THURSDAY. JULY 1ft 103ft A beautiful young woman find, her k " i h* W # M « « to | brBl“ regatered what aelf on the sidewalk in a strange eUy b® B®’ • * “ *<•“ — Miss Nobody from the porter waa saying i n ' u u V i . V U r w « ’ f” ’ ur. r m t « l 8,w ^m em ber her X . w " « w h e re -a n d .h e confessed to him Undoubted., he L _ . •d Springfield property or piano *? * CBW® ,rB® i 8be b“ “»th- thB’ ab® bBd BOt bro“ <*>t much money L a m e would tmne ? "|Ured k* T' * * * BW. will be srceptcd on 100 corda Kanäle H irer property In «xchsag« P O, Box l»x. Springfield. * '* od 10 b" delivered to Tel Springfield 3»F25 JT o n I ,B her «,ur« ’ t0 »•« *>«” •« » who with her. * * d “ * *® hl“ “ • " * ■ « * t i u . • - r u s ^ " « ■ • < • ^ ^ 7 ^ ; to d B ^ ’ rim Z ^ " h T ^ M r i n g ^ n " ’ .'?1 r l l"n K .,K « ñ 7 ¡ »«M Cour'l on ‘ 1“ ,h* *7°“ "»^ e - £ 2 ? S U S £ i r X ■ « » . i •” v x ™ h; ; . her »áíd"d' »V"’ ,,BB* *ottlement of l " ' d deeedent a estate In the County .'ír z u s - ? - - . Ä , 7 < Ä i - 3 3 r ™ :,;;-r Z ," S é N A d a m ., o f j ^ v e n w o r i h . — , T" i r , ’: j , . » ” l»?0 „ N o b 0d y w h' , U t ®BB w b llc Hb“ " ' B' eP" ‘" ’t" th® aDO' ho^ ' room | U I w itk »a eve! v ,b ‘ u a r WaB f,irht,n* "v” '" “ ’ *"• — - — ,,e the strings that would lead her back into the w o rld . had window, »our. of life .he to him" him 'W hat la your name,” she asked ° p* n®d ‘ Marcel Charpentier, he told her. °° ° " J !^ ! He leaed forward and gnv. te the I _ "Llaten, Marcel. I hâve a plan aad H « . d Wh Ä : " ° r b ," ’rB ,bB F o u rth In r t a llm .n t | * • < « “ « «»river the address of a news e’,’ K 70" * * “ , .aid hearing RC IA M A H H JACKSON. ------------- , M l.a Adam, remained in th . tnxl- ° n * ho"B “ • « «« • of h l. J .7 * ” ALICE E. VINCENT. . K l"*'u ,rl* «•’ 'he L a .t W ill and Tea- H F S la tte r v Att A«»mlnl»tratrlx | cab at the club door while Hamilton M ^Ld’ of coarse pav von f o r ^ ^ i J W*H — — — pay pe—Z you for any time or »1 a., niattery. Attorney , . . When Fir#» 1#»ft «_ v ; 1 wurup, fo r A d m in is tr a tr ix weBt ,D,° ,h« cIub hou»o »“«» lntBr- , bot.t ......... ‘ »» her 'trouble trooWe you --- you gi— give --------------- to my service. L, L. RAT. Attorney for Estate ______ J 10-17 i t Ji a •, .»«»wed. in a small reception room. .1 ' MW>M •"«» went into , , dM(re t() leave this hotel. Mar JIS -1017Ï1 31 A D M IN IS TR A TO R ’* NOTICE W »h la tr|g t who was I at get many ready I M , at first first some-! s o m e ', . r '^ ' dn*>B> supposedly to .o gei d . _ . I" the County Court of th . S t .t . of WbB‘ " •’ • Bt,u* “ d teregtetf The Good Sam ariUn w a il ~ h, n - . aw aoo.hed by «he discovery that the ! ,h \ h* d " " ” ™<» The H ttl. opt- rX n r J ./ IN PROBATE are reasons why I wish no one to Oregon In and for the County lnj ' s iu W e r'd e c L '.^ C* cl1 d<* l<>r » aurpri.e over the patient’. UBd’ rlllled her 'l r »“ d <>* the know where I ¿ jlm e and p l . c . fo r ! o b J ^ .o r m « h 7 ,B, „ . ^ • “„ T t h . ^ m ? the . ” . e m i u ' ; ^ r M 0- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice la hereby given that the un the «..«a of Oragon * * * ® d“jF »Ppolatad executor of the ‘• « ’J V,BB »*«»-••«. l e a s e d , and . d. J * p»r»on’ having claims »•htaat tha said estafa are hereby ,O brM " Bl “ ,d cta," B. duly e îh Z ? 4 a* w.byu BW r<’- H tilg atforney for er •■!• k tbe m«w»»8t exit of a porter. S he' —rt, v —v - ---------- £.