THURSDAY, JULY g<. fitto THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE COUNTRY DOCTOR VETERANS PLAN THEIR have found tome, thoae who know th» Vial tor« Hara Mr. and lira u*«. ('n» of the finest figures in rural life is that REUNION AT PORTLAND location of the bmi patch»«. bow»v»r, William» are Malting at ilia homo o f of the country doctor. Every town In the United — — bring home the largo«! qunitlHi»« of Mia. Mcda Catching. Springfield. Lane C 'uaty. Oregon, by States has or has had a medical practitioner who Th» program tor th» anuuai reunion (he b.trloa Sunday w u au »aprclatly T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS has endeared himself to the whole countryside of the Second Oregon Volunteer« bu«y day In moat of Ih# berry patebea Hava Vlaitori Sunday — Mr and ________ _________H. E. MAXSY. Editor. by a life of unselfish devotion to the health and Veteran «»»ocuiton. *„ orgHni**iiou In till« vicinity. Mra. K. C Stuart had aa tlialr guaata fcta red *• ^ u n d cl**, manor. February it . 1M>3. at tho we‘f»re the community. oi thtf l>r ,h0 8p-lll. h AnierV Thoae who hav« boon In tho berry Sunday Mra Rlla Prum of Junatlon I ne old-fashioned type of country doctor is ran war, which 1« to he held at the patch»» any that Sunday will bo llio City und bar aon. Cecil Krum, of ____ ________ poatofflea. Springfield, Oregon. passing Like the saddlebags In which he used Laui-elkem park in Portland, on Inal dny whoa people can ozpoct Io Bcottaherg. M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE to carry his medicines and instruments, or the ¡Sunday. Augu»i 19. ha* been m«Ued rind many borrlea, aa they ara gol *‘,e^ K*K which, half a century ago, was » u t by the com ml tie* directing the ting overrlpo already. Taken Slater te Portland — F R. ■hl M o n th *------------------------»1 M Single Copy _ .6e still the traditional vehicle for the rural physician. affair “ * Hamlin motored to Portland on Sat­ still the traditional vehicle for the rural physician, Tho comploto program follow«: Oenflat Takae Trip--Dr and Mr« urday, taking with him hla «later, THURSDAY. JULY 34. 1130 the type is vanishing before the march of pro-’ Lunch I M r** Call» 1 M p iu In W. N. Itow and family left the flral Mr« K. K Richard» and bar daughter ger territory, because th automobile and good vocation by E A Smith, patriotic In of the week for a motor trip over the Marjorie, who live In that city and M c K enzie gets w o rse and worse alrudor of tao organlaatlon. addreaa Redwood Highway Nobody drives the McKenzie river highway roads make it possible for him to do so. In Northern who had been «pending the week Young medical graduates today tend to go to of — welcome ----- — by Colonel 1‘ercy WllUa. i California any more for pleasure. It is used chiefly because with Mr Itamttn In thia city. cities one m thing, not i”*«td»ni or the naaociatleo. ---- , w K. „ , , to , v r practice. . r u i v«w Eor «1111114. e y a o they n o t do l’r,‘"t,,cut of the aaxoetatton, reading' reading It is the only route across the mountains. W’ith the ll Vet fax >xsxtar a/» —- n_ itf «F • ’hr »«.. comrade« of • th« a. . I the exception of the summit section the road is H have to If know so imink. much; IF If they «4.. find J *L themselves of II»*» nuitiou “•»*■ * °f In horrible shape Both state and county seem to in difficulties there are specialists st hand whom 3,co,ul Oregon who have paa»»d on nave dropped maintenance on this road, because they can consult or call in. The country doctor ,o ,h*‘ Of*** Beyond «Ince the inat in the tne next year or so it is expected that other 1111,81 know how to meet any emergency single- '••union, abort prayer, tap». mu.ic to alignments will be used in some places. In th e ; handed. Then. too. to the young physician, the Filipino or<-h»«tra. nddr»»« by meantime we «a«« can Su go nmnf; along as we nave have tne the last i®*^ looks like a n more place In which G<”r,,rn,,r A w. Norblad; «elected ' « v h j h o HOC- m o i r profitable p rv > iii:i ICE CREAM ALWAYS TOUCHES THE SPOT two or three years wears over big hiv boulders, I v . i . m . . ~ o , . ... ....... n r a e tie e his h is n profession, m fa a a ln n ,mu»ic; reading of reaolutloaa; re deep pot . to Practice