f Try tho H o m i P rin t Shop F trat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-RKVKNTH YEAR. HPR1NGFIELD. 1ANK COUNTY. OREGON SCHOOL TO OPEN ON SEPTEMBER 18 THE HOPE OF PREACHING UNION CHURCH TOPIC; MRS. BARNELL TO SING Highway Oiling May Start Soon Three now teachers will be Includ­ ed In the faculty of the grade achools In the fall. They are Roy Qulney of Goshen. Mra. Mabel Riddle. Bprlng- fleld, and Miaa E ra Phetteplace, also of Hprlngfleia. The final assignments of classes to these newcomers has not been made. The largest enrollment In the his­ tory of the schools of this city It ex­ pected In Beptember. Two new rooms are being fitted up In the Lincoln and Rrattain schools to care for the In­ crease and to reduce the teaching loud of the Individual faculty members. New seats, blacaboards. and window shndea bare now arrived for (he extra rooms and the work of Installing them will be started within a couple of weeks. Mrs. H P. Mortensen entertained the members of the Ergalha Hunday school class of the Methodist church at a party at her home last Friday af­ ternoon In honor of Mrs. H. L. Gillette, who with her husband and family left Tuesday for Medford where they will make their home In the future. The afternoon was spent with games and contests followed by refreshments. A picture of Mount Hood and Lost Lake was presented to Mrs. Gillette by the members of the class during the afternoon. Those present were Mesdames Charles Jack. Roberta Drury, L. K. Page. Roy Palmer, Wm. O. Hughes. Oeorge Prochnow, A. M. Pohl, Ella Conway, L. L. May. E. May. C. J. Pike. W alter Gossler, W. H. Pollard. L. E. Baaford, Mrs. Gillette and the hostess. VISITING BALL TEAMS CHUROH MEMBERS GATHER HAVE GAME HERE SUNDAY FOR FAREWELL RECEPTION Hprlngfleh, had a baseball game 'Hunday even If the local team failed to turn out for either of the two games which they are supposed to have scheduled for that day. No one seemed to know Just what the trou Ibe was. but It seems as though base­ ball games had been scheduled with both the Coburg and Jasper teams Dae to some mlxup the local players ■did not show up for either game so «he visitors crossed bats with each pther. Jasper is admitted to have won the game with a Inst minute rally, but the actual scores still remain a mystery to all except the storekeeper who would only say that Jasper won. CRE8 BURN DEAD GRASS ALONG RAILROAD TRACKS C ity workmen and section crews of the Southern Pacific cooperated yes­ terday In the hurlng off of the dead grass on the land between the build­ ings of the city and the railroad tracks. Thia la expected to greatly reduce the fire haxard caused by tall ■dry grass this summer. Carl Olson, depot agent, wondere why the burning was not delayed un­ t il the end of the week. Swarms of ^grasshoppers took refuge In the de­ pot when the blate drove them out of the grass. "They would have been dandy for fishing bait If they had only arrived a couple of days later,” bemoaned Mr. Olson. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gillette were guests of honor at a reception and farewell gathering held for them at the Methodist church Monday eve­ ning. An Impromptu program was presented after which Mb Gillette was called on for a few words. The gathering disbanded after refresh­ ments were served. Mr. Gillette has served as superin­ tendent of the Sunday school at the Methodist church for several years. No successor has been selec>ed as yet. USE PRUNE SPRAY NOW SAYS COUNTY INSPECTOR Prune orchards should be sprayed now with Parsdlchlorobensene to pre­ vent damage from the prune tree root borer, aceordlng to C. E. Stewart, Lane eounty fruit tnspeotor. The chemical Is not effective during wet or damp weather, according to Mr. Miss Clara Jones and Stewart, and should be used now be­ Baxter were Springfield fore there Is any danger of rain. tending the dinner. Grafting Opsratlon Successful AU of the flesh graftings which were made on Leo Hammer of Bend last week are getting along nicely, according to his physician. Mr. Ham­ mer suffered a seriously burned back recently In an accident at W altervtlle and It became necessary for a local physician to graft new skin on parts of his back. L I V I NEW SPAPER IN A L IVC TOW N No. 30 STATE NEEDS $800,000 FROM LANE COUNTY TO COMPLETE HIGHWAYS THOUSANDS AHEAD BIG AIR TODA SHOW Dorothy Hester Thrills 7,000 People With Daring Exhibition of Stunt Flying; Second Air