* ■ C = ... THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS T WKNTY- S EVENTI! Y E A R . S P R I N G F I E L D , I ANE COUNTY, ( J REGOS’ T lllltS U W Late Model Pren N. O. VK Team at Installed By News Picnic On Sunday a « uww two revulullou Hluuuuiutx Nearly ull of the members of the Neighbors of Woodcraft drill team and their family members were guests Sunday at all all day plcuic sponsored oy tin drill team of the Eugene cir­ cle ut the Ueulou lathe park about i7 lut es north of Eug<-ue on the Pa- i elite highway. A panic dinner was eaten by the Joint group at uooq und during the afternoon a program of races, swim­ ming aud dunclug was enjoyed by thus« present. First prtxe In the run­ ning race was won by Mrs. Harvey Eu Ion. Mrs. Bernard Ernest took second ' prtxe lu (be same race.. Other prises i were won by Mrs. Walter Llpes, Mrs. W. < M'Lagan, und Mrs. It. L. Bur ! nett. A special feature of the afternoon wus the pn-sentatlou of a one-act i play, ' The Reuder,” by members of ! the Springfield drill team. Thus attending the picnic were Mias M< Iba Mi-lion, captain ot the local ' team, Mr. und Mrs. Alex Stevens, Mrs. Itiley Baker, Mr. und Mra. Carr, Mr. aud Mra. Gruydon Lewis, and son, Gruydon, Jr.. Mr. und Mrs. N. L. Hei- terhraud, and family, Mr. and Mra. Harvey Eaton. Mr. aud Mrs. Bernard Ernest and family, Mr. and Mrs. How- urd Gibson und family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Llpes und family, Mrs. W. C. M< (organ, Mrs. R. L. Burnett, and Miss Barbara Adams. the priming business in Springfield The coming of the 1‘ai-ltlc North , lor many years. weet Htutea Air Tour to the Spring The uew press prluls with greater field Allport on Monday, Augual 4. speed and prsclsloii and Is as much twtween the hours of 9 a. ni and 3 y an improvement u« a uew model car n i. will brlug Ibouaauda of apectatom is over a 1930 machine. Both will gel Io the local field for the second time you (here but the uew one does It In a year The crowd whlrh gathered quicker aud more satisfactory. at the flying field tor the dedication The uew pieas Is one ot the best exercise« last fall was conceded by make« tor commercial printing aud everyone to be the largest .ever as ranks with the best presses lu this setnblad In thia city, and all Indica­ part ot Oregon. Il bus u range from tion« are that the coming of the 50 - newspaper work to the finest hook odd commercial planes and famo is aud color printing stunting team comprising the tour Our confidence in the future of will bring a crowd even larger than dpniigl eld slid lame county prompts the one her« last fall. us lu make greater luvestmenls and Members of the general airport com Improveuo uls iu the prluttug plant lu mlltee held u meeting last night and this city. ’I he new press is the fourth nil work of the subcommittees was new uiuchiue that has been added to « cli -eked All committee chairmen re our equipment In the last three yeurs. ported on their work and everything was moving ulon : smoothly. Probably the I ardest committee assignment was LOCAL FISHERMEN BRING that delegated In Major M II lluntly FINE REDSIOES FROM who has charge of all concessions. 11« UPPER DESCHUTES RIVER reports that all concessions have been taken and says that there will be Home of the fluest looking redsldes plenty of food and refreshment stands exhibited In Springfield this year on the field to take care of the entire were ahowu lu the window ot the In crowd. dependent Meat market on Tuesday. Naw Stunts Promised Seven large redsldes, each between Blunts which the people of Ijuie 17 and 1» Inches In length aud weigh- county have never witnessed before in s between out- sud one half aud two will be p«rfcrmed by four commer­ pouds each whe dressed have been cial stunting pilots. They are Miss the cause of many envious glances In Dorothy Hester, of Portland, the first the direction of the wtndo. by local woman to do an outalde loop and one sportsmen who heretofore have dis­ of the most famous stunt pilots In ths posed of their catches without ex Rolatives and Friends Gather United Htates. Tex Itankln, and Gor­ ulhlllug them. From All Parts of State and don Mounce. Frank Brooks, famous The fish lu the window represents From Arizona for