PAGE POUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Fubltah«d Every Thursday at Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, by TH E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS ________________ » M a x e y , E d ito r K An exploaiou of a gas tank in Bngland restored ONLY ONE ACCIDENT NEW GRAVEL BUNKERS the hearing to a war veteran deaf since the war D cuA n-v»« . from shell shock. The wives of most of the dea' RtP0RTED HERE MONDAY ARE BEING REBUILT veteran« in this country have long since done the Monday wag g *s r y quiet day at Carpenters are now busy rebuilding same thing. the city hall despite the large crowd out to go around them other tim bers throw ing the windshield and atruch bar agalnal the bunker« of the In t t r 4 'lt y Mnnd N»w Qrecery Cla< k Medford M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E pened In thia vicinity on ihat day was « ne Year in Advance »175 T hree Months « men have already rom plnled the wall» ‘ 75c gestlon for the single taxers In this country. mad. out by Wm. T aylo r. 56, of Fa'll' Sin Months »1 M single copy of the hunker» and are busy now 5c • • • N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F 'S SALE Cysek. Mr. T ay lo r waa pulling away •'reeling the fram ew ork above the U N D E R FO R E C L O S U R E T H I HSD A Y. A V G U S T 7. 1930 from a curb on Main atrect between hunker» for the heavy machinery The Notice Is hereby given Ilia ! by vlr Fourth and F ifth when hla Ford waa proprietor» of the new plant expert I tue of an execuGon Issued out uf tlu LAMP DUCK CANDIDATE struck from the rear by another ma Io have the machinery In operation Circuit Court of the State of Oregon . him- belonging to Mrs. G s W righ t The . : J | J..IIU8 Meier to become an Inde­ iu and lor Lane County, on the Jotli within a few week» of M cM in nville. tin e rear fonder on pendent . ts.-tdidi.te for governor has been made The destruction of the hunker» was day o( July, IIKIU, upon u Judgment and : decree ol foredoeure rendered in said the Ford waa bent and broken. by a group o . p o l k a a l lame ducks many of whom one of the moat peculiar biases In thia court on the JVlh day of July, ll».tu, In Vialtg Frlanda Ira Elston of Vida vicinity during Hie past year The a suit w heieln F rank A. T rip p was have been registered democrats. Many also spent Monday visitiug w ith friend» In rianie» Were noticed shortly a fte r the pluiutirf and C. M M iller, Ida M iller, among them have been defeated for office at the thia city. i .i Millar, C srol .Miller, I.I om I M iller, workmen had left the plant and coin primaries in the regular parties If independent I? T, Pierce and I rsula Pierce were pletely wrecked the structure which defendants, for the sum of «2017.10 THE BIG PARADE action suits these people s style better than being SUM M ONS was hull! of green I by « lumber be­ debt, mid the fu rth e r sum uf *224.»0. In the C ircuit Court of the Stata of enrolled in a regular party which stands for some­ fore Il could In- put under control by I co,-Is. dtshui Hciiienls and altoruoy All this happened iu one day! Oregon for the County of Lane. {fee, commanding Ule to sell Ibe lauds the local fire department. are well t thing h e n . then . e p . both , « h parties ~ ^ . " » rid h o of T h them. ' „ 7 ~ Let » « '- '« to to o u r J * ''■ ." IS " : ,,* n said decree descilhed, tow ll Tbe Southeast quarter and the Northwest what they look like and ^ce to aPP*Y for a Job. \\ hen we asked him about •‘••'" O ff. va NOSE BROKEN. EYES HURT < fourth of the Southwest q uarter of The w\e.t i \ hiS pre8eut occuPBtlon he « M “e was a parachute c« l< “hu wlN’otfendtni’” ’ “ J’“° Section 30 Iu Tow nship 10 South, IN ACCIDENT SATURDAY (, I W, si of the W illa m e tte merld The word independent covers a multitude of jumper. To John w Craig and Helen Jean H ail. 200 acres, more or leas, of land. sms and once they are all enrolled under one b a n - - t m , . , i... >. << . . . . .• . ! 1 7.'.*. hl/**<»• Owteudant» M « L. I). Sleveiis of camp 2 of In Lane County. Oregon: to obtain ner, what a motley crowd t h e v w i l l h . t 1 like the work all right, he added, "but para f ,iK NAME of tiik state ’ h, t'ooili K elly lum ber compugy I funds w.ih which to pay said Judg elected wa U . y A s gOVernOr ‘X You are hereby ™ , . j . bv i . Z J o u v e r i i u r chute jumping isn't Steady." ubove W endling was brought to meut and satisfy aald decree, Iu the DV them tD C lll would w o u ld lw» * quiicti to uppear uud answ er the elected by be PMBiwtnoiKie responsible to nobody i we - — - — Miaanci lilt' (\»ni , ('III p a in t filed against you In (he above .S p rin gfield Saturday night with two manner provided by law; and tf he stood on Joseph s platform we can not I w ill on Saturday, the Oth day of ; entitled suit within four weeks from hadlv bruised eyes and a broken nose Septemhor. 