M O V IE “ PR O P " CAFE OF M ID D A Y NEEDED fDR ROMS ------- Judge Barnard Declares th a t $500,000 M ust be Raised by Taxpayers in Tw o Years to Assure Early Completion of Highways; Urges Special Tax bane county mast raise l&ee.eee dattog the next two M EA LS When Marilyn Millrr made Sally" her flrat matioa picture, which comes to the Colonial Theatre Sunday and jgoodaj. a restaurant covert n s a city block was built eespeetatly tor her use at the P in t National and vit» phone Studios in Burbank. Cal Not that Broadway's brightest star objected to using the regular studio cafe, hat the new restaurant was built for scenes In the picture, which show her as a waitress in the big New York eetlng place. A famous restaurant on Fifth Avraae was copied to scale, and fur­ nished exactly like the origins! Even the kitchen was built, with rances Installed and pots and pans la their place. The cafe was practical la every way in other words, it was capable of feeding several hundred people at a time, and the hundreds of extras In the picture, too many to he '"ran lunches during the noon hour at the studio cafe, enjoyed their midday m eals la this movie restaurant. “Sally" la adapted from the musical comedy of that name la which Miss Miller broke all box office records wherever It was played It Is an all dialogue picture o s an elaborate scale wtth singing and dancing, and It Is photographed entirely in Teckni color Alexander Gray playa opposite the star, John Francis Dillon directed and the cast includes Pert Keltoa. Joe K Brown. T. Boy Barnes. Ford Stirling. Jack Duffy. Maude Turner Gordon. E. J. Ratcliff». Norn Lane and hundreds of others or three years to be used tor the eom pleoen o( state highways within the county, «herw toe the highway work in thht oeanty may cantinas to drag on far aa Indefinite period, and at the c u s s »w - costing the county much morn * a n M would usually This was the prahkwn that was put before the lam e County Chamber of Commerce at their mosuhty meeting at Florence taut Saturday afternoon by Judge O. P Barnard, who ia in Portland today meeting with the state highway camamtssaow seeking to arrange seme moans whereby the fands may V* borrowed from that body until a special tax can be voted sad coMected FsderaJ Funds arc Available The county tuts been seeking flaan- atal aid from both the state highway eomm.ss tm aed from the federal government fur nmdwork within the aaoaty tor name dmo. according to the Judge T h w . funds, he says, “are now avwBahis " The oely stlpo- 'oaaeotad with their nee la the ceMbr provide their share of the funds wtdrh amoaate to appro­ ximately (id d jd d U thm la no* row- pBed with, the fands set aside for D E P O T M EN F IS H IN road work in this oownty will pro­ T A H K E N IT C H SU N D A Y bably be diverted into other funds __ for immediate use. and It may be George Prcchaow. Oswald Olson. several «swrv betor» such funds are id Mr. Prochaow's two eons. Rich- again avallakbr for road work here. Lane county has a total of 311 ard and Arthur. spent Sunday iish.ag ■ in Luke Tahkeoltch. north of Reeds- bowndariee sure tbe Wide- and until port Thef brought back fine catches these roads nr» rem pit t.d and tun»- prrcl1 trout. The tn p was made ed over to the state highway depart by train, leaving Eugene on the Coos meat, the c-owntr ha« te bear the cost Bay train shortly after midnight on ef main’ensure After the state ac­ Saturday night and returning late on cepts the roads from the county they Sunday evening There are not many people ftshig ia this lake, according also assume th e r-apaustbiltty and to the men. aa it is rather difficult additional “xpew>* to reach by automobile. Four Mill Levy Suggested Judge Barasrd fa advocating a special levy to be voted on at the A IR P L A N E R ID E S O F F E R E D Nevember edertiou He propoees tour BY LOCAL M E R C H A N T S mills each the next two year» This C itiieos of Springfield are being wfC pr~ vide (230 333 each of the two years, sad he says that the county given aa opportunity to obtain free comm!