THIIKHDAY, JULY 24. lMj> TUB 3PR1NOIHBLP NKWS PAOS TWO . e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e M arriage Lleeneee leeued meet every Thursday morning Jasper at 10:30 for thia purpose. at During the past week marring« The apricot harvest of Wasco coun­ • THURSTON licenses have been granted by the Mra B all* Isiini 1« enjoying * » e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ty is under way. The fruit la of fine county clerk to the following Oeorge v from her mother. Mr. Buren«»«, Virginia Hubbard, »mall daughter quality because of the protracted cool Clark. Swlsshonie. and Rena llurnett, of ( ’orvoilla. of Mr. and Mr». Hubbard, underwent« weather this spring and Is ot unusual t'anarv; Iva Treffey and Roes Cul­ Mias Emma Olaon Is picking bean« a minor operation In Springfield a ly large site. The season's tonnage bertson. bolh of Veneta; Fred H a u e r at Saida Clara will reach 28 per cent of a normal few day» ago. laud Faith Drury, both oi Jn»p< i ; Karl E B Tinker flnlahed harveellng Ml»» Zimmerman, of Portland, call Principal Events of the Week crop. Lowery and Verde Have», both of his eherrtea Ihla week ed hl aee Mr and Mra. Il»»tlnga a Hans for an e«g show to be held ' Eugene: G eoite Potto and Amy Page. Alvin (»laon ami Lyman Tinker Assembled for Information few day» ago She was on her way hi In connection with the Linn cou n ty) . both of Collage Grove; Robert Kvaua, are working tor F F Cooper during Crater Lake. She formerly taughl lair. September 17-1», have been start of Our Readers. Sulem. and Thelma Ingram. Eugene. t harvest. * achool here, but la now an attorney- ed by H. J. Bonin, In charge of ar- \\ lllam Elliott. Collage Grove and The voting folk, of the »enlor Kn. at-law and employed by the Southern rangemeuta. Already a number ol •Vi del Gunter. Gunter. Oregon. , held « •' County school superintendents from awards have been provided, Bonie re Pacific Co. grounds la»i Friday night. Mrs Hubert Gray gave a aurprlae mi gecttoM Of Ore«oo will «at her in ports. M is s K ilo a K i n d -It', of Portlan party on her husband laat Thuraduy Salem August 4, 5 and 6 for their an­ The cherry harvest tn Marlon coun­ who formerly lived at PI..... evening In honor of hla birthday, ty la a disappointment, with at high nual convention. ♦ UPPER WILLAMETTE haa been vlslllng with Miss Ved» j Hob Parrott and a«n. Albert, went as tO to 50 per cent of the cherries • « « ...................... " Fire destroyed the annex to Rhodo Mrs Jessie A Phelps and daughle. lialey and renewing acquaintances to Hood River Tuesday to he gone brought to Ihe canneries docked as dendron Inn recently. The annex con Frank l.emley haa »tailed ball«« several day» looking after properly Evelyn and Ml»» Lola Kwbanka have talced 11 rooms and was valued at Imperfect. The loganberry yield at also unsatisfactory and will probably (gone camping near Belknap Spring« interests there. about $4000, fully covered by tnsur- hay. Miss Maude Russell, who la taking , for I wo weeks. be only half a crop. beauty parlor work In Portland, spent Mrs. E. K KllpairU'k and her two Deschutes county fair dates are set S u p e r in t e n d a n t H e r e M - and Mrs The United Spanish War Veterans the week end with her parent«. Mr children. Belly and Vernon, who have Ed Howella. of WallervIPe. were and women'« auxiliary held a three- for October 1. 