Celebration at Local Port Within Year It Success. Springfield's participation In the Northwest A ir Tour was a complete I success and nothing but expressions of utmost satisfaction could be heard from the local business men Monday afternoon after the visiting pilots bad left and a hurried check of the re­ ceipts Indicated that they would take care of all expenses and leave a small surplus to be used In the improve­ ment of the municipal field. Between thirty and forty aircraft of the latest patterns and one power­ ed glider furnished ample entertain­ ment for the crowd of 700« people who assembled on the field and on the roads on all sides of the field to watch the ships arrive and perform their stunts. Miss Hester Star Performer Fulfilling all expectations, Mias Dor­ othy Hester, 19-year-old protege of Tex Rankin, provided the sensation of the day. Twice she sent her trim biplane Into long graceful dives as the first part of aviation's most difficult stunt, the outside loop, and twice the gasp­ ing audience held their breath as the motor, now turning at 4.000 revolu­ tions per minute, roared onward and almost straight upward in vain efforts to complete the loop. But the slen­ der girl with steel nerves not to be daunted by these failures immediately climbed her ship to gain altitude and almost before the crowd realised what was happening completed the first out­ side loop ever to be accomplished by any pilot over the field airport since Its Inception a little more than a year ago. Her second outside loop followed immediately and was eTen more ac­ curate than the first. All Stunts Included W ith the two outside loops complet­ ed aa her opening numbers on her pro­ gram of entertainment Miss Hester next began a series of more spectacu­ lar but less difficult stunts at a lower altitude. These Included upside down flying, reversements, Inside loops, bar­ MANY ATTEND POWER CO. PICNIC AT ALBANY rel rolls, double barrel rolls, elephant rolls, which consisted of a half oop fol­ Nearly all employees of the local lowed immediately by a barrel roll, branch of the Mountain States Power Immelman turns, diving, spinning, and company attended the annual picnic nearly all of the stunts which an air­ for all employees of the company in plane can be put through. Landing her ship on the middle of the W illamette district which was held at Albany on Saturday of last week. the field with a perfect three-point The local office of the company was landing. Miss Hester taxied up to the crowd and was escorted by Tex Ran­ closed for the entire day. kin to the microphone where she told The program for the forenoon con­ the thousands on the Held that she sisted of addresses by the mayor of Al- had enjoyed ___ her visit and hoped that bany and several prominent company | the spectator had enjoyed VeTflyin"« for allowing the girls to meet at the community hall each week and to use the kitchen. The rooms are Ideally adapted for group Instruction and Ellis Cochran, member of the Coch­ demonstration work, he says. ran construction company which bolds one of the contracts for Improvement CIVIL WAR VETERAN of the McKenzie highway received a PASSES AWAY MONDAY painful injury to his chin last Saturday when a flying rock, presumed to have Isaac F. Circle, a veteran of the been thrown by a tire of a passing Civil war and a resident of Lane automobile, struck him oD the chin county since 1904, died Monday at cutting t open and making It neces- lhe vetersns hogp|ta, ,n portIgn ai sary to take several stitches to close the age of M wag # memb(,r oj the wound. Mr. Cochran was brought Ueary poat No 4 the Gran() to the office of a local physician Im­ of the Republic and served In Com­ employees. Mrs. W. K Barnell sang a mediately after the accident and the pany I. 62nd Indiana infantry. He solo, "Neapolitan Nights,” and was ac- wound was dressed there. was born near Fort Weyne, Indlaa. companled by her daughter. Barbara. o February 2, 184«. The afternoon was devoted to sports EGGIMANN'S PURCHASE Funeral services were held from and games. Miss Maxine Snodgrass NEW TYPE DRINK MIXER Br,n,teUeri' ch‘ Pel on Thursday morning. August 7 at 10 o'clock. In cat ried off first honors in the running One of the very latest ideas in terment w ill be In Rest Haven Me­ and nail driving contests ad took sec­ fountain drink mixers has been added morial park with a graveside service ond place In the horseshoe contest. to the equipment of the Egglmann in charge of the Civil war veterans. Among those who attended the pic­ Candy Kitchen during the past week. He is survived by his widow. Mar­ nic from Springfield were Miss Lulu The new machine Is known as an garet J. Circle, six sons, O. 1. Circle, McPherson. Miss Maxine Snodgrass Arnold double header mixer. It is of Denver, Colo.; E M. Circle and F. and her mother. Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, built very similar to the other new W Circle of Battle Ground. Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. W . K. Barnell and daugh­ Aronld machines which have been In­ J. I. Circle of Florence. L. M. Circle ter, Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bur­ stalled at the confectionery during and T. W . Circle of Pleasant HUI, one nett and son, Billy, Mr. and Mrs. W. the past few months, but It has an daughter, Mrs. F. M. Story of Port­ C. McLagan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S u it extra beating blade on the mixing land, 18 grandchildren and two great son and children, Maxine and Fritx, shaft which makes It possible to mix grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Albers, and Mr. adrlnk In about one-half the usual and Mrs. A. L. Wade. time. This Is the fourth new mixing HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS machine Installed at the local soft ASSIST AT BANQUET CLAN REUNION WILL drink parlor. All of the < ^ e r style machines hare been traded In for Eleven Springfield girls had charge BRING MANY SUNDAY the newer ones. of the dining room at the Community Elaborate plans are being made for hall during the banquet Monday for M!SS ALICE MAY LOOMIS the members of the Pacific Northwest the annual meeting and picnic of the ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT Air Tour and of the Lions club, who Tandy-Harlow-Bnelling clan which Is entertained them. The girls took to be held at the Wm. Ayers picnic Miss Alice Mny Loomis, office as­ charge of the table decorations and rounds at the Coburg bridge on Sun­ sistant to Dr. W. N. Dow, announced of the serving of the dinner for Mrs. day. There are more than 200 mem­ her engagement to Harris Hurd of I. M. Peterson, who had general su­ bers of the clan scattered in various Eugene at a dlnnor party at her home pervision over the entire affair The parts of Oregon, Washington, and Cal­ last nl«ht. The wedding will take girls were Maxine Posey, Nellie Stu­ ifornia and most of them are expected place next summer. art, Maxine Swarts. Thelma Barker, to be here for the Sunday gathering FLYING ROCK HITS CHIN; SEVERAL STITCHES TAKEN A THURSDAY, AUGUST 7. 1930 "Whitt Is the Hope of Preaching T*' That the state expects to complete will be the sermon topic for the union Contractor Spends Wednesday i all the state highways In lame county In City Making Arrangements 1 with the exception of the W illamette services at the Methodist church Hun School Board Decides To Hava duy evening. Thia will be the last of For Work Within Next Week above Oakridge by the end of 11132 Is Enrollmant on Thursday; a series of three sermons to be de O ilin g Of the M< Kenxle highway tbe received by the coun Claim Plan Will Sava Tima for llvercd by Rev, H. R Mulholland of wlll probably start r.ome time durlug 2 C ° “ rl fr" m •• hl«hway department Taachara and Studants; Five the baptist church. Mrs. W. K bar the n< xt week F. J. Kenian, contrae- To match the slate on the present be­ oell will sing "Gloria." by Busxl Pec- Naw Mambars on Faculty. holds the contract with the ! ’ ** of co°P«f»ll«n will cost L a b « coun lor * cla, at the evening service f t this work was In Hprlngfleld ! ,y n*or‘' ,han 1*00.000. Hprlngfleld schools «111 opou Ibelr Rev. C. J. I'lke will take "Christian t - I * sday to make preliminary ' H ° w this road work can be financed fall tsrtu activities on Ucptembsr IK. Perfection" as his sermon subject at arrangements for the work both on ' • “ that the construction program will It wan doc lit ad at (ha regular inodthly the Methodist church Huntlay morn­ the highway and at the Southern Pa i no* b<‘ h*’w “ P *• * problem the court Meeting of tba school board which ing. The Hunday school will meet at d flc depot where the oil and machln , h *11 • • ke1. Pollard, MANY PEOPLE ATTEND erable machinery and that he expect , chairman of the board of directors. It SEAVEY REUNION SUNDAY ed the oiling work to take