«»lowers rag probably raise the airplane rides on ifcndav August lb. at the local field as a result of an other f! 03.3*3 between the business The «pecisl Lav idea w as saggevt-d agreement tc the 7i-*wib«rs of the oona’y chim firms of this city and the Inman her whom Judge Barnard err-d tn School ef Flying. Most of the busi­ rponsr- »he asovnwewt !♦ was left in ness men of this city are giving sway the hands of th - roads '-•i»mi»te- of free coupons or tickets with each the chamber sad they were instructed dollar purchase. When thirty of these te mal e a re»nr» st the neat meeting have been secured they may be ex­ to be I M I ■ sge Grove ia Aug changed for a free airplane ride ticket- T h - offer aoMs good only on ust. Auras; lb. Mar e--« o w F eed s In the meanwhile. Judge Barnard Is ae- ring ’h r« -» ssaray funds tc carry on th e highw ay procrxnt He eaya that the county has at various t i n » in tSe (mat loaned funds to the state body whew *t needed them to ccm rk -e rwwtwarh ia this county Tbe fn a l completion of the Me- Kenxte highway wfl! blare largely upon the actma which this propo*i tlcw receivaa S U M M O N S F O R F V S L t C A T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E O F T A X L IE N 1» »«« C.eowlt C ow ri •» tb e State of Oeepin foe Lae* Cou-ty. Roy Henry, plaintiff, vs. James A Fra»• r aad Jsae IV*- Fraser, bis wife Jeaaie Fraser Bwrrioc and J H. Barstow, ber husband. Ttllte Fra»- - Ptn.omh.■ and Arthur P -Inc Tbe her h*«band. aed Addle Fraser Guaaareoa and R Gunnar «ea her husband defendants Te James A Fraser ai-d Jane Doe Fra»*- his wife, Je«aie Fra«er Bum- ton aad J H Barstow, her husband TilUe Fraser Pircombe and Arthur P Piece mb*, her husband, and Addte Fraser Gunnsrsou and R Gunuarson. te r hu«baad. tbe above earned de­ fendants- !a t i e name of tbe State of Oregon: yen are hereby ratified »bat Roy Henry is tbe holder of Certificate of Deltuquency numbered 3S1J t»su*d on B IG G E ST AIR SH O W ____ C O M IN G TO C IT Y PO RT W IL L R O G ERS IN LONOON SERVED HUNDREDS Taxpayaaa at T IIU R H D A Y , JU LY 21. 1930 T H U SPR1NGK1KI.D N E W S PACK S IX at M c D onald theatre Will Rogers whose current starring production tor Fax Movietone “Bo This Is London." la now pleasing capacity audiences at the Fox Mc­ Donald Theatre. Is averse io appear­ ing at the premiers of hit own pictures. A tew months ago Rogers visited lyoadon lo attend the Disarmament Conference. While there he was urged lo write a few articles for the IxiBj.w papers and agreed, but fouad that wbal he wrote and his Jibes at royalty would not be accepted as the publishers were afraid of Rogers' pointed humor At one of the London cinemas Rogers’ first picture production. They Had to See Parts, was showing and the manager of the theatre asked Rogers to make a personal appear­ ance and much to his surprise Rogers consented Will Regers and l. um »den He saw They Had to See Parts for produstlon. So This Is London. the first time and was called to the stage after the finish of the picture R EX SH O W S O U TD O O R S to make a few remarks With a "IN BORDER LEGION' twinkle in his eye that meant some thing to those who know Will he Rtchard Arlen. Jack Holt in Zaue walked oat on the stage and then de­ G reys The Border Legion. a big voted his talk to the vary witticisms outdoor, all-talking picture—-that's that the English papers