4 THURSDAY, JULY 81. 1V80 THE SI KlNG FIKLl' NEWS Classified Ads r (BUYING OSSEI IJNG PAGE THRKF from g . results ; SEVEN TH Howhere IN S T A L LM E N T lyy now lay* In tha exhaustion of ex­ T h » personal charm of Jake, as • -t W pat Haa Oona. B alera trem e pain. forth by MIsa Davenport, waa escap­ N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S F o il H A L E - Good largu rook atuvo, P IA N O IN B T U K A U E — Look» und la * bcuutUpl youug wptnao Und» her- “T e ll me what you w ant me to ing E ve thus far. N O T IC E IH H E R E B Y O IV K N ; That »10 Ree at 62 E Htreet A7 like new. W ill sacrifice for baiane« * * lf. ,ou th " *.i«uo 1Bau- is hereby given that anyone having opening auggealed Uiat here waa her J H luyler, deceased 1,1 “ "u l* whereby It P Murteuscn objections thereto ahall filo the same tob teils her what the doctor bas «aid, i he g irl la the bed waa spent by deaiinaiion. H a lf a doxen g irls in N o th « 1» hereby given that I*. if W" M !>*•*“ »*« “ “ 'I l»»»c Thom a» Uod- In w riting on or before the tim e o f 1 IU*’U »tep» into another »room, W heu the uursi- arrives, the .g irl has vau- tin. c llo rt ol talk in g aa much as ane evening gowna occupied it» lim ited M ulkey, the undersigned, 1» the duly d#rd “ n<1 * ‘o r“ **• Doddurd, hl» wife, said hearing I islied ti*um the hotel! . appointed, qualified and acting ad- v' un“ *u U. F a rrie r and Kthel F ar A L IC E E V IN C E N T . had ilune, tfut she ra llie d to this »pace, lending utemseivea to various A d m in is tra trix .: Eve's ite ia n u rc was simple. Hlu­ question m ln latrato r of the above entitled ea- r l , r w er’ defendants, and wherein occupations. Une. in tue only easy- - went oui ot a hack door into t i ll aer- tats ; that anyone having claim» lh '' l,lal>itlff recovered a Judgmi-ut l l . . E. S lattery, A tto rn ey 111 tell the world It is,” ahe cLalr, sal holding a haad-ginsa and for A d m in istratrix. a u u h all 'ot tbu hotel, wRure she un- agnlnat »aid ontats «hall prnaent the “ « Ml,ial tb« aald defendant», laaac J 10-17-24-31 A 7 j countered g young _ .French" porter. brought out. “ Don't you get no Idee touch.ng up an already strik in g lac- «am« to me at MR Weat gth Avenue, Thomas Goddard and Bora L. Uod ______ Eugene, Oregon, w’lth vouchera at- dMrd- bla * * * “ . ■» follow» F or the who claimed to recognise her. He of wmie-alave »tuff. There'» nothin a l color scheme. A second was down N O T IC E O F F IN A L A C C O U N T tached w litiln a ll month» from the 8ura ut t y u r hundred and aeventy- haa seen ber* lu Parla. 'Then you Uike- I I- a t Jake'a. S lrig h t bualneaa, on a knee, sewing the beginning of a ihy nam e.’’’ «Ve demanded dale of the first p u b llrrtln n of thia l l r " 'G’BarM and In te n ftt thereon from In the County Court of the State of know ou the level, good earn, good music, run in the top of one of her aiik notice, which la d rat published In th« ,h ” 1HU‘ d«X ot February, 192X. at Oregon In and for the County eagerly.. .Bilt -the porter had forgot Springfield New» on July 10, 1930; ,h ” • • * ’> of alx per cent per unnum p retty good crowd— an' Jim m y «locking». A third ' ufled her bobbed l« n .th g (.; l/e would w rite at once to of Lane and that a il iterating owing anything *n d for F ifty Dollar« a tto rn ey ’« fe«a a friend In I a riB and find the name M urphy on the spot to throw out | h air before a full-length m irro r, and IN P R O B A