Try the Home P rint Shop Firet THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-REVENTII YEAR. BPK1NOE1K1J), LANE COUNTY, ORBOON- Thefts Are NDRVILLE MAY 10 Bold Reported in City COACH HIGH TEAMS Service Station and Private Care Are Looted Here Sunday Night. I •raduate of Univaraity and Former Coach at University High Accepts Offer to Come Here; Will be Full Time Tea­ . One service station In this . wna robbed Munday night and at cher with Academic Work. f Flew Eight Milet û f THURSDAY, JULY 24. 193» "The People'. Paper* L L IV C N E W S P A F B ÌI IN A L IV E T O W N No. 28 Lodge Entertains Grand Officials I Grand Master, President. and Past President Guests of Rebekahs' Monday Three prominent lodge officials wer-s In Springfield Monday night to attend the regular meeting of the Hebeksh lodg-, which was held Jointly by the Indras of Springfield and W altervllle | for the purpose of entertaining Mrs. Leona Thell, president of the state organisation The other officials attending were Ml hired M cM ih in . Brownsville, past president, and Dr L. L. Baker, of Eugene, Grand M ister of the Grand Lodge of tire- Lieut Apollo Soucrk of the Navy g.m. who made a fraternal visit. in the plane in which he broke the world's altrtude record. The mask is I Thirteen members were present eunnected with se oxygen tank. from Waltersvllle and several from some of the other lodges In the county were also present. Mrs. Mabel PAGEANT TO BE GIVEN Gay. of Silverton, was another guest I at the meeting. DURING LANE CO. FAIR BIGGEST 1 SHOW IN WEST COMING TO MUNICIPAL PORT MAJOR ECKERSON IS Local Committees Busy Making city INJURED IN CRASH Plans to Handle Mammoth least NEAR BUTTE. MONT. Crowd on August 4; Stores , two private automobiles had their to Close for Show; Famous Nurvllle May, of Bend, « III be the ' gasoline tanks siphoned during th« Major Gilbert Eckerson, faaous Pilots and Ships to Come. aeerh In chars« of all high school same evening, according to reports of Pacific Coast aviator and stunt aehlet.i activities during the n«*t the owners of the property. flyer, and former operator of the fly­ Thieves who visited the V. It When 64) of the latest makes of air­ yen’ A telegram rtuelv d from hint ing school at the municipal airport, craft, valued at over one minion dol­ tt-nday by the clerk of the loctl Jon«« service station evidently knew here, was seriously Injured yesterday aakool board told of his acceptanc« something about the station, as they according to press reports, when be lars, land on the Springfield airport eS tbs offer mad« to him recently by avoided touching the eight Itibrlcal- crashed near Butte. Montana, in the Monday, August 4, this city Is ex Ing nil tanks, which are fastened to­ Mb« »«bool officials hure. plane which he wee flying from pected to stage the largest community The future coach at th» high school gether In front of the station, but Portland to New York on a one stop enterprise In Its history. Final ar- I* a graduate of the University ol proceeded to take the ninth tank, oil refueling flight for the 'On to Ore- »« have the Northwest The pump. tank was found late Monday •regon. having completed his work and B°° Flight" committee of Portland. States A ir Tour stop la Springfield to June of thia year. He was born at afternoon by boys swimming near the Details of the accident are not given were completed Friday la Portland Vasco. Washington, and lived there old bridge The tank, which Is the In the reports, although It Is believed when Dr. W. C. Rebhan, chairman of the local airport committee, helped tor many years before utov'.ng to property of the Standard n il com Mrs. Glenn Stone was Initiated Into that Eckerson may have a fracturw. frame the schedule. He was aleo ON AUGUST 29 AND 30 •end. «here hla parent« are no« pany, was empty and battered when skull. The ship which he was flying ' the lodge by a letter of dismissal engaged In farming lie attended the found In the river, where It had elected a director of the Northwest A patriotic and historical pageant 1 fron> the Fairview Rebekah lodge at was completely wrecked on a moun­ Air Tour association. Vasco high school for two years and evidently been thrown to hide IL and