor and material are being to San Diego. hla alitor. used to the greatest possible extent. Recovering From Operation— Mrs. Raglatar at Springflald Hotel— W A. Another important Improvement In Fred Fisher Is recovering from a ma­ Wheeler. H. B. Moody, James Thomp­ the Kallapel division call, for a new jor operation which tha underwent son. J. b . Guyton. J. M illar. L. Ander telephone switchboard at Whitefish, at the Pacific Christian hospital tost eon, W. B. Morland. Sam Black. R. C Montana, and the Installation of mod w eek Pann, and M. Hrynchuh, nil of Albany, srn telephones. This change will give •pent the first of tha weak aa guests the city of Whitefish a strictly up-to- Register at Elite— R. M. Bummer of at the Springfield hotel. date telephone system. Portland, Wm. Sherwood, Coupeville, In tha W illamette division, an ad Former Berber Vlaite— A. A. Ander­ Washington, and F. W. Force of Port­ land. ware registered at the Bllet ho­ son end daughter, Betty, of Nehalem dltlonal 7,600 K V A anto transformer were visitor. In Springfield on Tnee- has recently been Installed In the tel the first of the week. day evening and Wednesday. Mr. An­ Went Salem substation to provide Recovering From Operation— Mias derson operated a barber shop here double the tle-ln capacity with the Pa­ Ethel Brlgga who underwent a major until recently when he moved to Ne­ cific Northwest Public Service com operation at the Eugene hospital on halem with hie family. pany. Wednesday of tost wash Is recover­ A targe number of new extensions Attend Buyers Meat— F. B. Ftonery are under construction to aerva naw IS headquarters for bargains ing nicely, according to har attending and W. F. W alker left Wednesday for physician. customers throughout this division Portland where they will attend the Among the major projects now under Vacations This Weak— Miss Alice sesslona of the Buyer,' Week now be­ COME IN ANO SEE WHAT YOUR NICKLES AND DIMES WILL DO w*7 ta » power line to connect up the Ixromla, office asalatant to Dr. W. N. ing held In that city. They expect to new summer resort In the Tillamook WE MOVE SOON TO LARAWAY BUILDING, 972 WILLAMETTE Dow la vacationing tbla weak. She take a short vacation before return district at Bay Ocean which will be planned on spending the first part of Ing to thia city. approximately »lx miles In length. An the vacation In tha McKexle moun­ Vlalta Parent, Hara — Franklin extension to the DeLake-Taft system, tain region and tha latter part In Port­ Drury and Ralph Hughes returned to two and one-hair miles south of the PILLOW CASES A LL $8.80 and $12.60 LADIES land. MEN’S SHOES their home, hare Friday from Port­ 8Ileta river, la being built to eerve W ith Colored Borders Parcord Soles SILK DRESSES Return From Visit—Tha Misses land where they have been working the naw resort and golf course at Florence Belle and Charline Fish have with the subscription department of Oleneden. A naw 11 K V line, approxi­ W hile T h e y Last returned to their home at Chaae O ar a national publication. Franklin will mately three miles In length. Is being dens after having spent the past week remain here. Ralph returned to hla constructed between Sweet Home and COLOR FAST PRINTS Foatar and a distribution ayatem will with thalr uncle and aunt, Mr. and work the flret of the weak. MEN’S BLACK AND In Large Assortment be Installed to serve the latter com­ Mra. Henry Cook nt Oakridge. BUY BLANKETS TAN OXFORDS Leaven tor Virginia—Flelden Toli­ munity. At Bralar’a Removal Saia. Every­ Goodyear Walte Shedd People Hare— Mr. and Mrs ver, 836 B. street, left yesterday for In the Cooa Bay division, a number one la doing IL Juot think, 4'/,-lb. Only A. M Snodgrass and two sons. Jack Pulaaky, Virginia, where ha w ill of Important new rural extensions p* rt W00'' “ tin bound. 