THURSDAY. JULY 10, 1030 THB BPR1NGFIKLT) NBW8 •p«nd Oay at W aldpart— M r. and Mra. M arbart Co« apant tba Fourth at . W aldport. TOWN AND VICINITY Vlelta Hara F rid a y — Robert Arch Laaburg Raaldant Vialta A. W I Spang Summar l„ Seuth Mlaa Ruth ambaau, of Oregon C ity, apent the Frazee. of Laaburg wu» u vlaltur In • srlton haa « o u . « , aan Franela«« Fourth visiting w ith friends In thia Hprliigfh-ld on Tiimuluy art«i noon I wham aha w ill apeiid I ha balan«« of city. ' ilia ««immer. Vialta B rother— M r. and Mra. Fred Vialta Frianda Churl«-» lia y d tn . of f unip Crnalt. ialb.'(l mi lila friend« l i M otor to Salam M r and Mra Dal lairaon. of Portland, have been visit- th ia i l l y T il.m lu y a fte rn o o n . '«* M uiphy and Mlaa Clara Jon«» Ing aavarel days at tba home of hla brother, Georg«. niolorad to Halem Friday to spend Shcpa T u . »day i l i » . J .1 I'aplolt the Fourth. 8p«nd Fourth at Florono«— Mr* and of l.«nliUjK ivaa a »hoppa«* *11 thia Mrs M arlon Adama and ion. Bobble, rlly on Tiitm luv Attend Roundup lUz. and Mr« John Parker and t h -lr two niece«. apent the Fourth of July nn the const Thu n jn M.m Hara Cl .iil a Tay. Irene and M arie Robertaon, and at Florence vlaltlng friends. lor, <»f ih i: in, irana.i tad buaitteas Maxine fln o d a r» .. alle'nd.d the round In 8p(Ihgflgld ng Tuesd ay. Haa M inor Operation — The «mall ; up at C raw fordville on the Foulli. » »on of M r and Mr». Ham M otitgom -ry Transacts Bualnaaa - Mr« I, W operation last , C am p In M o u n tain « M r an«( Mra. underwent a m inor Tannla, of l»a ; K arl G irard and M r and Mr». O. II week ut Mulino. w visit«« Io K iirlnfivld ««„ Ttlaaday. ! Ja rre tt and fuinlllea apent the week W endllng People Here — M r. and Spend D ry at Florence - M r and I end on a camping trip In the Thro.' Mr«. II C. Melson and fam ily, of Mr», i K Kenyon «pent F ild a y on M a trra region. Wendllng. were visitors in Spring F tba bum li at Floruiira. Raturna to Homa — Mra. ila rrte t field on Monday. Flahaa on South F o rk —D. W. Crltea Au.inan returned to her home at Returns from Vacation — Richard .r ? nt » ,,n<“ y B,‘ * r K « ™ « « returned from Bandon on »pent the Fourth ou a fishing trip on .’hO ,h ’ C ' a ‘,r r l’ M On,lar m° r,,ln ,‘ whHre he had h**-" ilia South Fork of (ha M i Kanxle i o B r river. • spending a short vacation. On Flaking T r ip Dr W C Hehhau H t -J a n G r^n<,,him *r * * r * ** K Dallas Murphy apent the A ral h alf of te-aTh r . u r Redondü the week on a fishing trip ut Odell we k t * " , l i a ' h rre thia lake we« k spend aome t ,m . V la ltln , with her grandfather. J. J. Browning. Vialta at Band- Mlaa W ln lfrld Ty- and her aunt. Mrs. W C. Meyers bob apant the F o urth of July w ith M r M ove, to Lowell — M r. and Mrs and Mra Clarence (ludarlan at Band Roecoe Perkins have gone to Low ell They are her coualna. where they w ill make th eir home Parents of Twins- M r and Mra. T. , while M r Perkins Is working on the t P. Morgan are the parents of tw in construction of the new union high boys born to them at their home In school, m « fath er, Oeorge Perkin«, thia city on Wednesday, July 1*10 i was awarded the contract for thia building last week. Vlelta M other T C. O orrle was In Bprlngfleld Sunday to spend tha day Arlxona Resident Is Vlaltor— Leland at the home of hla mother, M ra C. I. Hover, of Phoenix, A rlio n a . la spend Oorrle, 8 r 11« lives In Portland j In« the week M alting at the home of •rr,**4 I, I M r. and M rs W. P Tyson M r. H over Vacation on South Fork— M r and M rs N. L. Pollard apent the week end I la on the advertising staff of the hiking and fishing «king (ha south Arlsona Republican, dally newapap««r , publlahed at I ’h o en lx fork of the McKenzie river. w At * PAGB FIVE ow F i t Gns t Frog Return Spend Week end on Coast — M r and M rs K C. Stuart and fam ily spent the week end on the bea«.« at Newport. «¿¡£ »*»-, Ü» »o» , 7.?r M "" Eugene f Oregon i f f * STUDIOS 5iRT_2UCSMITH JR D ID YO V K N O W — Doctor's Daughter Visits— M r. and That President Hoover has ad Mrs. E. G. Jarvis, of Portland, spent the week end with Dr. and Mra. Eu­ dressed the radio audience 22 times gene Kester In this city Mrs. Jarvla In the H months that he haa headed S ” " fA c e " ? ° Oi " , '‘e Be” ” Is a daughter of Dr. Kester. • h i., h h"*“ “ ' “ ' " ’ bul «■»-» Daughter B o rn - M r. and Mrs. Frank hila the present chief ex«-cutlve has M Inuey, of Vida, are the parents of a ten I his voice over (he ether wave« baby daughter born to them at their 45 times In the last five vears home at Vida on Monday morning. J “ *y 7. l#30. 