Picnic pararhute Jumper, will also entertain only about one third of the fish which the crowd with a triple ’chute leap Dr. W, C. Itebhan und J. C. McMur­ .’d u r e than fifty friends and relatives The stunta to be performade by the ra y caught on a fishing trip Into the ■t Mr. and Mrs. a. E. ate Bee gathered entertaining filers will Include almost Headwaters of the Deschutes river. ut their home here am day for a sur everything ever done w’th an airplane. They brought back 25 fish about the prise- picnic and re talon dinner. The Outside loops bv both Dorothy Hester same else as the ones on display and tables were set out m -ler the large and Tex Rankin, dog rights, upside maple trees In the McBee yard and several smaller ones. down flying, short Immolman turn-, the people enjoyed a very delicious The two fishermen left Springfield barrel rolls and many other things I ulnner which was served cafeteria Saturday evening and after driving are all Included In the program .ill night hiked Into the upper head­ style from the tables. People from A large list of famous filers are now waters of the river where It comes nearly nil of the small communities traveling with the lour and will bring out of the ground from springs. The n mis vicinity aud from such distant some of the latest alrplan » for the river was very narrow where the fish 1. elnts as Jerome, Artxcui, were pre»- public to Inspect. The list Includes < nt for the day. were taken says Dr. Kebhan. such famous fliers as John A. Mc­ They Included besides Mr. and Mrs. « Cready. one time holder of the world s I! <’. McBee. Mr. and Mr.». G. W. Da record for altitude flying who wilt BEE CAUSES AUTO CRASH: WOMAN'S THIG H BROKEN vis, Mr. Chas. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. R. brlug a beautiful new Ixickheed Sir­ C McBee and daughter, Beta, all of ius low-wing speed plane; Dudley M Corvallis; Miss Ada Brown of Pen­ Mrs. Edith Ryan Is In the Pacific Steele, flying a new Stearman with a reversible propellor; Elmer Bronte; Christian hospital and her automobile dleton; Mra. Burga McBee, Spring- Nick Mamer with a new tri motored Is a total loss as the result of a bum­ field; Mr. and Mrs. C. O. McBee, Mr. Ford cabin plane; Miss Virginia Og­ ble bee which flew Into the window and Mrs E. W McBee and son. Va- den of Beattie who will fly a new ar­ while she was driving the machine deron, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McBee, row sport plane, the smallest In the hack to this city from a trip to Eaat- Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cline, all of route tour, nnd Miss Edith Foltx, one of the orn Oregon She Is suffering from a 2. Eugene. Mr. Elmo Bailey, Mr. and seven women In the United States to broken right thigh and other body cuts Mrs. Daniel Shaw, Mrs. Berllla Jack- son. Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Otto and bruises. hold a transport pilot’s license. When the bee flew Into the automo­ Briggs and children, Clarence, Cloy Others who will bring ships here bile Mrs. Ryan started to watch It done, and Berllla. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Include Jack Clemence, Jack Cox; Jackson and son, Frank, Mr. Wilbur llllam ttnsmussen. William Young, ('• nnd the machine ran Into a concrete McCue, of Cheshire. Mr. and Mrs. T. culvert Just this side of Junction City. cil Pounder, Carl II. Johnstone. Harry M. Johnson and ton, Maurice, Mr. and K. Coffee, Hans Mlrow, Chase Gar­ There were five In the automobile nt Mrs. Ray Johnson and son. Donald, ihe time of the accident. Her sister, field, Ed Shields . Major Howard of Franklin; Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jack- French and Russell latwson. all of Nellie Leep, who was sitting along­ son of Jerome, Arlxona; Mr. and Mrs. side of Mrs. Ryan, the driver, was al Portland; Steve Mills, I. Iverson, Melvin Jackson and son, Kenneth of Thomas P. Stlmson, King Blard, Paul so cut and bruised. The others were Creswell; Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Stew­ not Injured. Kldsmore. Don Graham, and Major art and Miss Bessie Stewart, Mr. and Dave Logg, of Beattie; Major V. C. Mrs. Ben Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lowell Resident Here—Mrs. Fay llalnos, Spokane; Alex Bennett, Glen Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert McBee, Brown of Lowell wus a visitor In this dale; Lieutenant C. F. Bond and Lieu and son, Dale, all of Springfield; Mr. tenant E. I. T. Kennedy of Vancouver; city on Friday.