T E to (he aald eatate ahall pay tbo »a me t,n (he flra t promlaaory note; For the of th» Ain- rlc in young lady they bad tough ones. It a in 't a club. Most tne rem aining three, were smoking lo me at aald piece. In re: T he estate of L ydia A. Hua both adm ired. H e tells her o f aa sum of One Hundred and Fourteen any* dub can get In, but they can't and resting. Eve tapped the door L. H . M U L K E Y , and 6» loo Dollar» and Intereat ton, deceased. apartm ent house where the jan ito r, *ftiy ‘l if ’leas' they behave. T h e sub- panel and w ailed on tne threshold. A d m inistrator thereon from the 1st day of July, Notice la hereby given that Guard be thl-rikH, wou.o take her In. M ean­ H . E S lattery, Attorney 1830, at the ra te of nine per cent per tim e,- while H am ilton -1» - a n lifJ ialy «tiloot« git three dollar» for the No one anawered, ao ahe pushed the Huston, the undersigned Adm lnlstra for Adm inistrator. annum and »30 00 aa attorney's fees h _ un tlu _ g . up - lh« nerve spc-claliat • for ___________ J 149-17 24 21 A on the second promlaaory note; Nine tor of the above entitled estate hm- advice, fcve gets Into a taxicab and u ig hi an' a flve-cent card for every door wide. dance _ they give visitors,, besides teen and 61-100 Dollar» iinJ Interest filed In aald Court hla fin a l account 'ij-lv«»» a'way. Pardon. W here shall I find t i e Eatate of Daniel It Farnham , thereon from July 1st, 1830, at the in »aid estate; that the Court ha« «R«’ nifurtges * l t h M arcel’s 'frie n d , fhelr tip«. Y o u'll g it th a t tonight, of head hoatess— Mi«« M orris?” she rate of eight per cent per annum and entered an o rd e r-fix in g the tim e for ,1,e * oltt* Deceased. a 'if .a g y - lit t le apart course. AU I'm w o rry in ’ about la to asked. »3000 attorney'» fee» on the third N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S qivht .bousg on the Jaaat Side of New hold my place for the w inter. See T h e g irl who was aewlng the stock­ promlaaory note now together w ith the hearing o f the aald final account York, for a «m all furnished apart- hat I mean?" Notice la hereby given that Clarissa Ihe costa and dlabursementa of the at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M . Aug m «iit. H e tell« her not go bq frig h t, ing ,u n raised her eyes fro m the ab- A Farnham baa been by the County suit and the accruing costa. W hich ual 1, 1930; and notice la hereby given "Eve* cobld not help wondering how. I «orbing task, ehtg) If ahe hears* the yAung woman Court of the S ta le of Oregon, In and Judgment waa enrolled and docketed on a ft * dollar« a night. Miss lrttven R ig ht here,” «he said brusquely, for lam e County, appointed admlnls In the office of the clerk of aald that anyone having any objection who occupies the next sphFtment tra trtx of the last w ill and teataraont Court on the 22nd day of July, 1830. thereto shall file the same In w riting come In very late in the morning. Eve port'« income ran to apartm ent», silk H e r m anner Im plied th a t she could wonders what sort of a place she haa lin g e rie, over stuffed fu rn itu re, and | endure “runa of Daniel It Farnham , deceased and »aid execution waa to me direct on or before the tim e for the hearing got into. but not interruptions. A ll persona having clalma »gainst cd commanding me In the name of G UARD HUSTO N, The- g irl In the next apartm ent is painted Ijeds. As If the sick g irl haa “Mias Davenport