•o 5° T llU ltH D A Y . JULY 17, 1Ö30 THE HPRINOFlKbP NEWS ___________ »bowing at tha 7ox McDonald theatre •ta rtln g Sunday, with Fanny Brice •tarrin g . In addition to a performance by Ml»» Brice, which Include» several "/» F land ert Field the Pop piet Blow” M archant at lnd»p»nd»ne« Oaurga K a n n e tt aparu W <-dnae lullu r the weak at Hall fnan lain a w ith frlnnda. H o te l - Floyd tri, jfa p o r Raaldant H ara- Mra N E w > |. Haa M inor Operation Ivun lle a la y ' underwent a m inor o p e ra t'o n at the o f fl.e o f a local phyalvlan on Friday afternoon. , ' Takaa Vacation Paia Ituaaall left Inal W ...k for tha T « k lm . coul,try . Recover, from p oi.o „ Oak B ar whcr„ ha w ill a|x,nd tha neat two .b a r . Itarnall 1« recovering from a month» ¡ ••» e r a attack of p .„« ,„ garet. of Portland, arae «ponding Ui« Releaaed from H o .p l,al On Bualneee T r i p - M r and Mra. C. ' »pen, the week end w i t h 'M rs . Trn- bert Henderson while M r. Henderson was on a fishing trip Lake. reivin g medical tre a tm e n t, at ,'n" In •tltu tlo n . w e e i.- ’ ^ JT ’ ,, »«’« In s at R* t .*1* * * M * dle* 1 c * r* T h '> amall - u » n , ,o m — M r and Mra . t i - .p aTr e , ~ n , m Tuaad.y M. L - non * " s t h n . «hafaa. Of Jaaper, WM C. F ^ Egg.mann a ft e r brought to t h l . city ,m Tue.day to "**>» H -h ln , for h . . . )n lhe , J n . ' 7 to vlalt In , „ ' *“ , .u ”, x X " : *h M r. * " tic k e t, £ t ^ X ^ m *"- * “ »X» from the date of July 18. T he tic k e t, arc good In Pullman and tourist »leeping c a r. on payment of H.oeplnjc car charges. the regular GROCERIES »»etam - w ith her at Grays because of their high quality and our energetic method of doing business. Our volume is sufficient because we buy in large lots, getting substantial discounts which we pass on to our customers. L ' h- x - ■■ oo a vacation trip. A tte n d Fam ily Reunlen — M r. and ..................- - ............. I... Monday w hile working for the Fisher I lumber company It waa neceaaary ' O#e‘ or V l.lte r w -M r The rapid stock turnover in our big new store in­ sures you fresh quality groceries which are a real economy to buy, OUR PRICES DEFY C O M PETITIO N W HEN QUALITY IS CONSIDERED and Mrs. for him to co m . to Springfield to have V ’ L ««“»ton. of Portland, stopped In -a - a . a- H m e - le . . F l _ l u w _ .„ . Springfield g Haturday for a abort visit » local phyalrlaQ remove I, with Dr and Mra W . C. Rebhan C alifo rn ia Babeo, Taaebar Hara— u im c io r OI n v -. « • ♦ u r n » fro m V a c a tio n — H . Schef Mlaa O ra ra H a rtle y , director of p pby alcal education tn the arhoola at f,' nb’,r« h a. returned to hla duties at l*alo Alto, California, and her mother ,he Mountain S ta te , power company are visiting frie n d , in Springfield * « * r • ,w o w eek.' vacation «pent at this week Mrs. H a n le y and Mra. D. ' LlbbJr- Montana. B M urphy are form er school mates 1 V l.ia - n | Visits Oauphtae — Oeorge Crandall. V a a a tla n ln p a t N e w p o rt— M r. and I ot Ab* r<*»«». arrived hare last week M is . O. D M etcalf and Mr«. M e tc a lf, * nd w l" •&*»<• «bout a month vlalt- You Can Buy More With Your Dollar Here Than Anywhere Else You practice real economy when you buy your - k '*nd here N. w Em ory. Trade-— Painting or work for used car j jt .u m m e r »eaaon are being offered bv tne Southern Pacific railroad, good on Friday of thia week. T he tic k e t. • , re to San F rancl.co , being .o ld The round~ ri- V and -- Loa Angeles. The round trip fares D t .