THURSDAY, A U 0 U 8 T 7. l»30 T H E SFR IN G EIELD NBWH U fc vfc iv iH IN S T A L L M E N T W n«t Haa Gone ristora H i l t H A L E - l l u r rough« Adding Ma Chiu* I'bone 900 110 W mb. Eu PAQCTHIUfr comes here la aa loneaome aa an«le-|and passed It to Eve «ho bealtatad worm, in a box of b a it!" | . n tn .u n t and then took a c ig a r.u . W A N T E D Watclie», guoa, bicycle«, PIANO IN HTOHAUE— Look« and la Stella, Eve learned, was a pessimist | eng lighted It at the match the quiet eueuutui yuuug wuuiau tiuoa u«r- and toy«. Moora'a Cycle and Toy . like new. W ill sacrifice lor balance lk" “ uU tuu »«.ewata in a auaage cuy. and a black one. Bhe was also a young man held for her. . —“ _____________________ A l l Store, 120 W. Nib, Kugeuv. I'bone 6163 63 Weekly, or monthly or crop ».auuu*. Ituiciuber oer uame or hater and freely confessed that she "My name la Hunt," he told ber as *>« A ll payments. W ill discount for cash. f * “ dr» aae caiuu uuiu. ¿w, u - - oom W ife; I'm gulug Io give you a piece W rite Tallman Plano Store, 305 H. i aM puree U» u,o uer wno «be had no use for women. Her speech, he did so. Of iny inlud, Hector FUK H A L E *—Good larg a cook atuve, 12th St., Salem, Ore "Hers Is Berson. Hhe's new to this >uu»a tuuu wnu Uu« seen uer and Queenle’s, were usually better 610 See at 62 E Street Henpecked Hector: Just a amalt Í 6«A 64 EA4W U u U il W lt t 'iv eU e 668 E lU p p lU £ than those of the other girls; but on work. I ’m Queenie Morris." Mina Mor­ A7 Client (charged with crim e): I uOlIc tiblplug. please. darling u « j * g»hd imacm bvr to tue uo- occasion they could, nnd often did, ris made the announcement with aa FOR SALE OR TRAD E- Springfield think vs ahall win the case. Kli IU u vedw. iU ti« 164«/ A«ttU draw on the argot of the gntter. AU air that Impelled the grianlng youth Iola. W ill consider Eugene or Mo- »660 . le accepted the burlesque can «wear that on the night In ques­ j iuw yuuujt U ju u veil* her »0« u ui U L llay haa been appointed admin I here s two things you don't stand with a care free grin equal to hla own. W ANTED— To trade modern House ••Dator uf the »«tate of Ardali F Hlce, tion I was at home lu bed, and twq l U l * . 43488 lUtlDU 6a ¡¿XiC iiAillli- lor,” (gueenie was saying ln a crisper and lot In Spokane, Wash., for She bad Ut a cigarette without hla deceaaed. by the County Court of la o r Bprlugtlald or l.ugena property. more who can swear I «as playing I t O U a 0 6 C h l L t t J f c u . O u c i a L « f .'4bed Mt lone. "You don't Lake insults and yea assistance, and. having established It County. Oregon All peraona having her it/»» ul ihetuth y, tie m m m m u i » Enquire Newa Of bee. if bridge at their houses. claim« agalnat aald aitate are required tiivuu. Dr. Cat ne t , < nerve »pecUh dou t drlna trom pocket-flasks. Jake's firm ly between her carmlned Upe, — - t ---------- . ml , tu caii Ml llAe hotel. Dr. carrUtt rut«, bee? Men that come here haa was doing the honors with easy affa­ to preaent them, with the proper "Wou't you apvud mure than 6260 ! vouchers. within ala month» from the NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT but »ay» he will got to treat ua like ladies.." bility. | In the County Court of the 8 to to of “*;UU u nur®e the uiyo 2l»t day of July. 1620. to lb aald ad on wy rlugf I want a dearer one.” To Eve the whole experience was “Don't mention your name,” she ad­ "All right, dear. We'll- buy It c Oregon for Len* County. i torioua Au«» i-arsoux that night. mlnlatrator at hla law office In the IN I'R OU ATE All«» Notxly listens while lia m b pan of the dream she was In, but vised the grinning youth “My heart’s Minor Itnlldlng. Eugene, Oregon credit, then II will coat 6300 In the matter of the estate of Edward , tun oer * h a l the doctor haa said, the nightmare of the dream was tea goto’ to teU me what It is, pretty L. L RAT. — It Pavla, deceased. Uteu steps mtu auulher room. Wheu seuiug. bhe was Intensely Interested, soon.” Admlnlatratur of the Eatate of Ar S H E R IF F ’S SALE ON FORECLOSURE 1 wb<),n 11 may concern: tue nurse arrives, the girl has van dell F. Klee, deceaaed. "You bet It will," aald the grinning aud «he realized that she was »‘r-- a j I, Alice E. Vincent, the undersigned ; *»u«u troui me hotel! ____________ JI1-A7-14-31 28 Notice la hereby riven, that by have filed my final account In the Eves departure was simple. She trifle more sophisticated than the youth, lg high good humor. "I'm one virtue of an execution and order oi 1*01«'" ®nt*,l,!d c°u rt; that on July 7, i went out ot a back door Into the aer