I - n Try the Home P rint Shop Pirat T W K N T V -B K V K N T H YEAR. î° THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS LOCAL 3DÏ DROWNS Io“ Streets "« Complete "Ta» P w p lt't Paper" L IV K N IW g P A P g R IN A L iv e T O W N Tramp Tell Tale Of Torch Theft G B J J L REPORT Two-thirds of Unpaved Streets Story Told by Transient May In City Oiled by County at Prove Clue to Cutting Torch Ed. Reynolds Loses Life At- Request of Owners. Stolen Hera Recently. tempting to Save Fred Rid- Mprlngrield can now boaat of the The Inclination of a transient to die; Sister Nearly Drowns Trying to Save Youth and is dustfree ro n d i,ton of moat of her b« very talk a tive with his fellow «•reet* during the dry summer months loafers may become the means of Rescued by Harris Lyle. when dirt and gravel road* cause the Men from California and Wis­ con«! n Tell of Outdoor Life in Their Home States. Semi-Annual Treasurer and Auditor Report Given Out by About th irty-five Springfield people Mayor; Early Budget E«ti- and Invited guests attended the an­ nual picnic of the Women's C ivic Im mate Talked; New Proposal« provement Club at the Reaver auto Receive Consideration. locating an expensive cutting torch most dust This has been brought which disappeared from the Spring- Ed Reynolds, IS. In (lead anti Fred camp grounds on Tuesday evening. ahoul by the oiling last week nf more ‘ field Hand and Uravel plant more R id d le, IS. la In a aerleua condition Basket dinners were brought by the than tw o-fblrd* of the unpaved streets than a week ago Present Indications are th a t the at »hr hum« o f hla pur« lit a n«ur mothers of the club, who had aa their city of Springfield w ill not exceed Its In the city This, coupled with the T he torch, which was valued by Its Ih ’nna aa a result of a swimming guests th e ir husbands and other fam ­ large number of paved streets here, owners at $40. was used about tw o ! financial budget thia year unless party which was held on the Mo- ily members. Coffee waa furnished by leases onlv a few that are dusty weeks ago and on Wednesday of j hawh river, about a hair mil« eaat several unforseen expenditures are tbe club. The oiling was done by the (nine last week whi-p the men went to got of Donna yiialerday afternoon The picnic was scheduled to have made neceaaary during the last h alf « ru n ty oiling crew a fte r the owners It for a Job they found that It had • Riddle, who la no| un ekperlenred been held a month ago. but was post- f ° f the year, according to W. P. Tyson of the abutting property had signed been Stolen. They notified Lum An- ) • wlmmee, waa plavlna around In the poned indefinitely when Miss M ary mayor of the city, who haa Just had a petition asking «but the work be derson. chief of police, who Im m edi­ riv e r when ha suddenly fell- Into a Roberta, one of the firs t members of don« and agreeing to pny for the oil­ ately made a tour of the Jungles, and I deep hole and began yelling for help an auditor’s and treasurer's report the organisation, died It m arka tbe ing Home people have Indicated that heard a story which, If verified, may ! according to mem ber* nf the party compiled for tbe firs t six months of last event of the season for the club they would like to have th eir streets restore the Implement to Its owners. o f 13 swimmers who had gone to the women, who w ill now discontinue the the year ending June 38, 1838 oiled, but M Is doubtful If this can be river In the afternoon Ilia alater. One of the hoboes inform ed the | meetings u ntil fall activities begin. done now, aa the oiling equipment has Th report shows that the sum of F rsnres, aged 16. )um|M-d Into the police officer that he had been talk 1 already been moved to other parts of Among those who attended the (7.813.32 was expended d aring the w ater to rearue her brother, but waa Ing few d ay . e a rlie r w ith another M I S S MARGARET JARRETT the county. meeting were M r. and Mrs. L. K. Page, n r8 t 8,1 months T he to u t amount elm nar drowned heraelf when the bum at U rania !