would not action entertainment coming to the publish. Including the story of King Fox Rex theatre Saturday and Sun George leavtiig the room and four any. flunkeys removing the gold chair The Border Legion is Zane Grey he had occupied. at hia beet II has swift, breathtaking Will's version was that they were installment collectors taking the chair for non payment 'T hey ate it up," said Will, "show lag that the English have a sense of humor" A midnlgh* radii frolic is scheduled tor Saturday n'ght. ail those attend­ ing this 3 M o'clock show being prt- vf’eged to stay for the frolic, from 11:M p m to I 03 a. as s e e High plateaus, wide deserts, rocky crags and tbe ancient pueblo homes of the Hop! Indians form the back ground for William Haines aew talk­ Ing comedy Way Out Weat. sing Sunday to the McDonald The country club and collegiate atmosphere usually seen la Hatnes pictures gives way to scenes of cattle ranges and cowboy activities srttb the comedian seen as a self- confldeat newcomer from the East who ie gradually made to realise that be has a kit to Seam about Weat I'onltnued from Page I I a 11«tit ship and will give sa eshlM- , lion of alunllng Msmer, Rankin. Case Canting illher no'able filers who will bo among the fifty or more to be >eeg at , ihe local field daring Ute show are Nlrk Msmer. famous Spokane pilot j who made s refueling flight around 'the continent in the Hun God lu will bring • Ford monoplane T»» Ksnkln. holder of many records. etit bn among Ihe commercial stunting team members Walter Case, the Tar ney Air Mall pilot, who created a »eiisailon In I*ortlan4 recently whew I lie took off and landed without being able to sea the ground a boot! being dru'wu over th is (op of Ike pilot, w i. also be here. Another feature of tbe tour will be the exhibition of many planes whir* liar« been made In Ihe Fncifle S'ortb- in » in ’••!>•* (ru m th e F o i M'»vl«*ti»nr Weiii. such as the Hoeing. Student p la y in g a t th e Ko» Mt iM fta h l t’ h»*atrr l*r|n «. Breese, National. Kyerly and ‘ Ininnn types. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES P IC N IC Sale The girls of the Junior and Inter merlate Bunday school classes al the Baptist church enjoyed a swim nil ng party and picnic at Swimmers Delight last night A large number attended and enjoyed the ocenlng Mrs Fred Fvese chaperoned the young people. OF ALL S U M M E R Hats, Dresses and Coats six» I action. bard riding, shooting from the hip and romance that brings a CAMP C R EEK D IS T R IC T H A TS _______ lump into the throat and a tear to HAS D A ILY BIBLE SCHOOL Value« bo S< 5id „ g u the daughter of Mr and Mrs O lk fC t • X O H Jarratt, of this city. S 3 .9 8 S4.4O * 5 .9 5 8 th Ave. Hat & Dress Shop COLONIAL C O O V tK SWIM OKYS N W E E D K IL L IN G POOLS S E V E N C U S T O M E R S M EA N S T O BE S E M I-W E E K L Y SEVEN TR AN SFO RM ER S Tbe demand for weed killing caem teals has become so great this sea son that the county agent has de­ cided to take orders for posn twice a week instead of once each week, as was formerly announced. The pools will close the first and latter par»» o( each week Seven new customers have added to the Hat now served by the Mountain States power company In thia district during the past few days according *o W K Baraell. manager of the local office An unusual thing about these new customers Is that iu each Instance it was necessary to tnstall individual tranjfovmevs for each customer. It is not very often that a power company goes to tots Sbop» Fetdsy— Mrs. J. C Bailey, expease tor a customer when the of Jasper, was a shopper in this city revenue will no’ pay for tbe equip- on Friday meat used ia the .