____________ _______ nnd Mrs. Lewis McBee and daughter, D. C. Warren of Oakland, California; dully of the stunting planes. Barbara Ann. Oregon City; Mr. and Elmer E Parnietter Corvallis; George Public Can Inspect Ships Mrs. P. Saul nnd children, Kenneth, Woodruff of Moscow; Lee Eyerly, Bi- This will be followed by a one-hour Robert, and Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. lem; Floyd Keadle, Rod Bluff; John Inspection period. The pilots will be W F. Cline. Blumm, Brun Mnwr; Al Arinmas, 811- taken to the Community hall where This was the largest family gather­ verton; R. A. Alexander, North Pow­ they will be sorved dinner by a group ing held In this city so far this season. der; Frank Durban, Burbank; H. A of women headed by Mrs. I. M. Peter­ Buraker, Bellingham; O. A. Yates. son, and the public will be given an Beaverton; Al. Greenwood, Kelson; opportunity to Inspect all of the new CIVIC CLUB MEMBERS Maurice King, Port Angeles; John P. | ships on the field and to purchase a ENJOY GROVE PICNIC Waage, Medford; and Billy Williams lunch. Several members of the Springfield of Los Angeles. At 2:00 o'clock the first of the ships Mrs. Maude Bolin of Toppenish, Is expected to leave the ground for i Civic club enjoyed a picnic at the W. Washington, will mnke the fourth wo­ the hop to Medford where they will 1 A. Hemenway furm near Cottage man on the tour. spend the night. The moving out of Grove Tuesday. Mrs. Hemenway, who the ships will ho carried on In for foimerly lived In Springfield, was Planes to. A rriv e at 9:00 ho.I to the picnic crowd In a grove The plans for the tour visitors ns matlon and will take nlmost one hour. on the farm, where dinner was served. Traffic Regulations mapped out by the local committee Traffic to the field will be well reg- Musical numbers were given by Mrs. calls for the arrival of the first pianos Heinenway’s niece, Miss Woodyard, of at the field soon after 9:00 o’clock. ulated. The Southern Pacific will op­ Coquille. Ti-ere will be ships coming In for one erate Its busses directly to the field Those attending Included Mesdames Instead of mnklng the loop In the city hour and megnphone announcers on the field will tell the audience the between the hours of 9:00 and 3:00. L. K. Pago, David Bailsman, C. E. name of the pilot and the type of ship State traffic offlters will be here to Wheaton, H. O, Dlbblee, H. E. Proch- control travel over Ihe road to the now, Ira Peterson, C. O. Wilson, Miss he Is bringing. After all of the ships have landed field and will have complete charge of Edna 8warts and Mra. Hemenway and the stunting toams will take the air all parking of automobPes. A detch- children. and entertain the crowd for two hours. ment of fifty gui rdsmen from Eugene Transacts Business—W. H. Shelley Passenger hauling will be carried on nnd Springfield will be stationed about during this time, but all passenger the field to act ns r. patrol keeping bf Creswell was a business visitor In Springfield on Friday. ships must be kept away from the vl- all people off of tho field. McBee Families Gather Sunday e A J L IV I N E W IP A P IR IN A L I V I T O W N No. 2» H 'l.V 31, 193«» FAMOUS GIRL STUNT PILOT Engaged for Air Tour Paper Now Printed on New Two Local Women Present Play, Win Revolution Press; Machine Prizes, at Picnic Sponsored by Eugene Circle Team One of best in Country Largest Crowd in History Com*, nut Ind pi css was Installed tilts week ing to Municipal Airport Mon­ by The Hpriuglluld News aud this Is­ day for Air Tour; Famous sue of Hie puper was priuted o il It. Fliers, Ships, to be on Exhibi­ the new pi ess replaces the old drum cylinder which lias beeu allied with tion at Noon "T h« People's Paper" box n r now OPEN JILOOD NULL Terrill and Voight Install Equip­ ment at Local Mill and Begin Cutting Boxee to Fill Orders On Hand When the Plant in Eugene Burned. Box making became the newest en­ terprise In this city on Monday morn­ ing when Terrill and Voight, former