PAOB FOUR TUB SPRW MEWS THURSDAY, Jin,Y IT. 193(1 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published »very Thursday at REl’UUUCAN NOMINEE LIKELY RED CROSS IS READY that they w ill have »3.166.470 for In- to take action against the squirrels. TO HE PROGRESSIVE voatmsut purposes T here are <6 com mitteem en who TO ASSIST VETERANS Who’ll lie the Republican nominee select«! by! M anager Ide calls attention In the have been working <»n this task thia Springfield. Lana County, O ragaa, by TO FILE NEW CLAIMS report to the fact that people ara season T hey are paid for th e ir lim e the state central committee when It meets in T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS Portland next week is a question being most fre­ now pouring Into tho state from and the poison barley hy Ihe county H B. M A X E Y . E d ito r, quently asked. To make the nomination the A ll Red Cross chapters on the P a d every side aa a result of lite ra tu re court, and that amount la rhargwd committee faces a hard task. It la grant«!. Hope« Hie Coast are now ready Io aaal«l all and advertising placed before them against the land on w hlrh the work aa second claaa matter. Pahruary 14. i» U . at the were, of both party leaders and laymen since the veterans of the W orld W a r In the during the w inter month«, lie urge« le done. Owners are given an oppor­ poudtofflce, Springfield. Cregon. death of Mr. Joseph some outstanding man would fllln c of th e ir d alin a for the “E li- that every ax.ielan ce be given Iheee tunity Io pay before It goes «« the develop that everybody would recognise as a ability allow ance" provided for In inquiring folks to learn of our stats tax rolls, otherw ise It I t added to M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E year la A dvance------ »1JS Three Moatha _TSo ,eat,er- and hig selection Would not require any the W orld W a r Veteran« act aa and Ils many opportunities. th eir laxea. amended on July 3. 1*30. A supply of 6c ’onA seas*on of the committee. Month« ----------------------»I M Single Copy _ To present a united front in November the Re­ the application blank« have been dis­ SQUIRREL POISONING BAPTIST FINANCES ARE T H U R S D A Y . J U L Y IT. ISSO publican party must have as a standard bearer, a tributed to the 300 chapters on the CAMPAIGN NEARS END Pacific Coast stales and may be ob­ GOOD SAY REPORTS liberal who will appeal to both the standpatters and the ultra progressives. Thia is generally re­ tained at any of theae places. KEEP OUT RUSSIAN LUMBER T h e squirrel poisoning campaign, The first requisite of the new act Conalderatlnn of reporta of the Russian lumber produced from free stumpage cognised by party leaders and It is safe to say is that all hensflclarles must he carried on by the county agent's varloua deperlm enla of lha churck who ever is noniinat«! will be more progressive and apparently by convict labor should not be honorably discharged veteran« of the office. Is being brought to a close waa the principal hnalnsaa at the allowed to enter this country in competition with than any governor before. However- it Is not World W ar. Many hundreds of va ler­ this month, according to O. J4 Fiet quarterly meeting of lha lla p lla t with our own. sspectally when the soft wood In­ thought that he will go so far as the late Mr. ians w ill he eligible for the new hene- cher, 1x0» A g ricultural agent. Claims church on Thureday evenlng of tant point. dustry is in as poor condition as now. The new Joseph's platform would | fits and are expected (o apply for from four ciunm ltleem en who have week. T he church la BO W In a badtar • • • tariff bill has provisions which prohibit such im­ been w orking on the poisoning of I 1 A recent shipment of raxors to Africa indicates them The act provides u monthly al­ the gray digger squirrel were brought ftnanclal condition ihan II haa beau portations. and they should be invoked. lowance ranging from $13 Io »40. ne- for many yeara. arcordtng to Ibe re ­ that they are going to have a big dance over W’ith the lumber Industry at a standstill and i there. I cording to the degree of disability, to the county office last week and ports glven al the meeting. those mills which are now operating under "slow to veterans who served more than more are expected this week and the • . • bell’' and many of them cutting an already low- 90 days and who are suffering from next. The first four men to report "Boy Saves Father From Bull"— Headline. A Jaspsr R esid en t H e r e M A H eine wage. it is not fair to beat down the market still son like that would be worth having around a 36 per cent or greater disability had put out poison In nine d ifferent tracts totallin g 1099 acres of neg­ of Jasper, transacted business here more with Russian lumber. not acquired In service and for which during a political campaign. • • • lected land where the owners failed on Monday, compensation has uot been paid • • • No paym ent of this allowance «halt i MOTORING PESTS ! When a person uses an unusual word frequent-, Everybody who has done any considerable ly, it Is a good indication that it is a recent be made prior to July 3. 