I V IE W IL L NOW S I N Ä THAT f PAGE SIX THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS "A MAN FROM WYOMING" SAWMILLS OPERATING AT FIRST POWER GLIDER LESS THAN ONE-HALF OF IN NORTHWEST TO BE K t^U LA K capacity now "BORN RECKLESS" AT REX IN AIR TOUR MONDAY at M c D o n ald t h e a t r e ; THURSDAY. JULY 31, 1930 will be completetl at the end of that time. It will be something Io look forward towards. McKenzie Highway Work Progesses Very Slowly a total ot 44/ uidU in the Douglas Gary Cooper, the lanky anil hand­ The first powered glider to ever he some young mau from Montana who ur logtou ot orvgou. Waahiugiou, aud scored heavily with audiences aa "The otinsu Votuinlna operated uur>ug the , exhibited in Lane county will be The McKetixle highway is oue of building of the highway. Nimrod Section Good Virginian' and "The Texan." heads wwa eauiu* Juty li, at 4o 04 per veui brought here next Monday as a part the worst sections of all the state Special mention and rrodlt Is due the program at the Fox McDonald Fri­ ot vapaciiy, awordtug to reports trout of the I'aciflc Northwest States Air highway system In Lane county right day and Saturday of this week in "A ute West toast Lumbermens ssso- Tour. The glider is powered by a SO- | now. und all Indications are that It to the Lindstrom brothers. Marsh Man From Wyoming"—which all ciauou. During the tlrst 25 weeks ot horsepower motor and has been en- will not be greatly Improved before field road contractors who have the serves to give additional proof that • Sou tuese units nave cut 12.02 per t,'r’*d b-' Ed*ar E. Rasmussen of Port- fall and wet weather arrives and contract for the work on the section Coitper is a sterling actor no matter ceut lam tier tnau they produced land lH,‘‘ *° hl* ,ow ‘ rul*,“K speed hoavy snowfalls in the pass closes It between Nimrod and Blue H.ver They where his picture titles seem to have u“‘>“a the louiparahie per.od ot last I he * ,l! leaTe ‘‘“eh “•’■t*”-’ ,h« tour to rross state traffic At preseut the have a large crew at work and are year. The output ot these ui.lu dur I *«fcudule one hour ahead of the planes. tearing up only a small atrwteb at a him coming from. The small glider motor Is a two- State Motor association la directing time aud are completing It In fine “A Man From Wyoming" is the >ttg the wees euumg juiy 12 was 3«.« all tourist traffic to other routes cylinder affair and consumes only two condition for travel before starting story of a young engineer who hears per cent less tuau tne.r average week latst summer the highway contract gallons of gasoline an hour while in -}' prcuuettuu uunng 183». on another section. the call to arms and leaves a con­ ora began by tearing up the long rruuuctiou reported by a group ot flight. It will maintain a cruising People living along the highway who struction Job in Wyoming to get into speed of 70 miles per hour. The mo­ stretch Just east of the Springfield the big fight In France. While sta --3 tutus, tor wn.ch the association tor Is so quiet running that the pilot city limits and projecting a new own or operate various types of es­ tinned at "hot" corner with his com­ has a weekly record tor production, can easily carry on a conversation straight road direct from the Thurs­ tablishments are wout to give out the pany of engineers he meets a young elders aud shipments, was Uti,023,63U with people on the ground when he ton corner to the Hendricks bridge Impression that the road Is in fine shape for travel. They cannot be society girl who, tiring of the tedium leel duriug the week endiug July IX, ia flying in the air. This work was not started until the blamed as their livelihood depends on of her ambulance-driver Job, wanders or iti.s per cent of tapacily. orders The glider weighs 385 pounds wheti height of the tourist season, and this into the line in search of excitement. >epot ie u uy tuvse mats tor toe wees empty. It hag a gross load rapacity together with the general upheavals traffic over the road. Hut, thia pub amounted to 10X.gl7.3k» feel. llcity which frequently Is published Gary Cooper is excellent as the gal­ I nfilled orders decreased about of 700 pounds with two persons and n of the highway near Leaburg during In Eugene dally papers and else lant captain of engineers. June Coll­ tank full of gaacllne. the coasi.