3 and 4. Thia will few been near Salem p ic k in g c h e r r ie s , re - vlsl'ora ln Sprlngfield on M-nday and Mrs Fred Ruaaell. day encampment In Bend with approxi­ the only fair In central Oregon thia Mr. and Mr». Curtla Price, of turned to Pleaannt HUI Iasi Sunday Mr Howella I» auperlnlendenl of (ho mately 200 members and their gu.ets year. A meeting of the fair board Alexander Gray, hero of "Sally.'' Notl. visited Mr Price'» parent«. Mr The Girl Seoul» ataried a course of was held a few days ago. Other coun­ tn attendance. Eugene cliy Power plant swimming last Thuraday They will ties will be asked to exhibit at the and Mrs. John Price Monday. Construction of a sand nil across Lynn Endicott, of Portland, drove fair to be held at Redmond. VIOLINIST WILL PLAY the lower end of Sunset lake Is U s t­ up Saturday evening and »pent The board of governors anu the AT SUNDAY SCHOOL HOUR Sunday oop county la about complete on a new- with hla parent». Mr. and canning and agricultural committees protected fish aereen that will keep of the chamber of commerce ot Ore­ Elbert De Moss, violinist, and mem Mrs. John Endicott. Osh in the take. Mrs. -Baker vlalted her mother In gon City held a joint meeting to con­ oer of the famous DeMosa musical Thomae J. Blbby. 70. was killed sider a proposition submitted by out­ junction City l«»t Bnturdty. family which put on entertainments when the automobile he was driving side Interests relative to the erection Mr and Mrs. Mike Tennis vlalted at the various schools lu this city skidded in loose «ravel on the New Mr. Tennis' parent» In Creswell laat : o’ a cannery in Oregon City. last winter, will play several violin port-Corvallla hl«hway near Blodgett Curried aloft by one hand entangled solos during the Sunday school hour week. and turned over. Mr» Cassie Baxter and daughters. in a. cable and then dropped about 40 at the Methodist church uext Sunday Alfred W. Leggett, 14, living near feet to a half filled hay rack was the Kate and Irene, vlalted her sister. at 11:00. a. m. Sodaville, suffered the loe» of a thumb Mrs Rosa Mathews, at Pleasant Hill experience of Henry Haynea of Lake Mr. DeMoss Is now located in Eu­ at and two fingers of his left hand when City recently. Haynes' hand was last Thursday. a dynamite cap with which he was badly bruised and lacerated, and the gene and is frequently heard over Miss Leone Edmlslon and Miss z— they '«ecp radio station KOBE. He also con playing exploded. Hasel Russell, who are attending little finger was Jerked off. ducts Instruction classes in both Eu The people of Malin. Klamath coun­ yOM l fpxh huslneas college at Portland, came Ashland orchardlsta have completed gene and Springfield. ty are making an effort to have the home laat Thursday evening and re­ the harvesting of the cherry crop, and and c o o il Great Northern extension routing turned to Portland Saturday. are now starting the harvesting of the ahanged so as to benefit the Poe V al­ Transacts Business — J W. Plum early peaches. More than 10.000 boxes Miss Florence Platt, of California, ley and Malin districts. of cherries were shipped out of Ash nier, of W altervllle, wus a business is visiting relatives here Imst Sun A t the higher you’ll kno'* Bevere scarcity of water for range land thia year, surpassing previous visitor In this city on Saturday. day member« of the Plait families rrM comfort tn i ho«. checked stock Is reported by ranchers near records, with the fruit of high quality. gathered at Riverside park und held „.m sook ginnen t . . hght, Redmond. Willow creek, an Import­ Canning of the Rogue river valley a reunion. ant source. Is entirely dry. Weather comfortable, »oung. cherry crop was brought to a close Mr and Mrs Farrel McQuInn. who oontlnuee hot and dry. last week end in most plants. The have lived near W altervllle on Ihe Checked nainsook, too, * ’** » The laat fleeces of Lake county's Rogue River Valley Canning company Anderson ranch for sereval years, lower pries . . . “ “ hleùe wool clip this year have been shipped. announced the completion of its pack are moving back on the Eyler ranch. The total amount shipped during the of »0 tons. The entire crop wae dis­ line» for active men and u> givg They resided here before moving to season was 1.424425 pounds, practical posed of at from 8 to 9 cents a pound. I P S I »eaü ltt MP»*«««» Wultervllle Mrs McQuInn Is William Start taking Kruschen Saltor— ly the same as last year. The memorial monument over the that's