•«.», who made tbe ' M r and Mrs. C arl Olson, M r. and bud«'et®d was (14.727.34. One h alf of T h . oiling work Is m erely what It drowning boy grasped her with hla implies A go„d costing of heavy road L SPRINGFIELD STUDENT boast ir i . « that èld he I had . stolen ‘ “ -re * M ra J “ 11“" and two children. ,h ’8 ‘ mount Is |7,3«3.«7, and there hand* about her face and ellntbad on Oll I . sprayed o v er the entire ground “¿ „ “ ' I ? ° lh,>r TO GIVE PIANO RECITAL and Mrs. Fulop's mother, M rs. Rose r*m alns a total of (6.814.12 y e t r * * * - ground her back In a frantic effort to aave things here In surrounding towns H e This Is sufficient for one season and ' M r. and Mra. George G erlack, M r. and peDded T his Is Just («88 lees than blm ««lf T hey went down together also displayed a sack of various " Aa „ 8 tt' da,,« * t8r “ I Mrs. F ra n k Logan. M r. and Mrs E. C one‘,,a,f ° l the budgeted total Aatlel must be repeated every year The and In some manner tho boy relnaaed articles to bear out hla story, said M r. and Mrs. O. H Jal* 6 ( * . 2®8 B Stuart and two children. M r. and M rs. P*ted expoadlturee for the last »lx h l. grip on the g irl gad she . . . re.- ' the man here. T he torch had been street. Bpringfleld, w ill he presented David Saltsman, Mr. and Mrs. George montb8 of the year are lower than ter cued by Lyle H arris. who brought ’ ’ ''h * omfort derived from told In Oranta Past (or (2 00 and the by Reuben C harlyle G eotfreiere In a It. and the decrease In the amount of Prochnow and three children, M r. and the preTlou® period, so It te bettered her to the shore a fte r she was un- | complete plsno recital In Eugene on labor neceaaary to keep the houses money used to buy a grub slake, he Mra. C. E. Wheaton. M r. and Mrs. J. D. that ,he still available are suf able to swim any further. declared. Saturday evening. July 1«. at 7.30 clean. Pyle, Nelson .’age, M r. H ills , Miss flclent for all purposes. Attem pts tu «ava Boy Anderson Is attem pting to ascertain o'clock. In the M cM orran and W ash­ Edna Sw arts and Mra. John Ketels. A com m ittee of the Linns club, head­ Receipts are Given Rd. Reynolds. seeing the boy ed by Fred W a lk e r, sponsored the oil­ the number of the torch, and If ha can burn* auditorium . T he public la In­ T he tax collections for the « ra t Short talks by Nelson Page, of O ak­ drowning. went a fte r him and ing work this year The oiling haa prove the Identity of the one la the vited to attend. land. C alifornia, who Is here visiting period amounted to $13,(56.27. The Riddle Im m ediately grasped his face been carried on for several years In southern Oregou city, he w ill claim Although Miss J a rre tt Is only 12 his brother, L. K. Page, and A. D. recorder's collections amounted to and the Iw o went down two or three this city. It for the local firm . years old. she Is already quite an H ills, of Wisconsin Rapids. Wisconsin, * 3-3®5-02 T here was a cash balance tim es before they finally disappeared "A t any rate we w ill soon know If accomplished musician. On her pr<>' who Is also visiting relatives in this ° l $ 13'M * * & on June 30 The Riddle boy waa found In a BOY LOSES TEETH WHEN I , S S lo « . - e , „ „ y . „ . r t e d a lengthy e x T h a n V o J \ W arvanU . paid during th . period (lu m p of brush In the w ater a few HORSE KICKS IN FACE Xtoe'chS *°ld ,he ,n,'h' Mld th“ I b"r Ptono p t e y l " * . " ^ has comments among the older people. ,otaled (10.845.87. The interest on K la u te s la te r and was pulled out by ---------- ¡police chief. I P « rin g , she has The two m#n gpoke fnfornja„ y on the j w arrants amounted to (673.07 fo r th e the Lyle | K ith, who was gola to the Police officers do not think the ' achieved considerable comment on outdoor life and activities In the tw o pertod' T here are atilt w arrants oat Cecil Dykes,- eleven .year- old Gran-1 her interest in painting for which .a .-o ii « assistance of tbe two dro w n ing boys. well youth received a. badly . bruised theft of the torch here was In any states where T h e boy was rolled ai-roua a log to she has ,s showing considerable tale n t ' U ‘ M W h W “ * " * • d ra ’ ,n* 4 ? face Titesday when he waa kicked manner connected w ith the blasting She been on the honor roll ever c° mparl8on8 of »•» in BoD!