told me to come th» eatate of »aid dec«a»ed are hereby the Statu of Oregon In order to aatlg' A d m in istrator ivy Davenport, a professional cali.ir, : read tLe thought, she h urried on: to you," Eve explained. “She's sick.” nodded to present the same, duly fy aald Judgment and accruing coata Y o ti’ll kndek down alx or eight slated end verified, to aald executrix to sell the following described real H. E S L A T T E R Y , A tto rn ey fo r Ad dancer w ith a weak heart. Eve helps 'Again-" Miss M orris's exclam a­ h er on’i- night when she Is Ul. Ivy m lplstrator. nt her residence at W a lterv llle , O re­ properly, to w it: dollars a * n ig h t w ithout try in ’. 1 tion held more sympathy than Jake s, suggeMtR 'th a t Eve, who ft she-* - • gon. or at the residence of A. E tw elve. A ny guy t h k t s | aud she added b riskly, “G awd! the A ll of Lot numbered tw elve (12) lund«; ahculd take her' piwee I W heeler, at 710 lA w re n c e street. In n block numbered two (2) In E. E N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA L E ON I uburet. Eve Ihluks It over, di slip you a dollar or two | po,,,. k id ! ” Eugene, Oregon, w ith in alx month» Kepner'a Audition to the Tow n ol E X E C U T IO N the Idea, but realises that she h ith him a lo^ 'specially from thia 17th day of July. 1010. “I'm substituting for h er,” Eve con­ Springfield, I sine County. 8 ta te of Notice 1» hereby given that by v ir­ do som ething to earn a living C L A R IS S A A. F A R N H A M n your feet most ot the tinued w ith a smile. “A t least, t m ___ ____ , _ is «he _____ re a lly Executrix of the last w ill and teat- Oregon as platted and recorded, to­ tue of an execution Issued out o f the «he finds out who tere s alw ays some guy crying to." ument of Daniel B. Farnham de- gether w ith the tenements, here C ircu it Court of the State of Oregon, !ia4 Ywls'ed Ihe narhe of “ Ber«- dltam enta and appurtenances there­ In and for Lane Connly, upon a de- which te the only surname lo u r supper, too. Say T he inform ation interested a ll the unto belonging or In any wise apper­ cree of forocloaure and order to sell knows Tor herself. Into "BeiAod. A. E W heeler, Attorney. e question w ith sudden I < irU . MllM, M urrlg nudded. taining. real properly. In (he suit o f.H tto L y d y ,N t> W 4JO ,U N W IT H TMJ< S I _ J 1714 31 A 7-14 i got anythin g to wear?* Now therefore In the name of the against Charlea E. McDonald, aa ad ‘ F in e ,’’ she said h eartily. “ Stick , State of Oregon and In compliance m lnlatrator of the estate of John Me- •c»-’«— a t her blankly. “There's something I ’d -s-uls.- rather' around t ill I tinlsb this damned N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T w ith the execution and order of sale dn t bring an evening thing, and I'U put you wise to what T he under»lgtn'd. a d m in istratrix of I w ill on Saturday, the 23rd day of Donald, deceased; Charles E "McDon­ to . T # o u ld hefp an aw fu l’ lot If the eatate of Jam«« W Key, deceaa August, 1930, at (be south west door ald. M uriel McDonald, busbnnd and ' do It," Iv y urgently* added. you gotta do.” w ife; W illia m R. McDonald, single; ed. haa filed her fin a l account In the of the County Court House, In Eu W hat Is I t r * i one o’ m ine, any you Eve entered the crowded room. One m a tter of »»Id »state with the County gene. Oregon, between the hours of W. I). McDonald, single; K atherin e II. Jones. A. D. Jones, w ife