the conimon-seuse way to re­ Northwest Association of Plant tomb of John Templeton Craig, letter duce— but don't take them with the Evler's daughter. ma Pathologists, Entomologists and Horti­ carrier and road builder who died idea that they possess reduciug qual Attends Summer School— Mrs. W. culturists closed Its annual meeting while carrying mail over McKenale Hies In them selves. This is what they do—they clean W Walker left Wednesday morning In Medford recently, selecting Wenat pass, was d e d ic a te d to his memory S42 Willamette SL, Eugen«, Oregon chee. Wash., as the 1»31 convention recently In the presence of nearly 4VU out the impurities In your blood by for Corvallis, where she will spend keeping the bowels, kidneys and liver the next five weeks attending sum­ city. people a quarter mile east of West In splendid working shape and fill you with a vigor and tireless energy mer school classes. The cherry harvest at Union Is now Lake, near the summit. you'd most forgotten had existed. under way, with a fair crop of good Six million gallons of water la used As a result instead of planting quality cherries The Binge and Lam­ dally In Ashland, which is estimated yourself In an easy chair every free i berts are being packed and skipped by the water department to be a high­ moment and letting flabby fat acne east with prospects of favorable mar­ er pro rata than In many other cities, mutate you feel an urge for activity ket. according to a report by this depart­ that keeps you moving around doing the things you've always wanted to i Work oa tke uew »75.000 school ía eat. The additional water supplied do and needed to do to keep you In bnUdlng at Vernonia Is progressing ns a result of Ashland's new »«iv.oov good condition. Then watch the pounds slide off! ■ ere rapidly than expected, and pres­ reservoir eystem guarantees sufficient Kruschen Salts are the np-to-date : ent indications are that it will be Fountain of Youth. Take one half tea . finished August »0. ten days ahead of The oiling of Lane county roads la spoonful In a glass of het or cold the contract schedule. progressing, and tbs preliminary coat water tomorrow morning and every Mrs of unknown origin destroyed has been applied to various roads In morning—they're tasteless that way. the barn oa the Clyde La Foilgtta the Cottage Grove vicinity. The crew and If they don't change your whole Idea about reducing, go back aud get (arm tn the Wheatland vicinity recent­ moved recently to the Mohawk Valley the small price you paid tor them ly. It was built more than 40 years road, where the second, or heavy coat, Get an 85 cent Lottie, ot Kruschen age by the late J. R. Forrest and the will be applied. Lane county Is oil- Salts at Ketels - Drug Store or any timbers were bswn by band. tag mors than 76 miles of county progressive druggist In the world. Downy dew has resulted In consid­ roads this year. erable Injury to the hop crops la both Ths Salmon River cut-off highway, Washington and Oregon, according to which was formally opened last Sat­ Mayor LIvesley. of Salem, who haa urday and Sunday, extends from Val SPECIAL returned from a business trip to Wash­ ley Junction on the Tillamook high­ ington and British Columbia. way to Otis on tbs Roosevelt highway, James Smith of Crawfordsville, liv­ and will cost »1,000.000 before Its final ing on the Glass donation land claim work, including eventual paving, shall on part of which part of the town have been completed, accoiuing to la built, la cutting up cedar ralla that figure« released a few days ago. were hewn by Robert Glass In 1851 It pays to be in charge of a church When he was exiled on an Inland, one of hl« and will use them for fence posts. located on a main-traveled highway, Beautiful. Mile-High first acts was to advertise for help. Ills advertise­ The city of Ashland has asked for says Rev. George Clark, vicar of bids for the paving of Wlnburn way. Trinity