(tFSted tn an fnform a, Morse Trough to be Moved c. No. 6— W ichtige Begebenheit. num ber and the Murphy-MoshJer dlsc-usalon at a previous council meet- E ith e r with the Stevens brothers. BAPTIST YOUNG FOLKS One of the relics of horse and Chopin: began searching the river and found I quartet composed of M r. and M rs. ing that by moving the fire depart- buggy days waa ordered removed by TO PICNIC ON FRIDAY M asurka. op. 67, No. 2. t t e body In nine feet of water. Dallas M urphy and M r. and Mrs. R w ent to the old fire house on F s tre e t the council Munday evening. T he old Preludes, op 28, No. 28 and No. 7. ° _ . u h ie r’ WlU 8i“ g " n anlhe,n- “ "re central location would be ob- The body Is at the Veatch under- ' Sw im m ing w ill be the m ajor at- ' w atering trough at the intereaction H e lle r— Study, op. 46, No. 2. The poung people of the three co- talncd. th place could be fixed up so taking parlors. i traction for Ihe young pen pi, of the nt Main * nd south Sixth street w ill Crosse— Moments of Mem ory. operating churches w ill hoi« th e tr that the fire ch.ef could m ake hla Ed Reynolds Is the son of M r and nap,,8t church tomorrow evening ,orn d°w n. This trough wastes much Beethoven— Melody. union m eeting at the C hristian church home there w ith his fam ily, and the M rs J H. Reynolds, who live east of wheD ,h * ’' h,,ld a summer picnic, i w ater and la out of repair. It Is said. Evans— B utterflies. at 7:00 o’clock. T he topic for discus- departm ent would lik e ly cost less to Springfield near the county stock They hnve not decided Just where ■ T h ,‘ council authorised the health M iles— Sparklets. aion w ill be Some Good Sum m er the city and also be a more satisfao- the m ilk farm . His brother. W illia m , waa they w ill go, but they w ill meet at the ¡ com mittee to investigate M aeDowell— To a W ild Rose. Reading. Special music w ill also be lory arrangem ent for everyone con- drowned In the W illam ette river church at 6 :15 and w< t be told where " uM>ly of the town, particularly that Loth— G a ily T rip p in g . provided for this meeting. Miss Fran- ' cerned. about 14 years ago while a small boy. to go from there. A picnic supper of °«l>W e dairies. Charges have been W rig h t— A t Evem ng CCS Travis w ill lead the discussion. Another ten tative proposal la to put Ed, Reynolds Waa an experienced w ill be enjoyed following tbe w ater raadc since Eugene passed her m ilk Chaminade— Scharpen Tans. * The regular bible school and morniof, the street commissioner on a flat sports. ordinance shutting out poor grades swimmer. »«nrlcea w ill be held as usual. j salary basis, and to bave him devot« of m ilk that this was being sold In Funeral tervlcea w ill be held at KETELS LEAVES FOR The Man God L aid Hold O f w ill be hla entire tim e to tbe upkeep of th« Springfield. the Veatch chapel on Saturday at TO0RISTS SEE FLAMES the *-* - which - - - — lue ----------- sermon — subject Rev. R. city s tre e t« T h e budget fo r the streat T he finances of the lo w n was 2 88. Interm ent w ill be In ihe la u r e l DENVER TO ATTEND AND PREVENT BAD FIRE a»- . M ulholland w ill use at the morning departm ent has for several y e a n studied by the councllmnn who had Grove cemetery. CONVENTION OF LIONS services a t the Baptist church. Th« been badly overdrawn, declared th« before them the reports of the Tourists seeing flames em lllng from Sunday school w ill bold Its regular m ayor, and It Is believed that tk« the home of John Devine about one auditors. John F. Ketels left Saturday for MRS. KEPNER HONORED meeting at 8:45. adoption of the suggested plan would and a half miles south of the under­ Denver. Colorado, where he w ill attend ON BIRTHDAY TUESDAY head crossing on the Pacific highway elim in ate thia trouble. GAS COMPANY EXTENDS the national convention o f the Lions positive action on anv of these MAINS ALONG HIGHWAY clubs as o fficial delegate from the LEGION DELEGATES TO Mrs. A. It Kepner was surprised Monday probably were Instrum ental BE ELECTED ON FRIDAY proposals have beentaken by the C ity In saving the entire building from be­ Springfield club. H e traveled over the 61 