I YYE WILL NOW SINÄ THAT PAGE pour y ------ THURSDAY. JULY SI. 1V8U T H E SPRING FIELD NEWS : 1 x THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at poatotdee, « priegn.Lt oregua. -----------------— ----------------------------- ^ o r ‘ “ w Z ú V « L w i r d U , h ^ v e n t u d. ,| Tvn Springfield resid en ti Jollied thè 8u,,da\ whUh 8uuth„ ru ,.aclru, raUruat| ,p ,,„ ,o O(, a „ ,afc# a„ u 8 , „ C r w „ (|> h|gb Caacadaa 11Mar , h. mu nun It of the Cascade line of the rail Th' ' r'P Pr,,,'“ r " y for members of the University sum m er session who hiked from the lake ito the fplls under the leadership of THURBOAY, JU LY 11. IM S One of the vanishing landmarks la the old faih - Dean John F Uevard, of the physical ______ ________ „ ________ _ '' toned country school. ______ The ____ old __________ schoolhouse— we education department of the school MR. M ETSCHAN FOR GOVERNOR don’t don't know know why why people people refer refer to to It It so so often often as as "the "the Passviigurs from Eugene. Springfield, The nomination of Phil Metachan former Uttle r* d •fhoolhouse," for most of them that w e tended the regular summer session. and other nearby towns were Invited have seen were painted white— la one of the nlac- which has just closed, included Oene to Join the outing party thus making *a rinan t e state rePu an central commit- nearly all of ua like to look up when we go »lave Besniun. W. E Buell, John Cox. the trip a tiuanclal possibility. tee. for the party s candidate for governor has “back home." The memories of childhood cluster ' s™ Kila t-ombard. F rank Lombard. met wide support all over the state. The central more thickly about It than any other structure Elisabeth Page. Eva Phetteplace and committee picked their own c h a i r m a n after 14 except the old homestead Itself. The church was Clarence Pike. Outstanding members of the regu ballots when no other candidate had sufficient * place to whlch we were rather reluct- lar U niversity of Oregon faculty and strength to be elected I Not that we were •UwaFa enthusiastic * to oe eiectea. ; about golQg Bch(X), but at ,eagt the wag those of other Im portant Institutions Mr. Metchan will not appeal to the radicals who ' • democracy of our own kind. Except for the make up tbs Instructors tor the short wish to upset the state government and plunge teacher> who waa only one M * U » t many, we term. Students going on the Alaska it into the power business and one might also add ! i“ d muc? OW? way’ cruise, which leaves Seattle on Aug­ . . . . r. c We lived In a world of our own for a few hours a ust 14, w ill also assemble on ttie cam­ hopelessly into debt. But he will appeal to the v,nt¥rralty 0, Oregon, and the one which Henry Ford has preserved at Sud- Chaa# L. Conover, professor of educa finished my aecigid bottle of Krttach- Educated as a lawyer Mr. Metachan has always en Salta and have obtained the fol­ bury. Mass., the veritable school to which M ary’s tlon collega been interested In jtolitics as has been his family. little lamb followed her, where one carved one’s D; E r M a , B uthwlawl b , , . . wbo lowing resu lts:’’ 1— ” 1 have removed 3 Inches from His father waa one time state treasurer. His suc­ initials on the rough board desks, will always feel taugbt laat year ,he ,,ortl. nd can a u p e r t o r t t y O W t h o a < w h o n e v e r h a d tar. w in be on t b . campus for the post the belt line. cess in the hotel business and his conneef jnp with B gone, swallowed up by the relentless maw of Pro­ se greas. 75c establishment of s four-year term . In stead of three terms and a sum m er session, the post session h»« been greatly strengthened this year. Students from Springfield who at- such advantages. session Dr. Bates has gained wide 2— "Get up In the morning feeling 100 per cent. Somehow the old fashioned country school fecognltlcn for hla work In lite ra ry S—"I am 25% more active seems. In perspective, closer akin to the pioneer review, a rd is one at the editor« of » "M y mind ie clearer. spirit Which la the spirit of America, than any ,,lc Dictionary o f Am erican Biography, 5— "M y wind lias Improved 26%. modem structure with its graded classrooms, Th* results of a «tudy made last • — ’’All akin eruptions have dlsap- steam heat, electric light and wholesome ventlla- p * ’ r *“ l-ondon w ill form the basis of ,warad tion. But, like the ox-team and the covered wag- he course in modern aortal problems 7_ . . M fa .._ . . . .. on. It la disappearing. Our advice to every reader <*•.• »>y M argaret Creech, of the uni »--when lx » t< iw.t t ** r°.