mark* by holes, and _______ _________________ various prominent perxon» nd washboard ridges that ___ bounces one's The _ great disadvantage of ______ ntral practice Is Ice cream Is the Ideal hot went her food. Both refreah- car nearly out of control, it is certainly no credit that ,he doctor has to be on the Job*24 hours a »«-lecied mnai, and the to the highway commission 'he w ay’ the Me- day. In the city he can limit his office hours and of » « “'«•ra »nd executive Ing and nourishing; even In the holteat day II will “pep’’ Kenzie road has been handled, and is fast be- refer those who demand emergency service to '““’■’"•t***' coming the cause of a great deal of resentment hospitals. But the spirit which actuates the “~ ~~ you up wonderfully. Egglnianii'u always offers a place to on the part of the motoring public. old-fashioned physician, the spirt of self-sacrl- BLACKBERRY PICKING escape the heat. • • • firing service- still survives. ............. ........................ LURES MANY CITIZENS BIG FIELD TO DRAW FROM You are always welcome here. Tomorrow the state Republican Central Com­ Wild blackberry picking baa been mittee meets to elect a candidate for governor, the thief occupation of many Spring- at the November election. A large field is pre-' field women and children during the senting itself, including Ralph Hamilton R W ' paat two week« Everyone who have "Where the Service la DMferenf Sawyer and Jay Upton, all of Bend. Colonel A. E I gone out to pick berrlra »ay they Julius Meier. Rufus Holman and others from Portland- Tom Kay. of Salem, and George Nuner. of Roseburg. All of these men are known T h « P ia n e to be favored by one or more of the 35 commit teemen, but evidently none have sufficient ! SEX strength to elect The headmaster of a preparatory school came to see me, and we talked about boys. per cent “» is «««»««voi highest auu and "What, do you know about this sex business?" v California — M .«» L with . ---------------- « r\ a 64.6 t—■ ermont *tth a 1.9 per cent increase is lowest In I asked him. “Do you have a course of lectures popu ation gains, according to the census gains, for the boys, or do you and the other masters tn e way California has annexed Crater lake, talk with them individually? or what?” the lav-a beds, the Oregon prune- etc., we wonder , He shook his head. s e did not count part of our population. “No lectures,” he answered. “I am on the black * * list of all the Welfare Organizations and Social Special tax is placed on bob haired women in Hygiene Bands and Uplift groups. They are al- aerbia. If we could put a special tax on abbre- ways wanting to send speakers up to us, and 1 — - - - - - — ■ •» ■ « viated women's apparel in this country all our ¡refuse to let speakers come because, for Borne /' / • tax problems would be ended. reason or other, they all seem to be cracked on JOT IOH • • • this subject of sex. J Oxford University will allow one woman stu -' “The last speaker who slipped by me talked WHEN YOU dent to four men, which is about the proper about the Great Mysteries of Life, and the Ter- GO TO CALIFORNIA handicap if debating is to be a feature of the rible Mistakes which boys make, and the Awful c u m c u lu in . Pgxn altilX Q f h u v ina>liv> It w a a o o D o n t l a l l i r « o n i i i l t « . Penalties they incur. It was essentially a smutty talk, sweetened with moral prune Juice. You The Bureau of Standards announces a new could almost hear hiB lips smack as he delivered and rapid method of analyzing the human breath it. When he had gone, the boys appointed a A t the day’s end, on your motor tr ip t which takes only six minutes. Some wives can committee to visit me. w ill you reach clean, co m fo rta b le make a rough analysis in about two seconds “They said: Sir. we know all these things. We , . . . ." * * are gentlemen- and we are uncomfortable when quarters that have been prepared a n d in at young Michigan pugilist who is studying they are talked about. Please do not embarrass held ready for you? Y o u r vacation neetl not he for the ministry is probably looking forward to us any more with such speakers.” lim ited to iuat t«m Into , the laiy. dry »vacuatln« bowel c a lle d ! | the colon. The water lobaens the