The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 17, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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1 1-
Principal Events of the Week
Assembled for Information
of Our Readers.
OF 3
The Grants P m city council has
agreed to purchase from a group of
D ssie f, Col., capitalist« the water sys­
tem tor »65.000.
E E. Wescott of the Dever neighbor­
hood hae brought into Albany for ex­
hibition vetch measuring 9 feet and
10 inches in length.
Fire destroyed the Horton Lumber
company plant near Junction City.
Officials of the plant estimated the
loss at more than »100.000.
Six carloads of Douglas county cher­
ries will be shipped out this season
as the first consignments of the new
Hurst Root plant at Roseburg.
The annual reunion and picnic for
the former students of Mineral Springs
oollege. once a nourishing institution
at Sodaville, will be held July 27.
The total value of gold, silver, cop-
par and lead produced In Oregon in
1*29 was »486.000. the largest since
1*24. the bureau of mines announces.
A total of 8837 persona. In 2582
automobiles, visited Crater lahe na-
tlanal park over the July 4 week end.
Superintendent Solinaky announr-^d >t
In au etfurt to Improve the cherry
, market, barreling of them, a new lu
i duatry. has been started at Salem by
Max Gehatr. prominent grower and
leader in the movement to obtain a
I tariff on cherriee.
E re believed to have been started
' by brush burning operations, deetroy-
eo several huudred cords of wood at
the Frank Frankford wood yard at
Klamath Falls, causing a loss of up
wards of »16.000.
A proposed ordinance limiting the
number of pool halls in Salem to on.
for each 4000 residents was voted
down by the city council. The ordi
nance was sponsored by a number oi
pool room operators.
Lakeview's first pavlug is assure,
since approval of the engineer's plan
by the city council was given recently
The paving will be in the busluet,
section of the Lake county seat an
will cost about »35.000.
Prune growers of the Wlllamett "
valley met in Salem recently to dis
suss the production of prunes as I.
relates to the federal pure food laws
The meeting was held under tbs d
rection of government officials.
H e le n Jensen, 15 years old. o f
Sheep breeders of the Wlllamett,
Council Bluffs. Iowa, who woo rhe
valley attended the sheep picnic at th,
»1,000 cash p ru e in the N ational
Spelling Ber at Washington.
Floyd Fox farm in tho Waldo hills re
ceutly. Moro than 100 were prosen
• • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a « «
from Multnomah, Yamhill, Clackamas
Marion, Polk and Linn counties.
With a premium list of »5000 foi
The past few days several acci­
exhibits, the largest free entertain
men* program ever offered and Indies dents have happened in our neigh
lions of more exhibits than ever be borhood. William Henson fell from a
lore, the annual Klamath Falls county cherry tree, striking across his trail
er. which stood under the tree No
fair prospects were never brighter.
bones were broken but he has been
The hatch cover door of the upper
unable to work for several days
deck of the ship Admiral Watson,
-. , _
Fred Gay fell, striking h’x head on
which was wrecked off the Alaskan
. . .
, ,
coast two years ago. was picked up a . hog trough,
, mak'ng It necessary ’ in
have several stitches taken to close
on the beach at Heceta head by Free I.,
the wound.
Weston. It bad floated 2000 miles.
Entertain at Dinner Sunday
Mr and Mrs K II Masterson en
tertalned a large number of friends
Fifteen children of the lx,weII and relatives at an Informal dinner
school district were examined last at their home ou Sunday Those at­
' week In the first pre school clinic Io tending were Mr and Mrs Grau Mas-
be held s i Lowell by Dr W K Greg teraon. of Paisley, Mr and Mrs J In,
son. head of the Ia n s county health Baker, Mias Marie and Furl Baker,
unit and Miss June Gavin, Ixins I Hi». Millie lllauiou, Mr and Mrs
county health nurse. They were as ('beater Nye and iw e children. Mr
aisled by several local women The and Mra. W ill HinI'h, and M r and
work of the pre-school clinic consists , Mrs Marlon Smith and I wo children.
of a physical examination io deter ° ’ Coburg
mine If there are any defects which ,
can he remedied before (he child
lew s People V is ltln o M r and Mr»
starts school, thus giving him an A rth u r Ix iu k , o f G re n v ille . Iowa, a n
equal chance with others who are v is itin g ut lire home o f hi» brother
Just starting.
t opics of the regulations which
must be followed for (he certification
of potatoes to be used for seed pur­
posed have been received by G 8.