72x84. and Marie of Shedd spent the week •pend the next three month, vtoltlag. have been built during the past few broadcloth dresses Ha w ill make a trip to Virginia by end hers at the Riley Snodgrass home Only months In tha Coquille valley, bring­ In Many Styles Un Sunday afternoon they motored going to Loa Angelas, Naw Orlaana, ing the comfort and convenience LUNCH CLOTHS 58x54, Assorted Colora out to Swimmers Delight and enjoyed and up the Atlantic const. On tha re­ electric service to many new farm turn trip ha w ill coma by way of Chi a picnic lunch. customers. SHEET BLANKETS cago and Whltoca, Idaho. In the Sandpoint division, construc­ In Plaids Mashas Finger— Orville Robinett, “CANNON" TOWELS tion h a, bean etartad on an 11 K V employes of tha Fischer lumber com Bank W orker Vacation»— Miss Ann Soya' Bali Bottom Elastic Walet O n ly pany mashed his finger In an acoldant Bldwell and her brother and alstar-ln- line west from Newport, Wash., OVERALLS Diamond Lake, a dlatance of eight and at the lumber mill on Saturday. He tow, Mr. and Mra. David Bldwell of LADIES’ ARCH SUPPORTS waa brought to thia city for medical Colnmbua, Ohio, n r , now on a two one-half miles. In addition to the con Combination last, in patent and attention. week, vacation trip In southern Ore­ atrnctlpn of the transmission line BIO BATH TOWELS kid leather,. Regular $7.80 value three and one-half miles of dlstrlbu gon and expect to visit Crater Lake, RAYON BED SPREADS Leave for O n a d a — Mr. and Mra tlon Una w ill be built around the lake Creecent City, and othar Interesting Aeeorted Colore Wm. Dawson and ton. Billy, toft Inst place, in that part of the state before to take care of a considerable nnmber Thursday for Haaleton, Canada, of new customers. returning to thia city. where they w ill spend a few days CHILDREN’S SHOES PLAY SUITS visiting relatives and friends and rel­ MEN’S PANTS Slxee 2'/, to 12 Return« From Crater Lake— Mlaa The call tetters of station WGHP, atives. Aviation and Radio Suita. Thle la Valúas up to $7.80 Ellxabath Hughe, returned to har Detroit, have been changed to W XTZ. an assorted lot of choice marchan- home here Tuesday from Crater Lake Thus tha Columbia chain w ill start dlaa that usually retail, tor 61.00 California Paopla Haro— Mr. and Lodge where aha haa bean working to 61.66. The famous Pepperell and finish with tha alphabet, WABC Mrs. Clifford Hayes arrived In Spring- name an tha fabric used In thaaa during her vacation. She la now mak­ being tha Naw York key atatlop. Ra­ CHILDREN’S OXFORDS field Bunday evening to be with their garments veuehaa tor thalr quality. ing preparation to laava aoon for dio comic atrip arttata who common­ AND STRAPS Mother,, buy now. eon, Robert Hayes, who was aarlously Berkeley, California, where ah, w in ly uaa WJtYZ as a fictitious number In Patent and Calf Lesthara Injured In an accident at Wendling HOPE MUSLIN taka a apeclallxed course la religious w ill ha forced to find a new combin­ Saturday morning. education. ation of letters. Qrocar'e W tl, Nt—Mra. W A. Tay lui baa beau til (or (ba past weak. iltA B V M I M T « IT O 1 ’Pay-Day'' Shirts REXALL Factory-to- You August Money Saving Sale Flanery’s Drug Store Phone 15 BREIER’S Removal Sale 33c 5 1 .3 9 5 6 .0 0 l l ’/aC - 1 5 c - 1 9 c $ 2 .7 9 $3.87 $ 1 .6 9 ° n,y 7 9 c 3C ° n|y 7 9 c 98c 1 9 c and 2 3 c On,y 5 4 .2 9 5 1 .9 8 $ 2 .6 6 $ 3 .6 6 On,y 6 7 c On|y 7 9 c °"’y 9 8 c 5 3 .8 9 -5 3 .1 9 -5 2 .2 9 5 1 .9 8 5 1 .4 9 10c