T IIU R H D A Y , JULY 24, 1930 T H E KF R1NQF1ELD N1CWR PAGE THREE is fflc b o d y from ELIZABETH (BUYING t)R SELLING V is it al Albany— M r and M rs J. II E rnest and th e ir daughter, Donna Uanr. motored to Albany Bunday. They left th e ir daughter there to visit frie n d * for a few daya. Spend« Sunday at Florence — M r. and Mra, A. I, Wade «pent Bunday on the beach at Florence Portland People H ere — M r. and M r« A. J. Perkins and th e ir grandson r f I'o rtland . «pent Monday In thia city w hile Mr. t'erkln a transacted bualheaa. W h at Has Cone Before now.** ahe aald In a tone that forbade could not live Indefinitely on that re­ A beautiful young woman flnda her- fu rth e r inqulri— ; but abe «ottened It maining two hundred dollara What aelf on the sidewalk in a atrange city. “W h a t do F O U N D — Purae— O w aar may have »am« by identlfylng It and paylng for adv John Nlce. p b O M 1 1 ’ It Springfield, Auguat 1« Men women where ram e from Bbe baa noth. J*ou doT Don’t mi «a thia opportunity. Coach log In her puree to tell beraelf who "Me? I dance at Jake's." Ing cour«« $S Booklet free L. ahe la. A young man who baa aeen her FOR BAI.IC OR T R A D K — Sprlngfleld Ham pton. Box I818-L T. Washington In the hotel where ahe la atopplng no- . Mlaa Davenport gave the Inform a- Iota W ill ronalder Wngear or Mo- D. C. tlrea her and takea her to the hotel In M°n In a tone which Im plied that her Kanäle III» e r property In exrhaage a cab T here they find that ahe la reg- mind waa on aomethlng elee. N O T IC I O F F IN A L A C C O U N T V. U. Box 1*1. Kprlngfleld In the County Court of the State of laiered. In French, aa "M l»« E re N o -' "Where'« Jake’aT* body of Nowhere." The clerk ha« been W A N T B D — T o trade modern Hon— Oregon for Lane County. Mlaa Davenport gave the Inform a- calling her **Mla« Parson»." T he young and lot In Bpokane, W a a h , for IN P R O B A T E ber ahe la In New York Hla tlon. and went on w ith the gusto at- Sprlngfleld or Kugenn proporty. I In the m atter of the estate of Edward man “ - R P a rla - '•«ceased. " am8 •» E ric H am ilton, of Chicago tend|n< aB ewirlently e n th trallln g sub- Knqulre Newa Office, To whom It may concern ■ She la terrifie d at her loaa of memory. , S H E R IF F 'S SALE ’ • *•» « • E Vincent, ih« undersigned He aak" f r lend. D r C arrick a * " * • J ,k 8 • ’ “ ‘ VP**red. was not ON FO R E C L O S U R E h ,T * Bled final account In the nerve apeclallat, to call at the hotel above entitled court; that on July 7. Dr C a rrlik talka encouragingly, l e t N o lle , la hereby riv e n . , that th a t by , I 1930. »30. the Court made an nn order fixin g ! • * • ? • he be »"*. w ill R «end a nurse to 8ta.T stay w * nd..?..nMr8? w? ith 'h »H ill. ,,f ,in . u i l o i i m il l o r d e r a t the Cme for the hearing upon the 'be rnyvlerloua "Miss Parsons that « a i r .« s u e d out Of t h e Circuit Court of «aid final account to he had before night wage-earning conalder? poeslblllttee could the A aecond call from Mlaa Davenport anawered the queetlon. A t ten o'clock one night a week la te r a anarp tap on Eve'a outer door waa im p atien tly repeated before could respond to IL T h e door opened before Ev< could reach It, aad ‘ he lm plsive young person on the .,___ . a threshold projected h e r - l f Into the what you'd call one of the town'e room. I t waa Iv y Davenport, as re- , WR|| jo intM .Neither was It a tough »Plendent aa a Christm as tree ’■ OBe g Tg Inferred that th a t It lav lay in In com- 'c d le e a r rly ly dressed fo J ake’s; but the one Eve for r Jake's; . . . . , e m r e a s l n n o n her Imniah «... __ '« ’’‘ able security somewhere between expree.lon on her Impish face w w A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S N O T IC E In the County Court of «ho State of the Slate of Oregon for the County asld Court on Auguat 3. 