THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TU B 8PR IN 0FIELD NEWS " J I* Hroin lay, of Jasper. vl«lt*-*l with hl« frtaads In thia rlfy on Friday alinrniMiu. R a a ld e n t C a ll« V laltlng at Medford Mie» M argaret P rochnou loft last Fi day Ini Mo*' ford, w here Ito la vlslf'ux frlm il- W a lte rv llla Man Mare M r K I. Blunts, of W .iltcrvtllu . ana a M on dl)' y tali' i I I I H p rln g flu ld . C u « < ia M ia I S a tu rd a y "«l i N ig h t A u li i l l wvening «uo.-.'a of M r. a n ii' frl«iiU a and H alu rd ay at lh « lr ■ u m iu rr lioui*' on III*' McKanslo rlvar. M ayor Catch«« Fleh W P. Tyson report« having made a good catch nt redalrte« In the M cK opit« riv e r on Munday above Heavey'« ferry. Camp on M eK eealw - D r and Mrs. ' C. II end Phelteplace «pent camping along the A contract for 100 cord» of «lab wood to be delivered to th * schools V'da People Hera M r and Mr« of thia city waa let to the Booth- » Irm i Clover, of Vida, were visitor« K e lly lumber company nt a special In Hprlngflnld on Friday. meeting of the school board, which waa held on Monday evening. T he D e a le r Reeident V ielte — I I F ' Booth K e lly company wa« the only Brown, of Heater, waa a Halurday I ' one placing a bid for the wood. visito r In Hprlngfluld. A n o th e r c o n tra c t waa en tered Into | Cousin Visits Ml«« Kllaali* tl> ll<-< I* wlth the Northw est School supply ley. and her «later. M argurut, both ol company at a special board meeting Elkton. Douglas county, are vls'ilng on Friday, whereby the company w ill w ith th e ir cousin, Ml«« Jontn May provide new desks, blackboards and They arrived here on Frtday. shades for the two new rooms which Ihe being equipped for clasaea at the H r g i e t a r a t E lite D elbert Hhean Lincoln and B rattaln schools. The Pearl Hhean. and Hale Summers, o’ exact number of deaka needed w ill Josiah W Baile» who defeated the Fort W ayne, Indiana, and Mr and JO"*'*" *•*»»'»' Simmon* of North not be known u ntil a survey of sur­ Mr«. T K. Handot. of T ra il, Oregon, H™1'"« Democrat!« meats plus materials now on hand can be were reglatered at the K llte Jtotul ' made. during the peal week. Cahfoeela People H a r a - A . D. Moe, the week of R '* »"itond. California, accompanied McKenale by bl" • ou *“ U w " “d ¿«ughler. M r i rtvr ■ i 1 I • n d “ r* • dy la ltln g Aunt — Mra. It E. Htewart Ur. A rthur Jonaa, throat specialist ef i the principal mean» of travel to for uaa according to gaa company SBu two children, of Redondo Beach. MONEY on their weekly bill«. Hulse, W a lter Htrathera, 1«, la recov­ Springfield In the early days. T he officials. C alifornia. are visiting at the home of ering from an unusual accldaat. The second one w ill be placed where the ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mrs Stew art's aunt. Mrs. Sadie Best quality meats go farther and give greater Yala yoalh put the dollar la hla month Ragland. road turns off from the present TWQ SHEEP CLAIMS ARE and, presto, It waa gone. One Pint 50c Flanery’s Best Quality MEATS i Leave fa r C alifo rn ia— M r. and Mrs. Delbert McBee l t d fam ily le ft on Tuesday for a trip to Craaeeat C ity, California. T h e y w ill visit friends and relatives w hile there. V la lt a t Cottage Grove — M r. and Mrs. H. L. G ille tt* and fam ily m otor­ ed to f'o ttag » Orovg ihinday and spent the day w ith Ihe Dave Shaw fam ily there. V isits wrttk Parent« — Mra. I. M. Paterson spent the week end nt H ills ­ boro visiting w ith her parents, M r. and Mrs. A. Beadier She returned on Sunday evening. T U P IO S zuesMfmjRl T he N