sr» WE WILL NOW SiN Ö THAT T n u r u iu z : l i t t i f b a l l a d I HAOK TWO TH E SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, JULY 21, I »30 " ' ' «R A special observance ot the cei CUTS TIP OFF FINGER OREGON ADVERTISED tenary of the coveted wagon will be • THURSTON ♦ ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ IN PLANER ON FRIDAY held nt the Pendleton Mound Up thin IN NEW S. P. FOLDERS seeeeeeeeeeeeee* year tor the benefit ot 150 New York S H Potter had (he tip of ona of Owners ot the Pepper Box Thresh ers who will nttend the aftnir dur­ A weddlug of much Interest to real- Thousands of copies of two new ing the first day as representative« Ing machine held s meeting Tuesday dents of the Upper Willamette valley folders designed to advertise the slate h s fingers cut otf last Friday when Principal Events of the Week of the Oregon Trail Memorial asso­ evening making plans for this sea took place Saftirday night at the o f Oregon have Just been Issued by he let bis finger get too clone to a planer hlude at the local lumber mill. ciation. son's work. Pleasant Hill Christian church whan the Southern Pacific and are now lie Assembled for Information Mis» Gladys Wheeler became the Ing distributed In ell liar Is of the .Three slltch ag were required by a lo A big crop of apricots will be Mr. Sam Morgan left Tuesday for cal physician lo d o se the wound. The of Our Readers. bride of Bert Feglea, both of Pleas Culled States. The first Is a Ihree- harvested in the Ashland district, tha an extended visit with relatives In lUOlh ' **,MrF hlade cut off a side of the (In major purtloa of the crop coming ant Hill. Allen Wheeler, brother of color broadside featuring (h> Washington. 1 ger and most of the fingernail. from the big orchards la the Valley ■he bride, acted aa beat man and Miss anniversary of the coming of the I first first I J. H. Whlteaksr. ion ot the drat View and Pern Valley sections. Three Mrs. Roy Flmiaton entertained for Hasel Wheeler, slater of the bride covered wagon train lo Oregon Pres governor of Oregon. Joha Whltoaker, N O T IC E O F F I N A L H E A R IN G and a brother ot Mias Anna Whitt­ and four coats a pound and some dinner last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. was bridesmaid. Aland O Brian, pas- Idem Hoover's proclamation, calllug Notice Is hereby given that the uu choice fruit telling tor 5 cents have Howard Cotton from Eugene, Mrs. M lor of (he Pleasant Hill Christian 01«m all citterns of the nation to c o m aker ot Ku112, from Olympia. Washington, for sev­ eral days, last week. at the age of »4 years. <»8.87 from the slate for thia work. Miss Mildred Swift will have the Mr. and Mrs. Temla and family The first new wheat from Union Marion county teat year paid out a from Craawell and Miss Heerama took end of this week for a vacation al county arrived at a mill at Island Rockaway Beach. to tal of 136,000 fo r the tran sp o rtatio n Sunday dlnnei with Mr. and Mrs. City from Fred Zaugg's farm near of high school students who live out­ Mike Temla here. Mrs. Alice English and daughter, 942 WUkunette St., E u g en e, O regon Mountain Glen. General harvest oper side of high school districts. It was former residents of Pleasant Hill are Mrs. Ray Baugh visited with rela­ alions will begin within a few days. invested at a meeting of the county tives near Monroe the latter part of spending their vacation visiting rela The Harper State bank in Malheur boundary board Thursday. Tha coun last week. Mr. Baugh drove down lives and friends in Washington. county, with capital stock ot 315.000 ‘J pays at tha rate of $40 per year for Delbert Harden has been repainting Sunday and they went to Bellfountain and surplus of 11000, has closed its each student transported to high his house east of the Pleasant Hill and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. school. doors, according to announcement church. Irvin Rickard. made at the state banking department C. F. Hyde has been Improving the For Men are Rayon Plaited The largest area ever poisoned In Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hart spent The old E. E. Johnson sawmill at house on the hill ranch. The house Oregon for federal land work was teat week-end at Waldport Coquille will soon be in operation treated during the year from July L Mr. and Mrs. John Price and fam­ has been painted outside and redecor- I after an enforced shut down ot nearly 1939, to Juae 30, 1930, accorctng to ily took Sunday dinner at Fred rted on the Inside. three years, since the B. E. Johnson The farmers of the upper Wiliam the annual report on rodent control Gray’s. lumber company went Into receiver ette district are busy binding grain of the bureau of biological survey, Mr. and Mrs. James Calvert from ship. completed by Ira N. Gabrteteoa. direc Junction City spent Thursday night Several farmers have been baling hay tor of rodent control in tha Oregon >>lth their daughter. Mrs. John Ed Mr MeAtn of Eula has been In the The Oregon Electric railway filed district. district buying vegetables and fruits a schedule of reduced rates with the mlaton. for the Westfir and Oakridge market. Oregon public service commission tor Deposit! la the 329 state and na­ Ben Ruasell and Oerald Hanson The Pleasant Hill Athletic rlnb the transportation of livestock be­ A Decidedly Low Price tional banka and trust companies In tween Salem and Portland, effective Oregon at the d oes of basinets June have returned from eastern Oregon baseball team defeated the South Ben- jo t Hose of Such an August I. 30 totaled $290,841.421.83. tha highest where they went expecting to find ton team at Benton Ijtne park last work hot were unable to get a Job. Sunday. At the last half of the ninth Excellent Quality! for any midsummer call except in 1924, ▲ permit to obtain $25,000 in pre Innlg the score stood 8 to 10 In favor 1927 and 1928 sines the establishment organization subscriptions for eslab Frank and Herald Rennie spent sev­ of Snath Renton but Pleasant Hill ran of the banking department, according llstment of a straw fiber process plant eral days laat week near Bend on a In five scores making the final score lo A . A . Schramm, state superintend­ at Salem was issued by the state cor fishing trip. Men who like to have a lot of hose w ill welcome this 11 to -«. ent ot banka poraUon department to H. D. Wagon The Pleasant Hill Girl Scouts held of Portland. Cecil Oeans haa had several em o pp ortu nity to stock u p! l i n e is hosiery that is care­ The first tlms that prises ha vs been their regular meeting Tuesday after fu lly k n it of line mercerized yarns and rayon plaited. offered for working cheep doge at any ployed helping train bis bean vines. The Willamina city council ie drib noon at their club rooms on the Jor­ county fair in the west will be at the He finished and Is now ready for Ir­ mg a well on the hill near the reset I be tops, heels and toes an of mercerized yarns t