°r • • • uin motion* who ever attended auch a country school Is to »«reitv school of applied science. |(t Sleep like a brick. Russian lumber, produced by wageless workers, take a good look at It this year, for next year It oner coarao« include chem istry, 0- ' Am 46 years old and feel 20 history, physics, Roman, c languages. will probably be excluded from the United States- may be gone forever. years younger." iec -n-m lcs and psycho! >gy. , „ ,,,, in future. Definite proof that pulp wood was s e e ________________ Millions of men the world over are taking the little dally dose of Knisch loaded on boats by convicts has been secured by The old army gag waa re-lnacted here last n o tic e o f h ia r m g on f in a l 6.c lu , tbey koow |( * the department of commerce and it la said the ACCOUNT week. After a doxen business men had worked them everlastingly feeling and act same situation exists in lumbering. Russia, we piling up big rocks on the river bank to be taken j n o t ic e is h e r e b y o ie v n : T h a t ! ive— life really became«' a «iJriLus • - ~ W____ w.a_ _ OtkA amzlaie-a I ■ressxst am Uwannfel» tlha are told, was trying to build up a large trade bal­ to the airport word waxisent down th«t rocks were ^ tun^ , 7 ^ dT” a d v .n t u r e - w .il worth living ance In the United States so that she could pur­ not wanted. Well. It S the spirit and not the rocks H j acx10n. deceased, has filed her Don * vonfusc Kruschen w ith the or- account for the final settlement of dinary salts that are made for Just chase machinery. This brings us another point,— that count anyway. * * ’ the machinery to be bought was sawmill and farm M _______ ¡th at Saturday, the 2nd day of August, ' Keep ‘ ’ .«’lastingly before you the machinery whereby they could produce in greater AIRPLANE SATURATION POINT ISM. at the Court Room of said Conrt j fa<:l that Kruschen contains the tlx quantities goods in competition with farmers and . ! ¡Lane la the County. County Court House, In Eugene Registration figures for airplanes and automobiles . u r Oregon, at tea o’clock vital rejuvenating , h. . * “ salts “ ' that nature ‘ lumbermen of the United States. geets th a t Industrial saturation points are as much a In the forenoon, has been fixed by n n Mt tb<> b *«1“ - »■»♦a. Ds relatlvltv B S tU r or re ta tlv lty The wife of Eid. Bailey, democratic candidate for governor, is a republican, according to the Cottage Grove Sentinel which chides Eid for being so rough on the republicans. Mrs. Claudius Hus­ ton, wise of the chairman of the Republican party, was a democrat, that nearly toppled her husband from his high position. Let’s hope there is better teamwork in the Bailey family. Northwest sawmills are cutting 36 per cent less than during the last year and 46 per cent leas than capacity. Thia should mean that stocks are becoming depleted even In the face of slow build­ ing if the wood substitute manufacturers are not taking up the alack. This laat la what we fear la happening to Borne extent as E instein’s theory— one licensed .a W Conrt as the tim e and place for < as sans.e.n s meory.—ou. . i e « vu h a a rt|g obJectlon« thereto, and k i SUMMON» FOR PUBLICATION IN plane to every 1S.M« people and one motor vehicle to about l h - aattlaB, rn t thereof. FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN •v e ry 4.7 partons, tha decimal fraction perhaps repra B U HAM A H R- JACKSON In the Circuit Court of the State of eaatlag tha ruatkiwepat vota. For every com mercial plane Executrix of the Last W li: and T e t Orepon for Lane County. listed by the A eroos-itical Cham ber of Commerce. It re- ° * - ° . . P h K - Jnehaon. de Roy Henry, p lain tiff, vs. James A. Fraser and Jane Doe Fraser, bis port«, there are 1A»7 automobiles. L L R A Y , Attorney for » • -• w ife, Jessie Fraser Burston und J. Il-h > * . < * • ” C alifo rn ia laada tbs country In the number of licensed H . Hurston, h er husband. T lllle Fraser Plncombe and A rth ur P. and Identified n lrcrd ft, w ith 1.237 planes. New Y o rk la NOTICE TO CREDITORS Plncombe. her husband, and Addle the only other state th a t claims more than 1.000 planes, Fraser Ounnurson and II. Gunnar NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Thai having n to ta l of 1.1*0. N axt In order among the firs t ten son, ber husband, defendants. . . . m in n i. Ohio M issouri, M ichigan, Texas, Pennsylvania. Edw in Stevens has been appointed To James A. Fraser ai d Jane Doe y executor of the l.ast W ill and Testa Fraser, bis wife. Jessie Fraser Burs Ksnsss snd U klabo B ment of Charles E. Stevens, doceased As for automobiles, reports from state registration au- by th „ County Cour, of Lane county toil and J. H Hurston, her husband, T illle Fraser Plncombe and A rth ur P thorltles to tha Bureau of Public Roads show a total of O re g o n . All persons having claims Plncombe, her husband, and Addle 2&,i01.443 motor vehicles registered In 122». a gain of against said estate are required to Fraser Ounnarson and R. Gunnarson. 2 008 313 or eight per cent over 1212. Passenger automo- t>r* * ent w lth ,he Proper vouch fcer husband, the above named de­ . A s « a o—.it w ithin alz month« from the 31st biles, taxis, buses. m *to r trucks, road tractors and trailers, day of Ju|y , #30 (o (hp RB|d flie(>u fendants- In H e name of the State of Oregon: and motorcycles are Included. T ha tan states w ith the tor at tbe |aw office of L. L. Ray In you are hereby notified that Roy highest suglstrattoaa In the order of rank are: New York, the M in er Building. Eugene. Oregon Henry Is the holder of C ertificate of California Ohio Peknsylvanla. Illin o is, Michigan, Texas. E D W IN S T E V E N S . Delinquency numbered 2518 Issued on , Indiana. Naw Jersey, and Massachusetts. Executor Um e n l of of the Last R W R ill and Tv de The figures Indicate that motor registrations have def ,.eai, e