1 hat H a rry Swan. W A B C character actor, once broadcast a drama In S ilv e rto n People H e re — M r and which he took all eleven parts? Mra. Leonard Sldwell and son. Bobby, ‘ of Silverton, were week end visitors T hai M erle Johnstone, the Columbia other than H a rry Reser, who leads the i Ciiquot Club Eskimos on the NBC net- I work. Old lady: If yon really want work. F arm er Gray wants a sight hand — » Tram p : Just my luck, lady. I'm left-handed. That a farm er In Rhode Island with no previous technical experience built I T illy , you were entertaining a t u n a twelve-tube receiver w ith which he I has heard broadcast. from over 700 In the kitchen last night, were you stations In 62 countries In all Ave con *otr That's for him to say, ma'am. I DnentsT Hla six children are acqulr- Ing a foreign accent by m im icking an­ did my beet. nouncers of fa ra w a y lands. Film Producer: You now dash Inca the burning building, rung Mlaa W hatsernam e over your shoulder, And ,h * boDom has dropped out of clam ber out w ith her through the ‘ he waste-paper m a rk e t' roof, and then escape along the tele­ ! . . . . graph wires, still holding her. Exhausted Actor: Here, dash it. The smallest broadcasting station In the world. W P R C , has been carried I've Just done that. Producer: Of course you have. In the left.hand of Ed Cohan, director That was the rehearsal. Believe It or not, but Bob R ipley re- ° * er , 00® 0®0 letters a^year. COLONIAL The Finest Talkies Made FRIDAY SATURDAY Plonrnnnn Cnl UIDQiailbC ÛÛIC Spends Weed End at Tillam ook— M r. nnd Mrs. K. L. Chase and son. Dorman, and Mrs. A. Sm ith »pent the week end at Tillam ook They re­ turned to Springfield by way nf New­ port on Sunday evening. STORE WIDE SALE— NO RESERVATIONS Prices the lowest ever quoted by us. Stock DRESSES $5, $ 6 .9 5 , $ 9 .8 5 , $ 1 3 8 5 S I fi With every dress price in stock greatly red need H A T S V3 a|>d J/2 Price 2 Pries Regular $1.00 f o r ............... 75c Regular $1.50 for ......................... $1.29 Regular $1.95 f o r ........................ $1.65 BAGS $1.98 for ............... go ........................................... .. • 2 25 gS $5.95 for ......................................... $4 75 $6.96 for .......................... «5 45 SILKS $2.96 Printed Silks ...................... $<38 $2.50 Rajah Silk ......................... $1 69 $1.98 Tub 811k ............ Shantung Silk ............... . $1.49 69c Spun Silk ..... 59c Bloomers and Shorties................. 89c G o w n s --------- --------------------------- 79c $1.49 Silk Undies ......................... $1.19 $1.98 Silk U n d ies............ $1.65 $2.95 8Hk Undies ..................... $2.19 $3.96 Silk Undies ................. $2.95 $4.96 Silk Undies .......................... $3.75 $6.95 Silk Undies ............ $4.75 SUN. and MON. fiiM S s VIRG INIA VALLI. -MAR B t W JAtOW^ROBARPt When the Prince of W ales decided Portland«« Vacations He»« — Miss to learn how to play the banjo, he Florence C offin, of Portland, Is commandeered the services of none spending a part nf her vacation with friends In this city. She form erly was employed at a local bank, and Is now working at a hank In PortlamJ Semi-Annual » '■ » ? ; » r .....................: r : i™, L*ke 8Und*' w£ » ' Be*■ female of the species learns to Bandon. called >all«*d on on frie friends In «hi. thia city k " Ur' h f ,* hln« They caught several fa ir aixed fish play the “ blues horn’’ tw ic e a» r»»« on Tuesday. Spend Fourth at C ra te r Lake— M r. m a le * * They also tried bans fishing near . .. Spend Day at Kitaan Springs- Mr Junction City on Thursday of last and Mrs W . C M cLagan and fam ily I T h . t , h„ . . . . »peni the Fourth nf July vacation at , CBg come<,;an exuaordTnary” " m b " and Mra. Ciiarles Jack and daughter. week and caught one each. C rater Laka. They returned to thetr , loB „ (f) p|» upper South Fork. Mr. Olson whlcli has been on the a ir only three del. of Portland, spent th e week end and .Mrs Carleton A W yman have re 1 H iked as far as 1« miles up the river, months, is leading Rudy Vallee. W ill turned to Hprlngfleld from th e ir «o,“ < beyond the end of the vtalting w ith her parents. M r and Osborn and other« of broadcasting Mra. A. A. Anderson, at th e ir home summer home on the M cK en ile . Pr«»«ot road. He caught several good fame In a popularity contest being where they epeat