Fletcher. Lane County Agricultural
agent, and those who intend Io have
their crop of potatoes certified are
urged to see the county agent this
week. A fee of »3 per acre, with a
minimum of »5. is charged for the In­
spection work. It Is necessary that
the potatoes have been planted from
certified seed In order Io have the
new crop certified.
Hr'hool district No. 30. which p, i
alata of the lerrllory surrounding
Cruswlte on the Cascade line of ih >
Southern Pacific, has been dlapontla
ued for lack of population, according
to an announcement made Tuesday
by E J Moore» county school stipe-
ilitendenl There were only three
pupils In the dlslrlrl Iasi year ami x
school was conditi ted In a hoi pgr
taken off the wheels and set along
the railroad track The only children
using the school were those of the
railroad employees
The depot and the pout riffles c
anti fa m ily . M r. anti M rs F red Louk.
M r L o u k'a moi her w ill o n mpany Cruxetle were both rllsi on I In tied g
them when th e y re tu rn io th e ir home short white ago
in Print*
A ir y
Licsnss P la ts Found
c h iffo n , and
g su rg rttn
flu tte rin g
uae all
J. C. Penney Go. «»•
Robinson Crusoe
MR. Cl
ch a rm in g little tricks o f fem ­
An automobile license plate num­
bered 75 506. encased on one of the
inine faahiont J<q>j4c*, floun-
The sweet pea and garden show, an
a ,,lx 'lallon h‘,,rt
ewa, bows, ru lftn , , , »„J
annual community event In Rainier
er’ "**
!33i w**k
,h " Mt%
even h a w little jacket»
for 15 yean , will not be held this year
Kenxie highway cast of Springfield.
. ..
while you w h irl
because of an unfavorable season for
and is now al the cltv hall where It
. . e ia . jmej
. . by . the OWner The
flowers and gardens.
through tKe dance. T he prints
. . .
_ . . ,
. .. I
are the tu r n e r o f su m m er co»-
Clatsop county farmers are harvest­
bererl i5-606. encased In one of the
persons to whom the plates have
ing one of the largest hay crops in
ora Sizes foe women,
Mrs. Florence Price, while carrp been Issued have not yel been pub
In the event that Roseburg is select­
recent years.
Due to intermittent
and fuiuura
rains pasture throughout the county ed as the site for a national soldiers ing some canned fruit down some Rshed. by the Secretary of State, so
home It will be up to the city to donate steps had her ankle turn, causing local officials have no means of de-
is In good condition.
Indian fishermen near The Dalles to the government 100 to 150 acres of her to fall and cutting her hand termlning the ownership except by
report the beginning of the summer land. The bill pending in congress very bad on glass, also bruising her communication with the office at
run of steelheads. Many fish are be­ does not provide money for a site.
Mrs Baker was picking c h e r r i e s ------------------------------
ing caught with dip nets below Celilo
The Coquille Lumber company has
Cousin Oise—Herbert Moon was
on the Columbia river.
been organised at Coquille through from a ladder when It broke, causing
Four hundred tons of sulphur, prop­ arrangements of D. D. Hall of Port­ her to fall and hurting her ankle, be called to Kelso, Washington. Sunday
on account of the death of a cousin In
erty of the Sitka Spruce Pulp t Paper land, ex-manager of the West Coast sides other bruises.
The W alterville District Sunday ” >at c ,’r-
company, was dropped Into the bay Lumber company, to take over the
near Empire when a dock on which plant of the old E. E. Johnson Lumber school conference was held at Wal
company of that city.
tervllle last Sunday afternoon. Mr
Attends Convention — Sam Rich
it was stored collapsed.
Iff’ this city for Bend Saturday
Carl Fallen. 18. was sent to jail for and Mrs. Ray Baugh and Mrs. John
A total of 363.732.39 was spent In
»42 Willaiuette Bt..