girl» around her. »be had never of the sheiks you rend about One ADM IN ISTRA TO R'S N O T IC I »ale Issued out of the Circuit Court of 1830, the Court made an order fixing ant nah of the hotel, where she eu- danced ln cabarets; she was sure of look Into my eyea, girlie, and you're In the Ceunty Court of tho State of lu« of Oregon for the County or tb® bearing upon the countered a youug French porter done for." O regon for Lane County. ' of tame on the 23rd day of July, 1930 /. . acco!int ,0 be had before »ho claimed to recognize her. He lhaL She anew nothing of their In­ Let's see If I am," Miss Morris sug * ’ 1M0, Bt th*‘ b“* ber in l aris. "Then you timate Inner workings, or of the duties IN PROBATE upon a Judgment rendered In aald aad * r U1«1 nn la the matter of the eatate of Cecil ’ t ourt “ “ ,1**‘ » “ 'J daJ' of Ju,y. 1M®. la tierebv Hven m t * ' “ and " o‘ lc<’ « « « •? ahe demanded of employees. But she must have gested with sudden Interest, and she : >be porter hud forgot J Bhiyter, deceaaed , *“ * »ult whereby R. P Murteuaen o b l t u ? ; . X known such places aa at least an oc­ made the experiment forthwith. Host u,»,. He would wrlU) „ once- Notice la hereby given that L. H. 1 waa Plaintiff and Isaac Thomas God objections thereto ahall file the «.me casional visitor, tor the superficial turned to Eve. In writing on or before the time of Mulkey, tho undersigned, la the duly l*l,r n e County, appointed adminis­ In the office of the 'c le rk of aald J31 A7-14 21 2S ,he ld*‘a' but ’■•’“ H»’» lhat she has to ma«'e some man bring her to a cabaret often to her former environment tratrix of the last will anil testament Court on the 22nd day of July, 1830, "Shall we dance n o w r she heard _____ bo something to earn a living until of Daniel H Farnham, deceased and aald execution was to me direct dance with her. The ones tb»* him ask. Queenie and Jack were al­ O F S H E R iF F 'ft t z i e nsi a,le fln 9ln‘ le8 ed it in various waya— some by talk­ State of Oregon add In compliance I w asn't" Hla expression made ing, the rest by close attention to NOTICE OF FIN A L S E T TL E M E N T with the execution and order of gale her amplify the terse statement ”*m The undersigned, administratrix of I w ill on Saturday, the 23rd day of tain Hens and charges In said decree b<>g,n to » a8b In, or two or three what she said. specified. I will on Saturday, the 30th raen come8 together, that we get 4-31 A 7-14-2) dancing to a close group. They were J 24-31 A 7-14 ter movement by a warning pressure keeping to themselves and Ignoring H at«/ this 29th day of July, 1930. "w h en a man's settin' alone at of the arm. the other patrons. Their eyea were H. L. DOWN, table, or two or three men are to- "Look at them sluin' there waitin' Shertff of Lane County, Oregon gether. lookin' like It’a Decoration Day (or bread and m ilk, with good music tired and their expressions somewhat blase, hat they seemed content with _____________ J1I1-A7-14 21-2S an' they're sayin' It with flowers goln' to waste,” she tentatively ob­ drift up an' give 'em the glad eye served. In a tone designed to reach their entertainment. Rea. Phons l i t i P lan o M o vtn g SUMMONS "They're the types that go to the Progressive Piano School In tha Circuit Court of the State of Jio,hln' ftesh, you understand. Just a the ears of the new-comer*. The lat­ theatre flr»L then to sapper, and SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER of Oregon for the County of Lane. g,nb loo« to let them know there's ter looked up, thia tim e with atten­ CLARA TUTTLE FENTON W lL L I» BBRTBCH. Pro*. spend the rest of the night rushing Ruse Kalanl Plaintiff, vs. Jack Kai- a live wire near. If they speak, State Accredited Teacher tion. The girls were under Inspection trom one cabaret to another,” H ast nnl, Defendant. , . . , . , Offlcat RODKNBOUOH OARAOE Open to Springfield Students To Jack Kalanl, the above named ' * ° " m>' h° t a,r ,ank and f,ud oot now, to be taken or rejected. To Eve Corner Flfth and A Street. explained. "Quite a lot of them Vke defendant: . who they are; and later I Introduce the moment was horrible. 62 E St., Monday and Thursday I-ong Dtatanee Haullng a Bpeclalty thia place better than the clubs. 1 In the name of the 8tnte of Oregon them to some of the girls. If they see Each Week ‘Give us time, girlie, give us U n s,” think Jake caters to them to various and " In s w n T '^ h requ,red f.