\o „„ ‘ " A -N TE D to Paperhanging Phone 281-3J C“ y J r . of Corvallta. and Mra U rare • * **>. C. P. Clover home on ,r,p v* r * much. May enjoyed a picnic dinner Sunday 8 u n d ,’r " ----------------------- at Anlauf park. M u th on tha Pacific ! A tte o a . w highway. | A tte n d . Fam ily Reunion- M r. and M r. W H. Adrian attended a re Leave for C alifornia.— Mra. Ueurge Unlon o f M r' A drian’, fam ily W illiam «. Mrs. Perry W illiam «, and 8* l* m wn Sunday Monday enroute to buainnaa trip P w i x , ‘■ w X ’T r left Thursday and returned 8unday. ---------- - ¡ a r e n o and »25 n Beale. . * Return from Vacation — M r »nd Mrs. N. L. Pollard have returned , from a week end vacation trip «pent I In Florence and Heceta Beach. T hey The aecond of the low fare round trip excuralon ticket -o ffe r, of the ,he re ‘ hefo’ r e Tr " tUrn’ X ’ P ra n C a c ' here bei° r* — d a have an abcaaa on hla leg lanced by Ton> below Monroe a local physician. le tte r from her recently which had » H a rrta b u r, P . o p , , Hare - M r. and b” * n w ritten while on the trip a r m . , Pionte at Parle M r .n d Mra J M 1'"" '"« ra m . of Harrlaburg. were •, y l " « " • • ' »he waa enjoying the Joe W illiam s. a ll of Rainbow. Mopped to e n d . w . . i for . short w hile In Springfield t.n M r . Finn.» u Diamond MRS. OLSON TO RETURN LOW FARES ARE nFFPoen FROM EUROPE TRIP SOON , T 0‘ C a V e O r S ^ " t ,ES ■•’•"*'«»« » two 8 . « .p u b lic th l. week and I . expect the beaches on * d to *“ n,J In thia country thia week county end ShCMW„, . r e t u r n dl r c o .., | at A , Heceta Beach— M r and Mrs. Q. H. T u rn er motored to the coast on Sunday and spent the day at Heceta beach. I week In Ptortland. v h t n M r. Kenyon . 8 »»««»«««’1<«’» R o ll, j ,r w ” M<’tBd bu.ln«».. « ,d "U r « » « •» « . who I . now on a M r. da.n<. “ ‘ I nnd * “ * ‘xe n I W aRarvHIa R .w d e n t H e r e - K B dancing ballet of fifty and Potter, of W .R e rv tlle w a. a b a .Y n J . o of town on a trip th * fim t of th» tureU o 7 X D<. i ! “ Bd 'Cb th “ P k ' * ' * “ ' N Rnd' fOU ™ ” ” i:Ook,B< ture of nlgut life ,n d the prise rin g a t the Eagle cafe d o rln r M r Good are Robert Armatrong. «Jertrude A ^ m an’s absence tor. H a rry Green. G. Pat Collin«, • ______ Budd Fine and Jim m y Tolson. Tonsils Removed— M ary Ro«» had her to n s il, removed a t the office of Returns from Salem — Mr« J. M a local physician on fte ’ u rdav. \ , ;M Larson and children returned Sun­ Ro»« Is the daughter of M r and Mrs. day evening from Salem, where she C. E. Ross, of W a lte rv ille H o c '''; , u J“ ’ P" r * ,h0,,IM’ r B p rln ffteld on Haturday. R atom a from L M b u rg — H arley •h e received while on an outing dur­ a<*-r«ft returned from M a b n rg where ing the Fourth of July. he had bean vlaltlng hla g randparent, Daughter Born M r and Mra. Ron M r and M rs W illia m «'raft • Id K raal, of Crow, are the parenta Poatmaater'a Slater V isits- Mra E Of a, baby boy. born to them at El E R lrh ard a and her daughter M ar­ m ira on Saturday, July | j . | 830 Vaeation In Canapa M r and Mrs. C live Stanley left Springfield laat week for a vacation trip to Vancouver Brltl«h Columbia I __________________ _ o score singer» and a famous - visitor In Springfield oa Mondav i f o rc h e .tr. fu rn l.h