PACK SIX T H E S P H IN G K IW .l) NKW8 THURSDAY. JIM,Y 17. |»3f Mr and Mra. A. J Morgan Juno. Mr Hawk ts taking his vacation part In the picture, for It Is the tip- caul«. 10. are now being made by o f f ic ia l s ___ . , r ual on Monday and Tuesday of thia this month, and Mr. Gan's will he off AHrvd L *flk Chicago off spot for gamblers wishing to gain ^am e ,Dd “ 100,1 Pn> d“‘y dur,n« ‘»a month week. T hey, were enroute to their beo __ reporter, The Browning amusement compxny - - sh ----- byguiwn. of August. Information about the night's hlg homes after having been on a vara «ram will he offered. They will all be back at their ’ W w ijnyrn hoes omtred rewards will be at the fair again this /ea r for games. as- v .™ L s '’? r “ .‘,<’n ” C° mP° ‘ ,,d Of «*»»» 0" September 1st totalling <80.000 for tbs discover, Hon trip Info California. "Natural1 IMvla. played by William work. f e h t u w Z r X X g ’ ^ i.'to r J ’ 'to veterans who have served in the Powell. Is a * frequent visitor to (hl. ft,eworks « m alto be . Spanish American war ig 1S98. It Is OLD FRIENDS V IS IT AT — *•«» »............... Fall Crash Reetoant Mece—llarold PR ESID EN T of REBEKAHS always held on the Sunday In August «pot, where a one-armed newsboy, POLLARD HOME MONDAY nearest the lJth of the month, to TO MAKE OFFICIAL V IS IT played by Johnny Rlaso. gives him -----------------------— - ____________ Io Bprlngfleld oB Wednesday ihe inalde "Info." commemorate the fall of Manila, in Mr and Mrs. S. R Vail, of Salem, --------- Y*le appointment of committees oireexs or which the regiment took port "Streets of Chance Is baaed on a arrived Monday for Governor Al W Norbtod will be the principal speaker at the program the home of Dr. and Mrs. Pollard, ««tnmeni of Mrs. Leona Thiel presl- In the metropolis which was written Mrs Pollard boarded at the , den, of the Rebekah assembly, who which will begin at 1:M pm. with s Dr « and ± ~ .w - ? ~ w ................... ■ l,,t - ,h « . local call. »k TW'rvw ----------- - - - » ' ** t0 r ------ - .-w » « ■ ( « organisation ,( „ a n l u l l i o n In AQ the « mamette university together official capacity next Monday night star reporter on tbe New York World OTTr ' J 1ell s How 1Fa, M en Can lose Half Pound A Day before th e , were married. Mr. Vail was a linotype operator for the Rnlem F IV E 'P E A K S SAME DAY 8u u «»«n tor many years and Is now employed In the State printing Five of the moat imposing peaks office at Salem. In the upper McKenxie country are ------------ --- — — 1° be climbed all on the same d a y 'A M A R A N TH ORDER W ILL OBSIDIANS TO CLIMB '“ I " of the Ohsidiaa group srill lead mountain ethnbfng parties to the summits of eaeh of the Three Sisters, the Hnshaad and Broken Top. Base rumps for the North and Middle Sis tern, and the Husband climbing groups will he established at Frog Camp. Those climbing the South sister and Broken Top will eamp at Devil s Luke on the other side of the tnouiituiaa. Klmer Maxey, editor of the News, a • i beduled to lead the grono to thp summit of Broken Top. The Climbers will leave at noon on Saturday for 'heir respective camps. were the principal Item, of business' », «he lodg, meeting last Mondsv PACKING OF BEATS TO tfk -« * that corporatlon^aud »4* *qukkb*ur hl.«„l bv .Store nr any druggist In 'I... world A. D Hills, depot agent for the TA LLEST GRAIN STALKS Green Bay and Western railroad at ARE RAISED NEAR HERE Wisconsin Rapids. Wisconsin, and Farmers in the vicinity of Spring- Carl Olson, now agent for the South­ field can raise real crops of grain, ern Pacific railroad here, met again and do not have to take back seats last week after many years. The two for any of them. This Is attested to men at one time worked together In by the fact 'hat ail of the tallest railroad work in Wisconsin for sever- grain broeght to Eugene to date haa js l years before Mr. Olson came to been brought from thls vicinity. It | Oregon. the "ome home of includes wheat which measure» »lx u ,“ Mr. ' Hill» Is visiting at lne feet nine tachda from the J. A. Neher "»Phew. A. E Hills, of Jasper, farm oats measuring five feet an(j i 0 in ch 's from a field belonging to MANY BAD LIG H TS FOUND Perry Williams s i Rainbow; ana IN RAID HERE TUESDAY other oats measuring seven feet One hundred and sixty-two motor­ grown by Peter Radobowski, north of the city. ists had thelr automobile headlights Hollyhocks seven feet tall have tested here Toesday nfgh, when been reported from the Walterville state traffic officers under the dlrec- district. tlon of William Ellensburg conduct- ------------------------------jed » ra|d at F„urth and Ma,n , trept|) I fox M c D onald M O R R IS so e e o T Muw speaker at the noon meeiing of r h ^ t o t: T arttrrr7 a w ., ° r V,O,,t’° n CA