The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 31, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, JULY 81, 1930
Vial* at Albany M r. mid Mra, Her
m ini Ernest motored to Albany Hun
iluy Io spend the day with relutlves
Accordion selection* played by
SALEM. Ore , Aug. 31.— (Special)— Dalton Shinn and vocal solos by Wla-
Preparatlon* for Oregon’s *9th annual ,ton
featured the program tor
atate fair this year are declared to In­ (be weakly luncheon of tho Lions clab
cn Friday. A report of tho conven-
clude every possible feature to Insure 1
the largest and moat complete expo- ti<,n held rec* nt,y Bt Denver was gtv-
sltlon In the history of the event.
John K *t®ls, local delegate, who
Premiums and purse* aggregating ' ‘‘ urBei Thursday even,. *. Plan* for
»»0.000, horse race prizes totaling an
“ lr tour r l,U
next “ ‘»<‘•7
additional »17,500. and a seven-day
re d,,cu“ e<1 at “ >• meeting.
Corns* From Jaspor Mr*. Julius
Pearson of Jaspur visited friends In
this clly on Htflurduy.
Last W ash— Mr«, lauliel
Tihhet of the telephone oft Ice vacu
tlolled laat week.
Visits Friend* Tuesday—Mr. and
Mrs. Hay llaugli of Thurstou speut
Tuesday visiting friends In Ibis city.
Jasper Resident Hers- Mra. M I
Marshfield M *n Haro- -George Bus-
HeheiUin of Jasper was a shopper In ford of Marshfield Is visiting friends
Springfield on Monday.
In (his clly this week.
event Instead of the usual six days '
are among the many attractions of the I
program to guarantee the success of
the State wide project to be held Sep
tember 22 to 28. W ith the fair being
held over thiough Sunday, a plan but
once before attempted, total attend­
ance I* expected to far eclipse any
previous showing, while the addition­
al day also will thwart unseasonable
weather In hampering the exposition.
Comas From W en dllnp Mrs. Clara
Resident Haro—Oeorge
M ellenry or Weudllng was a visitor In W lll'aiu* of Rainbow visited friend* In
Springfield on Friday,
this c.ty on Saturday.
Shops Friday Mrs laiwrem e Mil
Shops Saturday Mrs. I«ee Stevens
llcan of W altervllla was a shopper In of Wultervllle was a shopper In this
this city on Friday.
clly on Saturday.
Visits Friends- Mrs. A. T . Ihinohoe
or Vido spent Friday visiting with
friends In thia city.
Cos* to Colorado Quinn Burrell
left last Thursday for Meeker, Colo­
rado, where he will upend some time
Has Quinsy Attack Ham Moscop visiting with hl* purenla.
wus at hl* home the first of the week
T a k t* Vacation -I). W. Albert*,
with an attack of quinsy.
chief engineer at ibe Mountain State*
Cary Cooper and June Collyer i n a scene from the Paramount
Production, “A Man From Wyoming," Friday and Saturday
at the Fox McDonald.
Leaves for California— Mlaa Doro­ nlng from a business trip to North
thy Girard left Munday morning for Bend.
California where she will visit with
Hero- Mr*.
friends and relatives.
Sam Fawver of Harrisburg was a vis­
In a role not unlike her unforget-
Baker Vacations Mr and M r*. C. itor In (hl* city on Friday. She Is a nble stage creation In "Klkl," Lenore
J McKee are apeudlng two weeks on
Flrlc, a* a tempestuous and fiery half-
n vacation trip In Idaho where they
Burn* People Hero- -H. A. Withers, caste, come* to the Colonial theatre
are vlaltlug relative*.
Sr., am) H. A Withers, Jr., arrived In screen Friday and Saturday In "South
Fall Creek Resident Hers Mrs this city Monday from b u m * to visit Sea Rose,” her second Fox Movietone
Harold Harney of Fall Creek was - with their daugjiter and sister, Miss all talking picture.
Here, with a story conceived around
visitor In thia city on Friday after Jeunnlne Withers.
Portland Doctor H s rs
Van Valzuli of Portland spent the
weekend here visiting with hl* bro
ther and mother.
Spend W eekend at Dallas— M r. and
Mrs F It Flanery and family spent
the weekend at Itallas where
visited relative*.
Drive to Corvallla—-Mrs Grace May,
her daughter. Junta, and Leila Squires,
motored to Corvallis Sunday to spend
the day with Mrs May's sister, Mrs
Wm Beals.