the h tg hllgh t. of ternoon ' a night club sequence th a t rivals th<- ' . ____________ . T g X “ ^ . " O r e n ‘ Man on T r ip W G o o d m a n -, It " mon< ,h * ■» ">« hotel on Sunday, V l . l t . In C ity —J J. '•r v llle . .p e n , M nn.Uy frlenda In thia city. Vida Raaldant Hare— A T honoho, of Vida, »aa u visitor In Bprlngflnld on Monday moraine. tr h PAOB FIVB m BANNIE BRICE in a scene from B E YOURSELF!' Opening Sunday at T h e Fox McDonald ‘T H E BIG HOUSE" atory, the directo r h a. built up a I aerled of episode, which hold the a t­ tention from the firs t moment to the paroata. M r. and M ra Hum phry mot-1 w1Ul hl* d*« « h te r. Mra. V lrg tl Moon, L ife on the "Inside" In a great peni­ last and leave one at the conclusion ored to New port Sunday for a race- on 0fto<. - Joe Oarber, J’ '“ ’’ ' “ d * * ' * ,h a t “ •c<” ’»"<’d»tlons ..k ........................ '" C o r y '» spending spending t t h h . , . week here at the lh # M w" r# T rry home o f his parents, M r. and Mrs. H. Parents Sunday— M r and Mr». M. H O arber, and also visiting w ith his D. Raamuaaen. of Cottage drove, be­ brother Verne, who Is here on a fu r­ came the parents of a baby g irl on lough from the U. S. 8 Nevada. Sunday, July IS. 1830. when a daugh­ Verne O erher w ill leave F riday for ter was born lo them at the Fred Port Angeles to rejoin hla ship. Eaaton home at W altervllte. Mrs Idaho People H e r * — M r. and Mra Por«sy Brown and M l.» Helen Fred rlckaon, all of Kellogg. Idaho, were week end visitors at the Lee Inman home. M r. Brown and Mr. Innmn were »«soclated together during the W orld W ar and had not seen each other •Ince th a t time. T h e y all enjoyed a Picnic d ln n a r on the banka of the W illam ette riv e r Sunday. Easton Is the mother of Mrs. mna.en C A S M iC A R R y of which would stagger the re s o u rc e ' of the larges, whoopee palace in N e w ' w city, • features _ ------ the opening scene , w— York of United Artists "Be Y o u r s e lf the a ll alnglng and talking spectacle Great Reductions made on Our Entire Stock of H IG H GRADE Seasonable Merchandise You can’t beat this stock for the money any­ where. Here is a sample of our offerings: SPECIAL $1.50 and $2.00 LADIES House Dresses 98c C H IL D R E N ’S $1.50 and $2.00 Dresses 98c Ras Form er Residents Stop — M r. and Mrs. Charles Bennett and son, John, spent a few hours In Springfield on Sunday while enroute ,o Bend, where they were going to attend the V e te r­ ans’ convention. M r. and Mra. Bennett are now living at Marshrteld and are form er resident, of this city. Dakota People Stop— M r. and Mra. Spend Day on South Fork— M r. and O- W . Norris, of Jamestown, North Mra. M arlon Adams and small son, P»kota, and th e ir son, Rnaasl), were and Mra. Adams' parents, M r. and «ue.ta at the H. B. G erber home laat Mra. C. F Carson, of Junction City, •e e k . T h e North Dakotans had been spent Sunday on the upper South making a tonr of the southern part Fork o f the M cK nnite. They drove to nf the U n ited S ta te , and le ft here Belknap Springs later In the a fte r­ lo r Reattla and expected to return to noon and enjoyed a picnic supper In •h eir home by way of the Columbia tha woods along the road before re­ highway out o f Portland. turning home. $6.00 and $6.00 ALL WOOL Bathing Suits $2.98 $1.50 MT. HOOD Men’s Overalls 98c Fulop’s Department Store 334 Main Street 8PRINGFIELD B