tain shelf. In nlrje episodes will be given at the j Fairview, Colorado, where she was torn graduated from tha Bend high also possibly to destroy any finger­ The air show win he held hare Ixtne county fair grounds on the , Formerly a member before moving Nothing was heard of the flyer arbooL prints which may have been left on from 10 until 2 o'clock. , evenings of August 2# and »0. accord- I her* after he left Portland at 1:30 Tuee- the tank. Education Varied Members of the various sub-eean- Ing to Mrs. Mabel Chadwick, fair The work for the c e n ln g was con avenlng. until a ranch girl found him Hla university education «as Thieves also visited the private eraUry The pageenL "The Spirit ducted by the members of the Spring- amid the wreckage while out riding m ,tt* * B ,h<5 airport pyarled In Michigan, «here he attend­ garage of Miss l-aura are busy now making arrang Rogers on ! America," was written by James field degree team. yesterday. ed for hla freehmen year before com- Fourth street early Monday morning for the handling of the thousands of Delicious refreshments were served — _ _ _ _ _ tog to the 1’nlveralty of Oregon, and etola the wind wings snd siphon­ W .Evans, and was used In the . spectators who w ill he la Springfield Fourth of July program at Corvallis following the lodge meeting. The LOCAL PEOPLE ATTEND « h e re he has majored ■n physical ed the gasoline from the lank. They to see. for the first time, snd to In­ education during the past three also removed the spare tire cover in s this month He will direct the per­ tables were decorated In pink and LEGION GROUP PICNIC spect at close range more types ot formance and will be assisted by green, the colors of the lodge. years. He finished hla course at the ' were evidently shout to steal that aircraft than has ever been assemb­ University with high honors and t aleo when they became frightened Mrs. Ethel Chase Christie, dramatic Several Springfield people 'attend­ led on one airport In the state ot- and English Instructor at the Eugene DR. DOW COMMANDER aomea to the school hers as the best ed the American Legion picnic at Oregon. and fled Miss Rogers found that the high school »•commended of all the graduate« of OF AMERICAN LEGION Riverside Park last Sunday, which thieves had taken a wash holler The airport committee at its meet­ The nine episodes depicted In the the school who are no« available. was held in honor of Captain George from her porch and had used It In ing Monday evening named M. B. pageant are: May Is somewhat acquainted with F. Herbert, of Eugene, who has re­ Dr. W. N. Dow was selected to transferring the gasoline from one Huntly as chairman of the conces­ the material he w ill find here, as he 1. Colonial, featuring the Birth of serve as commander of the local cently been transferred to service at ra r to another. sions at the flying field for the day. served as coach at the University ! the Flag. Paul Revere. Signing of the American 1 .eg I on post for the next Missoula, Montana. H. E. snd Maxey. A. wore Swarts. W . on A. Marlon Adams foal about four gal Declaration of Independence, and the 'year al the meeting of the organ Ixa- The picnic was sponsored by the ‘ Tnylor H J C. Cox placed high school last year and hla teams of 'Tit , lnn . k i . k i . . , s s - m . . .. , ayior ano M J. t ox were placed on met the locals on several occasions. Iona of gasoline from hie ra r Sunday - l i o„irlt 81” ™ '* ,lon' wh,ch WM held here ,M t FrldBy W illamette council of the legion and the p,,b!1rt»y committee and Dr. W He has always been deeply Interested night while It was parked In front of , * Explorers and Fur Traders, w ll> ,Bke ,he P|BCB <* the Eugene post provided free coffee.I c Rehhen will handle the entertain the Christian church He looked at la sports. While st high school he showing Lewis and Clark Expedition F B- H *mltn. present commander. H. sugar, cream and Ice cream. A pro- ment for the visiting filers won letters In all of the major sporrs. the ruagr Just before he went Into IO. Dibblee was chosen to succeed Dr. gram of races snd sports was pro- ! 