aimoel a week. | « • » >” «1 <»l«t not make any exception near Goshen. run by a New York newspaper, by ally large catchea. He hiked Into H id - ' Spanda Bunday w ith Daughter — several thousand votes? Mrs. K a tie Rrum ette spent Sunday That thnae visiting a transm itting M ra H a rry L. Chace and fam ily leA at the home o t her daughter and son- station are advised to check their on Tuesday for C rater Lake, where Bend Feeple Btep — M r „ In-taw, M r. and Mr«. A. V. Thompson watches at the door so that th e ir tim e­ they w ill spent several days on a H am m er o f Bend, p ro p rieto r, of t h e 8. nt> c l i r a pieces don t get magnetixed by the ap­ vacation. Owl aerrlce station and parents of ! paratus w ithin. A magnetised watch Leo Ham m er who was seriously In- Return frem M ullne— M r. and Mra. Attends Wadding— Dr and Mra. C Jured In a logging accident near Bam M ontgom ery returned to th eir 1» Juat as liable to gain a couple hours H . Phetteplace motored to Halem W a lte rv llle last week, spent several home here 8unday a fte r spending a day as It la to lose a few hours the last Saturday afternoon to attend next day. day« visiting friend» In this c ity the aeveral day« visiting w ith relatives the wedding of Mra Phetteplace'« That Amos of “Amos 'n' Andy,” Is flra t of the week. T hey drove over to Bt Mulino. «m ain. Mlaa Helen M illonberger to now the proud fath er of a five-pound | are (h eir son who la a patient at the i u Rd. Nash. ■ Return to Home — M r. and Mrs baby girl. Floyd Gibbons Insists that Pacific Christian hospital. H u rlb u rt, of Olobe. returned to their it should be named “ Klngfish. home on Saturday a fte r spending That Rudy Vallee uses a glass .meg- several day« here visiting at the aphone when he broadcasts from his home of her parents. M r. and Mrs. night club, so that his fem inine ad- O. F. K laer. fm lrers may see a ll o f his face? Mm .7 from M r and Mm. N A. Rowe returned Monday from a vacation trip to California. W h ile there they visited at the home of M r, Row’s sister, Mr». Eunice Reid, at M arysville, anil Malted other Interesting place« In tha northern part of the state. They were gone about lo days. Springe— M r. and Mr« B -rn o ll and daughter, Barbara ¡«pent the week end at the McCredle Bprlnga re .o rt d< technical operations for tba Colum­ bia system, from Tim e» Square ,«> th e ir atudloe ou Madison avenue. It« aerial la a hollow brass pipe, one Inch tn diam eter and three feet long, which when carried In ita I kmc look« much like a soldier'» pack and rifle Soon I gunaa, w e'll be opening our wallets and talkin g out our personal broad- raatlng station to radio the wife that w e '|| he late for dinner tonight Spend Fourth at M arshfield— Mrs. Clara Faw ver. her fath er E W . Col­ lins, and her brother and slster-ln- law, M r. and Mra. Ed. Collins, all motored to M arshfield oti Thursday to spend the week end holidays. They returned to this city Monday. ’ Portland People V is it — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martinson, of Portland, -ned to th e ir home Sunday after lg spent several days visiting here at the home of Mrs. M artin "r." ■ slater, Mrs. H a rl McPherson. M artinson's mother, Mrs. Cox, re- turned to Portland w ith them. 1 Quests a t Parents— M r. and Ed Soule and ton, H arley, and Soule's brother. Edgar T ro tte r, a the Fourth at the home of Mr. C lllnton T ro tte r, Houle la T ro tte r. Spend Fourth w ith Pare and Mrs. Ernest Skinner, of view , W ashington, spent 1 nt I 1 r.1 nd e. ■ id Futap’s Department Store ANNOUNCES New Low Prices Kayser Silk Hose California People Here — M r Mra. B. E. Fraedrlck, Jr., and fam ily o f Prospect, California, are spendini one week of th eir vacation here al the home of his parents, M r. and Mrs B. E. Fraedrlck. M r. F raedrlck, Jr., Is I employed by the California-Oregon power company at Prospect. Special fc Chiffon Hose ; $2.25 San Sheen, sheer silk to top. 5 1 .65 Sizes 2 to 14 Special for this week I Striped Overalls 8 1 .2 5 Beautiful assortment $1.50 to $1.95 8 $1.50 Mt. Hood Regular $1.65 full fashioned, service weight and semi-service weight H h l Girls Wash Dresses I I 88c l. In thia city, Sunday. Mighty Adventure Story of the Sea 98c $1.60 Genuine Bnglish Broadcloth Shirts 98c 75c and $1.00 Men’s I ' Shorties And Shirt to Match | 1 E fi 49c $5 and $6 Ladies’ and Men s Bathing Swits Best makes Special S 2 .9 8 Fulop’s Department Store ______________ J ' F u l0 P ’ P r0 P ‘ Springfield. Ore.