*■**?? I I r aatd «state: tha, the Tour, haa . d* ' r , ° f ,b,‘ ,,r"‘ P»b»«-tlon of this . ,b d 6 ‘ er 1 m h°P |n« »topped the man with a word a r e e d v e T h,nk F°n Then tell me Orat ftrwt publication of th is ... . court h a a |nntlr. ----------------------------------- „„ere a ao m e C o e .« .. mechan . c a l l / i . c h ’ n 7 ’into her , kB° ’ * h .h for Springfield New. on July 10. 1*30; I Doctor Ci Carrick opened the envelop, handbag for her purae He w L a ’ f ° "** ° Be W’“ Ch U BOt Hubs, on tha second day o f June >, ,t. J * * ’ b “ d 1 «"d that all persona owing anything It contalne a blank sheet of paper young Frenchman and aa he cam e 1»M waa appointed .d m f n l.t i.lj? o f h° “'' ° f ’ « o’<,,ork A »<• Aug- » 0 “ ld »"'»'» "b»» P»» 'he . . m c , . n, contained . 7"* A p,*re cleaa “nd »»»N e. » » •J . Finn, deceased. n'” rB' or U.t I. 1*30; and notice I . h.rebv given ‘ ° M e “ ld . P ' " » „ \ baDk note for twenty dollars. back into the room hla “ * h° te‘ SPOke ‘B -------- I ----- w-wW .w hereby g ives L. H. M U L K E Y , | He dropped the envelope and paper ■aM . - I T ’" * h" ’Jn« »I»««" against »nvooe having gnv objection Admlnlatralor. i 0» the floor and Hamilton bent and -™*1 * ’ ’H*- ®“ 1 ’' broadened Into a look - .s a 2 “ ” - ” - ...................... ¿ X , 8he look It for granted that the H E Slattery. Attorney {p,cked them up. •by laW .r* * 0,r’ d' *® »«Id administra-1 " ° r b* ,or,‘ ,h» ’ «"»• f®» »he hearing “Good Rvnninw M . Mttls hotel in Parts had these qsalt> for Administrator. J 1A17 34 31 A 7 May 1 bBy* ,h»"»’" he asked, and ‘ Mi)| _ * ewo»’ e »•■ h e , ties, and apparently she waa right. Ho’ u . r ^ ^ ,la,7.'eBV A . ? ; ° VARD H , ' 8L W , I , put them I . hla pocket without wait- pergon who , *•«•»»«•« of g lonely for Marcel nodded and gave himself In , for permlcslon. ‘ fBB," ‘a» In . to oatentatlons thought “ NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ** SALE ON Carrick go, up and .trolled aronnd r a t h e ^ h l.» ,'! /" .,, h' ,dde,,J ,, " * h **" ,B tbe EXECU TIO N . _________________ Notice la hereby given that by vlr-jth e room. In the manner of men who preaalon ot aun.rtae - T f ‘ * X' t “ Tear' ” * b* d Mttte k“ ®’»»«*** < M ™ J ? . eC“,l ‘. T u*Ued OBt ot « ‘•¡th in k best on their fe e t •»lie d t . • BOt e»her hotels cr rooming ho NOTICE TO CREO,TORE E- I^ D U K B . Administrator. ( In u it ( ourt of the State of Oregon V au ’«« ... ' L d7 ,_kBO,. rP’B' mb®y bn« now he remembered seme, A»< King, attorney for estate. __ __ , Notice I hereby given to all ear- In and for bane County, upon a de^ called •n ana ior uane County, upon a d e - L You re ,ure n<> one else * cauwi on on "No donht i ». nF remembered seme thing. J 1»1*-M Jy »» « » y roncera tha. —TT 7 i _ ff.r.’’.Cl?,' u.r* __ ,nd order to »»»¡.bF,r‘ ^ " d ,bat ,be d,dn t rec«1»« any answered In hl " ° U ** 1,0 ,be A friend of his he told her. was the NOTICE TO C R E D ,T O R . I »PP®’ Ì K K » P. ? S i . ,.B ! ‘ X hT “ ì? i she . m iL a ° WB ,On M ,rle ^ "h a e n .lrtw iu lre d to pragenl Ihe^aaml^írtth « í ¿7i|¿.*am R McDonald, single;, ------ suppose any card or E“ »’ t , thia unexpected was clear, by Eve came to a prompt decision. She ' l ‘7 , anr Ord'‘r ° f ,h,‘ «'•’»ntv proper voucher, «herefoî M d ^ Ü U ^ J T o Ï . n P ... McDonald. X . E J ^ .Ingle; X ^ Katherine n r X ^ H. ^ would Z 1” have H, oml.Ct T J ? d ,h * « n d T r h " .^ 7 " ’ h<‘',rO ° m aBd * « T m r . 7 a CO' n' y’ Or’,* " B' m»d” ln ,b» « a n re r re q n lrL bv J i nyd’ L BBd El.m“ ' “ a o r - r . ..L , «Ereeahle po,alb„ „ ^ W' ’ h * "hret of •"<« • ‘ m »he »th day of June tasa .