3. Oregon Missionaries. An effort Is being made to have Football basketball and baseball. Ha the church, he says, and when ha | Carl Phetteplace aa first vice-corn Tided for both and young and old 4. Statehood; Story of Oregon's en­ 1 all of the huslnee« houses In the city also assisted W illiam Reinhart, head came out the lank was empty. mander, and Al Pohl was elected people during the afternoon, try Into the Union In 1R5F. baseball coach at the University, In closed durinr the hours of the air second vice-commander to take the go enthused were those who at­ eoachlng tha University team last STOLEN BICYCLE FOUND 5. Civil W ar, Union Soldiers In . place of Major M. B. Huntly. show which the visiting aviators will tended the picnic that efforts are •King. put on. Efforts are also being made UNDER BRIDGE SATURDAY Camp, Barbara Frletchle and the W alter Goeeler w ill be the new ad- now being made to make the affair i to have the Booth Kelly fnmher mfTls Flag, the End of the War. Lincoln Ta be Full Time Inetrueter ' Jutant succeeding Dr. Dow. Jack an annual event. operate on Saturday of next week, May will be emp.oyed full time by A bicycle, which had been stolen and the Emancipation P oclamatton. I Larson will succeed himself as fin­ thus enabling the lumber workers to the local school board. Ha will teach from the parking rack In front of the 4. Early ttorveyora of Oregon. ance officer of the poet and M. B. NORTH SISTER BALKS spend Monday at the flying field. geography and one other subject to T M C. A. In Eugene on Monday of 7. Pioneers of Lane County. Hnntly w ill serve as service officer assigned later The employment of a last week, was found under the new The members of the national guard ATTEMPTS TO REACH TOP I. Spanish-American Episode, fea­ during the year. I ____ full time coach at the high school bridge here Saturday by pedestrians turing the Rough Riders. unit will he called upon to act ns Major Huntly was also selected to Twenty-two members of the Ob- was made necessary by the ruling who turned It over to Lum Anderson, police officers during the day. » World War Episode. represent the local post together with sldlan outdoor group we.o balked which the stale board of athletic chief of police. He. In turn, notified Eat at Com m unity H all Various civic organisations In the the new commander, at the state Sunday In their attempt to scale the control passed last winter whereby the Eugene police and they sent the Tentative plans are now being convention at Baker in August. Northt Sister. Led by Ray Simms. schools which did not employ full owner of the bike over here to Identi­ county are being asked to assume formed to provide for the feeding of responsibility for various episodes Huntly w ill appoint two more dele- the party made their way up the time ccarhes would not he eligible fy It and claim It. the pilots of the tonr at the Commun­ gates to the convention. mountain to the chimney, where they of the pageant. to rompelf for state championships. ity hsll Mondav noon This dinner found a 24)0 feet Ice bed. After cut­ Previous to this year the coaching will be planned snd prepnee/j under’ FUNERAL HELD SATURDAY N. O. W. DRILL TEAM ting steps In the Ice for one hour the work here has been done by a senior REV. MULHOLLAND GIVES the supervlalop of Mrs. 1 M. Peter­ FOR DROWNING VICTIM at the University, who was thus en­ HONORS MRS. STEVENS climbers gave up the attempt as son. Instructor of domestic science UNION CHURCH TOPICS futile. abled to gain some practical expert- at the h'eh school Mrs. fetersots Funeral services for Ed Reynolds, FOR NEXT THREE WEEKS •n re at the same time he was flnlxh The South Sister was scaled by 3» will assemble her own group of aa- Members of the Neighbors of Wood­ who gave his life trying to save ano­ Ing school. craft d rill team and their families out of 12 people who attempted R slstahts for the day. ther from drowning In the Mohawk ' Rev. Ralph R Mulholland, pastot gathered at Swimmers Delight last on Sunday. Football Prospects Good M ayor Invites Euqene Citizens river near Donna last Wednesday of the First Baptist church, has an­ Friday evening (or a picnic In honor —----------------------------- Prospects for football at the high W P. Tvson. mayor, has extended were held> on Saturday afternoon at nounced the