OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. The elate land d ep a rtm e n t turned over to the stale treasurer during the mouth of July a total of $134.020.19. e e e e a e e e THURSTO N e e a e • M r. and Mrs. H a rry Stanbie tram Jefferson county ranchers are b a r vesting a good crop of wheat and (ha Nebraska visited relatives here last yield Is estimated at 4*0.000 to (00.- week. T he Ladles Aid society met w ith 000 bushels. Mrs. John Edmlston last Thursday af Farmer» living la the M iller HUI teruoon. e.-ction of Klam ath county have ap Mrs. John Price and daughter. M il­ pelaed to the state veterinarian tor aa a llian c e In running down three wild dred. M rs H artm an and daughter. hogs (hat are reported destroying the Ann. and Miss Edna Cuspert left F r i­ day for a trip to C rate r latke They crops and causing other damage. THURSDAY, AUOUBT 7, 1930 »1 Ifotulu visited at the h o m e of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Daisy last week They w re on a vacation trip lo Washington. By defeating W endllng last Sunday Pleasant K ill won second place In the Hcuton-lAim county league The score was I I lo I. The game was played at tho Benton l.ane auto camp ground. Attend Fam ily tersm. vor, Mrs. Fred Quitch, and all persons Interested In the estate of said ward, appear befuro this Court nt ths County Court llo u .... In Eugonc. lame County. Oregon, on the 10th day of September. 1930. at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said day to show cause. If any t o re he. why license and author- lly should not tie graulvd for the sale of said protnlaea for the purposes set n th In said petltloa. IT IS F C K T H E B tiH D K B K D . T h a i a copy of litis order shall be published lor three successive weeks, Iu tbs Springfield News, the last publication thereof lo be nt least len days prior to the dale of said hearing —C. F. B A RNA RD. County Judge. A7-14 11 <« Reunion M r. and Mrs. Ila rr y Chase und Mr. Btnd's first lutra-ctty bus tins was und Mrs. John A v ltt of the Spring |>ut in operation re re a d ; on an hourly field laundry motored to Jefferson on Th, a -.- s. s . . ,o r* ,u rn “ >* • • “ or part of this svbtiiule from 7 A. M. to 11 P. M. Tha rim drlva which completely week Sunday to attend the annual reunion Stt|>3 have been taken at Pendleton circles Crater Lake has been opened ,, , .. , of the Coin fam ily. Both Mrs Chase for : uichasa of ground for an airport for summer travel, .w o rd in g to an- and Mrs A v ltt have slaters who m ar­ nouncement of E. C. Sollnaky. p a r k ' ™ ” “ Y * rha,H to be paid for by the city at the rate j Mrs Ray Raugh visited her sister ried Into the «Join fam ily. of $13 v a year. superintendent. Considerable work Mrs. Bud McPherson at Springfield nas been done on the road thia a e a -i^ _ - - — Canning a record bean crop of the O RDER TO S H O W CA U S E I last Sunday afternoon w hile Ray and •on getting It Into shape fur notor Salem section w ill begin about August IN T H E <’O l N T Y C O U R T O F T if t , i his son H a rry attended the bicycle travel. 11. About 2*5 acres of beans are near S T A T E O F O REG O N FOR I .A NR races at the fairgrounds In Eugene COUNTY. IN T H E M A T T E R OF ly ready for picking. Joe Tyler. 49. and his aoa Joe J r , Lloyd C ray spent last week end In T H E G U A R D IA N S H IP O F E D W A R D 17, were drowned la a gravel pit near T in West Coast Talephona company Portland " P E T E R S M E Y E R , An Incompetent H alfw ay while swimming. The boy naa begun construction of a new tele­ M r. and Mrs W a lte r P latt and fam ­ Person. got beyond bis depth and both were This m atter coming on regularly for phone system for Lakeview. The new ily attended a picnic at Riverside park lost when hla father tried to save him. hearing before me this 6th day of plant will cost 112.000. The bodies were found locked la a last Sunday given In honor of M r und August. 1930, upon the petition of the O. W. Kelsey of Pleasant HUI has death grip In 16 feet of w ater two Mrs. Daniels and fam ily from C a li­ First National Huuk. Eugene. Oregou the duly appointed, qualified und act fornia. brought into Eugene for exhibition hours later. oata that stood 7 feet 1 inches high. Two of t h . la rg w t rattlesnake» « ^ . n d M r . Roy E d m l.to u and M r Ing guardian In the aboy«. entitled m atter, praying for a u th ority and li­ He claims the championship. (•■»•Ik - ___ and Mrs. Fred Russell motored Io Sa cense lo iv ll the real property of Its killed In Klamath county for come lef last Sunday where they m et th e ir ward, the above named Edward W Elm er Rjornstrom. 