PAGE TW O OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. A campaign to remove unattractive end irregular sidewalk advertising signs In Eugene and to replace them with signs of more uniformity will soon get under way in Eugene after loug agitation before the city couucll. The old Oregon Trunk railroad ' crossing over The Dalles-Callforuia highway near Madras haw been de­ stroyed by (ire of undetermined origin. One of the most dangerous obstruc­ tions on the highway has thus been The aauual <-oav«ntloa of Oregon removed. Obriatiao church was held at Turner By killing 30 lougara during the 13 last week. months enuiug Juue 1. Bud Kmlxley Mr. and M ra William Gauntlett of of Fall Creek,. Lane county, bus wou Bandou celebrated their golden wed­ the ,175 cash prile offered by the ding at their home recently. state game commiaaion to the hunter Caterpillar« stopped a train a few with the largest kill of cougars during day. ago on the Yaquina branch of (he year. the Southern Pacific railway. . Starting July 1. village postal daily The Eastern Oregon Pioneers’ asso ery service was insliiuted in Vernonia, ciatlon will meet at the camp grounds which was the first town in Columbia on the John Day highway July 25. 26. county to have such service. Two de­ and 2*. liveries are made daily within the city Hay balers are being put in cvndi limna. and one delivery a uay to Ore­ lion by owners in the Dayton vicinity gon American hill. in anticipation of a good run to begin More than 6000 acres of flax will be July 15. harvested in Marion county this year Claude Hale, Imbler mayor and dep­ aa against 4000 acre« laat year, ac­ uty sheriff, was struck by a hi'.-and cording to F. J. Galbraith, snperiu run motorist when he attempted to (endeut of the Miles Linen company. »top the speeding car. He estimated the crop would average W ith weather conditions improved 25a tuna to the acre. materially, both black and Royal Anne A new star mail route between Med­ ibarries began flowing into Salem ford and Prospect was inaugurated canneries from all parts of .Marion recently with additional deliveries on county. lha route. A Sunday morning delivery The Astoria chamber of commerce baa been added to the line. A star will send a delegation to attend ths route has also been extended from laying of the keel of the new United Medford to Applegate. States light cruiser Astoria at Bremer Everett Williams of Cove has the ton, September 1. record of picking 1000 pounds of cher • e e e e e e e e e e e e e e » home of her parents at Coast Fork. at Shedd last Bunday Mra. Baugh • U P P E R W IL L A M E T T E ♦ Miss Leola Eubanks. of California. went down Friday and returned with • •« « » • e e e e e e e e e e Is visiting at th. home of her slater, her husband Sunday. Mra. O. H. Wangelln, mother of Mra. E. B Tinker, returned to Plea­ sant H ill Tuesday. July 3, after hav­ ing spent the winter with her daugh ter Mra. P. J Elliott and Miaa Etta Wangelin In Phoenix. Arliona. Mlsa Wangelln. who expected to come with her mother waa unable to make the trip because of III health. feelle Olson, who Is employed In Eugene, spent last week at the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs. Andy Olson, at Pleasant Hill. The Pleasant H ill Girl Scouts, that were recently organised, met Tues­ day afternoon at the girl scout cot­ tage on the Jordan ranch Nine more girls joined, making a total of 33 The new members are Ruby Hyland. Mild red Swift, l.ucetta Baughman, tails Humphreys, Shirley Warner, d e lla Drury. Emma Drew. Derwlna Brown and Blanch Wheeler. A new patrol was formed with the following offi­ cers: Mildred Swift, master; Ruby Hyland, assistant; l.ucetta Baugh man, scribe. The afternoon was spent in rearranging the Interior or the scout home and cleaning It. Clella Drury, who has been for the past week In Washington, returned last week. Miss Nina Dilley, who is employed nt Portland, spent the Fourth at the Mrs. Jesse A. Phelps Mrs. E R Kilpatrick and her two children and Mrs. W ill Sharp slid daughter have gone to 8alem to pick cherries ln sn orchard 17 mile» north of Salem Miss Verna Wiley accom panted them to Salem Mr Kilpatrick la attending summer school. Gerald Kahler and Mlsa Olga San­ dlin. of Monmouth, spent the Fourth and the weekend following at the home of Gerald Keblera parents. Mr and Mrs T F Kahler Floyd John haa gone to Meadow- view to work during having Mr and M ra William Laird, of Long Beach. California, are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs P. N Laird. * THURSTO N ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ a Mlsa Ella Baugh spent part of week with her aunt. Mi William