sermon topics which he of Mrs. Alex Stevens, who was ob- M. school thia year are very bright, E. SUNDAY SCHOOL a aperial invitation to the people of 2:00 o'clock from the Veatch chapel will preacH on at the next three Sun­ serving her birthday on that date. thinks W. E Buell, principal. There Eugene, through their mayor and the I In Eugene. Rev Norman Workman, day evening union church services. GIRLS HAVE PICNIC The evening was spent In swimming are more than enough bova coming two newspapers, to attend fhe Air pastor of the Msrrola church, con- The first one. which Is to be delivered and dancing. hack to school who have had expert- Mra. C. W. Hansen entertained the Tonr exhibition here. In his letter ol at the Christian church next Sunday i ducted the services, and Interment Those who attended the picnic members of her Sunday school class Invitation Mayor Tyson, writes that •ace to make a team, and If a few was made In the l-aurel Grove ceme­ evening Is What Dan a Man Preach? of the larger boys In this vicinity were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stevens, Mr. at tha Methodist church at a picnic the tonr w ill be here on August 4, Hla subject for the evening of Au tery. and Mra. Harvey Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. at Camp W ater Cress, a private pic­ that It la the greatest assemblage of who did not attend school last fall, gust 2 will be What Are the Funds Reynolds Is survived by his par­ Orville Eaton, Mr. and Mra. Graydon nic grounds on the Hansen place east aircraft to be seen In this part of the decide Io return, It will provide mentals of Preaching? Hla conclud­ football material which will he diffi­ ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reynolds; ing sermon on Sunday evening. Lewis and their son, Mrs. W. C. Me- of gpriagfleld. on Tuesday afternoon state, that the people of Springfield cult to find In many schools the slxe one brother, John; and four slaters, 1:00 to 6:00. have always cooperated with Eugene August 10. will be on the question. Lagan and two sons. Robert and The honr. were Mrs. Theodore Devore, Eugene, Mrs. of the one here. Russell. Mr. and Mra. J. B. Ernest Tnoee standing were Ila Putnam, In support of her civic activities W hat Is the Hope of Preaching? Ivadell Hammer, of Oklahoma, Mrs. and daughter. Donna Gene, Mr. and etilene Cornell, Florence Belle Fish, such a- having floats In her parades Rev. Mulholland w ill also deliver Doris Lindsey, Ixmg Beach. Cali­ Mra. N. L. Helterbrand and daugh­ Florence Irene May and Oro McXay. knit M*endlng In .large H. S. PRINCIPAL MADE numbers fornia. and Miss Iola Reynolds, of the seventh In a series ot sermons ters. Pearl and Jewel, Mr. and Mrs. -------------------------------- most of her civic programs. In con- on Paul's letter to the Philippian» at MEMBER HONOR GROUP Springfield. W alter Lipes and daughters, Thelma COUNTY CLUB LEADER elusion he says; the 11:00 o’clock services at the and Teddy. Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Baptlsh church on Sunday morning. W. E Buell, principal of the TALKS FRUIT CANNING "W* wo',ld.** ’t,,d ‘° ,h* 7 ,he 7" WISCONSIN PICNIC IS Chase and Dorman Chase, Mr. and _____ operation and support of the people Hla sermon will be Something to Springfield high school was Initiated Mrs. R. L. Burnett and son, Billy, HELD THURSDAY NIGHT Talk About Into Phi Delta Kappa, national educa­ A large number of local people at­ of Eugene at thia time, and hope that Miss Melba W illiams. Miss Ada Carr tional honorary society last week at tended the meeting which Arnold you may be with us on that day, and A. D. Hills, of Wisconsin Rapids, and Mra. Louise Trotter. tha University of Oregon, where be BRATTAIN PRINCIPAL . Collier, county club leader, conducted that there may he a good attendance Wisconsin, who hag been visiting la taking special work for an ad­ at the Community hall on Tuesday of onr citizens In general.” friends In this city for the past two IS AT OFFICERS' CAMP INMAN FLYING SCHOOL Only One Stop In County vanced degree. He waa one of seven morning for the purpose of disease- i weeks, was the guest of honor at a BUILDING SHIP PARTS Ing canning pfeblem» The lender I The