1930. and no veteran shall be entitled to It unlesa I amount of travel by automobile has run Into the acquisition. he has been exempt from payment two conunontst pests which annoy the motorist. of a Federal Incom« lax for one year One is the “hitch-hiker 'using the term broadly preceding (he filin g of his application. to cover any stranger who tries to halt vour car No veteran ran receive both com­ and asks for a lift. The other is the beggar who pensation and disability allowance tries to sell you something worthless when your Nothing 1 h bo refreshing theae days an a big diah of during the same period car is held up in line awaiting the clearance of It la necessary that all veterans Kggimann’s Ire Cream. It's a food. ton- that puts traffic in the other direction where the road is wishing to file a claim must bring under repair. pep Into you an well an cooling off your system. We hts honorable discharge or a certified Several states have recently legislated against take sp«*ial care in making thia wholesome and de­ copy of the same w ith him to the both of these pests. New York imposes a penalty lightful repast. Y Red Cross office. of fine and imprisonment on anybody asking a TOO MUCH PITY passing motorist for a ride. Massachusetts im­ Our fountain ia the busiest place In town theae days. A man who has won high distinction in his OUTING CLUB MEMBERS poses a fine of $5.00 for offering goods for sale Join the crowd. Coma to chosen field of labor cante into my office not to stalled tourists. TO ENJOY GOOD FISHING There have been enough cases in many states, long ago. He walks with a lintp, for one of his pegs is shorter than the other. of hold-up men getting a lift and then robbing Those attending the Obsidian club He told me that for years he went around on summer camp at M arlon l-ake w ill and in some instances killing the generous motorists who obliged them, to justify legislation crutches. ' "Where tfcs Service to Dtfferest" enjoy good fishing. according to three “I finally threw them away ” he said, "and I’ll local men who spent Sunday at the on that subject. There are enough risks Incident to motoring without that one. The other type tell you why. I got Infernally tired of having peo­ lake near Mt. Jefferson W K Bar of pest, the fellows who—frequently posing as ple stop to ask me what had happened. I didn’t nett, Dr. W N. Dow and H E. Maxey ex-service men seeking funds for the relief of want sympathy. It did me no good, and slowed brought bark good catches of cut­ disabled veterans—try to sell cheap lead pencils up my operations. I’m lame. I'll never be any bet­ throat trout a fte r a few hours fish­ or souvenir booklets when their victims cannot ter. But I can stand lameness better than I can ing. They went oyer the McKenxte get away from them, and frequently become stand being pitied.’’ pass to Alltngham ranger station on There is a great waste of pity in the world. profane and abusive when the motorist refuses the M etolius, thence to Jack I-ake on I know, for example- a couple who seem to be a mountain road where the M into to come across, are just plain, unmitigated nuis­ ances. and should be subject to the vagrancy curiously niismated. The woman is ten years tra il was then followed to the lake. laws without the necessity of special legislation. older than the man. She Is argumentative. She is M arlon Lake haa beautiful sur­ We are too soft in dealing with minor crimes not a good housekeeper. La.Mode box Papeterie, In white and colors, In a special At least a hundred times I have heard sonie- roundings on the top of the Cascade and misdemeanors, in most parts of the United range. It la a six and one-half m ile vellum finish EBally a 75c value for ......................... - 4 9 c States. We are too inclined to be sympathetic bady say: “I’m so sorry for Joe. He might have hike from the end of the road on the picked out a lovely young girl, and see what he with the man who makes a pretense of trying to eaat side and a fifteen m ile walk on earn money, even though we know that it is onlv went and did.” the west side of the mountain to Now, the simple fact is that the man and wo­ a pretense. Every once in a while the police in the reach the lake. O ther sm aller lakes big cities discover that some corner beggar has man are exc eedingly happy. I personally can’t In the section sre said to be well from thia »tore we give you a accumulated a fortune and is better able to ride see what he finds attractive in her, nor why she stocked with fish in his own