BC studio« has a mystery. W ho Is Radio P a lf T hree or four times a year m e » «rugar boys have delivered huge boxes of flow ers to outstanding stars of tbe National Broadcasting com pauy. A note of appreciation for pro­ grams offered accompanies each box Mrs Dallas ' of flowers and Is signed Radio Pal. D rlva te Beattie M urphy, Mrs W . C. Rebhan, and two T he reception room of W A B C . key daughters. Joy and Bobble, and Mrs. Murphy's mother, Mrs. H. T M it- alatlon of the Columbia Broadcasting cheli, of Ashland, are spending some System. Is perhaps the busiest place In New York. A rtists, pages, host­ tim e In Seattle. esses. announcers, production men. Dismissed from Hospital— Mrs Roy advertising men and gueata throng Hubbard was dismissed from the it» corridors and nooks, chattering, Pacific C hristian ho«pltal Sunday laughing anil talkin g nhop u ntil It morning, following a m ajor uporstlun sounds like the T ow er of Babel. Oc­ which she underw ent recently. casionally a atudio door w ill open and Bpenda W eek at Independence a fO-plece orchestra, each musician — M rs Grace Baxter of the Kennett I carrying his Instrum ent, w ill file out store, Is spending the week at Inde­ Strangers wonder how any work Is pendence, assisting w ith a sale In done, but out of this confusion, hustle and hustle comes the carefully plan­ t_a t city. ned. orderly program, alwaya on Dme to the split second, that you Taaehsr V isits Bunday— Mlaa Clara hear from out of the air. Wagnt-r and her m other, of Albany, T w o announcers, F ra n k Knight span! Bunday vlaltlng friends In this and Ita r ry Von «ell. began a t bank city. Miss W ag ner teaches commer- mensengvr«. ria l subjects In the Bprlngfield high Ted Httslng firs t com mercialised eehool his baseball and football abllltlea. Dald Ross, W A B C announcer, was Indiana People H ara — Dale Bom- a w a ite r u n til he got fired for w rit­ mera. Mtsa Pearl Shean and her ing poetry on the trays. brother. Delbert Shean. all o f Fort Jim W hipple was a Juggler and W ayne. In d ia n *, arriv ed here Mon- alack w ire w a lk er on a vaudeville afternoon to vtstt w ith M r. nad , olrcult. Both Helen Nugent and Irene C. F. Rgglmann. Mr. Rommers . Baa« iey were school teachers before X 1 b ' * nephew of the Egglmsnn's. they entered the realm of song and music. Returns from Vacation— Mias May Georgia Backus waa fired from Hewes. teacher In the high school, her firs t Job In the 5 and 10 cent store and her mother. Mrs. 8. 0. Hewes. but not because she didn't know the have returned from a vwentlon trip spent at pointe near Bellingham. hdb^e from Albany with of that city. two week«' prices. Beattie end When I t years old. Julea Alberti They drove waa hired as the custodlair of the Dr. Howelle musical Instruments of an orchestra playing In a Chicago theatre. Parents — M r. and Mrs. ton Kuhn, of Portland, were In city Saturday enroute to the lumie of their parents. Mr. Kuhn Wilt «pend sm enmu tim e with hie parents at the Cascade resort, which they operate, while Mra. Knhn w ill visit with her parents, Mr. and Mra. B. H. MBateraon, nt Camp Creek. V la ltln g X Th.a s1“"1 T A L L O W E D left at the old home of H ullua M ille r, fath er of George M elvin M ille r and Joaquin M ille r. The fourth one w ill e U |lB i for Back In 1*11, Paul T rem ain e filled hla firs t professional engagement at a dance given by m ining officials In W illiam sbu rg , Colorado. At mid­ night, s triking m iners calm ly pro­ ceeded to demolish the schoolhouse, where the dance was being held. When the bom bardment subsided. Paul