I bast A w on a C annibal I sland ^ O u r ship was becalmed off an island in the South Pacific when th’ adventure of which I am about to tell you happened. I was aloft tarring down th’ rigging when th’ lanyard holding th’ tar-pot parted. Down tumbled th* pot, tar and nil, right onto th’ skip- per who was on th’ auarter- deck below. Soon s he'd scraped some of th tar off his face, so a he could see, he ordered me down from aloft, punched me in th’ eye then turned me adrift in a boat and told me to get out of his sight uTx. w «ief 8Wa,rmed sharks. Before I was well away fnnn th’ ship, headin’ •?r island, I had to beat them off .to keep ’em from awampin th' boat Early th’ next momln’ I was elose to th’ island.. As I was standin’ up in th’ bow of th’ boat slain’ up th’ shore — boom, a big wave filled th' boat and dumped me out into th'water. But I was a good swimmer and got to land. I WM8 squintin’ at th' thick jungle, wonderin’ if canni- bals were waitin’ to grab me. when out stepped a big npe and headed for me. Well, s’r, I figgered that Bos’n Bill waa done for I nearly keeled over with surprise when th’ ape wad- died up to me. took hold of my hand and grinned os friendly os you please. He kept jabberin’ a word that sounded like woogie, so I named him Woogie I was pretty hungry, so I pointed to my mouth and rolled my eyes. Woogie got th' idea and shinned .up a coco-palm fo r cocoanuts. I picked some bananas, and then we down to eat and to * et acquainted. A ll at o n c e -------1 But I ’ll tell you what hap- . pened then in my next yam. L-V a HD LE FT TO U I ' V > „1 T“" E H lH ) - i K k J i * a jR p» i -rt-V VS 'T H ' W H O L E B L O O M I N ' sto o lv - iQ / A R vh W C T U K t s . r T * - R - K .! e U y /X 1 t»OUK I ' M JpyjE 'L U B IL L . ho k ‘ Wo«u> C q u i » P iiw t iw o C o , S t XdOf», ?WRX IT M A X E S US S H IV t lt T O IMAfcdNfc W H A T H A P P E N S TO B IL L IN H I S N E X T Y A X N - « on.- tv- w- 11 « 1