>■ I ad — i . t . . _ . . *”Ua'rca ny law to Bald » poaslbllltles of fees in pencil. •Probably," said Hamilton. both single; whereby I am command th© »»«oclatlon. They were the address ror for me. and ed to sell the real property hereinaf­ Then what s back of It? Just standing n— >r -----' ■’ "’• ’’ I "W " ■ rite ■« ■ «•«? aonresg a« S3! M in e r Building4 K iigene O r - t h . h « J J * , « B!‘î? “ ‘.B. frr” " ,h * * « • * ter described; which decree was en panic. In her condition she might ugef‘Bk of- ” 1 d° »<* and whereby I am required from the of the nurse too; but I go, a strong (he hg|[ nr L O0t ’nt° 8e,“ e therB* 1 wl" let you know H** proceeds of such sale to pny to the plaintiff the sum of $573.83, with In­ mpresslon that she had confidence fheni K the door behind lesa you hear from me. come there terest at the rate of 8 per cent per an­ In you " He stopped and met Hamll It was m P a n . a ! »'xht tomorrow evening. I desire num from date thereof and the further tons eyes with a sudden keen pro- ' „ , ,he> had me,, the to have a ’ long talk with yo u " Administrator wtth thé will an- i” ,H A M LDl,• sum of $75.63 costs, disbursement, and »••»»rf ef the eatate of Nlcolln« Maria I l  S Î L Î “ M v ’ , , ”,“ ” H ° ,e ’ 1 Sh” took ,he sllp h® b*» attorney fee, with the costa on exe­ fes.lon.1 look. "You felt that, didn’t v „ lu Irp «Tkeobaen. deceased I icASOW, cution and expenaes of making such y h eft bank - n ,h® hBnded hlm d®'»ro sala: J 1 H M > Jy » 10 Yea. I did. It touched me very g . ’‘B «»«lemolselle had , "Remember. I am trusting you. Not 1 wlli on Saturday, the 2nd day of much. I t ’, one of thoee things that , _ winter there three or four a word to any one " August. 1*30. at one o’clock In the af " ** S“ rprl!" B« th«' I Marcel took the banknote and teraoon. at the southwest or main en- make, me feel that I can’t let her ; „ . ^ o T s e l l e . ,d Dot ren’ ” "her him. slowly pocketed IL It was odd— this. rance to the County Courthouse ln down. Iv e got to find her and be sure h humhlv Eugene. Oregon, offer for sale and Bb' a * " rtk'"- ¡then ^ . a r" 1 ” * b,n,8e'f b"d i There w ., much In It he did not aell la one tract at public auc­ Carrick nodded. b* " b' * n <* “ > «n lm p o rt.n ce-n o t understand. . She had not been thus tion to tha highest bidder for cash. M R S . W . K. B A R N E L L ~1C. going to be a big Job to find e r.g 7 s u n a “‘ * * * “ ' | lB PBr,B But b® WOBld »>• a? í ,^ t í ° ro«»«tnptlon as by law pro­ r-rograaaiva P iano School H A m g trte h ltn vided. all the Iota numbered 1, 2, 3 and her. And I n afraid It’s a Job where h „ / . 8 ,,n * ,n ,b* ‘ 1‘” r»Z »«parity, lady to the heat of his ability. C LARA T U T T L E F E N T O N * J B ,Bh>ck “ «» h o r 2 of C Cole*. 2nd I can’t help you much. Left to her- o » r. s r ? J r B B,Bd' B‘n‘"»ll«. an d ! Eve parked in «even minute. 8 and * Cents • U t e Accredited Teacher addition to C Cole's Plat of Marcóla, «elf, ahe'll give sanatoriums and as platted and recorded In Lane coun­ Open to Springfield Students MOVED TO doctors and nurses the widest kind I to her friends ty. Oregon. “ CBnTlng notes. three minutes after ahe had left 83 E 8,.. Monday and Thursday • t z A Etrset, Springfield of berth." H . L. BOWN. Despite hl* tlalH 1 H ,tt,,to n 8he walked across the K«<-h Week Sheriff of Lane County. Oregon There ■ - ■ « seemed seemeo nothing more to Say. aay. ° B,,,C « w » « y . It was next afreet and there picked np A