about 20 j ^OUR-H GIRLS LEARN la believed that considerable time can days for completion. NEW CANNING METHODS be saved In getting clans work started Fifty eight people were present last The highway will be oiled with a by having the students register on Hunday for the nineteenth annual re­ AT WEEKLY MEETINGS Thursday and tecelve Instructions as union of the Heavey family and rela­ macadam surface similar to that put Thirteen Hprlngfleld girls, all mem to what materials to purchase As­ tives which was held at the old Sea on at the approaches to the bridge signments will be made on Friday vey homestead on the McKensle river about a month ago The first stretch ' l^rs of the Four H dubs, their two Phil Metschan, Portland hotel ow n­ and classes will be espectad to start north of Hprlngfleld Informal speech­ will extend from the cad of the pave • leadeys. Mrs. Jennie Cooley and Mrs on Monday without any difficulty for es and story telling by the older peo­ ment In the city to the corner where | 8 M A6drew, and Arnold Collier, er, who waa nominated as the candi­ the road turn, off for Thurston. The Ijane county club leader T„ |ted the date for governor by the State Re­ either pupils or teachers. ple and several recitations by the other work will Indude road oiling j Newg off)ce TjlH(lday morn,ng and ,eft publican Central Committee on the younger children occupied moat of Five N ew Teachers Signed near Hendricks bridge between the 14th ballot Five new teachers will have places the time (lames and sports were also Intersection of the old and new roads a pint Jar of blackberry jam for the editor as a sample of the canning work enjoyed during the afternoon. un the faculty of the city schools this and the bridge. which the girls are doing as part of fall The total number or members on Members of the family who attend­ WATER BURNS PROVE A tank of oil arrived at the local their Four H club work. the faculty will bo Increased by two ed the reunion were Mr. and Mrs. depot this week aqd It Is believed FATAL TO SMALL CHiLD and one half teachers and the total Douglas Waasom. Mr. and Mrs. H er­ The girls are meeting every Tues­ that thia will be used to complete the bert Btoneberg and four children. Mr. salary espenses will be Increased by day morning at the community hall Roberta B-;ott, 18-month-old daugh­ oiling of the Wundllng read by the at least 93.600. thinks Dr. Pollard. and Mrs. Claus Gustafson and three ! and are doing actual canning work ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Scott, route county crew. They are now busy fin- . .. Home saving will be realised In tn>. children. Mr and Mrs. W. C. Heavey, Ishlug some oiling on the M ohaw k ! * h” ld tOe,r f,” ‘ D,ee" n* , h w 1, Springfield, died at the Pacific case of Mrs U K I ‘age's successor. Mr and Mra. Thomas E Heavey, Mr rt ad. weeks ago and the meeting Tuesday Christian hospital in Eugene on Tues­ Hhe will not receive quite as much and Mrs. W L. Ingram. W illiam Blacb waa the second one at which they did day from bums which she received salary as Mrs Page did after many ly. Mr anJ Mrs. W alter Blachly and any actual canning. The work Is su­ at her home Saturday night when SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS )*»«rs on the faculty, but there will sons. Dale and Dean. Mr and Mra. pervised by Mrs. Cooley and Mrs. An­ she fell into a tub of scalding hot HAS PICNIC TUESDAY drews. a.W be salary Increases to be made Edwin T Bushnell. W ilbur C. Bush water. th< me who have been on the faculty nell. Mra. Anna Simmons. Mrs. Ethel Canning Is a part of the work re­ A tub full of hot water which had Mrs. W lllla Bertsch entertained the Olsen. Mrs Vena Howe, Mr. and Mrs. for asor« than one year quired of Four-H club members. It been standing on the stove had Just J. A. Heavey and daughters. Mr and members of her Junior high school Faculty Numbers 29 cannot be carried pn very well during been set on the floor to cool when Mrs. I^ee Heavey and three sons, Mra. girls Bunday school class of the Meth­ T he total faculty will number 2* the school year so a special group is the child who was playing on the odist church at picnic at Swimmers Vance Heavey and two aona, Mr. and this f ill. Tbla Includes the principals organised during the summer months. floor fell Into IL Most of the skin on Mrs. John II Heavey and daughters, Delight on Tuesday afternoon. Swim at the this’ e schools. The girls who are