Springfield stop will be the to be Initiated. O. B. Wood, principal of the Brat- Wisconsin picnic which was held at discussed manv of the common de-1 on'y opportunity which the people of Profeaaor Buell prepared a paper Swimmers Delight on Thursday ol tain school 1» now In Vancouver, The Inman Flying school Is busy fecte with the average persons c a n -Ithl'' connty wl” haTe of seeln« the on the subject The Platoon School, Washington, where he Is attending last week. Conversation formed the this week building a wing for a hlgh- nlng method, and explained acme of i ,our 8hlp"' A ’ ‘ op W,U be m ,d * B‘ as one of the InlatIon requirements. major diversion of the evening for the annual reserve officers' training wlng monoplane for a Eugene man. the later methods. 8alem Sunday night and the ship« those present, who Included Mr. Hills, camp for the Infantry, which Is be­ The purchaser has the fuselage ot . w ill leave here for Medford, where COLLIER TELLS LIONS ing held there. The officers of the Mrs. E. Terpenlng. D. W. Crites, Mr. hie ship ready and employed the they will be kept Monday night. artillery group are encamped at Fort BAPTIST MISSION GROUP and Mrs. Alvin Young, Mr. and Mrs. OF 4-H CLUB WORKERS school to construct the wing. Plans for the Pacific Northwest J. I. lo v e and Mrs. Lydia McGowan, Lewis, Washington, during the came Last week the school built a small , MEETING HERE TODAY A ir Tour, which wilt visit 22 of the Arnold D. Collier was the guest all of Eugene; Miss Florence Coffin, period. monoplane for the Hope-Wllllams -------- leading airports In the atatea of Mr. Wood plane to make a motor Electrical company of Eugene. The I The Mission Circle of the Baptist speaker at the noon luncheon meet­ of Portland; snd M r and Mrs. B. C. Idaho. Washington and Oregon, Eastern Washington miniature plane, which has a wing- church Is meeting thia afternoon nt ing of the Lions club on Friday. He Wheaton, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. W hit­ tour through starting at Vancouver, Washington, following the camp period and will epoke to the members about the work ney, Miss Mary Whitney, Oswald spread of approximately fire feet. Is Bt home of Mra. Roy Carlton, on Tuesday, July 29. provides lor of the Four-H club members with Olson, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Prochnow return to thia city by September 1. now mounted on the top of the auto­ Mrs. Dale Horton In the assisting atnnt fliers and entertainers to which he It working, anu promised and three children. Richard. Arthur mobile which the company usee to hostess. A special business meeting cede the main’ body of the to w ' to to bring some of the club members and Marjorie, Miss Virginia Frank, FIRST ARTICHOKE IS advertise the talking machine which Is planned and Mrs. Henry Chase each town and to provide entertato- to some future luncheon and demon­ Mr. and Mra. Carl Olaon, and Mr. and will have charge of the program. The ment while the other ships ere ar­ they are agents for. EXHIBITED SATURDAY strate their work. Mrs. Alfred J. Morgan. program topic Is The New American. riving. Harry M. 8tewart. Dr. Carl H. The first artichoke to he grown DEAD GRASS IS BURNED Dorothy Hester to Stunt Phetteplace and Dallas Murphy are PLEASANT HILL FARMER from any of the 2600 plants In the One of the headliners of the ad­ ON VACANT LOT8 HERE TENNE88EE REUNION AT the membera of the entertainment HAS TALLER OAT STALKS pool which Lane farmers ordered BROWNSVILLE ON AUCL 3 vance group win ho Mies Dorothy committee for this week. from California growers through the Dead grass, weeds and scrape ot Hester, I I year old pilot, who la the Peter Radohowskl, who lives north county agent's office last spring, wna paper, which had accumulated on The annual reunion of former oely woman to have completed tha Drive Over Salmon Cutoff Hoad of Springfield, has been euccoeded by brought to the office of O. 8. Fletcher several vacant lots along Main street , Tennessee citlaone who now live la difficult outside loop She r e n e lly M r and Mrs. C F. Egglmann. their O. W. Kelsey, ot Pleasant H ill, aa county agent, on Saturday. It was In this city was burned off by the J Lane Linn and Benton