Injurs* Knss Tho small daughter
of Mr and Mrs A E. Ilollls of Gosh
e n was to Hprtngfleld Friday
njury to her right knee
Newlywed* In Town Mr and
Fred Bauer of Jaaper were vlalto
Springfield Tuesday morning,
were married laat week.
'acatlon T rip — E. Bauer
I leave the latter part of
for Chico, California,
III spend several week«
hl* former neighbor*.
Local People on Coast Amoni
Springfield people who spent 8(1
at llecela beach were Mr and M
A. Wyman and Mr. and Mra. I
Maxey and two aon*.
»Ivsrslde, California— Mr.
d Hawke left Springfield
heir home at Riverside,
fter a ahort visit here
iwke'S parents. Mr ami
Return Home- Mr
and Mra
Humphrey loft Monday for K>
Falla. Washington, after an ex
ed visit here with their daughter,
t)ren Metcalf.
R eturn*
rownsvllle— Mr. and Mrs
i motored to Brownsville
Islt friend*. They were
home by their daughter.
3 has been visiting with
Brownsville for several
Mis* Marjorie Prorhnow roti
Munday from Medford where ahi
been spending the past twu v
vacationing with relatives.
Visit* at Bend -Oeorge Ke
was a visitor at Bend the first o
week. He vlalted merchants In ae
of the smaller town* between
and Portland before reluming to
Rtcovere From Accident— Miss t « -
rle Aldroppe, who suffered deep scalp
wound* and n badly Injured ankle In
nn automobile arcldnnt east of Spring-
field about Ion days ago, la recover­
ing nicely, according to her attending
Return to Weotlmbor- Mrs. I). C.
England and her children, Lillian. Da-
Id, Don, and Dan, and W illiam Miller,
relumed Io their home nt Weatlmber
yesterday after spending about a
month at the home of her mother. Mrs.
C. I. Oorrle.
Daughter It Born— Word received
here this week by Mr. and Mrs. Ouy
Hulsey tells of the birth of a baby
dnughter last week to Mr. and Mrs
Wallace Halsey at The Dalles. Mr.
Hulsey Is n government forester sta­
tioned nt Warm Springs.
Take Vacation— Mr. and Mrs. Mar
Ion Adams and Mrs. Adnms' brother
of Junction City spent the past week­
end nt Marshfield nn a vacation trip.
They left here Thursdny morning and
returned on Sunday. While nt Marsh­
field they visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Clifton Phillips, sister of Mrs. Adams.
Medford People Visit— Dr. and Mra.
R C. Van Valzah and her daughters,
Marjorie and Ann, and Dr. and Mra.
S. R. Dlpple and children, Stev and
Patty, all of Medford, returned to
their homes Sunday . after having
spent tho week-end (siting friends and
relatives In this city. Mrs. Van Val-
r.nh and Mrs. Dlpple and their chil­
dren came on Wednesday of Inst week
to spend sovornl days with their hus­
bands' parents. The two doctors
drove up on Snturday to Join their
her sparkling talent. Miss Ulrtc brings
to the speaking screen a performance
destined to match the brilliant cre­
ations of her famous stage career.
Tantalizing, devil • possessed and
reckless. Miss Ulrich portrays Rosa
Ite. the deserted daughter of a sea­
faring explorer held to the dull rou-
tine of a South Sea Island convent.
Here, burning with the passion of
maidenhood, she frees herself to m»»--
ry the first man who expresses a de­
sire for possession.
j Freed from the restrictions of the
1 convent walls, Rosalie accompanies
her sea captain husband to hl* home
! on the peaceful shore* of the New
«escent Lake—Mrs. Pratt England coast. To the bigoted people
nd her daughter, Faye, of the community, tropical Islanders
ford, left Springfield Frl |
•ent Lake where thoy will
days visiting with Mr. .
brother, oy Holverson.
At Silverton Friday— Lee li
made a business trip to Mllverto
Friday. He own* considerable
• rty lu that city.
at Triangle Lake— M r
F. Kgglmann spent Wed- '
-tangle Lake. They look
v, Dale Summers, and
Delbert Shearer, their
. them for the day's out-
Everything Is In readiness for the I
big Nebraska picnic to be held at the |
Corvallis Auto Pack on August 3, ac­
cording to members of the committee
lu charge of the affair. Card* have |
been mailed to all those who attend­
ed the picnic last year and they are |
exported to bring others with them ,
who did not attend previous reunion
picnics. A program of sports and
games has been provided for the en­
tertainment of those attending.