attending the her body was badly geared. before she mlng and games were enjoyed during and Mr and Mrs. J. W. Bearey. meetings here are Ruth Pollard. Faye ould be removed. She was taken to The high school faculty w ill remain The guests at the gathering were the afternoon and were followed by a Holrerson. Elsie Beals. Melba An­ as It was hast spring with the excep­ the hospital and everything possible picnic dinner. W Boyd Moore, C. E M erritt. Oliver drews, W inifred Franx, Marion Ship was done to relieve her pain. tion of two teachers. Miss Margaret Those present were Velma Peddl­ Pont, M W inkler. Il D. Locke. Miss ley. June Geiger. Helen Cooley. Mar Mlllhollen of Corvallis will fill the va­ Funeral services were held Wed Adelaide Benjamin, and Mr. and Mra. cord. Mildred Morgan. JoLana Put­ Jorle Armltage. Margaret J a rre tt cancy left by Mrs. W. R. Baker In the nam. Beatrice Elmer, Faye Holver- nesday from the Walkor-Poole chapel W. J. D. Franklin. Marjorie Davla, Thelma Klngery. and ICnglah department and Norvllle May son. Vivian Itunte. Violet Runte, Mrs. in Eugene. Velma Peddlcord. will ba the high school roach on a full Bertsch and her two daughters, Leo­ MRS. GILLETTE HONORED Surviving are her parents and three Mr. Collier wishes to thank the lime contract to »aerated W. R. Baker ta and Flora. members of the chamber of commerce brothers and aisteis. BY SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS and Cotter Oould. who held the coach- In i Job the past year. “The People's papar~ Miss Kate Mary Hadley, Eunice McFarland, people at­ Dorothy Fisher, Enid Travis, Faye IOWA MAN PURCHASES Parsons, Vernlce Hawke, and Evelyn McKENZIE RIVER LAND Harris. The airport committee expresses its B. F. McComas. who has Just moved Condition« Bad In South appreciation for the help given by to Oregon from Iowa has purchased Agricultural and manufacturing the local girls. the Abbie Wheaton tract of about 18 conditions In the southern states and acres on the McKensle river east of especially In Oklahoma and Kansas Cafe Gets Nsw Sign Hprlngfleld. Mr. McComas has b«en are very bad right now, according to A new green and white electric sign engaged to teach school near Port- T. B. Ogden who returned this week ’"as placed oer the Elite cafe last land for the next year and he expects from an extended vacation trip. Mr. j week-end. The sign also carries the Ogden left Springfield early In June ' Information that the eating place fea- to develop a summer home site for his family on the newly acquired and has spent the Intervening time I lures the products of the Hprlngfleld tract of land They will live there visiting In the southern states. • creamery. when he Is not teaching school. I She added that she hoped that she | could come here again next year and | could spend an entire day. promising to bring a new set of stnnts to thrill the audience. The audience went wild with applause as the aviatrlx walked from the field to an automobile which took her to the community hall where she had dinner. First Outside Loop Previous to Miss Hester's exhibition. Lieutenant Floyd Keadle, air mall pi­ lot, of Red Bluff, California, went aloft and entertained the crowd with a series of stunting exhibitions. He also tried the outside loop and was suc­ cessful after the third attempt in mak­ ing one successful one, the Hrst ever made over the municipal Held. Immediately following the stnntlng by Miss Hester, Frank Brooks went aloft in a beautiful white Ryan cabin plane, a sister ship to the Spirit of 8t. Louis lu which Lindbergh made his Atlantic flight, and hopped out for his 2.326th parachute Jump. A large red chute opened as soon as he had clear­ ed the ship and he lmmsdla.ely cut loose from this and released a white one. When about 900 feet above the ground he cut this one loose and open­ ed the last chute which opened up a beautiful bln«. Tex Rankin Thrill« The final stunntlng entertainment ▼as next performed by Tex Rankin, who until recently held the world's record for outside loops. He made three loops without any trouble and then began a series of stunts which included everything on the list. One of the most Interesting parts of his ex­ hibition was his cutting off the motor ! while flying upside down and gliding ' about in an Inverted position for some I while before he finally righted the 1 craft and opened the switch, ' Such a galaxy of color and variety (Continued on Pare n