operators of the Eugene Box factory which was completely destroyed by fire about three weeks ago, began cut­ ting box parts at the Loud Planing mill In the north part of this city. The plant Is operating this week with only one cutoff saw and the ca­ pacity of the factory is therefore lim­ ited to the cutting of about 54,009 feet of lumber per day depending on tbe sixes of the boxes for which the ma­ terial Is being cut. Only one corner of the planing mill Is being utilised for box cutting. Con­ siderable new machinery, which has been supplemented by some of the equipment of the planing mill, is be­ ing used. The Load mill does not cease operations with the moving in of the box factory. It will continue to cut and dress lumber to fill all orders, and will also plane all lumber for the box makers. This wood la purchased from var­ ious people In Lane and neighboring counties. It must be a soft wood which will permit much nailing without splitting and must not have a very strong odor. Most yellow fir cannot be used because of Its strong odor and difficulty of driving nails Into small pieces without splitting i t Some white fir, pine, spruce, and balm wood M I8 S D O R O T H Y H E S T E R are the most commonly used woods. The mill here Is now operating at HEAVY W HITE FENCE TO about one-third of the capacity of the BLOCK BRIDGE APPROACH. one which was burned. About eight men are employed full time. All ot SAY COUNTY OFFICIALS the boxes which the factory can cut now are being used by Eugene firms. A heavy white fence will be con­ New Amusement Enterprise to They could sell at least twice as many structed at the east approach to the Be Started by Local Men on in the county, according to Mr. Ter­ Did Springfield bridge across the Wil­ North Main Street Property ril If they were equipped to manufac­ lamette river within a few days by ture them, and conld market all that the county. The bridge contractor Springfield will have Its own min­ they could turn ont In a large plant who removed the bridge did not erect ztslde of the very substantial barricades and they iature golf course within ten days. If they took ordr" have been continually falling down George Careen and George Kendell county. Members of the box firm are not und leaving the approaches on either now have several men bmy construct­ side of the river in a dangerous con­ ing an 18 hole course on the lot next certain what their final action In the dition. Several local people have also to the Casey service station and ex­ matter of rebuilding 'he Eugene protested the leaving of the short ap­ pect to have the course ready for lo­ plant will be. They are investigating proaches from the banks to the piers cal players sometime between the various otters, but probably will not make any other move before fall. without a railing to prevent small chil­ otghth and tenth of August The course will be constructed on dren. who use the river for a swlm- mlmng hole, from falling off. The a lot 100 by 140 feet. All of the sod PEERY A. WOOLEY DIES county plans to remove the short ap­ has already been torn off and placed IN EUGENE ON SUNDAY proaches very shortly and It will then inn piles about the lot. A great deal of It will be used In constructing hax- be Impossible to get out on the pters Peery A. Wooley, died at the Eu­ ards and mountains, says Carson. The except by climbing them. rest will be hauled away. Large gene hospital on Sunday evening, fol­ The Springfield Chamber of Com­ amounte of moss will be need on the lowing an Illness which has extended merce will bave the letters on the old greens which will first becovered with -over a period of several months. Mr. Springfield arch removed, according a thick layer of fine rock and sand. Wooley was born on August 8, 1858, to W. A. Taylor. This action was au­ The entire lot will be fenced with and had been a resident of Springfield thorised by the members of the cham­ for the past 20 years. wire. ber at a previous meeting. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Ida Wooley, Spacious walks on the course will three sons, Harvey and Vent, Spring- provide ample room to.