Eugene, Oregon
where he Is attending the convention
the fiscal year ending July 1. 1930, ten days when he pleaded guilty In Edmiston attended from here.
. . ' °f ’he Veterans of Foreign Wars.
oa road and trails construction In the the Justice court at Salem on a charge
Several from Thurston attended ,
Cascade national forest, according to of driving an automoolle without cur­ the Hill's reunion last Sunday at
rent license plates. Earl Griepentrog Jasper Among those attending were
Fatty Thompson, supervisor.
was fined »10 for driving hla car with­ Mr. sod Mrs. Ira Gray, Mr. and Mrs.
Picking, packing and shipping of the
out proper license plates
Bert Mathews and family, Mrs.
Union county cherry crop, which will
A large plant will be built at Red­ Needham and son. Ray Mitchell. Mr.
amount to several hundred tons, began
recently at Cove and Union, the two mond to make lime rock into land and Mrs. John Price and family. Mr I
plaster tor fertilizer. Ths machinery and Mrs. Walter Platt and family.
eantera of the local cherry belt
will be on the ground inside of <0 days Mds Jennie Edmiston, Fred Gray. ‘
The plant of the Mill Creek Lumber
according to the promoters. The rock Mrs. Hubert Gray and Miss Veda ;
oom pan y. operated 11 miles south of
will be hauled from a mine In Jeffer Gray. George Thompson and Harry I
The Dalles by O. A. Wallmark. has
son county which was filed on 14 Baugh.
bass destroyed by fire. Officials es­ years ago.
Mrs. Jennie Edmiston. of Eugene,
timated the loss to be about 315.906.
Lane county will receive a refund on spent the week end in Thurston.
Repairs have been completed at the
part of the coat of the right of way
Mra. Margaret Engles, who h
had '
Gold Hill plant of the Beaver Portland
for the Siuslaw highway, now under infection in her foot for several
Cement company and the company's
construction. Under the agreement, weeks, is much Improved and la able
limestone quarry at Marble m
ths county was to provide the right to walk with the aid of one crutch
and both are ready to
of way. and the state highway com- now.
misaloo and federal road bureau to
Mias 8kow, county home demon­
A rock crusher has besa set up ou divide construction costs.
strator. met with the ladies of thia
th s A. Christensen farm four miles
The Umatilla County Farm bureau community Tuesday and Wednesday
east of Harrisburg for crushing rock
has established the following wage afternoons at the home of Mr»
to be used in surfacing the Blue
•rale tor the coming harvest: Separ Hill, and gave them instructions on
Btickey market road in that aeighbor-
ator operators. »7 to »10. depending making lamp shades.
on the machine; caterpillar men, sack
Mr. and Mrs. John Endicott enjoy­
The rainfall of Astoria Is short ap­ sewer» and Jiggers, »4 to »5; header ed a vlait last Sunday with their
proximately 20 inches since last Sep­ punchers. »3 to »4; the same to trick nephew and family from Harrisburg.
Despite the fact that 1.74 drivers; team drivers, »4 to 35; cooks,
Perry Price, who is working on the
Inches fell in June the tou t was still »2 to »3; roustabouts, »3.
road at the summit, spent the week
•hy of the normal rain of 3.06 inches
Whon he wag exiled on an inland, one of hla
John Maddox, 63. Melrose farmer. end here at his home.
for June.
Mr and Mrs. William Rennie spent
Is in a hospital at Roseburg suffering
first acts was to advertise for help. Ills advertise­
Fire destroyed the Eugene Box com­ shot wounds because he was mistaken the past week l0 Salem visiting with
pany plant at Eugene, causing damage for a whole flock of wild pigeons. Gus relatives.
ment was not a newspaper ad but an outdoor
estimated at 315,000. The spread of | Koken, neighboring farmer, employed
Mias Cora Calvert, of Junction c ity
of publicity. He hung hla shirt on a pole at
flames to adjoining lumber yards was Maddox to pick cherries. Koken, with spent the past week end with her
prevented by firemen after an eight- a shotgun, was hunting wild pigeons aunt, Mrs, Ray Baugh
the water’s edge and awaited results. Circulation
hour tight.