car and live in luxury than most of should have chosen hint. But it is noLe of nty those w ho drop-pennies and nickels into his hat. business, and I certainly am not going to waste So long as human nature is what it is how­ sympathy on two folks who seem to like each CALIFORNIA LEADS IN ever we suppose there will be a fair quota of other and to be perfectly satisfied. SENDING NEW FAMILIEb I live part of every year in the middle of Man­ people trying—and often succeeding—to get COME IN AND ASK ABOUT THEM More fam ilies come to Oregon to hattan Island, and the rest of the time in a New money without working for it. England village. My Manhattan friends say: make their homea from the elate of 1 The McKenzie highway is going through an­ “What a terrible bore it must be to live in a little C alifo rn ia than from any other state j No theatres, no art galleries, no excitement. In the union, according to a report ! other summer in horrible condition. The summit town. )UBt Issued by W O Ide m anager of section is 'lt<- only good road of any length now How I pity country people.” My village friends say: “I like to go to New I the S tate Cham ber of Commerce. Phone 15 on the entire stretch. Lane county is losing hun­ SPRINGFIELD dreds of thousands of dollars by the haphazard York for a visit, but what a frightful place to live! Five fam ilies came Io Oregon from the Gulden S ta le anil te-urht farms Noise and crime, rush and expense! The poor methods a- construction on this highway. There is no excuse for throwing up new grades with big folks who are crowded together In those big during the last week In June. just don t know what real living is .! A total of 297 fam ilies have moved , rocks and then letting it lay a year or so before apartments How I pity them.” to this state during the last six | Thi$ S u m m er— in c lu d e rest:: facing. Better take a section of road and months, according to the report and What an absurd situation. What an emotional complete it before sticking the pipw into other w aste! A m e r ic a ’s th re e "story these people have purchased over sections. c itie s ". . . This seems to nte to be a pretty good idea— 60.000 acres of land and Invested In , • • • lands, household goods, machinery don't weaken your emotional nature by pouring The first six months of this year 297 new families equipment of all kinds app ro tl located in Oregon and invested $1,282.384 accord­ out pity unless you intend to do something about and raately (1.292.334. ing to a re,tort of the state chamber of commerce A nother 1000 people have w ritten Pity the sick and relieve them. Pity the poor, They purchased 50,000 acres of land and plan to the cham ber of th eir Intentions of and divide with them. Sympathize with the ntye^t more than three million dollars. This is a struggles of youth, and lend a helping hand. com ing to thia state thia fa ll for the fair showing under present conditions. But don’t get into the foolkh habit of being purpose of seeblog new hom ealtea • • • sorry for anybody who happens to be different T hey have stated on questionnaires A statistical shark has figured that Americans from The chances are that he Is spend­ arwik "5-000 cups of coffee every second. And no ing an yourself. equal amount of his time being sorry for R E L IE F FROM CURSE teiiicg how many saucers. you. 7 OF C O N STIPA TIO N Our Ice Cream Hits the Spot r IV n h I ! >BRUC F G G IM A N N ’S Save with Safety STATIONERY SPECIAL W ith Each $ 1 .0 0 Purchate FREE AIRPLANE RIDE TICKET Flanery’s Drug Store San Francisco N ew Orleans N e w Y ork on your trip Fast— PINKY DINKY By Terry Gilkison A Battle Creek phyatetaa says, “Coo stlpatlon la reaponatble for mera m isery th a n any other cause" But Immediate relief has beea found. A tablet called Rexall Order­ lies has been discovered. Thia tablet aftracta water from the system Into the lasy, dry evacuating bowel called the colon. The water Imiaesa the die food waste and causes a gsntlq thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. Stop suffering from conatlpatloa Chew a Rexall Orderlle at night. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c today at Flanery's Rexall Drug Store. at low summer fares B y bail a n d steamship Southern Pacific offers this faxtnxcing jo u r­ ney to those who would like to dis­ cover for themselves the adventure and romance that has crowded rite pages of many a famous author. Sunset Route— Son Francisco Naw Orisons, the old South First, San Francisco. Stopover, too, NEW ORLEANS BY STEAMER New O rle a n s to N ew Y«rlt Para include« Room and Meal« on Boat 8 B O IVB A 4 K I L B R O B T O M M Y B IO H B T B IB D T O C A T C H A ÛRBA5BD ame 4 P |G asswaa. Bui and artificial light glare are protect­ ed against with Soft- Llte lenses that pre­ serve the vision. DR E C MEADE O P T O M E T R I./'T Y