1030. at one o'clock In the see where he would have any constructive pro­ 1 met a mother whose son Is about to graduate the d a l- Of the first p ub ll.ailo n of ‘ as a r e s iiil of an automobile arrlden t afternoon, at the Southwest or malu this Summon», and If you fail to un gram since it was a platform of personal protes­ from college. What do you think he wants to be? j swer, for want lh«rcof the P la in tiff on lb ' toad between III- camp and entrance lo the County Courthouse In tation rather than one for constructive and order­ A bond salesman? A movie star? I will apply to the Court for a decree as Wendling. According to Mrs. S|e Eugene, Uregun, o ffer for sale at pub­ , prayed for In P lain tiff'» Com plaint to veils, she and her husband were drlv lic auction and sell to the highest hid ly government. .1. ,u r “ decree foreclosing plain Ing toward Wendling when they saw d*,r for cash all of said lumls; sub He wants to be an archeologist. Jed lo edellipGon. as by law provided [ t i f f s mortgage against the following As for the voters in Lane county they will have II. L liown. 1 described real property: East half ' bet i ppoared to be some heavy tint- before th ’ WUJ »ave A man »anted Volk died iu New York City. He u r r tp .y r ¿ v ¿ v j n i ---- w « vu““ lJr lue> S h eriff of Lane County, Oregon caDabl ->ni| i 1 Metschan, the best and most claimed the distinction of having torn down more I S of Lota four <4> ii'ul five (5 ) In h-l> LCIOSS the road T hey turned Block <>ne i l l of W ynne's Addition to A 7 I4 21 in n i-./ aD Uate the KeP»blipan party has had big buildings than any other man who ever lived, I ‘ «tinge Gr..v.-. Grove. Lane Lane County. Countv. Oregon" Oregon summons for publication in Hit- 24111 ds> ot Juu>, I»»» by (Ue I s ) therefrom the portion oi ot ty a campaign and Edward F. Bailey, demo- But he died without realizing his ambition. He excepting ll1' r*fr,,,ni ,* 1" portion F U R E C L O S U R k OF T A X L IE N t uilector o( tn« t. uuuty o| lain«, k n o w U o ,“ l n e e ' a n a t i v e » o n whom everybody wanted to live to tear down the Woolworth build- conveyed to j t A lie n " 'in 'iC .-d .“ ’.‘t* ,n ,h « C ircu it Court of the Stats of State oi oregon, tor tbe umouui ol Oregon for Lane County. knows is dependable. Why then should anybody ing. *' >«". »"d ♦ tan », the »unit, belug tbe uniouui Hoy H enry, p la in tiff, va Jarnea a Ulen uue and delinquent lor taxes get excited about some factional mnfiida'n ‘ at pass ft74 of the Lane county, rra a e r and Jane Do»« Fraser, hla lor the year 1920, loguiUer with pen nated by a group of malcontents . Think U' S‘X ,U“lioU peopiv walklw« dai,y o i^ ^ n d ’lrthe'r'reiie“"!, wife. Jcasl« Fraser Muralnn and J any, lutereet uud costa thereon upon H Hurston, her husband. T lllle the le a . property assessed to you. ot through the streets, each with his separate home deemed just and equitable by the J’ laaer Plncombe and A rth ur I*. wb>ch you are the owners as appears and desire. Who would ever imagine that one oi I Incumbe, her husband, and Addle of record, al(ua(t-d Iu said Couuty and them was constantly saying to himself: "Oh. it by publh a G m / b V v l r t J J ^ f ^ " o r d w Eraser Guuuarsou and R. Gunnar AIR SHOW BIG SUCCESS state and purtn uiarly bounded uud •on, her hushaud, defendants. describ'd as follows, to w it: The air show was » h........ 1 cou,tl only tear down the Woolworth building "r «''«• Hon. 0. F s klpw o rtb. c irc u it 1» Jam«» A. ETaser a id Jam- Goe A ll that part of Ix it N ine <9> lying Fraser. Ills wifi-, Jessie Fraser llurs South ot I enter of Coast Fork Ittver r n i “ ”i.d J U u r,to n > b" r husband X o ao ? '.h °e 1’ r ” h* , e " " ' f ? » i-- H l), Towusltlp n in e Eraser Ptncumbe and A rlh iir p in S eitlo n Eleven Elgltleuu (1» | Mouth, ttauge Three i Incouib.,. her husband, and Addle <3) West, (uu talu itig tw euty-tw o (22) size and location o f T eDthaala8tic over the A nian with “ noisy wife aud 8even Krow« ,Gon u j ™ « . lM o” P“ b «'»J K. Guauarwjn. acres of land, more or lesa. In Lam- her husband. Ik« above named de . . ¡, . . . — v, Springfield a airport i r p o r t a and n ti drt?» disappeared from his home in Brooklyn, and Mi<1 ____ - _ — the w-ii» a Weil». Couuty, Oregon. fendnnta: said it had great possibilities for future develop­ was discovered some months later In Hartford. You are fu rth e r notified that said . Attorney for P la in tiff In G e name of the S ta le of Oregon xe» K ,,re Mn«( Office AddreiiH itoy Henry has paid taxes on said ment. At present they said it compared well with Questioned you AM hereby notified that R „y as to why he left his family, he replied Kug»ne.