and husband; Eve asked the question w lthoii i' me's about the same of the smokers spoke languidly. Clerk of ¡«tne County, Oregon, and nine o'rb ck. a. m end four o'clock fiorolhy Snyder and E lm er M. Snyder, li ilu n .' H e r mind waa center« irr'y. T h a t c lo le t nn order haa been made and entered “W a t's ea tin ’ Ivy?" she wanted to m . of said day, to w it, at tke hour both «Ingle; whereby I atn loipm and- a • of record by the County Court of aald of one o'clock, p m „ .o ffe r fo r sale Ttnow. "Same ol’ t'lng?” ed lo «ell the real property herqlnaf Tilt- g ir ls condition— sifreljr a 'a i County, directing thia node« and ap­ In one parcel for cash, nil i p defen­ 1, and selecfed the least le r described; which decree was’ en oi.’e for a’ dancer. Iw\“n next ’ She was a ta ll g irl w ith green pointing the t&lh day of Anguat, 1830 dants, Isaac Thomas Goddard and le n d on Ihe 26th day of June,« I»:;«. • startled hert ■ • • of Miss Davenport's eyes, a superb figure, regular fea t­ at the hour of ten o’clock a. m for Dora L. Goddard his wife. W illia m B anil whereby 1 am required frjum .lh« - JtB m y j o b /. »he m uUered. lug-gowns— a fa irly sim- ures, and red h air as closely cut as the hearing of objection» lo said ac­ F a rrie r and Ethel F a rrie r his wife, proceeds of such sale to poy to the , , . . . count and settlement of aald eatate iu w hite and silver, Jake’s. She had a look of distinction, right, title , Intereat. claim , estate p la in tiff the sum of »673.83, w ith In- - , . the slippers w ithout dif- neard in N ew York's lowest East Side attorney fee. w ith Ihe cost, op e x e -.'“ ' “ ° n m'‘’ b“ ' he * ° uldn“ * 1 A d m in istratrix of the estate of H. L SOW N. James W. Key, deceeaed. ie u tly Miss Davehport utlon and expenses of making such ,he lu,ch “ Kain. So tho next t S h eriff of Lane County, Oregon ' J 34 31 A 7-14-21 ' ji 'o n't come or «end a «uhstitu J 24-31 A 7-14 -21 •a le : of order. T h e y w ere a “ Yes. She says she's had such a t­ * ’ W,.l ‘ ,Onn.» S“ ,urdl” r’ rtl<’ ln<’ 1,av * * I h a ’ cleaYnesa E u gm e. Oregon, o ffer f o r 's a le a n d 'm a d e Tier wince. Evidently* Miss lived fro m the long mlr- but. I'm w onderin’ how long Jake'll Hon to , h ^ h l l ? Ct. s , J ’Ub,.,C ° " 5 ' - HP**« -expected a greltt ddal ving-room the assurance stand for It,” the ta ll g irl drawled. tlon to the highest bidder for e a g le , MRS. W. K. BARNELL Progressive Piano School tot bad. subject to redemption as by law pro- *l , r "fellow-beings. She -would Don't strain your mind try in ' to Hemstitching vldod. all the lots numbered 1. 2". 3 and hdv<* been surprised If Yhls str 5 one evenin' w rap," Iv y thin k. Maxie. But If you really wants CLARA TUTTLE FENTON W ] ,lllocl1 number 3 of C Cole'r 2nd lir her room, having put her t< 5 and g Cents rut it goes w ith "most know, I ’ll say Jake’U stand for it as 8ta ta Accredited T eacher addition to C. Cole’» P lat of Mareoln . ’. did. aa planed and r .corded in Lane c a n - * " ’* *M‘ S‘‘a her Daln’ n° * anno' Open to Springfield Students tong as Iv y can dance better than the M O V E D TO ty, Oregon. her Intention of substituting to to dance w ith every one rest of us. You a in 't feelln' up to 63 H 8 („ Monday and Thursday • 17 A Straat, Springfield L. D O W N , a t lln f cabafet and a t once dep e?” E ve Inquired, when ivy's acrobati« w aits yourself, are Each W eek S h e riff of Lane County. Oregon to