More than 2,000 former Nebraskans
attended the picnic last year and ef­
forts are being made to greatly In­
crease the number this year.
are but a Utile beyond savages, and
the reception I* repellent. But Rosa­
lie, exercising the magic of her Inno­
cent purity, I* creating her own
Tricky, deceptive and dangerous,
her antics cause hatred and Jealousy
among the plain folk* and her Inno­
cent treachery gives reason for a mad­
dening but exquisitely related episode
In the live* of this small band of way
Charles Bickford as the rough and
ready sea captain, give* a capital per­
formance, and a long list of compe­
tent players conTrlbhte fine support­
ing work. Among them are Kenneth
MacKenna. Tom Patrlcola, Elizabeth
Patterson. Farrell Macdonald, Roscoe
Ate*, George MacFarlane, Ilka Chaae.
Daphne Pollard, Ben Hall and Char­
lotte Walker.
Ha* Chicken Pox
Miss Maxine Snodgrass Is conval­
escing at her home this week from a
light attack of chicken pox. Wayne
Hawke Is substituting for her at the
Mountain Staten Power company of­
fice during her absence.
ble* of the east and midwest Entries
into the stake races closed July 1, <
while class race entries will be re­
ceived until August 15.
Early applicants for entrants to the
livestock exhibition
Indicate thia
branch will be larger than at any pre­
vious exposition, according to Mra.
Ella 8. Wilson, secretary of the state
(air board. Exceptional laterest Is be­
ing shown In all classes of stock show- !
I ng. It is declared.
Exposition* throughout the United
States this year are watching the
Oregon event keenly to observe the
results of tho first disease-free show­
ing of cattle ever attempted. A new
rule adopted by the 1930 fair board
provides that all dairy cattle over one
year old must be provided with health
permits Issued by an approved veter­
inarian. testifying that the animals
have been duly examined and are
free from infections abortion.
Members of a herd certified to be
free from the disease and to wblcb
has been Issued an abortion-free herd
certificate w ill be accepted as excep­
tions to the rule. Untested animals
will be subject to an examination on
the fair grounds.
Work Is progressing rapidly In pre­
paring the grounds (or the huge
crowds, and every effort Is being
made to have everything in readiness
In ample time to care (or early ar­
A Good
Stand-by for
Absorbent Cotton
One-pound Roll
There are hundreds oi
uses around the house
that yon can find for this
huge roll of high-grade
cotton. In treating cuts
and open wounds, in ap­
plying various toilet prep­
arations this soft, fluffy
cotton will be a constant
source of practical com­
fort to you.
And, ot
coarse. If there Is a baby
In your family this super­
ior cotton is a necessity.
Sold only at Rexall Stores
Phone 1#
Í thi
1 I K
.'"u tA
See the beautiful Gas Range
in our show window.
Each week we will have a Special Bargain
in this window
Return to California—Mr. and Mrs.
N. L. Myers and tholr son, Howard I
Ashland People Leave— Mr. and
Mrs. H. T. Mitchell of Ashland left
for their home* last week-end after
visiting with their daughter, Mrs.
Dallas Murphy, and their son, James
Mitchell. Mrs. Mitchell has been
spending several weeks here, going
with her daughter to Beattie last week
to visit other relatives. Mr. Mitchell
came up from Ashland on Friday.
Bargains in Gas Ranges
James, and Miss I.agene Dowd, left
Springfield Monday for their homes
at Fontana, California, after having
spent the past month here and at Ore
gun City visiting relatives. While here
they were guests at the homo of Mr
and Mrs. W. II. Adrian. Mrs. Adrian
Is n sister of Mr*. Myer*.
Application for entries to the horse
show have been exceptionally large, 1
and the record purse offered this year I
is expected to attract the finest sta- ’
Visit* Mother lluth Hcott Byrne of Power plant here left Monday for a
llo a lo n , arrived here laat week to two week* vacation.
Speiiil about three weeks visiting with
Returns Sunday -W , <’. M< l.uguu
her mother. Mra Molllo Hcott.
relum ed Io Springfield Sunday eve
You can purchase this white
enam el automatic, insulated
oven, Tappan Gas
which has en a m el
and a closed top for
This price includes
Nearly nil of tho local employees of
the Mountain State* Power company 1
and their families will go to Albany I
Saturday to attend the annual picnic
for all employees of the company.
Tho local office of the compay has ,
announced that It will he closed all
day Saturdny for the event.