-uctlon of the Eugene Water whre. Is very misleading to tourists. yer. who plays the girl ambulance 1,000,000 feet in the rail trade, about ■ ■ .......... Board dam and power plant made An Instance of thia was noted In the driver, is bewitchingly beautiful, and 7,700,000 teet nt the domestic cargo SCOUT COURT OF HONOR traffic over the highway almost Ini Eugene Register last Thursday morn a charmingly romantic team-mate for trade, aud declined about 10,000.000 Ing whan It carried a small story on TO BE HELD SATURDAY the handsome Gary. Very adept feet in the export market ---------- New Road Not Opened the front i ge stating that the Me character work ia supplied by Regis The Court of Honor for the Second There was a great deal of grumbling Kensle hlgbwuy was In good condi­ Toomey, E. H. Calvert, Morgan Far­ WATER BOARD TO BUILD Period of Camp Lucky Boy. located at the time, but people who have o c tion. and , n tl • I t side p; ges It had a ley, and Mary Foy, NEW HOMES AT LEABURG op the Blue River, will be held Sat- casion to use the highway solaced story told by a Waltervllle man who Jack Oakie, Paramount s sure-bet uiday evening of this week. An'invl- themselves with the fact that a new told of tourists turning around and The Eugene Water Board will build laugh maker, will be seen and heard tation to attend the Scout dinner and and better route would soon be avail heading back for the Pacific highway Sunday and Monday of next week at fuur new homes near Leaburg at the program that evening has been re able But It was not The stretch dl after they were informed that the road the Fox McDonald in his first starring power plant for the use of the opera­ ceived here by several people Inter­ rectly east of Springfield has been was not much better for several miles vehicle, "The Social Lion." tors of the plant, according to an an­ ested in Scout work. used In Its partially completed stage above Waltervllle than It had been The picture is based upon the Octa nouncement made in Eugene this Awards for the successful comple­ all last fall and winter and this sum to that city. vus Roy Cohen story, "Marco Him­ week. The houses will be built far tion of various phases of Scout work mer Just about the time It was ex Local People Avoid Road self.” enough from the road to avoid the are made by the members of the ijtne pected that this portion of the high Another fact which shows that the It is the hilariously funny story of uust caused by passing motorists and County Council at the end of each way would be oiled, along comes con road is not pleasurable to drive over a young garage mechanic and would will have garages and be equipped ramp period. trading crews who tear up the oiled Is that most of the Springfield people, with running water trom the plant be pugilist who gets a place on a ritxy part of the highway between Ninth many of whom know of Ideal vaca country club's polo team because he which now serves the power house FUNDAMENTALS WILL BE street and the city limits, leaving It Hon spots In the Cascades and who is the town's most proficient mallet UNION SERMON SUBJECT for more than a month in a worse formerly spent their week ends there wielder. having learned polo when he FOUR-L SPEAKER OPPOSES condition than any of the other new are now going to the coast ranges for was serving an enlistment in the CUTTING LUMBER WAGES What ae the Fundamentals of construction. This has been worked their week-end outings Instead. army. Preaching?” w 111 be the sermon topic o,rer late|y “fter much protestation by- People here read with Interest the Walter L. Smith, field represents But his hob-nobbing with the "400" on which Rev. R. Mulholland, pastor owners of property along the stretch annnouncement made last week that tive of the Four-L organisation at of the town gives him high-hat ideas I of the Baptist church, will base his and the contractors, Klam Construc­ state and federal funds ure uow avail and he tries to crash into the “inner Portland was a Springfield visitor on sermon at the union services at the tion company of