f •o V* _THUHHi>AY, JU LY 17, 1930 the sf Rwenen,!' news W n al Has Gene Before j Thr young peraon who had passed ■elf i r i “hUfUL Z° “ . f 7 oma" flBd* h* T «hem < •» not of Eye'» eort. bnt «ha and a few sheet« of the hotel’s —r if t ’X ^ ‘h ^ S . ^ *“ d « paB< fellow-feeling that a n , paper, from which ahe had tore off . , . , »'•res near and lot 8 M ^ IT ..X " 2 !1 ooaaMar or Me the printed headings. Then ahe paa- " , 'ak ar«ew' Oregon, for unlmprov where «he came from. She haa noth- Prised her. Here waa another who ciled theses lines: , •„,R’” r Property •" "ichaage "d npiingfleld property or piano. “ O. Boi I t i , Springfield Tel Springfield 39F2S J i o n ing In her purse to tell heraelf who ' » •« In trouble. • My dear Mr. Hamilton: ■he 1«. A young man who ba« aeon her « • • ' • U r at Elit«- Mr. and Mrs R "Don’t be scared If you hear her W ANTED—To trade modern House In the hotel where ahe la «topping no­ cornin' home at four In the mornla’ " 1 T “ eB ,n < W. Slerdel, of Seattle, Bertha Lags- STAGE COMPANY MAKES and lot lB Spokane, Wash., tor tice« her and ■’ ACCOUNT IN i KOBATE She la terrified at her lows of memory. Devenport’a wake like a bit the estate of William Charlee ••7 . Jr., In settlement of the «ult brought against the company by the ...I.. «. Ja» k"""’ d"raaa',d. ha« nied her have* fHedK o X nii .’ b" “ nd’,r'',|r" * d h® » » ' »” "'1 » nurse to stay with d* rer * home' and ,he “ '‘"lory of . “ _ L , the ,nterTaI ®° 1 administrator of the V IL IJtO E 5 ? 7 a|rflTld’ I« »ï"™w*m™’ f ■ .. 7” — •• ***o women , "« ml«« thia opportunity Coach coura» (ft Secblat * * Hampton. lt„’, l « l U i " w a r t t o g t o a ■— . P I . " " • ~ - T . R A I? * ~ 8 p r,a k ,,* ,d I FOR TRADE— 10 ........ ™ ■ ;.a. ,h w -.x « ” .... -, ',hn“«,F hoy waa *•*" • County. Oregon, at Sen o'clock ..............................— - - i , her.-h? a n d not'ce ranlabed from the hotel! “ • » « • •>- 'preparing for the night the la -" o r In the m flu,ll“ t don't worry about S i « ALICE E V IN C E N T, oamagna when the ease waa tried In _ R U HAM A H R JACKSON her In Pari«. But he had forgotten her alone. Whatever the dangers of her 8he made » long Journey uptown. rtrcolt and the offer of the company n.f ,h* ,JU" W l" •"<« Tea Administratrix. h X *. “ J1PX ? X 2 preaeBt "he “ »'<• not. would , 8ka “ “'« ‘ h .t letter In . part of H R. Slattnry, Attorney was made after they had .aid they ce”.7d J°',’'Ph “ ,a c ta « 1« herein MeanwhUe/white HamUton*1!« n°*' bar* r*malned among those t o ! 111* eltF remote from where ahe lived. for Administratrix. •o u H not pay and would appeal the i I * le RAY, Attorney for Eatate ______ J 10-17 24-31 A 7 hunting up the apeclallat tor advice. whom she was “a ease." And there | ,or ot Hamilton would regard ____ J1 »-1O17-I4S1 Eve drives away. A D M IN ISTR A TO R ’S NOTICE waa Marcel, who had once known her the «*” « mark« aa class. After that N ow Co On W ith tha S to ry In tha County Court of the State ef and who at any moment might appear ahe took a ,oa< waIk In Central Park Visit at thedd- Mrs R||«y r NOTICE OF FIN A L ACCOUNT Oregon for Lane County. ».Mu . . a w1tb “ ,h |nlng face tc tell her who and bought her necessary household rra a . and her daughter. Mailne. * * Ceu" ‘ y Ceurt ef the State ef IN PROBATE Fifth Instalment ! gh# supplies and a few magaxlnes Oresen In and for th« County •pant the week end at Shedd. Mr In the matter of the estate of Cecil ’ T ” ' k i r? Ch*7 lh e b B " dl,1« tl,B t:' “I muat be an amaxlng optimist After all thia it waa only eleven J. Hluyter. deceased. Enodgras. came to Shedd from At of Lane wes her objective .he waa not at flret j when rm myfleIf.. , he ref,ected ¡O’clock, „ „ the lonr d)gh before her as an appalling blank to be in re The eatate of Lydia A. Hue »PPolnted. qualified and acting ad old structure and a time battered ; , ha<1 filled. However, there was Marcel’s Eatate of Oantel B