J H M T 2 4 3 1 aut for a moment longer they faced , n ‘ bc WM d,*«PPolnted by her I taxicab. • »M Flaue M ovía* •ach other uncertainly. Then H a m l l - 1 X ’ ™ ’’ £ ? ? ’ • h'n>’ “ d ■ * • Ta he C«n»lnu.d SUMMONS b b ,i prid® bv • tarX»y S T R IN O F IE L D T R A N S F E R In tha Clroult Court of the State of ,oB straightened hla shoulders with ’ gM ‘ DR. W . N. DOW of Oregon for tho County of Lane. a gestura his Intimates would here T . , tha" th* »o,-bringing Justified, P O W E R CO. A D V E R T IS E S WILLI» EBRTECH. Pro», » . k. D s n t l s t Rose Katanl, Plaintiff, vs. Jack Kai- recognl^d as characteristic of him * ’ Hh an ,n<’’-»»"'ng tremor she First National Bank Building •«fieni RODBNBOUOH OARAOE anl, Defendant. W IL L A M E T T E B E R R IE S In moments of final decision. considered whs, the encounter might Corner Fifth and A Streets Phone 41 »prtagffkld. Oregon . T° K*I«nl, the above named "i n tackle It.” me,n ,o her The vonng Frenchman L m * Distance Hauling g Specialty defendant: OBIce honra, • A. M ta 6 P. M. "They Know Their Berries" w m "Good.” said tho doctor, heartily, i 7 ° U?, / arn mor'> ,han « « « T cent In the name of the State of Oregon ____ Evening, by Appointaient ind I keep me posted. Let me me know ! , ? , . 7 their in'c™I»w ended, bu, the caption on a full page advertise­ you are hereby required to appear 'An« and answer the complaint f i l e d If ----- I can be of any use." ,ni,,,Bct of caution developed In ment devoted to the berry Industry against you In the above entitled D R . N . W . E M E R .Y They shook hands. l bPr <«” r ’n* Past few hours made In the W illamette valley which the Court and cause nn or before the 7,h States power company "Better go a little more fully Into * F qUl* ‘ her aln* in* nerves and to Mountain D E N TIS T (day of August, 1,930. said date being sponsored In a recent edition of the | moro than four weeks from the day of »11 the details of her leaving the ' m? 7 . 7 ' ° Wly Euttan Bids* Phena EE4 Oregon Voter magaxine. The adver­ j the first publication of tills summons hotel," was Carrick’s final Rdvlce. ” y° U haTP remembered my Realdenae Phene ,**-M herein entered of record and If you "he asked. In a tisement, which went on to show how fall so to appear and answer for want "Interview every one who could pos D*!ne *?' ,M " ! the use of cheap electricity was aid­ •»»•"Bfleld, Oregan thereof the plalntlfr will apply to the ’ lhly have seen her or talked with r ° ' 7 ' h* Ta,nIy tr' * d ,o k”* p ing the farmers In this valley, read C ourt for the relief In her complaint her. They do queer things when they u * , youn* Porter, however, oh- as follows; against you demanded, to wit; for a are In this state." 228 Main * t. Reeldenee ISA C EL nerved nothing unusual about It, for Judgment and decree of divorce dis­ Those farmers of the W illam ette Oeneral Law IVactlca ''He couldn’t help much, Hamilton ? ,* PBtPn,o between them, so 12 M solving the bonds of matrimony now Valley surely know their berrlee— * nnt" Bow’ experienced a and heretofore existing between you reported to Miss Adams. “W h e re, a* 7 and how! Here you will find are I. M. PETER8ON and the plaintiff on the grounds of shall I have the driver take you*” * U Pn rbl11 He flushed and stam- Attorney-« t-Lew Full Auto Equipment cruel and Inhuman treatment and Hhe gave him her address and he " 7 ? ?. W’ S lncr*‘dlble•’ “ was un-1 grown some of the finest berries ln City Hell Building that plaintiff he allowed to resume P»td the