Reedsport, have able for the completion ot all state promised to oil the stretrh within a highway projects within the county circle" by means of the entree he has Tuesday and addressed a meeting of Baptist church Sunday evening. gained through his polo-playing. This the local mill employees at 12; 45 In the morning he will talk on “A few weeks. if the county ran match the sums with provides a number of very amusing Tuesday noon. The speaker told of Cure for Anxiety.” This Is a contin­ Oiling Promised Eearty their share. The plan of the county lumbering conditions and the pres situations and rib-rocking dialog. uation of a series of sermons on Phil- The other stretch of the new high commissioners provides for the com­ Gangland; a shadowy, elusive coun ent trend, urging especially that the ippians. way from Thurston corner to Hen pletion of all state highways within Four-L group remain staunen In their try, with curiously undefined borders The Young People will hold their drlcks bridge was not opened to traf­ three years If a special tax is voted set amid the slums and the palaces of opposition to establishment of a new union meeting at the Baptist chnrch fic last fall ns was expected. The this fall. Local people are now won­ every big city; a country where men low wage scale bel, w the present (in the evening at 7:00. highway department Issued a state- ! dering if the announcement actually and women i re human beings whose minimum wage. ment at that time saying that the means that the McKentle highway vices spring from a warped environ NEW FLESH GRAFTED ruad was completed and graveled, but j Went; a country where fidelity to MR. AND MRS. CARL OLSON ON ACCIDENT VICTIM would nut be opened to traffic until , one's fellows is held far higher than, SERVE FISH DINNER HERE spring as it had not settled and traf , human life; where a regular mean be r I flc over It during the wet weather ( Leo Hammer of Bend Is undergo­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson entertain­ of a gang has the support of powerful ing a skin grafting operation at a Eu­ would cut It up and delay the oiling interests and where a "squealer” ed with a fish dinner at their home gene hospital this morning. Mr. Ham­ of the stretrh. The office also gave meets his doom at the mouths of re­ Monday evening for Mr. and Mrs. I. mer’s hack was badly burned In an out the Information that they intend M. Peterson, Miss Eleanor Bendler. lentless automatics. accident at the Orem lumber mill nea. ed to have this portion of the high This is the real underworld, accord­ D. W. Crites. Mr. and Mrs. H. W Whitney, Miss Mary Elizabeth Whit Wi'l,Pr»llle ab«“‘ ”>ree weeks ago and way oiled early in the spring so as ing to John Ford, Fox Movietone di­ not to interfere with tourist traffic. J ney, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morgan, and It became necessary to graft on skin rector, whose remarkable all talink It is not oiled yet, but considerable over two large areas of his back. The drama, "Born Reckless” opens next their daughter, Mildred. Mr. and Mrs. skin for grafting is being given by rock has been hauled on the road Peterson. Miss Bendler, and Mr. Saturday for two days at the Fox Rex. his two brothers also from Bend. The llurlnK ,h« P“"‘ three weeks, Edmund Lowe heads a powerful Crites together with the host and grafting operation Is a very delicate The delay In the opening of this hostess comprised a fishing party cast which Includes in the featured or.e. according to physicians. ln this , new stretch of highway has not bum which caught the fish on Sunday. roles. Catherine Dale Owen. Lee Tra­ Instance It will make It necessary for protested very much, however, as tbv Hats UP cy, Marguerite Churchill. Warren Hy Mr Hammer to lle on his stomach for I route which It would abolish Is now SALT CREEK FISHING and up mer, William Harrigan and Frank Al­ six weeks while the new flesh Is the best section of the entire hlgbwaj bertson. GOOD LAST SUNDAY growing together UP between Springfield and McKenzie Former Belling price up to bridge, but tourists and others are Salt Creek, near Heather, proved to CHUB PROVES TO BE protesting the manner In which the REBEKAHS HAVE SOCIAL be a good fishing spot Sunday for Mr. highway Is now being torn up all the DOLLY WHEN CAPTURED and Mrs. Carl Olson, Mr. and Mrs. I. IN HONOR OF BIRTHDAY way from Hendricks bridge to Doyle M. Peterson, Miss Eleanor Bendler. 