Farnham. ton. deceased. j mlnlatrator of the above entitled ee- one. But it faced an open east aide I “ * “ ,n unk,nd trick ahe Notlce la hereby g|y»n that Ouard . th“ L a,” 'ona having claims square end Its windows looked out Pl* yed her 8a“ art«an. but she visit in the evening to look forwned Hualon. the undersigned Ai»i « • |n*t said eatate shall present the to. and she killed the seemingly »M- NOTICE TO CREDITORS _________ • same n. m unaeralgned Admlnlatra to me at 995 West gth AT„nue Avenue. on .he green trees and ahruba of th l. h>d h” " drl’ eB tO “ ‘ Bd sha d,d n° ‘ leae interval by a visit to the public vouchers at- »quare The appearance of the en- ra^ et u- At the thought of the Oar- A Nr I L * k ' ’ h?r" by , t r * n *h a ‘ f ’ lnrlaaa lor of tha above entitled eatate haa Ku««ne, Oregon, with ----- Court ~ .............. returned. Doctors, library, to write at a table there the C ou rt T f h?5T o l’ b*M‘ n by ,h * C ou nty filed In said hla final account i---A i ¡,* d « « |-o f^ th . f ™» P«bllcrtlon of this bnlldln„ . o. , ward app»arance. „ nurses, consultations, sanatoriums— account of her meeting with Hamil­ ton. time She of wrote facta from t t e t r t Ì «"» •.‘"’ 'Jt r . " ’’"»'"•'•d admlnla entersi to the P° possibilities „ rd .r Mxlng tha time for Springfield New. on Ju y ?0 l M r i w ,a rlean and cheerful, though the there was no end ,O " '" M" ,,e'' the the m the c m bald o - 7 7 ------- l? D ? n u i n 7 ‘" *nd '"afa"’ -nt ah B ra rB h«m. deceased ------------------------ - ™ " a- celled in that peychinrtrlat. (down the episode without comment the L t ^ L ’ °? * L ' 7 n* r l* ' m" whet deliberately responded to the Better be anywhere end free than ' lD “ “ matt" 07 H " B,lto“ * klBd- M.flfte« ' . 1 d'‘,'*'a ,*d hereby bell, had the gray look of one who « ¿ ’2 » d i ’ " ‘• ’’Of «»me. duly nese. On an impulse she included hla nvone having any objection In the power of even the best Inten- dwelt among aahea. » 7 * nd ” r' f,"d. to ..Id executrix Chicago address. thereto «hait fil» the same In writing H K Slattery. Attorney Administrator. There were only two vacant a p a r t - ,,OBed stra“ E*>'a. ~ .d*" £ * W aKeryllle. Orw- The writing kept her occupied for on oy before the time for the hearing for Administrator. meats In the place, he assured the The night waa a bad one. For ____________J 1O-17 E4 81 A 7 lady, while hla eyea rested some-' hours ahe lay staring out Into the more than an hour. Then she read 7” " a c e ,t r w t . |n OUARD H t’ RTON. SSm . h i . ^ y T a ” ‘1"" ■*’ for two hours. She entered a drag Administrator. ™ ln À i J 7,h <,ay of Ju,y- NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ** SALE ON whet critically on the small satchel : blackness of the narrow court while store end had a glass of m ilk aa a H, B. S I.A TTE R T. Attorney for Ad­ CUARISSA A. FARNHAM.- and the newspaper bundle she car- ' n *“ «c enveloped her like aa Icy fog. EXECU TIO N late luncheon. Then she went hack E le ru lrix of the | . at will and teat- ministrator. Notice la hereby given that by vir­ rled. One apartment was on the > *« took nil the courage ahe had. all to Central Park and killed an addi­ D• 0,• , " fNrnham d e tue of an execution Issued out of the ground floor and the other at the Jthe «trength of her soul, to hold ou to NOTICE TO CREDITOR* tional two hours watching children at Circuit Court of the State of ” Oregon, — ” L~' ,op—three flights up and no elevator, herself. At intervals she switched on A. E Wlteeler, Attorney. a o M ’ i X e 1" ,b,‘r''hy hJ Murle| MrDon>1() huana ” , ^ d «!>«> mung lady could make her coffee gray ahe heard Miss Derenport's re- * r‘* k' bUf he * “ alreadT partly reoulred**^* *“ * h" r*‘b’' BoUfM and wife; William R. McDonald, single; i ln ,k t morning If she liked h ' * " f . ’'v.