do ao. She h erself had al y to leave. to u r __________ 3 *4 ’3> ghown th a t »he was a friend In a t her w ith a flic k e r in Eve decided th a t she liked Miss Res. I ’hone 140 Plano Moving eyes. SUMMONS ' i*r °G.’»hiy her associates also M orris. Queeule, h a rin g th u s , sup- DR. W. N. DOW In the C ircu it Court of the State of ttv nppeiiT And h lltw er Tor want The fellas would, too. T ftê y ’ra a th e y 'll help you o u t lying a t fu ll length on the room ’s one C o f ñ S P t ó r ' i W T O ? cemp°lalnî ' you. Springfield, Oregon t ’ten's," she w eakly end- couch, and swung them to the floor. com plaint 228 M ain SL Raaldanhs 128 e SL d. to wltn fo r a up against It, "caune th e y ’d know Stella retrieved the cigarette dis­ «X J - « 9 M -------- was try in ’ to help me. text hour, vrhen ahe had lodged fro m her lipa oy the brlakaesa General Law Practice ’ - “ Hut, good heavens, I can’t— «, Eve discovered that of this m aneuver, and gloom ily hqd- E ve boenme conscious of her >rt had not overrated illed in the couch's top corner. Miss < ft). PETERSON Ä s n r i T Full AU and checked her word», appi arlty. A ttur my-at-Law M orris pressed the v is ito r Into p art la d This girl had come to her dayB the fastness of his prl- of the vacated space and fitte d h er­ City H a ll Building Offering htfr a Job because »hi sm all p artitioned re- self Into w hat was l e f t «IprlngReli.. Ore lieved her to bo down and out. N naln room. Eve's mod "V.’hst'a your label?” she asked. was clearlw. up to her to reclgri see the m anager, oom- "Herson.” FRANK A. DE PUE The doma i f ’ was a wild om t m ention of Miss Dav- “ N ew In the business T ’ ATTORN«* AT,LAW »ourse, bu imrel rely she was the , procured an lmmedl- "T « fc - NOTARY PUBLIC 1 hu m an bel g ; w ho r lt h him . ho should fa il at 'I. thought so." M is t M orris had . (ID t l T l i ’I JKWBLBR She thought of II •In trouble «ed In Im m aculate e8e- thé a ir of one adjusting her shoul­ «utton Bprtngflald ton— of t l I vrllltngnesR 1 his b rllllan tlu e d h air ders to a burden. “W e ll, things don't 1 ’hiring a Hpeclaîty Building r iiiq ¿I II Oregon Which hd lfu l com« to her help I head lik e th ic k black ligh t up here t ill the theatre crowd -iir’ngflelo. Oregon Crisis. Sin nisd upon n e r the nn- blows In,” *he resumed, ‘‘and that 5 never repay Visita S a tu rd a jrt-¿ ,r^ U |^ in Put­ ghgii’-u to pass o but here of tw o rem ote black fo r ten or {((teen minutes ye t.” nam of W a lte rv iiie was a visitor In mercy an(A k lu d g e s he had s d fo r w h at she had to | (Continued N ext W e e k ) NELSON LEGHORN FARM Springfield nn 8»tlir<|ay. Lana County'a Oldast Braadera her. Thia was at stak yery br«n< and ^ bu tter. As, for o substitute to r Miss •t Register at Springfield H otel— Van Son Born— M r. a n f Mr». H. L .“Xn- S C W H IT B L E Q H O R N S »elf, she i null! »»and Jake's foi te explained, Coates o f Albany and Charles E. My- derson are the parent» of a baby »on h her?” 18lvht, whi Isvgm «possibilities J nard of Oakland, C alifo rn ia, w ere reg­ S P R IN C F IE L D OREQON Attorney for I ’ horn to them at the Eugenq hospital ¿tight holt istered at tke Springfield hotel the H r f WWi l. w Phnn» S1-P-14 on Thursday evening, July' H, IDftO She leaned over the bed. In t 10-17-14-31 flra t part ot the week. B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Walker-Pool« Chapel Funeral Directors j q ai u a l j D. W . Roof