Culver. In Eugene, returning home on Wednesday. A. W Weaver and Frank Crampton made a trip to Bend last week. M r and Mra. John Price and fain­ tly motored to Notl laat Sunday and vlalted their eon Curtis and family. Mr. and Mrs Ray Baugh and family visited M r and Mrs. Robert Davla I Mr, and Mra. Arthur Buyers aud family and Mlsa Ida Weaver from Purtluud vlalted the latter pert of the week at A. W. Weaver's. Mr and Mrs C | El||„n, „ f Rend, wero callers at John Edmtaton'a on Monday Arch Shough. who works at Alsea, spent the week end with hta family here. Announcement of a 330 prise whi - I t Is being offered by the Manufacturers Association of Washington, with of (lean In the Arctln building, Seattle, Washington, for the best ten word answer Io the question Why Is i North*es| Made Warm Air Furtia o , Better”? The only rules to the contest ara ' that the answers emphasise fnrnacea and warm air heating systems manu­ LANE F A IR G R O U N D S G E TS factured In the Parlfle Northwest, and N EW P O U L T R Y B U IL D IN G that from one to five slogans m«r be submitted. They must not he post­ A new poultry building la In. I ng marked later than July 10, and seat erected at the Istue county (air to the address given above grounds thia week It la being built Teacher Visit»— Mlsa Wilma Scort. Just south of the Four It club build J lug mid la being constructed to care teacher at the Braltaln school, wb i for the large Increase In (he number la now attending the summer session of poultry exhibits which are antlrt at the Southern Oregon ei mat ; paled thia fall at the county fair. The school at Ashland, waa a visitor at i building la a modern exhibition atruc- the N. W Emery home Saturday. ¡lure and will provide all the facilities Returns from Medford Mrs. I M needed by poultry exhibitors. Peterson returned Friday eveulag from Medford, where she hart spent Washington People Leave Mr and a week visiting at the home of h>r Mrs Hike Dean and daughter, Betty, brother, L. A. Bendler. and Mr and Mry. Kopplah. all of Aloha. Washington, returned to their Recovering from Operation — Ray homes Moiulav after having spent the Gott, who recently underwent an op­ week end visiting at the home of J eration f i r appendicitis Is reported W. Chase. Garden Way to be recovering nicely Unde Jim Whitford, believed to be rles on the L. Townsend farm, north the oldest Mason in point of years in of Salem, in 13 hours one day laat thn country, died at the Masonic and week. Williams received ,16 for the dastern Star home near Purest Groce, day's work. The previous high record at the age of 103 years. in 13 hours was $00 pounds. The Eastern Clackamas County Pioneers' association held its annual picnic recently in the Eagle Creek Grange hail and picnic grounds with nearly 100 in attendance. Two Myrtle Point men. Bert McMll Ian and H. P. Gjeliatad, are sluice min­ ing for gold on the beach near Heceta Head. Some years ago thia style of mining was carried on successfully at this same point and a considerable amount of fine gold obtained. A bee which got under her eye glasses so frightened the driver of a California car on a highway near Red An alectric smelter wilt be erected mond that ahe loat control of her car on the Hague river near H ill this sum and the machine went into a ditch. mer, according to plans announced at Growers an a rule are getting bettei Medford recently by Dee w i l l i a m , prices for berries thia year than last, engineer. The company will quarry reports the Western Oregon Packing and smelt ore la the district. The corporation of Corvallis. The demand plant will employ about to men. for berries is reported to be excellent The Bend fire department has issued aa order that all sprinkling and othei lawn irrigation work must be sus pended for one hoar after a fire alarm has been sounded, to secure sdequair pressure. AU of three school districts and parts of seven others near Haieey were formed into anion high school district No. ( by the U na county school district boundary board a few days ago. Of the 11,77* loaas made by the state to world war veterans under the state aid act. only (53 properties have been foreclosed. This was announced by Prank Moore, secretary of the state bonus commission. Lester Brookshire of Mitchell acci dentally swallowed a large shoe tack. The lad was brought to Prineville where an X-ray plainly showed the tack In such a position that It was thought best to leave It. The decrease In the population ol Umatilla and Morrow counties, as re ported by the 1930 census, automat! cally will decrease the salary of CIr cult Judge Fee of the sixth judicial district from *6000 to »5500 a year. A group