John Endicott and Oeorge Hart I
destroying his fruit He saw tree
was very poor, but he did not take hlB ad out be­
* Waller high school children of Chi­ branches moving and fired.
have finished picking their cherries.
cago. through an air mall letter which
Like an oasis In the desert, Hepp
cause results were not Immediate. He left the
arrived in Salem recently, Invited Gov­ ner’a
Mrs. Veda
of M Eugene. I
new « artesian
- uow
ric -a m a well,
w e ll, w
h ic h will
w ill I
------------------- --
ernor Norblad to attend the national furnish tha municipal water eupply in "pent ,ast We',n *’",a y wl” > Mr ™nd
ad IN for a long time and eventually It got re­
air races to be held there August 26 the future, has been attracting vial-
f harlea Taylor.
sults. A passing ship saw the ad and took Robin­
Mr. and Mrs. Larkin and family, of J
to September 1.
tors la large numbers.
The well,
son Crusoe aboard ship back to civilization. The
which is located at the forks of Wil­
low creek, 12 mllee southeast of Hepp­ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Weaver.
and consistent ad-merchant of today by re
William Hayden, a traveling sales­
ner. was dedicated In connection with
Wheat—Big Bend bluestem. »1.05H;
vertlslng can alBo get results, for he has the ad­
soft white, western white, 81Hc; hard tha Fourth of July celebration there. ,
Diamond Lake Lodge and resort are vlg,t hl" fr,'*n<L John Edmiston, Tuea-
winter, northern spring, western red
vantage of modern newspaper advertising and
aow lighted by electricity generated day night. He was on his way to Cali­
fornia. He spent his boyhood days i
good circulation which guarantees that hla mea-
Hay—Alfalfa, new crop, »17.50; val­
here, and formerly was manager ot
ley timothy, »20 50021; eastern Ore­ Diamond lake. A power plant has
been put la at the head ot Lake creek, the Brownsville Woolen Mill store in
B*ge goes Into the homes of the community com­
gon timothy, »22.50 0 2 3 ; clover, new
crop, »14; oat hay, new crop, »14; oats Just wh»ra it flow« out of Diamond Eu»ene
prising his trade radius.
lake. Thia plant la entirely automatic.
and vetch, new crop, »14.
As tha load increases, when evening MANY PRESENT AT NEW
cornea oa and more lights are used,
■gga—Ranch, 20O23c.
flood gates are automatically opened
Cattle—Steers, good, »».50010.25.
Several hundred people attended
Hogs—Good to choice, »10011.25.
The cherry crop in the Ashland vl- the dedicatory exercises for the new
L«mbs—Good to choice, »5.5007.50.
elnlty la exceeding expectations. The McKenzie bridge on the upper Mc­
Wheat—Soft white, western white, cool weather aided the fruit in siting Kenzie highway Saturday evening
hard winter, western red and northern and added to it» quality. Local grow­ and heard Edward F. Bailey, Demo­
spring, 92c; Big Bend bluestem, »1.05. er» are finding no difficulty in obtain­ cratic candidate for governor, deliver
ing a market that gives them a fair an address on the development of the
Mggs—Ranch 20 ©26c.
"The only Newspaper In the World that la Dedicated to the
highways in the McKenzie region
Interests ot Springfield People.’•
Cattle—Choice steers, »9010.
• result of shock from being Many of those present enjoyed a
caught in an ensllagu cutter whan dance on the floor of the new bridge
Hogs—Prims Mght, »11.26011-5«.
both lags were severed above the after the program.
Lsmbs—Choice, »70«.
knees, Oeorge Raymond Clausen, well
known dairyman and farmar of th<-
Cattle—Steera, good, 3*01».
W aitervllla People In City—Mr. and
Riverton district, near Coquille, died Mra. Charles Sylvester, of Walter­
Hogs— Good to choice, »10.71.
almost Instantly.
Lambs— Medium to good, »6 50 0 7.
ville, were Sunday guests In this
The Springfield News