1930, at the Ml"» Nobody listens w hile H am ll- these extreme«, and the speaker ad- 088 o f acute agony. Oregon tor Lane County. of ld«ne on the 23rd day of July, 1930. hour o f 10 00 o'clock a. m and not'ce ,nn hep what the doctor has ded that Jake him self was a good "Bay, got a hot water bottler' Aa IN P R O R A T E Upon a Judgment rendered In aald . h' r,*'bv * ‘ * " ° . ,h a ‘ .., ".Jr. ° * 8. h ,T ,ng egg. ; If In explanation of thia abrupt ro- In Ih r m atter of the estate of Cecil Court o n ’ the 2lnd day of July, 1930, j objections (hereto shall file the same "'ben the uur«r arrives, the g irl has You don't need a le tte r from your quest she clasped h er side w ith her J B luyler. deceased In a suit wherehv II I* Mortensen I *“ » r ilin g nn o r before the tim e of vanished from the hotel! Eve’s departure was ilm p le . She pastor to get Into Jake's, but you hand and lurched across the room, Notice Is hereby given lh a t L, H. ws« p la in tiff and Isaac Thomas G o d -1 " * ld hearing. went out of a back door Into the «are get kicked out quick If you don't ' dropping w ith a groan Into the M ulkey, the undersigned, la the duly dard and Dors I. Goddard. his w ife, ! A L IC E E V IN C E N T . appointed, qualified and acting ad W illia m R F a rrie r and Ethel Far A dm in istratrix. O .S ' mlnlnt rator of the ib o r s entltlnd ea* rla r warn defendant!, and wherein . H E Slattery, A tto rn ey her In P arti. But ha had forgotten her ,r y testified You shake a loose “One of my attack»," she brought for A d m inistratrix. te le ; that anyone having claims the p la in tiff recovered a Judgment J 10-17 -34-31 A '< name H e tells her of aa apartm ent ankle, too. don’t •on?" ahe ended, ao w , ,nt0 to me at said pires be frightened It ahe hears the young aum of One Huifdred and Fourteen Ion. deceased. L. H. M U L K E Y . M . « Davenport rose. ' of a hot w ater b o ttle .- woman who occupies the next apart­ and ««-100 Dollars and Interest I Notice la h erebr given that Guard Ynu m m m Into Iv its i my naw tr.W t» t I m Administrator Ä " . "You come Joint ’ll I ‘ he „ n d .ra .g n M Adm inistra ment come In very late In the morn­ H. E S lattery, Attorney T m te rrib ly sorry; I haven't ing. Eve wonders what sort of place soon tell you.'* she rem arked w ith 1910. at the rate of nine per cent per . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ----- for A dm in istrator a thing." annum and 930 00 as attorney's fee« ' ° r * " * •bove en title d eatate has «he has got Into, decision. J 10-17 Ï4 31 A 7 on the aecond promissory note; Nine- •” * " l'* » • followed. " b - t me help you to bed Can you N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R ! #10 00 attorney's fee- on the third . u ,tld nnt .... not Eve hesitated only an Instant before get back If I give you an arm?*' protnlasorv note now together w l t h i “ ‘ the hour of o elo ck A. M . Aug m ental fog did not lift She waa not , I guess so. but don't rush me.” Notice la horeby given that Clarissa the costa and dlsbun.em.-nt» of the ust 1. 1930; and notice la hereby given »<> be relieved from If. then. In the »ecompanylng the other g irl across hereby given A. Fsrnhsm ha« been by the County «nit and the accruing coal« W h lrh that anyone having anv the hall. oh lection three days. She had not realised how ® _ .................. T he g irl stood up w ith a gasp, _ that anyone having any objection 'bree daya. She had not realised how Court o f the State of Oregon. In and Miss Davenport'« 'Joint* seemed at leaning heavily on the supporting for Lane County, appointed adm inis­ In J h 7 o f n 7 * r n.i.Oll* d | “ nfc<’ <*" ck e ,* d ¡th ereto shall file the same In w riting «T— t her hope had been, t ill ahe felt in ine o rn re or Ina c irrk of said i . , . ., - .. . . firs t like the ghost of a room. In tra trix of the last w ill and testament Court on the Iln d dav of July. 1930 or b’' ,o