*Ppo ",*d •»•e»»«r Of the \ " a *«cl>e.n. decenaed. end required to present same with the W. D. McDonald, alngla; Katherine H. The young lady accompanied him turn; at least she assumed that the | ? " er conflde“ ce- “ "<« it was probable h#r nHghbors' and ,h* ‘ “ that he had been qnestioned about P? J *W* h,T,B« r l»«tna proper vouchers therefor and verified & y A 8 ^ 7 7 . / r a m “ V 8 n % : UP A , manner required by law to said I^ ? r .d ? “ d • r" h" r'>b’ her. Better let him have the facto «dm im .irator „ , he ,aw off|<,p n " raqulrad to present said claims, duly both single; whereby I am command' and appnved of the apartment at the was Miss Davenport's door that was Ma,n »« «•*. ed to sell the real property hereinaf­ top. The price asked for the room y,el■ u . "«Hier, - ami whereby ~ «-«».y i I nm rom in« n o tl« ^ M° nth' fr° m d* ' " »' III -wit II » lie* kei’— »K sigh, turned again, and hoped that the out understanding, and obviously De. W emhe?. "930*ÍOr* ” ” .— •*.. 1* ’ b day of i ®f "uch aale «° P®* ’ » «he move In now." Dated Jans 14. in o . ’’Tonight*" The Janitor revealed girl felt better. W ith the approach of with relief. This little matter ex­ n-»AA« n m I M A ' l-iniu.lll plaintiff ino the HUH! sum OI of 9573.33, with In- day of June ?s."¿ pub,l8hed lhi,i >*<*> I !ere8t. at th.e of 8 cent FRED E. I.B M I.E Y . plained very well the oddness of ----- P«r an "Tonight?" The Janitor revealed dawn some of the blackness lifted Executor of the estate of Vina Mo r,','™ ni'’. « ' 1«"»’' tb.', r AB • • • In «he meantime. If ma CLARA TUTTLE FENTON 4 la Block number 9 of C Cole’s 2nd I and • Cents addition to C. Cole’e Plat of Marcola, •te te Aecredlted Teacher The Janitor hesitated, looking her *« ,or h«e leniency In the matter of molselle so wished, he would w rite to as platted end recorded In Lane coun­ MOVED TO Open to Springfield Students over again. Then with a shrug of b«r reference»-.', but something deep Leon, who had been mademoiselle*« ty. Oregon. • 17 A Street, Springfield M E S t , Monday and Thursday hie thin shoulders he took the offer nothin her sent up a warning signal real waiter, and who was now worto 7?. 1» BOWN. Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon. and the cash. Each Weak aa *he handed It over. A young per- Ing In a big hotel on the Rue de I * J8-10-17 J4-91 The rasualneas of the transaction aon ,n her situation and with less Palx. He would beg Leon to tell -i — ------------------------ ■ made Fve rather thoughtful. 8011. j *han three hundred dollars In the him all he remembered about th« IM Plane Mevlag i SUMMON* young lady of tour yearn ago. M In the Circuit Ceurt ef the State ef Marcel had testified that the place world mul,t >«a™ not to part with any WIGFIELD TRANSFER DR. W. N. DOW was respectable. | of «hose dollars too lightly. This one "But that will take two weeks te o f Oregon for the County ef Lane. WILLI» BBRTBCH. Prop. _ D o n t ig t Rose Kalanl. Plaintiff, ve. Jack Kai- w rite and get a reply, eren If b« 8he went to the door with the Jenl-1 Proved a good Investm ent O»loo< EODBNBOUOH OARAOE First National Bdhk Bulldlag ant, Defendant. "My name's Smith,” the Janitor answers at once. Two more week* Corner Fifth and A Streets Phone M SprlagEhld. Oregon To Jack Kalanl, the above named tor. to get his final message about volunteered. "Guess you won’t have of this!” «he delivery of milk and rolls In the defendant: Office hours. • A. M. te ( P. M. Dtotanee Haulla* a Specialty Marcel was overwhelmed, He had no trouble rememberin' It.” In the name of the State of Oregon morning. Evenings by Appolnltoent you are hereby required Io appear When Smith had reluctantly de­ forgotten that detail. There were two apartments on tho and answer the complaint filed floor, and as the man talkeed the , P*rted, It had also become clear that “Howerer. please do It." Ev« against you In the above entitled sighed. "Though I hope to God I DR. N. W. EMERY Court and cause on or before the 7th door of the opposite one opened and a hl" was the companionable soul— she