° »PPoar any they wants meet. If they don't urged the young man w ith the grin. ways— drops the cover charge for ano answer the complaint file d . . . against you In the above entitled ree'f,Pond 1 breeze past llko I hadn't “W e’re hungry, nnd we’re got a pair them and that sort of thing. H e likes DR. N. W. EMERY Court and cause on or before the 7th se<>n ’em- and trr s°tne others. None of rabbits coming. But If we’re able to have them come ln, thinks they DR. W. N. DOW day of August, 1930, said date being ; of the girls goes near till I find out oBN Tirr to move after the stuff you folks, lend 'class' to his place; and Jake is r b r f.x » M .^ ^ : hb tb* — - a- d — d- them. D e n tis t serve here, e, I ’ll take you out to the strong for 'class.' Button Bldg. Phone B J 'clnsa.' T hey'll probably First National Bank Building herein entered of record and If you f you 8een your own brotber at a center ot the floor later on- and make stay hare an hour, than leave and visit Residence Rhone Phone 48 Springfield, Oregon fall so to appear and answer for want ,ab,e Tou couldn't go to him till I aald a May-pole of you.” Office hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P M halt a doaen other places before they C m in ’ M h0.wp,aln« . W,1L apply to the you could That'a an tber® ,a »• Springfield, Oregon His friend had been watlchlng Ere. go home at daylight, ln the mean­ Evenings by Appointment against‘ you demaSdod, t T w R ^ f o r ^ ’’Ut ' t ’R K° * 'a d,,ne Wlth c la M ” "That goes for me, too,” ho quietly time, w e ll have another hunch or two Judgment and decree of divorce dis- To t,le nov,ce there seemed a great told her. like them.” solving the bonds of matrimony now deal to IL General Law Practice I t ’s a date,” Queenie agreed, nnd Eve knew all this, and didn't know “ 3 i h T ' S e S , “ c i 1 ".•».‘ ’X " . " " ,h" . i - T ’ ; ' tactfully started to move on. But the why she knew IL any more than she I. M. PETERSON cruel and Inhuman treatment and dance » lih them? she asked, anxious quiet young man spoke again: knew why she was appreciating the Attorney-at Law that plaintiff be allowed to resume ,o F®1 8 wore definite line on her In- "W on't the ladles Join us nnd Mure unusually good music of Jake's Jexs City Hall Building her maiden name and for such other dividual duties than Ivy had given some of the rabbit?” hand. rol ef as to the Court may aeem m eet,, ho. Springfield, Ore. "Speaking of being here,” Host The young man of the grin frowned. This summons Is served upon you by i publication thereof In the Sprlngflold A,n 1 Bh® tb® clever kidT" Malzle "W e only ordered two, and I oould wual on. "W hy are you here, really? M Borred. belong." and the State of Oregon pursuant to ..n . ,, ... (Continued Next W eek) an order of the Judge of the Circuit i BanC8 W h * m , f th e y w a n t you “WeTl order two more.” Jhj W RJLjfiJH Court of tho State of Oregon for tho to- *be Instructress coldly explained. Aa he spoke the quiet young man Full Auto Equipment ( ounty of Lano duly made and enter- " If they want you to set down an' drew out for Eve the chair next to Humerettoe Repairing a Specialty Lady Assistant m o .’ orte0rlng0 t t t a«noM b'e ? ? : ' 7 tb* .'tOry ?f y” ur " fe' ,et 'Bm " If you spend so much time at golf hom. Miss Morris secured the re­ Springfield, Oregon Ilshed once each week for four con- haTe 11 On,y make W * naPPT- N ° maining empty chair for hessalf nnd you won't have anything told aside R®cutlyo and successive weeks nnd a°h stuff. Malxle tells 'em she's a sat down with a sigh of achievement. tor a rainy day." «hiti d n*r ’ ’l* flrst PbhHcatlon i Russian princess, an’ It goes over "W on’t I? My desk is loaded up "You ain’t got the nice manners o f NELSON LEGHORN FARM 1930, and 7ho date oV'the’las^'pubHcA ' grpat' M ,hey wan,a talk whl,e you FRANK A. DE PUE your boy friend, W illie,” she told the with work tkat I've pnt aside for a Lana County's Oldest Breeder* ATTORNEY AT LAW Hon shall be with the Issue of August llat®n- ,pave 'em do IL ” grinning youth. "But I f you stick rainy day.” of 7th, 1930. "They'll tell you how lonesome they around with him p'raps you'll Improve. B. C. W H IT E LEGHORNS NOTARY PUBLIC F R A iA ttornS'^orBpialntlf * re’ 8to” a contributed. "Lonesome!" Oot a cigarette T' Youth: I say, what are all the SPR IN G FIELD OREGON Sutton Residence: SprlngfleldJ Oregon" " "h® Rneered "They don't open my Springfield The grinning youth Bad, and ottered notches to your clgaret ease? Phone S1-R-14 SulkHisg J 10-17-24 31 A 7 fuu'cets with that dope. The men that hla case. Miaa Morris helped herself Vamp: Husbands! S U S I N E SS D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Poota Chapel Funeral Directors D . W . R oof