r" ,he ,lm '' ,o r ,h * b"«rtng ,'b ls staggering blow of disappoint- »»ecter of a niano o f Daniel II Farnham , deceased and said execution waa to me d ire c t-) GUARD HUSTO N. menl. But tim e, even three days of I t . ' P . I 'll put you to bed first. Then I ’ll All persona having claim« against grinned at the visitor out of the sha- <-d commanding me In the name of i A d m in istrator does aomethlng for oue at 33 The 'h e estate of said deceased are hereby ihe S l a t e of Oregon In order to satis i H. R S I.A T T B R Y , A ttorney for Ad nightm are was not so bad and hope'« dow’ T h <* Plac* »»■ cl®«“ but clot run out and get a hot w ater bottle. notified to present the same, duly I suppose th e re ’s s drug store near h??olb.'wt"o.d » la to tr a fr . ‘ w hisper, were louder. . T his would t#red »tated and verified, to said executrix o Z u hlspers were here. Perhaps I can get something to sell the follow ing described real . ____ . . . . a ta ll m irro r .,«oA m « » « .« r at her residence st W a lte rv llle . O re­ Irro r stood hi one corner. ^ , t helpB you m O 8 tr. not last long. This could not last property, to wit gon. or st ths residence of A. B. and a phonograph In another corner ! aome medJctBe, bnt B o U la< A ll of Ix»t numbered tw elve ( l i , N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F 'S SA LE ON long It m ight end at any minute. W heeler, at 71# I-aw rcnce street. In E X E C U T IO N In the m eantim e she would occupy supplemented the musical atmosphere s,elp, me Hke the hot WBUr Eugene. Oregon, w ithin alx months In block numbered two IS) ln E E Kepner'a Audition to the Tow n ot ^doe«. I took mine to Qneenie M orris’ from this 17th day of July. Its#. Notice la hereby given that by v ir­ herself as much as she could. I f I t . I* n‘ bF « * • P'«no- Springfield, I » h lc h the hostess at once , aiBce these attacks began " ¡against Charles B McDonald, as ad _ nu b . »n to them ______ J 17 gf-Sl A 7 -H tain in g at began to dance a fox trot. Eve helped her hack across the h all Now th e re fo r- In the name of the i m ln lstrsto r of the estate of John Me- ' "K now this?” she demanded State of Oregon and In compliance | Donald, deceased; Charles E. McDon le* ” ,h e I* * * * # ’ ° h° l> * » oul<1 and Into Iv y ’s bedroom. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T ‘I . . . think so." "Y o u ’re aw fully good." Ivy groaned. The undoraigned, ad m in is tra trix of w ith the execution «nd order of sale: aid, M uriel M cDonald, husband and But aurely she could give herself a “T rY it ** the estate of James W Key, decess 1 w ill on Saturday, the 33rd day of w ife; W illia m R McDonald, single; week of w aiting r , lending herself to the m in is tra tio n - August. 1930. st the south wea, door W D McDonald, single; K .lh e r ln e H „ , llke te ,e|craph T h ere was something in the music Mke , heIpi „ a chlId. - m fpel b ettd f ed. has filed her final account In the , , . . " m a tte r of «aid eatate with the County of the County Court House. In Eu Jones, A. D Jones, w ife and husband: that was not unlike the hostess, and soon'« I ’m between the sheets.” Dorothy Snyder and E lm er M Snyder. Po,es «Ion« ■ country ro -d . She gene, Oregon, between the honrs of C lerk of t jm e County, Oregon, and the guest responded to them both. nine o'cli ck. s m and four o'clock both single; whereby I am command- , _____________ _ walked and read and kept . her record Undressing her was a simple pro- sn order haa been made and entered A ll the tim e she roR' • ‘,d ,d not d" '™ " ’ ,» u* ‘ h*"> A‘ « "T m in ute one of them m ight lead her hack. . . . She spent most of h er afternoons In the reading room of the lib rary. subject to redemption aa by law pro- the exercise. Several times she met yldad- a n ‘ h« lots numbered 1 .3 . 3 and Miaa Duvenport oD the stairs o f the add’ tlo iT to o ’ c ^ d i’«1 X t o i