THE SPRINGFIELD SEWS TW E N TY S EVEN TH YEAH. SPRINHE1E1JJ, LAN E COUNTY. OREGON These Are Picture Taking Days More Mileage and More Pleasure For caments mid »upplle» th is , store 1» head- quurters. Every th in g the am ateur photo­ grapher w u titH und it firs t class service on film developing. We pride ourselves in helping you take good picture», ( ’all here before going on a trip. Ketels’ Drug Store In New Stora rLest You Forget’ Busines» Card» Office Form s L a tte r Head» M ain, n ta r F ifth Statement» Hand Bill» Auto Accessories At Low Prices E veryth in g the m otori», desires to make h it ear more complete and more satisfactory to drive can be supplied by thia big garage. Wm. Rodenbough Garage Cor 5th and A Sts. 0 * * 0 T H t F U N N Y T H IN * '* I O C T N IN T I « U U H f c i e >N * » » ■ » d * . ** * * * no s I A m o n « » y W i f - i i k O IN fc T O V b f i o n i f j - » i M - t t < i , u a , u U u f o - u n h o i * TH U R S P A V , JU LY 10, 1930 Phone 95 These vacation day» cun be gotten from Violet Bay Gasoline than ordinary ga» When the car work» rig h t all 1» lovely, but m any a vacation ba» been spoiled w ith a balky car. General Ethyl Gasoline is the latest and most scie n tific m otor fuel. The laid word In gasoline “A” Street Service Station Envelope* 50 Blotter» Ticket» Green Stamps Free Menu», etc. No. 26 QUALITY MEATS We always tr y to sell only fresh, tender high-grade meats, specially sel­ ected and kept in re frig e ra tio n under the most sanitary conditions. This care is very im p o rta n t d uring the hot weather. T h r ifty people trade here regularly because they know the best meats are a saving and a greater satisfaction. At The Willamette Press With Each Subscription to The Springfield News INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. 4th and Main Sts. E. C. STUART Phone 63 PRATT HOLVERSON