and his boya w ere found hiding behind the bullet riddled piano. OWNERS MON. _ _ _ „ . U e n t . w ere awarded |t) b„ ¥e be put on the old M itc h ell W ilk in . by -o g , m cen tly. a t the home and the fifth one w ill be left kt meet i ng oi of in<* the c county nibMMinjr o u iu y dog c control om roi ,h> •“ ’ “ » « • r r between ^ , 4 a t ute court bon»e on Monday. Linn and Lane counties J. R. Honey, route I, Eugene, waa awarded 55. and M rs. V io la Larsen, * r y tats oae oa your bedstead Misa of Rooeeyalt Beach. In western Lane C laire Thoman, student nt the Ualvar- county, was awarded 55 for her ’ ° y Dragon, climbed Into bed and cla im * Im m ediately left It— with a shriek. Sinewy anna had gripped her about tha ankles. Students found a small octopus, measuring five laches from tip to tip. In tha stomach of a shark and placed It in Miss Thomen's bed for “cold storage purposes." ;W'"‘ A flow of natural gaa was reported to have been struck In a well drilled at the Vincent Prescltern place, near Roseburg. In an effort to secure wa­ ter for dum iatlc purposes, s well was bored K 0 feet, where a heavy flow of w ater was struck. The w ater came in faster than It could be baled out, and later wes found to be impregnated with gas. Flames shot high Into-the a ir when a match was applied to It. A total of lkh.Kuu seedlings have been shipped this spring from the O r» gon Forest nursery ngar Corvallis, says a statem ent liy State Forester E llio t. Most of the stock went to farmers for shelter belts, windbreaks I and woodlota. This Is nearly 75,000 more than was shipped laet year. The elm tree beetle Is ravishing the J elms of Jackson county. These beet­ les cause tha trees to loaa thalr laavee during tha early summer months. County Agent L . P. W ilcox has de­ clared war against the Insects and warns eltiaana th a t two seasons of auch happenings w ill result In tha death of the tree. w orx on tu a m arket roads la Baker oounty la ‘wall under way, with pro» pact that' practically all such roads I * some sections of tha county w ill ba placed la first-class condition within the next few weeks, County Judge Baird has announced Agricultural and manufactured pro­ ducts of aoutharn Oregon w ill ba dis­ played before representatives of I I Latla-Am arloan countries at Sacra­ mento August 15 to «0, during the Paa-Amarfcfcn Reciprocal trade confer anca, according to word received from tha California city. LaaO vtiw rtra department received from Pendleton a high-powered fire truck. The purchase of tha truck, Pina some changes In the w ater malaa which Lakeview w ill make w ithin the next 10 days, win give Lakeview MW fire Insurance retee considerably low­ er than tha present ones. satisfaction than ordinary kinds. Best quality meats, careful handling through our refrigerators, and prompt service is a guarantee we make here. INDEPENDENT M EAT CO. 4th and Main Sts. E. C. STTTART Phone 63 PRATT HObVBRSON July Clearance By far the most money saving opportunity offered this season. chandise of high quality has never been offered by us so cheaply. save^ iä t' THVR8DAY. JULY 24. I »30 Wanted mer­ Trade here and Every article has our personal guarantee. A Few of the Many Specials: >1.50 and $2.00 Fast Color $1.50 value 81x90 in. Wash Dresses Special 98c Heavy Sheets Special 98c $1.50 and $2.00 Children's and Grown Girls' Wash Dresses Special 98c 25c and 35c Fast Color Prints Mlf Gingham Special 19c yd $1.50 Mt. Hood Striped Special 98c $1.50 Genuine English Broadcloth Shirts for Men Special 98c FULOP’S DEFT. STORE 334 Main 8treet SPRINGFIELD