42 8th Ave. W est, Eugene, Ore. ’ Catching redatdea in the McKenzie and D. W. Crites. The local people Mrs Mary C. Magill and her daugh- hill by a crew of only a few men river is real sport for most people drove up the Willamette highway ter' Mr" Stella Finley, pleasantly sur- which Is greatly slowing up the re- but catching a l»-inch Dolly Varden early Sunday morning and caught a pr,,,ed of the members of the Jua- right at the intake of the old power large number of medium sized fish n,ta Reb*k«h lodge with a social meet- canal near Waltervllle is far more during the day. Most of the fish lng and "Kht rstreehments at the con- thrilling. At least Lloyd Frese thinks were caught by Mr. Crites who used eluB,on of the regular business meet- so. Lloyd and his father had been angle worms exclusively, says Mr. Ing ot ,he lo<|Ke on Monday evening. sitting on the bank fishing for some Olson. The occasion for the surprise was the time and had been catching almost birthday of Mrs. Sam Richmond, an nothing but chubs when they sudden­ other daughter of Mrs. Magill. Recovering From Kick Injury ly began catching trout. After a few Cecil Dykes. 11 year old son of Mr. successful landings the Frege boy had and Mrs. K. Dykes of Creswell, who GOLD STAR MOTHER IS another bite which he assured his was kicked In the face by a horse two EXPECTED HOME SOON father was Just one more chub. The weeks ago is improving nicely ac­ chub proved to be a Dolly and Lloyd cording to bis physician. He Is still Mrs Emma Olson, Springfield's slid down the steep bank of the power unable, however, to eat any but soft Gold Star mother who has recently canal to land the prize fish foods. visited the grave of her son In Eng­ land, is expected to return to her home here this week-end. Mrs. Olson land­ ed In New York on the return Jour­ The Thriftiest Housewives ney three weeks ago and has been Trade Here Regularly — Be­ FRIDAY visiting relatives at Tacoma before returning to her home here. SATURDAY cause They Know They Al­ Anniversary Is Observed Dr and Mrs W II I’ollard enter tallied si a Dinner Bunday honoring Mr and Mrs U. tl McKihaney of Garden Way who observed their thlr ly second wedding anniversary on that date Mr McKihaney also ob served his birthday on Friday of last week. Directs Revival Singing Katherine lleinenway and Dldlue Gartln left Springfield yesterday for Waldport where Miss Gartln will act as song leader for the llulgln Revival lets The two ladles expect to be gone about three weeks Leaburg Man Hers William Gvlng ton of la-aburg was a business visitor In Springfield on Friday. Friday and Saturday Arms—end the women H is seeks the thrill of ner life and—get Iti CARY COOPERI n Man Fien Wyoming Q Otinmaat QlcTutr Coming SUNDAY Final Clearance H ats, Coats M illin e ry a t C O ST and LESS ( oatH $ 1 .0 0 a,,(1 $3.98 $ 6 .9 5 an<* $ 1 5 .7 5 8 th Ave. Hat & Dress Shop FOX R EX Saturday and Sunday EDMUND LOWE In •BORN RECKLESS" I Groceries By Plying to the WHITE FRONT GROCERY C O L O N IA L and P aU ating R o m an s oath ig n tp / Axsa/o/M jfe ***LIAU FOX UTH SEA ROSE liNORE ULRIC •uAXHARLES BICKFORD KENNETH M ac KENNA Picnic 8unday at Park Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swarts and Mr and Mrs. C. E. Wheaton enjoyed picnic at Riverside park on Sunday ways Save Money. Week-end on M cKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Clive 8tanley and and Mrs. Robert Moore spent week-end on the South Fork of McKenzie river as guests of Mr. Mrs. Fred Stovllle of Eugene. Mr. the the and Visits Friends—Mrs. B F. Caldwell a t Waltervllle visited friends In this city on Friday. Operates Linotype- G. F Evans of Eugene Is operating the linotype at (he News office during the absence of Herbert 8. Taylor, who Is 111. Channon Colltnge, director Columbia Cathedral hour and outstanding exponent of sacred spent six years as a comic strip of the __ radio’s music, artist! W ill Close M onday 9 A . M. to 2 P. M. FREE DELIVERY