- all those who MANY ATTEND BIRTHDAY rare to watch the players. There will field, and Glenn ot Modesto, Califor­ be room for at least 72 people on the nia; two daughters, Chlole of Spring- DINNER AT VAN VALZAH course at one time, allowing four field, and Levenla of Delta, Colorado; HOME FRIDAY EVENING players for each green. and one brother, John H. of Lamber­ ton, Minnesota. The entire cor rse will be lighted The birthdays of two prominent The funeral services were held for night playing. Springfield people which fell on Fri­ The small confection stand now on Tuesday from the Walker-Poole chap­ day of last week was the occasion for el at 2:80 and Interment was made In a large birthday dinner and social the corner of the service station gathering at the home of Mrs. A. B. property will be moved over onto the 'the Laurel Grove cemetery. Rev. C. J. Pike and Dr.a F. A. Dantord. former Van Valsah on that evening. Mrs. golf lot and used as a club house. Mr. Van Valxah and Mr. E. G. McElhaney Carson declared yesterday that they pastor of the Methodist church here were the two whose birthdays were had already purchased 60 putters for officiated at the services. nse of the players. observed on that day. PICNIC FRIDAY MARKS A large number of their friends gathered for the birthday dinner after SWARTS SELLS FARM TO DOUBLE ANNIVERSARY which the men engaged In a horse­ FORMER MONTANA MAN The double wedding anniversary ot shoe pitching tournament. The latter part of the evening was spent listen­ Announcement was msde last week Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Murphy and Mr. ing to a musical program. of the sale of the C. E. 8 warts farm and Mrs. James Mitchell which fell Those present for the evening In­ five miles east of Springfield to Ed­ on Friday ot last week was the oc­ cluded Mrs. Van Valxah, Mr. and Mrs. ward Opland who has moved here re­ casion for a picnic gathering at Swim­ McElhaney, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. May­ cently from Montana. Mr. Opland has mers Delight last Friday evening. The be, Miss Jerusha McKalllps. Mr. and rented the farm which consists of 78 local people had been married for 14 Mrs. W. G. Hughes and son. Donald. acres to Cordy Swerlngen. A house years at that time. Those who were present for the oc­ Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Page, F. B. Ham­ In Springfield was Included In the lin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gantx, Miss transaction. The new owner of the casion were Mr. and Mrs. Horace Faye Parsons, Dr, and Mrs. W. H. farm left Tuesday for Montana to look Mitchell of Ashland, Mrs. Iris Shack- Pollard and children, William, Ruth, after farming interests In that state. elton of Portland. Mrs. Beatrice Gay, Mrs. Zella Cantrell, Mr. and Mrs. E. and Robert, Miss Jeanine Withers, A. Moore, Dwight Kessey, Miss Gwen Miss Lillian England, and Mrs. R. C. LOCAL PEOPLE ATTEND dolyn Miller of Calgary, Canada, and Van Valxah ot Medford. GRAY'S STORE PICNIC Miss Clara Jones. Start Minature Golf Course Here POSTMASTER'S SON GETS Several employees of the local DIPLOMATIC PROMOTION Gray's stores attended the annual pic­ N. 0 . W. WILL NOT HOLD nic for all employees of the stores at FIRST AUGUST MEETING John N. Hamlin, member of the dip­ lomatic force at Buenos Aires, Argen­ tine, and son of F. B. Hamlin of this city has been advanced from class 8 to class 7, according to a dispatch from the state department at Wash­ ington. The advance means a *600 annual Increase In salary from *8,600 to (4,000. Three other promotions were an­ nounced at the same time. Eugene, Cottage Grove, and Spring- field which was held at the Seavey hop Island on Sunday. The day was spent with games, contests, and swimming. A large picnic dinner wae served at noon. Among those attending from Spring- field were Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Mur­ phy, Miss Hasel Murphy, William Cox, and Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Adams and son. The first regular meeting of the Neighbors of Woodcraft for the month of August, which should be held on August 18, will not be held this year It was decided at the meeting of the organisation held here last week. The vacation period Is being taken because of warm weather. Mrs. Myrtle Eggl- mann was chosen new press corre­ spondent for the group.