Episcopal church of Ashland ment was not a newspaper ad but an outdoor the Btreet which leads through Llthia and the Epiucopal church at Grants park in the city. Dust from this un­ Pass. Seven tourists were at the Sun­ form of publicity. He hung I l l s shirt on a pole at paved street through the park for day service at Grants Pass and seven the water’s edge and awaited results. Circulation many yearo has proved a nuisance. silver dollars clinked in the collection as the offering of these seven strang­ By a 10-to-l attitude, legal voters was very poor, but he did not take his ad out be­ of Scio have petitioned the town ers. cause results were not Immediate. He left the council to drill a well for a water Two forest patrol workers, Henry supply for the city, it Is estimated Adolphsen and Jesse Loeb, saw smoke ad “IN” for a long time and eventually It got re­ that the cost of a drilled well will arising from a huge fir tree In the sults. A passing ship saw the ad and took Robin­ total approximately »2000, fully equip­ Middle Fork Coquille river district, ped, and that a dug well could ba had as from a tall smoke stack. The son Crusoe aboard ship back to civilization. The for about 8800. patrolmen cut the tree down to ex­ tinguish the firs, and found It wae a gular and consistent ad-merchant of today by re THS MARKgTS "hang-over" from the great forest tire rertlslng can also get results, for he haa the ad­ Portland Which ravaged tbs Sweet timber area "^^Vhest — Big Bend bluestem. U 05; ! iaai fall. , vantage of modern newspaper advertising and soft whit«, western white, »lc; bard i A report covering the period July good circulation which guarantees that his mee- winter, northern spring, western rad. 1, 1»2», to June »0, 1*3«, released by I»c. ths stats industrial accident commie Special Train aage goes Into the homes of the community com­ Hay—Alfalfa, new crop, »17.80; val­ sion at Salem showed that awards and ley timothy, »20 80021; eastora Ore­ compensation payments bandied by Lv. Springfield 8:10 a. m. prising his trade radius. gon timothy, 22240028; clover, naw the department during ths year aggro Ret. Lv. Cascade Summit 5:30 crop, »14; oat bay, naw crop. »14; oats gated Approximately 82,434,000. Awards p. m. sad vetch, aaw crop, »14. to Injured workmen bused on toes of Ar. Springfield 8:35 p. m. Buttarfat — 28081c. time during ths year totaled 21,181,- Eggs— Ranch, 10088«. 8M.4S, with an additional 8828,62848 A rare opportunity for a r e s t f u l Cattle—Steers, good, »8.000».78. paid for medical care. day in the high Cascades—Swimming, Hag»—Good to cholea, »10.88011-88. A pair ot twin calves, on« male, ona Boating and Fishing In limpid lakes Lambe—Good to choice, »8.8007.80. female, eligible to registration, that or Join the U. of O. hike to spoetaeu S ea fle Wheat—Soft white, waatora white, were born some 11 hours apart to a lar Salt Crook Falls. hard winter, western red and northern pure-brsd 8-year-old Jersey cow be­ “The only Newspaper In the World that is Dedicated to the For Further Dotali« call spring, »lc; Big Bend Mneetam. »144. longing to Dale Fowler In the Grand Island vicinity are both apparently Interests of Springfield Peopla.” Bggs—Ranch 10088«. thriving. Bnttertat—»8«. The dedication of the natural park Cattle—Choice atoen. »708. pad playprouad of the Cotombln Conn H o se-P rim s light, »11.M011.SB. tp Pomona grange at Big Eddy oa the Lnm be-Cholee. « 8 4 0 0 7 7». CARL OLSON, Agent 8pe«to"« » Nehalem liver, will be held Sunday, A J t la ......... ............ Springfield _ . good. « 7 0 7 4 * . OREGON STATE NEWS Of GENERAL INTEREST . if» time now to chonge into these Summer Union Suits S en sib le W a y to L o se F a t j . C. Penney cc »SPA B V M SM « Even Robinson Crusoe Advertised Excursion Odell Lake SUN. JULY 27 ROUND TRIP 12 The Springfield News Southern Pacific! _ -Good to choice, »10.780X1. abe— Medium to good, »< 8007. Wilt I