10, was drowned time were slain near (be Algoma Lum daughters from Portland. T hey all Pctcrameyer. and It appearing to the in the Columbia river at Astoria when bar company m ill last week. One of drove to Silverton and visited M r. and Court, und the Court finds as follows be fell from a flab boat In which be the snakes measured 41 Inches and T hat the said Edwurd W . Peters was playing with hie brother. had 10 rattles and a button. The other Mrs Belmont Russell, celebrating Miss uteyer 1» owner of tbe follow ing de­ was 43 Inches long with eight rattles Loene Bdmlston's eighteenth birthday. scribed real property In Washington J. E. Provencher. 41. of Portland, Miss N athalie Edmlston Is spending County, In the State of Oregon. and a button. who was working ISO feet under the Lots F ifty seven (57) and Fifty-eight a few days In Portland w ith her sister. Owyhee dam, was crashed to death A bronse plaque, made from dis­ (68) T ualatin Valley Homes, accord Leone. who Is attending business rob by tim ber falling down a shaft. carded fire hose couplings contributed Ing to the recorded plat thereof In lege there. .Washington County. Oregon by Ore chiefs of Oregon, will be ded­ Fire believed to have started from M r. la r k ln from B ellfountain was I hat said tracts of land are vacant icated at Lebanon. August IS, In com a truck, burned about ISO acres of In Thurston last Saturday. H e and and unoccupied laud and cannot he memoratlon of R. L. Gtlsoo. for many wheat and some hay on the Frank rented und no Income Is derived therie years chief of the Lebanon fire de A. W W eaver motored to Junction from That It Is necessary for the said Stanton and U. 8. Richardson farms C ity on business partment and one o f the organisers near Helix. guardian to pay tbe taxes thereon and Miss Monica Ruth Is visiting her that said property Is therefore an ex­ of the Oregon State F ire Chiefs' asso­ Game Warden W B Fellows has sisters 1n Portland pense to the estate o f said ward, and ciation. just released 360 two-thirds to full that said guardian believes that It Miss Lulu B urt who has been a t­ The Oregon state fa ir will be bigger, grown Chinese pheasants In the Ba­ would be for (he best Interest of said tending summer school at U. of O.. better and longer thle year than ever ward that said real property be sold ker and Sumpter valleys and In the before In the <9 'years' history of the visited at John Edmlston last Friday and the proceeds thereof pul on In Durkee district. exposition, according to plane made evening leaving for her home on the tcrest or invested In some productive Magness Jellco of Portland, powder stock under the superlslon of this by the state fa ir board. The fair w ill coast Saturday. tnsn on the road construction project C o u rt; that the next of kin of said Ed Mrs. H a rb lt Is spending a few days he held this year from September 22 ward Petersm eyer are non residents of between Corvallis and Newport, was to 28, continuing throughout Sunday with her son. Dick, and fam ily t / the State of Oregon and that It Is killed when he tripped and fell under for the first time instead of only »«tit Vaughn. necessary that they be served with a the steam shovel bucket Saturday evening as In ths past Bert W eaver motored to Portland copy of thia order by publication thereof. J- F F uller has finished s map of The blackberry crop In Benton last Thursday . H e returned home N O W T H E R E F O R E IT IS H E R E B Y Redmond. It gives all the late addi­ Friday. county la almost ready to be harvest­ O R D E R E D , That the next of kin ol tions, all sidewalks, w ater pipe lines, M ary Handshu from W a lte rv llle said Edward W . Petersm eyer, to-wlt ed. Corvallis cannerymen report. The water hydrants, etc. There also Is a raspberry and loganberry crops in that spent several days In Thurston last Fred Petersmeyer. Henry Petersmey separate map of all 25-foot lota. er. M ary Petersmeyer, M rs E W county have been heavier than w u week. Sm ith. Mrs. Em ma Rhnke. Ben Peters Tenatlve plana for a Southern Pa expected af ths first of the season. M r. and M rs Bert W e a re r and fam ­ ineyer. Chas. Petersm eyer. W ill Pe eiflc bridge to be consrtucted across It is estimated that 40 tons of logan­ ily are spending a few days visiting tersm eyer. Mrs. J. c . H llderbrand t. A l­ the L in k riv e r have been made at berries were canned, 20 tons of red relatives on the Sluslaw M rs. Ines bert Petersmeyer. Edw in Petersm eyer. Klam ath Falla by the company. Plans raspberries and 20 tons of black rasp­ Flanigan Is keeping house while they Wesley Petersmeyer, Louis Peters call for an expenditure of $50,000. ineyer. H a rry Petersmeyer. Annie Pe berries. are away. Swan Berquist, SO. and Nels Swan­ Turkeys with fence staples in their son. 46. both of Portland, were In- glxxards have been dissected at the • o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o stantly killed at the Jack M anary rock Sam Stoller farm southwest of Scio, ♦ UPPER W IL L A M E T T E ♦ Quarry near SUverton when a dyna where a h alf doiea of the birds re ­ mite charge exploded unexpectedly. cently have succumbed. A fte r several M r. and M rs Bert Fegles returned Kerry growers of the Sandy section of the turkeys had died Stoller de from a honeymoon trip to Washington will wind up raspberry shipments elded on a poet mortem and dlscov the la tte r part of last week M rs soon, and than w ill sow oats and vstcb ered that tbe staples had passed the Fegles was Miss Gladys W heeler. for a cover crop. The yield of both crop and lodged In tbe glssard. punc­ Mrs. Emma W eyer of Roseburg vis­ raspberries and strawberries was onl < turing that organ and causing death ited friends at Pleasant H ill Monday fair. Elisabeth Leona Frederickson, tbe and Tuesday. A water system Is being Installed day-old daughter of M r. and Mrs. J. F. F Cooper has been busy thresh on the peninsula north of Redmond E. Frederickson of Mapleton. Is ing. So fa r he has threshed for E. B where the Crooked and Deschutes riv ­ lucky girl. She was born July 29, with T in k e r and Andy Olson besides doing ers meet, to Irrigate the dry land a silver spoon In her mouth, figura­ the grain on hla own farm The Ed wheat ranch operated by John Swan tively speaking. Since she Is the mundson thresher Is busy working for •on. 2000th baby bora at Pacific Christian the farm ers of Pleasant H ill In the Lane county road oiling crews are hospital, at Eugene, Elizabeth Leona F rank M oore district. will be presented with a sterling all now working near Wendling in the M r. and Mrs. E B. T in k e r and chil­ Mohawk valley. When the Mohawk ver spoon before she leaves the bos dren, Bonnie Jeanne, Teddy and Dor­ pital roads are finished the outfit w ill be othy Lou. accompanied by Mrs. T in ­ shipped to Junction City, it la an Farmers In the alfalfa community ker’s mother. Mrs. O. H . W angelln and nounced. east of Bend hare been warned by Mrs. Em m a W eyer motored to Maple­ F ifty carloads of canned cherries W. T . McDonald, Deschutes county ton Tuesday. T h e y picnicked at T r i­ have been shipped by the Eugene agriculturist, to be prepared to battle angle Lake. They were much taken Fru it Growers’ association thia sea a mass of destructive army worms w ith the scenery and the splendid •on, this being a new record for the now moving through fields fo alfalfa condition o f tbe roads. plant there, according to J. O. H o lt., and potatoes, causing great damage Mrs. Jesse A. Phelps and daughter. manager. The worms are from an Inch to two Evelyn, and Miss Leol Ewbanks re­ Inches long. Klamath farmers were turned Sunday from a tw o weeks va­ The Oregon, California A Eastern fighting the worms for some time be railway discontinued its passengei cation camping near Belknap Springs. fore they appeared In Deecbutes coun service between Klam sth Falls ano Mr. and Mrs. Fred W alsh from Cal- ty Bly on August 1, according to notice A Solution of Farm Probi It I k fn-<|uet]y »«Id that "We must find autue way to keep folks on the farm,” If we are to keep folks on the farm we must make farm life an com­ fortable as life In the city. The furmer and hlH family have become too well educated to put up with the farm life of fifty years ago. ELECTRICITY WILL GIVE THEM THE COMFORTS THEY DEMAND The up-to-date fanner now Inaiata that hla farm be efficiently operated. WectrU-lty will pump water for the farm and the dairy bam. milk the rows, cut your fet'd, aaw your wood. Irrigate your lund and do couiitleae other (aaka on the farm and In your home at a nominal cost. Electricity ,a the t'heapeat Service You Can Buy! M o untain S tates P ower C o m pa n y w e Mix W it h O u r Printing Inks filed with the Oregon public service coiomiBttioii. During July 1625 lot« of contraband fruit, vegetables and plants have been confiscated at the quarantine station on the Pacific highway Just south ol the Oregon line, according to F. G Perry, In charge of the station. Gasoline sales In Oregon for June totaling 16.123,131 gallons, show an Increase of 865,257 gallons over sales for June, 1929. according to reports filed with H a l E. Hoss, secretary oi state. The state tax on the Juno sal thia year amounted to $$65,21* 62, com pared w ith $469,490.58 for the »am month last year. Increase of one cent a gallon In the atate tax during th year accounts largely for thia Increase In revenue Fifty-tw o of the 229 banks operating In Oregon June 30, 1930, had deposit» la excess of $500,000 each, according to a statement Issued by A. Schramm riate superintendent of banks. Port land, with 24 banks In operation, had total deposits of $134,716,563 63. with Salem In second place with deposits of $11,889,027.74. Eugene was third with »7.580.719.71. Total deposits ol the 62 banks was $272,10*,7*6 «2. with hanks In 91 other cities and town« having deposits of $13,43S,86(.2Q. Why Fat Men Stay Fat The trouble w ith me, and I guess this applies to »9% of the men who are putting on weight. I didn't have TH E MARKETS the energy or "pep” to keep it off. Portland Lost all Interest In any h ealthy actlv W heat— Big Bend bluestem, $1.02; Ity and just lased around accum latlng the old pounds u ntil I got that soft white, western white. $8c; hard "Kruschen feeling." winter, northern spring, western red S tart taking Kruschen Salts— that's 80c. the common sense w ay to reduce— Hay— Alfalfa, new crop, $1740; val but don't take them w ith the Idea ey timothy, new crop. $18; eastern that they possess reducing qualities In Oregon timothy, $22.60 0 22; clover themselves. This Is what they do— they clean pew crop, $14; oat hay, new crop, $11 out the im purities In your blood by -*•* and vetch, new crop, $12.50. keeping the bowels, kidneys and liver Butterfat— 29@33c. In splendid w orking shape and fill Eggs— Ranch. 19®24c. you with a vigor and tireless energy Cattle— Steers, good, $ 8 0 8 50 you'd most forgotten had existed Hogs—Good to choice, $10011, As a result instead of planting your­ self In any easy chair every fre v ,, ji > lAinbs —Good to choice, $«07. •c a ttle The oiling crew of the highway com ment and le ttin g flabby fat accumu­ late you feel an nrge for a c tiv ity that W heat—Soft white, western whlti mlarton which w ill pot a surface on keeps yon m oving around doing the ■ iard winter, and northern spring, 17c the highway front Lakeview to the things vou’ve always wanted to do vestern red, 8«c; Big Bend bluesten «tote line has arrived a t Lakeview and needed to do to keep yon In good 51.01. Twelve blocks of paving w ill be laid condition. Eggs— Ranch, 20 0 28c. Then watch the nonnds slide n fft *• tMFoytow during the next thre< Krnsehen Salts are the un-to-dnte B utterfat—36c. weeks t a ttle —Choice steers, $7©8. The state of Oregon Is not responei Fountain of Youth T nke one-hntf tea spoonful In a glass o f hot or cold wa Hogs— P rim e lig h t $12012.16. Mo for motor vehicles abandoned on ter tomorrow morning and every Lambs -Choice, $6 50 0 7 50. the streets and highways and later morning and If they don’t change •pekane placed in garages for safe-keeping by yotir whole Idea about reducing, go Cattle— Steers, good, $707.50, •U t e traffic officers, according to aa berk and get the small price von paid Hogs -Good to choice. $10.75011. opinion rendered by Attorney G eneral I fo L°r r " them T * " J?** * n Van W inkle. Krusehen Reità— lasts 4 weeks at Lambs - Medium to good, $505.60. K ete fs D '-U r R*oee or a n v p ro rre s s lv e druggist anywhere In the world The cost of any pieco of print­ ing is measured by tho results it produce«. Wo can help you got costs down and rosulta up by giving you effective, well- planned printing. Let us give you suggestions on your next printing job. There ia no extra charge for the bene­ fit of our experience. The Springfield News “The only Newspaper In the World that la Dedicated to the Interests of Springfield People.”