PAgM SIX S - ' " r ilK SPR1N0F1E1J3 N K W 8 I FORMER ARMY PILOT MUCH MONEY IS SPENT JOINS GLIDER CLUB ON FOREST ROAD WORK AS EXPERT ADVISOR I I ll'KNHAY. .11 L i III. 11130 Dairying Brought e Whole C o u n ty Proiptii+n MANY FRIENDS GATHER FOR SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY FOR MRS. NEET The sum of («3.732 99 was spent for road construction and matnlen ance and trail work In the Cascade Mr«. A F Neat, 7511 II atreel. was national foreat for the ftacal year th>- guest of honor si a surprise birth ending July 1. according to a report day parly given at her home last Issued this week. Thursday afternoon by a group of A total of five and one-half tulles her friends A short program Includ­ of mads were constructed at a coat ing s skit. The Fsl Lady. was pro­ of t!1,IJIM , and II coat 110.7«» «3 to vided under the direction ot Miss maintain the tl« < mile« of forest t.ela I’eleraon read traversing the forest. The sunt Ice rrearn. rake and lemonade were of »Ml.71 arsa expended on trail served as refreshments during the » Sleuheo County, la construction afternoon. brought good timri to '»r o( Awm D. Bak.r It was also announced that the Those present were Mr and Mrs pet h .if.r ar* shown tbt pKturea. cuan,pion Hoiawfe sow and Cani Hamm whfc kJ« forest service expected to complete I A. F N eel. Mrs. Mary Neel. Mrs ' Pearl Metcalf. Mr« Ide Shaffer Jim , and is used tor p relim inary tnatrnc- about four or Ore mllea more of the CROQUETTES tion A secondary training glider, road along the South Fork o f the Me- W. R. DAVIS WINNING I hen add six level tabt**a;M>oaa of mv Knight. Howard Nani. le-la Peter­ known aa a sailplane, which can he Kentle Thia road la now completed MORE HILL CLIMBS Croquettes may be often used for flour snd about three quarters of a son, Mrs. Peterson, George Colcord, used for soaring purposes, will be to a point tw elve and one-half miles utilising left overs. Moreover, they cup of slock Let this boll and then and Mr. and Mrs. Colcord, all of IN EASTERN STATES constructed by the club members as from the McKenale highway. add an Interesting and unusual note add a tablespoon ot pounded sardines Springfield; Mrs. R. C. Powell and they become sufflrieatly proficient Champion motorcycle riders mean to a meal, and are particularly appe­ and the eggs Cool and shape like B elly Powell. of Eugene; Mr and with the one now owned by the club. FAMILY PICNIC HELD I very little to R. Davis Springfield s tising to many persona. In suptmer. eggs Egg and crumb and try In deep Mrs. O F Neel. Mrs. George Neet and Erfythe Neel, of Coburg; Mrs, fat. The club entered their glider as a NEAR HAYDEN BRIDGE chief of police, who la now riding in especially, they nre a light and at* W R. Neel, of Lodi. Californio; Mrs. float in the parade held in Eugene national motorcycle hill climbs for tractive dish. Lyda Mulligan, of Portland; and Mrs. last Friday in connection with the The brothers and sisters of Mr. the liarle) Davidson company while TWO AUTO ACCIDENTS Mary Wuddlest on, Indnpendrnc*« Fourth of July celebration. It attract­ John Rossman, together with their on a leave of absence from his duties Chicken Croquettes ed considerable attention from the families, spent the Fburth of July In this city. Almost every week some REPORTED FOR SUNDAY VC«n»ai. Mix a cup and u half of chopped spectators, many of whom had not picnlclng on the river hank at his friend of his in this city receives a Two minor automobile accidents, TWO FOURTH OF JULY Been a glider before. hut who have home. Those who were present were letter telling of his latest achieve­ left over chicken with a half cup of white sauce made from four table­ both of which happened on Sunlay, heard and read about them during Dr and Mrs. E. W. Emery. Mr. and ments tn this IhrlHing sport RABIES BORN ON FRIDAY the past few moonths. A letter received this week bv spoons of butter, one liait cup flour, were Springfield's contribution to the Mrs. John Henderei. J. A Emery. Mr long list of motor nilshnps during Iba one cup of milk seasoned with salt Two babies born at the Pndfki A campaign Is now being carried and Mrs. Charles Pnddock, Bertha George Valller, street commissioner, three day Fourth of July holidays. Christian hospital In Eugene oo Fri­ on by the club to secure enough Paddock, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloya 'ells of a meet held In Chicago re­ and pepper. Add I he yolk of one egg. cently In which Davis defeated the a Utile celery salt and a half tea­ The first one was reported at 1:30 day. July u h will not have a diffi­ members to enable them to comply Emery. man who now holds the national hill spoon of lemon Juice. Chill and then Sunday afternoon, when J M Loucks cult time remembering their birth with the national association re­ climb championship A week later he form Into flat croquetlea Roll |n egg of Ukiah. California, snd Harold W date, and they will be always assured quirements. This will, they say. per­ SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE ON won both first and second places In j while and fine crumbs and fry la Sllke. of Sunnyside, Washington, col­ of a holiday on their natal day as mit competition with «Mghboring deep fat. lided with their machines at the cor­ long as we rontlnue In onr observ­ LANE CO. GRAND JURY a climb at Columbus, Ohio. clubs in gilder meets, with flight ner of Ninth and Main streets. ance of the national Independence « He Is riding every week now snd contests for duration, distance and Several Springfield residents are I.oukes swung his atyomoblle (o the day. Salmon Croquettes is preparing for the national events a m r a c r points. Negotiations are serving on the grand Jury now In right la the Intersection as If to Mr and Mrs M C. Wdrterhnlt be- now under way. according to Cheater which are scheduled to begin on Pick over contents of can of sal­ session at Eugene. The Jury, which August 17. Following this meet Mr. mon until you have two cupe of flaked make a right turn and then made a rame the parents of a baby boy on Aldrich, chairman of the member­ I began consideration of rases now be- and Mrs. Davis and their children meat. Add one-half cup of thick reverse turn Sllke, not knowing that Friday snd Mr and Mrs. John Hum- ship committee, to arrange for a , fore It Monday, consisted of Elsie will start their return motor trip to white sauce, one-half cup of flour and the driver ahead was going to make mer. route 1, became parents of a meet with the Portland club, to be ! Willis, Maude F Bryan. Mrs. Dean a reverse turn, could not stop until baby girl the same day. laical phy­ thia city. held here this fall one cup of milk Add one teaspoon Beals. Grace Lansbery. Bert Meyer. he had bumped the first machine sicians had charge of both maternity of lemon Juice with sail and pepper Bent fenders and hotly scratches Sam B ettis and B. F Martin. They Io taste Cool and shape, then egg were the only damages LANE COUNTY RECEIVES | are expected to he in session the bal- MR. AND MRS. D. E. YORAN and crumb and fry. AUTO LICENSE FUNDS i ance of the week Large Splinter In Feet ARE HOSTS TO PYTHIANS A bent fender and a broken huh Jack, the six year old son of Mr. rap was the extent of the damage to Potato Croqusttsa Lane county received a total ol FIRE CHIEF MAKES FIRST snd Mrs. B II Childs, of le-ahurg. About 75 Knights of Pythias and I two automobllea being driven by Miss >3*^195 from the state vehicle Mix two cups of mashed potatoes painfully Injured his fool on Saturday their fam ilies and Pythian Sisters RUN ON FRIDAY EVENING Ann L. Rogers, of Springfield, and license department for the quarter and their families were gueets of Mr. with two teaspoons of butter, one Clayton Robbie, of Wendllng, which arternooD when he ran a splinter Into from March IC to June 15. This was Hugh Jollff, the new fire chief, snd Mrs. Darwin E. Toran at the teaspoon or salt and a little pepper, It while playing on some lumber la collided at the corner of Fourth and the largest sum received by any the family yard. It waa necessary to made his first run in response to an Toran summer home on the Wiliam celery salt a few dropa of onion Juice A atreeis at « 0 0 o'clock Sunday county In the state outside of Mult­ alarm on Friday evening at ab«>ut ette river near Dexter last Sunday. and chopped parasiey la convsnlrnt. bring (he youth to a local phyalclaa'a evening The accident report states nomah. which receive«, slightly more «:0b o' clock when a fire was dis­ The day began with a baseball game Beat well and add two egg yolks. lhal the Robbie automobile struck office to have the splinter removed. than »23.00« from the fund covered at the Marlon Moody store at 10:00 o'clock, followed by a bas­ Form Into croquettes, dip In flour, egg the Rogers car before It had rroeaed The total sum distributed by the across the road from the Beaver auto ket lunch at noon. Coffee, cream and white and crumbs and fry In deep the Intersection at that corner. se«rnary of state amounted {o camp. The blaxe Is believed to have hot fat. sugar were furnished to all. A pro­ >»05.99601 Of this sum W9OS& was been started In a group of fireworks. gram of races and stunts was provid­ Tonsil a Removed —Dewey, the small among the rouaties and About »10 damages were caused by ed for the entertainment of the guests Bread Croquettes » was turned over to the son of Rev and Mrs R It Mulhol- the fire, which was extinguished be- during the afternoon. OF ALL SUMMER state highway fund Pour a cup of scalded milk over land, underwent a tonsil operation at fora» t has fir*» nzilllnmonl aeelww^ eight or nine slices of aisle bread, add the office of a local physician on BOOTH-KELLY SAWMILL two tablespoons sugar, a pinch ot Tuesday. STARTS CUTTING AGAIN salt. L et stand till bread has taken up milk Mix snd pre«» out exreaa Break« Needle In Flngar Cutting operations at the Booth- milk. Form Into halls, roll In slightly Mrs. J: C. Parker re«*elved a pain­ DRESSES beaten egg while and fine crumbs Kelly lumber company were started $•1.40 ful Injury to one of her finger« on J COATS and fry In deep fat. again Monday morning after a short 77 EAST BROADWAY $8.90 EUGENE Saturday, when she ran a sew ing lay off over the Fourth of July. The $1.98 needle Into It and had It break off In (» A T 8 .............................. Egg Croquette« mill started again on s four day week sfi,- the finger, necessitating the removal SILK HOSE ........ with a reduced crew Two Inch lum­ This calls for six hard boiled eggs of It at a local physician'« office ber Is the principal kind being cut They should be cooled >nd chopped Mra. Parker was cleaning aome things at the present time 42 Sth Avo. Wool, Eugen«, Oro. Now cook two tablespoon» of butter out of a suitcase when she ran the Operations at the Wendllng plant Wn give 8. A H. Oreen Stam pi and one tablespoon of m need onion. needle Into her finger without seeing of the company are expected to be In a frying pan until slightly browned It. resumed again on Monday of next LS-utcnaut II O Rubbina. U. 8. re- tlrod world war pursuit pilot and flying instructor, has Joined the Eu gene Glider rtwb, which la located on Emerald Hein*««. In the capacity of aeronautical hastractor He coaches each member of (ho club through the standard training course wblch leads to the find ctaas glider license as awarded by Ike National Aeronauti­ cal Association. The glider now used by the club la known aa the Northrup trainer It was built by a Eugene planing mill Clearance Is, Dresses a Coats William’s Self Service Store LOWER PRICES Merchandise Prices are Lower than for some twne* and here you Find them, the lowest and the largest stocks to choose from. Look These Over Former S9c Silk and Rayon H o s e ....... Former 98c Pure Silk F. F. Hose Former >1.10 Pure SUk F. F. Hose Former 98c Men’s Bib Overalls Former >1.29 Men’s Bib Overalls former 50c Hind’s Honey and Cream Former 25c IJsterine Tooth Paste 46c 86c 5 1 .2 6 79c 98c 29c 14c Buy With Confidence Confidence in the firm that stands back of the mer- chandise— Confidence in the merchandise itself— confid­ ence that when the firm advertises $4.98 values for $2.98 they mean just that and not that they are giving only $2.96 values for >2.98. How easy for some merchants to advertise values that are much higher than they should be marked, to make it appear they are selling at half-price or less. W illia m s S e lf S e rv ic e Stores n e v e r h a v e an d never w ill m is re p re s e n t th e ir m e rc h a n d ise to m a k e a sale. Buy Here with Confidence 8th Ave. Hat & Dress Shop week REPUBLICANS TO SELECT CANDIDATE ON JULY 25 p o r Homes that want the BEST Members of the Republican state central comm ittee will meet on July 25 to select a candidate for governor to succeed the late George Joseph, who died of heart failure while In­ specting troop« at Camp Clatsop, The meeting will he In Portland, se ­ conding to Phil Metshham. atate com mlttee chairman I^tSaile Stewart, Cottage Grove, is the committeeman from Lane county. The two high cows la the Central Oregon Herd Improvement association for March were Myron Hagsr's grads Jersey, Babe, with a butterfat produc­ tion of «0.7 pounds, and Pete Mar nsch’a registered Holstein. Hollywood Inks Fern, with a production of 77.» pounds. Four herds bars now reached marks la excess of 400 pounds of but­ terfat for the fiscal year. Harold Hansen, of Milton Freewater, was elected president of the Eastern Oregon Older Boys' conference for next year at .the fellowship dinner In the T. M. C. A. building at Baker. Other officers elected were Wesley Hershey. Cove, first vice president; Allen Turner, Burns, second v I co pres Ident, snd Arnold Ebert, Echo, secre­ tary. The conference delegates voted to hold the meeting in Enterprise next year. The date was not selected. At the end of the first quarter of 1M0. Ashland held the record In the race for registration of out-of-state ears, according to figures received at the chamber of commerce office. Ash­ land's total registration to April first was 2032. Robert W. Leep. who has been civil engineer for the Eastern Oregon Light A Power company for the last four years, was appointed by the Baker | oounty court ns county engineer. Mr. f-eep will maintain aa office in the courthouse. We recommend Biltwnll uphol­ stered furniture for thotwi who take pride In their household iur- nishing«. Biltwnll furniture 1« Houudly constructed, beautifully designed and Hklllfully covered in the choicest of long-wearing fab­ ric«. Biltwell comes to us and goes Irom us to you with a guarantee from the maker« which assure« you of life-long satisfaction. You’ll never regret your choke of Bllt- well furniture. TERMS You’ll Lika Jacquard Covered Davenports____ - 5 5 0 562.50 Tapeetry Davenport« .................___ All Over Mohair Davenport«______ 575 5125 588.75 5124 MONTH END S PECIAL All Over Mohair Davenport and lA zy Back Chair a n d ----------------------------- ------------------- S98.7S S143.7S WRIGHT & SONS HARDWARE FURNITURE PAINT