her home on route I Tuesday, ---------- Council, but . i is certain that they w ilt T he Northw est Cities Gas company Southern Pacific Cascade route on a when relatives gathered to honor her ing destroyed. A party of tourists were Members of the Am erican Legion *>e brought up fo r fu rth e r discussion working this special Lions coach attached to the birthday anniversary. She waa show­ passing the home when they noticed has a crew of men w ill hold a meeting F rid a y evening at a t fu tu re meetings. week on an extension of th e ir gas the flames and notified the people In regular train. Thia special car origin- ered w ith gifts and the group all en­ ----------------------------------- -- the Eugene-Springfield ‘ tod In P o rtland ’ and w i r ' t o “r ‘ rry‘ an *? * c° m m ,lnlty haI1 for U>« purpose of : joyed lee cream and rake which was side. T he city fire departm ent was main from Oregon delegates to the convention * #Ct,n<, °f th < > “eXt ye‘ r 8“d MRS- AMANDA JOHNSON auto camp to the new camp being sailed and extlngulsed the blase a fte r brought by those surprising her. city. a ‘8'> « •••c tln g delegates to represent Among those In the party were Mr. It had damaged the roof to the extent built at the overhead crossing about DIES FRIDAY MORNINO enan _ i th e ,ocal pO8t at the state convention W" e expec,ed «» I * h e ll ‘ t Baker the second week and Mrs. Lum Anderson. M r. and of (26. The property was covered by two miles south of Springfield on the t n l u na k Pacific highway. Insurance. Mra. C laire Parsons and E E. “ nT ti ° “: Wh,C.h _be" n ln Au a u e .e applied fo r i the age o f 10 years. She was m arried h" u ,H a .P’ea.d ‘ he po8l,,on of •" • » • » M t m all cle rk at ' to W illia m M. Johnaon o„ M arch 27. license ffen8® “ d driTer 8 the local post office and th e ir a p p lie s-1 1887. In 1804 they moved to PorUand h fine w h.’ h T Hb X u Pa‘a " on" 8- t to tbe c.vl, ser- and had .Ived there u n ,,, t L w the fine, which he did on Friday. |Tlce offlcer at Seattl# gam p, e eaam. J monfh(, a(t0. when they moved to u .e s n e r ________ Inatlon blanks, sim ilar to those which Springfield. WORK ON NEW SCHOOL must be filled out by each application Mrs. Johnson wag a m em ber of th * PROGRESSES RAPIDLY Has Operation — Lucille Mossey ---------- underwent a m ajor operation at the The exterior w ork on the new Mr. Owen Seaman, employee ot Pacific C hristian hospital In Eugene Olenwood school Is nearing com- the Oregon State Highw ay depart­ on Tuesday. pio» Ion this week and carpenters are ment fell from a truck at the Spring- Canning F ru it Subject busy on the Inside lathing the walls field Snnd and Ornvel compnny yes­ Arnold Collier, county club leader, and laying the floor. A fte r the rooms terday afternoon and badly gashed w ill meet all girls Interested In can­ have been plastered the windows w ill his hoad. A local physician took ser- ning at the community hall Tuesday be put In and the building painted. eral stitches to close the wound. M r. afternoon nt 2:00 o’clock. Mothers Seaman w ill not he able to return and friends of the girls Interested Cottage Grove Man Her«— Mr. A. to his work for several weeks, ac­ may also attend. F ru it canning pro­ W. Wooley .of Cottage Grove, was a cording to hla p' yalclan. blems w ill be discussed. visitor In Springfield on Saturday. at • ,,me to be determ ined a fte r the Catholic church. T h e rem alne wer« last day on which applications oan be shipped to Portland for the funeral made, are availab le a t th« local poat- services and In te rm e n t by the Veatch office and may be .«cured from W a i­ chapel In Eugene. ter Gossler, c iv il sarvlce secretary at th e t poel office here. August 1 la the Returns from Scout Camp — Miss last day on which applications can be Mlldrred Morgan returned 1st« oa made for the position. Bunday evening from the Girl Sooat camp on Lake Cleawox, near Flor­ Doctor Visit» Mother — Dr. C. O. ence, where she has been spending Van Valsah. of Portland, spent the the past two weeks. She was the oaly week end ln this city visiting with girl from Sprlagfleld to attend his mother, Mrs. A. B. Van Valsah. camp. I