«stalls’ on for ioag period, according to the Return to California—Mr and Mrs. ger p B Sneed, of Martinet California. ; left Saturday for their home after having spent ten days with his moth-r. Mrs Evelyn Sneed, and his brother. A R Sneed LAST N IG H T A ,ot* 1 of po'ico- <»f wxt nm ch^rtde and i«o pound« >f at lucide delivered last week hv the ag "cultural agent who my ■ chat the term*” • " »" T enthoslasdlc about th ii ™rihod of eradicating abaoxtous weeds Orders for 30b pouud» of the chloride were placed on tULturtiay of last wesk alone. Then SUN. and MON Com«* V U 1 M IN 7 / I l G M t r S w.»» M, .... . yv/^ m v S ä //v YES! 25c, AUAAM 'lk ..RAI JOI I BROUN PCM k fliU N Vlee.Ae» ..«F t . fox M c D onald the 34th day of Jan*. 1»3> by the Tax Collector of the County of L ate State of Oregon, for the amount of tl< 33 the same being tbe amount then due and delinquent for taxes for the year 1>2S. together with pen alty. interest and costa thereon upon the real property ssseased to you. of which you are the owners aa appears of record, situated in «a:d Couaty and State and particularly bounded and described a« follows, to wit: AU that part of Lot Nine <»» lying South of Center of Coast Fork River In Section Eleven f l i t . T ownship, Eighteen (IS. South. Range Three («> West, containing • wenty-two fit» acres of land, more or leas, tn Lane County. Oregon You are further notified that said Roy Henry has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years, with the rate of Interest on said amounts as follows: Leonard Refrigerators Tear s Tax Dstr Paid Tax Rscrlpt No Amont! nt Rate of Ia t - Jaly L 131» 1Î44Î 314.13 1IST Jaly 1. 1313 3IÍ67 1313 U% First half 1»33 July 1. U 3» Î4I73 S 34 IK Second half Hi? Sept M 1313 »esi 4 3< « •> First haK 1»*» July 1. 1313 9C313 S-Î7 lis t Said James A Fras*r Jessie Fraa-r cree wm be rendered foreclosing tbe B n rvcr TilUe Fraser Plneombe and lien of said taxes aad coats against Addte Fraser Gannarson aa the o v t the land and pr-m lses above named. era of the legal title of the above Thia summons Is published by order describ” ! property ns tbe same ap- of the Honorable 0 . F Bblpworth. penm o f record, and each of the other Judge of the Circuit Court of the person a above named are hereby State of Oregon for the Conn’y of farther notified that Roy Henrv will Lane and said order was made aad apptv to the Circuit C oen of the dated thia Und day of July l» t« and County and State ato’-sald for a de­ the date of the first publication of cree forednelng the Hen agatn«t the this summons Is the I4th day of Julv. proparty above described, and m«n h * » ♦toned In »aid cerrtflcate And you An procees aad papers In this pro- are hereby sumn»cn*d to senes« reeding may be served upon the ua- witbfn ahr.y days after tbe first pob derv'nied reridtnr within ’he State Hectloa of tbls summon« exclurive of of Oregon at the address hereafter the day of s a il first publlcatlea. and mentioned. defend tbla action or pay tbe amount U I* RAT. dae aa above shown together vrith Attorney for Plaintiff ceata aad accrued Interest, and la Address Fugeae Oregon. ■ ape of y ja r fufTurw to do ao. a de­ J »*-«1 A 7-14-11 1W at a D e c id e d S a v in g in P rice 'Member— Big M IC K E Y MOUSE •J0“ “ * ' * « w»l b’ delighted nt the S a v in « and the large ------ rtm ont of different style» to choose from. M odal, to fit . v .r v m a n '. purM . C o m . early before the beet value, are .o°d 1 Club Saturday Priced at $14.75, $17.75, $23.75, $26.50, $29.75, $52.50 S A T U R D A Y -S U N D A Y 50 0 lbs. ICE FREE at to« W IT H EACH R E F R IG E R A T O R OVER $20.00 FOX REX IC E will be delivered by Springfield Creamery, maker. . of Maid () ( reani Product. Zane Grey's “T H E Border L egion Wright & Sons