driver In advance, adding pardoBBhl* : b® «h»»ed himself before the entire West. Strawberries— Rasp­ I Ady Assistant her maiden name and for such other berries — Blackberries — Loganber­ . ’ he fBct w* a th«t for the Springfield, Ore. ■rai * RS ,f> ,bn r,r”lr’ mi‘ '' «»otn meet. on a sudden memory, the amount due „ F' ries— large, luscious, sun ripened fruit This summons Is served upon you by for a night’s service. It was a com " T * , ! be d'd not remember made- publication thereof In the Springfield fort to watch the taxicab vanish to -, 7 " " name. H er face, of course, to tempt the most Jaded appetltea. It ’s "Berry Season" right now In News, a weekly newspaper of general ward Fifth Avenue. He had a frantic ' F R A N K A. D E P U E J i B’ TPr f° rg e t Eve" »»ottah circulation throughout T.ane Countv .------------------" lrRnl,c ' he u .j v ”— ’ uuuxn the W illamette Valley and crate after A TTO R NEY AT LAW and the State of Oregon pursuant to ab ,o bp «'one. to begin ha quest I , “d h*®” a mer® boy of ?’n „ » n i '5? .Jud’W ° f ‘ h* C lrr" " Tn " CBa® ,k® ‘ b’« »»»ry ^ Ten ®®n " b»" b« last saw her. and crate ot freshly picked fruit Is going JBWKLHR NOTARY PUBLIC i-?.,., f ‘ _0L ,b® B‘ »‘ o.of Oregon for the minute coneted. B u t-w h e re could ho he ..................... not remembered ‘ ' her at once, after to market. This crop plays no small Hopairing a Specialty County of Lane duly made and enter- begin ? part In the prosperity of this great Sutton Ilm en ?” ' ’et ' be n ° W of Springfield ®d B f rocord on the 8th day of July. JJpringflcltt, Oregon state of Oregon which Is rapidly Building Carrtc.k’a club was In the Fortlee. pIlments P0 “1 - forth.- Her mind 1930, ordering this summons be pub­ Oregon was building up a national reputation lished once each week for four con off Broadway, and the roar of tha .Bnd raP*'Hy- She secutlvo and successive weeks and city camo to Hamilton from every had only intended to get away f r Z from the excellence of Ita product«. NELSO N LEQ H O R N FARM By furnishing an ample supply ot Register at Elite Hot.) _ Charles i'’"« the date of the first publication "He ns he stood *t th e curb for a the hotel, without knowing how .h e electricity at reasonable rate« to the ! U n a County’s Oldest Breeders R oyd, Albany, Mr. and Mrs. E. w . to?« hp wl,h tbo I’"’11** nf J«'-» 10th. that tat'"' ‘ ° 1 ° ’*• N ° W r t * rB 8,ll® d 1»3<7, and the date of the last publics- mon.ent. looking around for another •f Stordel, Seattle, Joe Gorman, Port­ l.u '1 J i? ]1 h® wl,h ,h® l,,u » tha this youth could help her and farmers and cannertaa of the W illam ­ August taxtoab. ette Valley and by constantly exteBd- • . C. WHITE LBQHORNE land, C. C. Groom, Cottage Grove, 7th. 1930. What a damned heartiest world * BtabllBh B M «Atlonahip Ing Ita facilities to serve new rwral FRANK A. DePUE. J tPRINQFIELD OREGON and M. F. Burrlght. Salem, were all betaNWn them which would enable It was! There was a moon In the sky „ Attorney for Plaintiff. districts this company Is registered at the Elite hotel during _ , . I Phene It-P-14 * fat moon, which seemed to he her to keep in touch with him. Ment­ Residence: Springfield, Oregon striving to Uve up to Ito the » M t week end. ally the oonaldered a ntai J 10-17-24-81 A 7 leering down at him. This town w m JT Ä "* ‘"“ - ï S r ' «■• j j - , r a - “ - “ »«* a— nÄay-jT.."—» X . fo X ’ i„eeh‘d d°"’ 8mn H 8b’ *“ »•«•« I-AtZ" Walkar-Poota Chapul Funeral Directors D . W . R oof "Tow Partners la " m w E - ~